blob: fd13d424c1360b63ad3b5c7e72310fef1043486d [file] [log] [blame]
For General Users & log4j developers
Firstly, you'll need maven 2.0.9+ to build Chainsaw:
Next, an interim step is required until the 'companions' are voted on and released:
* SVN check out the following projects:
log4j-component -
log4j-extras -
log4j-receivers -
In each of these checkout directories:
mvn install
This will install into your local maven repository the correct releases of the required dependencies.
These dependencies are not yet available in the standard maven repositories, and so failure to complete this step will prevent you from building Chainsaw.
* cd to Chainsaw project checkout directory
mvn install
This will automatically build and assemble the Chainsaw distribution which includes a .sh & .bat shell script to run Chainsaw. You can then run Chainsaw as follows:
sh target/appassembler/bin/chainsaw
You can use the *nix steps above, or go one extra step for a nicer OSX experience
mvn package appbundler:bundle
This will create an OSX distribution, look inside the target folder for the packaged OSX application and .dmg distribution. You can drag the application to your /Applications folder, or just double click it from the target folder.
For log4j developers
Creating a Webstart distribution
To create the Webstart distribution requires:
* a keystore configured with a valid code signing key
I've always found this link useful:
* A maven profile that defines the parameters for code signing (otherwise passwords and stuff need to be embedded in the pom.xml)
Edit your ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml file, such that it has something like:
Then create the webstart package:
mvn -Pchainsaw-signing install webstart:jnlp
Inside the target folder will contain a .zip file containing the webstart distribution, including the generated .jnlp file.