blob: e41dd07d5331be6ce9df3033aabd21b9a271d2a5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "std_commands.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "celix_constants.h"
#include "celix_shell_command.h"
struct celix_shell_command_register_entry {
bool (*exec)(void *handle, const char *commandLine, FILE *out, FILE *err);
char *name;
char *description;
char *usage;
celix_shell_command_t service;
celix_properties_t *props;
long svcId; //used for service (un)registration
struct celix_std_commands {
celix_bundle_context_t* ctx;
struct celix_shell_command_register_entry std_commands[NUMBER_OF_COMMANDS];
celix_std_commands_t* celix_stdCommands_create(celix_bundle_context_t* ctx) {
celix_std_commands_t* commands = calloc(1, sizeof(*commands));
commands->ctx = ctx;
commands->std_commands[0] =
(struct celix_shell_command_register_entry) {
.exec = lbCommand_execute,
.name = "celix::lb",
.description = "list bundles. Default all bundles are listed." \
"\nIf a group string is provided only bundles where the bundle group matching group string will be listed." \
"\nUse -l to print the bundle locations.\nUse -s to print the bundle symbolic names\nUse -u to print the bundle update location.",
.usage = "lb [-l | -s | -u] [group]"
commands->std_commands[1] =
(struct celix_shell_command_register_entry) {
.exec = startCommand_execute,
.name = "celix::start",
.description = "start bundle(s).",
.usage = "start <id> [<id> ...]"
commands->std_commands[2] =
(struct celix_shell_command_register_entry) {
.exec = stopCommand_execute,
.name = "celix::stop",
.description = "stop bundle(s).",
.usage = "stop <id> [<id> ...]"
commands->std_commands[3] =
(struct celix_shell_command_register_entry) {
.exec = installCommand_execute,
.name = "celix::install",
.description = "install bundle(s).",
.usage = "install <file> [<file> ...]"
commands->std_commands[4] =
(struct celix_shell_command_register_entry) {
.exec = uninstallCommand_execute,
.name = "celix::uninstall",
.description = "uninstall bundle(s).",
.usage = "uninstall <file> [<file> ...]"
commands->std_commands[5] =
(struct celix_shell_command_register_entry) {
.exec = updateCommand_execute,
.name = "celix::update",
.description = "update bundle(s).",
.usage = "update <id> [<URL>]"
commands->std_commands[6] =
(struct celix_shell_command_register_entry) {
.exec = helpCommand_execute,
.name = "celix::help",
.description = "display available commands or detail info if a command argument is provided",
.usage = "help [<command>]"
commands->std_commands[7] =
(struct celix_shell_command_register_entry) {
.exec = dmListCommand_execute,
.name = "celix::dm",
.description = "Gives an overview of the component managed by a dependency manager.",
.usage = "dm [wtf] [f|full] [<Bundle ID> [<Bundle ID> [...]]]"
commands->std_commands[8] =
(struct celix_shell_command_register_entry) {
.exec = queryCommand_execute,
.name = "celix::query",
.description = "Query services. Query for registered and requested services" \
"\nIf a query is provided (or multiple), only service with a service name matching the query will be displayed." \
"\nIf a query is a (LDAP) filter, filter matching will be used."
"\nIf no query is provided all provided and requested services will be listed."
"\n\tIf the -v option is provided, also list the service properties." \
"\n\tIf the -r option is provided, only query for requested services." \
"\n\tIf the -p option is provided, only query for provided services.",
.usage = "query [bundleId ...] [-v] [-p] [-r] [query ...]"
commands->std_commands[9] =
(struct celix_shell_command_register_entry) {
.exec = queryCommand_execute,
.name = "celix::q",
.description = "Proxy for query command (see 'help query')",
.usage = "q [bundleId ...] [-v] [-p] [-r] [query ...]"
commands->std_commands[10] =
(struct celix_shell_command_register_entry) {
.exec = quitCommand_execute,
.name = "celix::quit",
.description = "Quit (exit) framework.",
.usage = "quit"
commands->std_commands[11] =
(struct celix_shell_command_register_entry) {
.exec = NULL
for (unsigned int i = 0; commands->std_commands[i].exec != NULL; ++i) {
commands->std_commands[i].props = celix_properties_create();
celix_properties_set(commands->std_commands[i].props, CELIX_SHELL_COMMAND_NAME, commands->std_commands[i].name);
celix_properties_set(commands->std_commands[i].props, CELIX_SHELL_COMMAND_USAGE, commands->std_commands[i].usage);
celix_properties_set(commands->std_commands[i].props, CELIX_SHELL_COMMAND_DESCRIPTION, commands->std_commands[i].description);
commands->std_commands[i].service.handle = ctx;
commands->std_commands[i].service.executeCommand = commands->std_commands[i].exec;
celix_service_registration_options_t opts = CELIX_EMPTY_SERVICE_REGISTRATION_OPTIONS;
opts.svc = &commands->std_commands[i].service;
opts.serviceVersion = CELIX_SHELL_COMMAND_SERVICE_VERSION; = commands->std_commands[i].props;
commands->std_commands[i].svcId = celix_bundleContext_registerServiceWithOptions(ctx, &opts);
return commands;
void celix_stdCommands_destroy(celix_std_commands_t* commands) {
if (commands != NULL) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; commands->std_commands[i].exec != NULL; i++) {
if (commands->std_commands[i].svcId >= 0) {
celix_bundleContext_unregisterService(commands->ctx, commands->std_commands[i].svcId);
commands->std_commands[i].props = NULL;