blob: 500764b9ad9278614ec06ac4a5e8e9aa53e09717 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
#ifndef _DYN_TYPE_H_
#define _DYN_TYPE_H_
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/queue.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "dfi_log_util.h"
#if defined(BSD) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__ANDROID__)
#include "memstream/open_memstream.h"
#include "memstream/fmemopen.h"
* dyn type (dynamic type) represent a structure in memory. It can be used to calculate the needed memory size, the size
* and offset of struct members and can be used to dynamically alloc, initialize, dealloc, read & write structure
* in memory. In other words it can be used for reflection.
* Dyn types can be created by parsing a dyn type descriptor string.
* Dyn type descriptor strings are very compact description of a C structure.
* Descriptor strings grammar:
* Type = [TypeDef]* (MetaInfo)* (SimpleType | ComplexType | SequenceType | TypedPointer | PointerReference ) [TypeDef]*
* Name = alpha[(alpha|numeric)*]
* SPACE = ' '
* SimplesTypes (based on java bytecode method signatures)
* //Java based:
* B char
* C (not supported)
* D double
* F float
* I int32_t
* J int64_t
* S int16_t
* V void
* Z boolean
* //Extended
* b unsigned char
* i uint32_t
* j uint62_t
* s uint64_t
* P untyped pointer (void *)
* t char* string
* N native int
* E enum (int) + meta infos #EnumName=#EnumValue (e.g. #e1=v1;#e2=v2;E)
* < Array //TODO
* <(size)[Type] //TODO
* ComplexTypes (Struct)
* {[Type]+ [(Name)(SPACE)]+}
* ReferenceByValue
* l(name);
* PointerReference -> note shortcut for *l(name);
* L(Name);
* TypeDef
* T(Name)=Type;
* #OMG style sequence. Struct with uint32_t cap, uint32_t len and a <itemtype> buf[] fields.
* SequenceType
* [(Type)
* TypedPointer
* *(Type)
* MetaInfo TODO
* #Name=Value;
* examples
* "{DDII a b c d}" -> struct { double a; double b; int c; int d; };
* "{DD{FF c1 c2} a b c}" -> struct { double a; double b; struct c { float c1; float c2; }; };
#define DYN_TYPE_TEXT 5
#define DYN_TYPE_REF 6
typedef struct _dyn_type dyn_type;
TAILQ_HEAD(types_head, type_entry);
struct type_entry {
dyn_type *type;
TAILQ_ENTRY(type_entry) entries;
TAILQ_HEAD(complex_type_entries_head, complex_type_entry);
struct complex_type_entry {
dyn_type *type;
char *name;
TAILQ_ENTRY(complex_type_entry) entries;
TAILQ_HEAD(meta_properties_head, meta_entry);
struct meta_entry {
char *name;
char *value;
TAILQ_ENTRY(meta_entry) entries;
* Parses a descriptor stream and creates a dyn_type (dynamic type).
* If successful the type output argument points to the newly created dyn type.
* The caller is the owner of the dyn type and use dynType_destroy deallocate the memory.
* @param descriptorStream Stream to the descriptor.
* @param name name for the dyn_type. This can be used in references to dyn types.
* @param refTypes A list if reference-able dyn types.
* @param type Output argument for the parsed dyn type.
* @return 0 if successful.
int dynType_parse(FILE *descriptorStream, const char *name, struct types_head *refTypes, dyn_type **type);
* Parses a descriptor string and creates a dyn_type (dynamic type).
* If successful the type output argument points to the newly created dyn type.
* The caller is the owner of the dyn type and use dynType_destroy deallocate the memory.
* @param descriptor The descriptor.
* @param name name for the dyn_type. This can be used in references to dyn types.
* @param refTypes A list if reference-able dyn types.
* @param type Output argument for the parsed dyn type.
* @return 0 if successful.
int dynType_parseWithStr(const char *descriptor, const char *name, struct types_head *refTypes, dyn_type **type);
* Destroy a dyn type and de-allocates the memory.
* @param type The dyn type to destroy.
void dynType_destroy(dyn_type *type);
* Allocates memory for a type instance described by a dyn type. The memory will be 0 allocated (calloc).
* @param type The dyn type for which structure to allocate.
* @param instance The output argument for the allocated memory.
* @return 0 on success.
int dynType_alloc(dyn_type *type, void **instance);
* free the memory for a type instance described by a dyn type.
* This is a deep free.
* @param type The dyn type for which structure to allocate.
* @param instance The memory location of the type instance.
void dynType_free(dyn_type *type, void *instance);
* Prints the dyn type information to the provided output stream.
* @param type The dyn type to print.
* @param stream The output stream (e.g. stdout).
void dynType_print(dyn_type *type, FILE *stream);
* Return the size of the structure descripbed by the dyn type.
* This this _not_ includes sizes of data where is only pointed to (i.e. content of sequences, strings, etc).
* @param type The dyn type.
* @return The size of the type instance described by dyn type.
size_t dynType_size(dyn_type *type);
* The type of the dyn type
* @param type The dyn type
* @return The type of the dyn type.
int dynType_type(dyn_type *type);
* Returns the char identifier of the dyn type type.
* E.g. 'D' for a double, or '{' for a complex type.
* @param type The dyn type
* @return The descriptor of the dyn type.
int dynType_descriptorType(dyn_type *type);
* Get the dyn type meta information for the provided name.
* @param type The dyn type.
* @param name The name of the requested meta information.
* @return The meta information or NULL if the meta information is not present.
const char * dynType_getMetaInfo(dyn_type *type, const char *name);
* Returns a list of meta entries.
* Note that dyn type is owner of the entries. Traversing the entries is not thread safe.
* @param type The dyn type.
* @param entries The output arguments for the meta entries.
* @return 0 on success.
int dynType_metaEntries(dyn_type *type, struct meta_properties_head **entries);
* Returns the name of the dyn type. Name can be NULL.
const char * dynType_getName(dyn_type *type);
* Returns the field index for a complex type.
* e.g. for a struct { int a; int b; }, a will have an index of 0 and b an index of 1.
* @param type The dyn type. Must be a complex type.
* @param name The field name.
* @return The field index or -1 if no field with the name was found.
int dynType_complex_indexForName(dyn_type *type, const char *name);
* Returns the field dyn type for a given complex type and a field index.
* @param type The dyn type. Must be a complex type.
* @param index The field index for which field the dyn type should be returned. The field index must be correct.
* @param subType The field dyn type as output.
* exists.
* @return 0 if successful.
int dynType_complex_dynTypeAt(dyn_type *type, int index, dyn_type **subType);
int dynType_complex_setValueAt(dyn_type *type, int index, void *inst, void *in);
int dynType_complex_valLocAt(dyn_type *type, int index, void *inst, void **valLoc);
int dynType_complex_entries(dyn_type *type, struct complex_type_entries_head **entries);
size_t dynType_complex_nrOfEntries(dyn_type *type);
int dynType_sequence_alloc(dyn_type *type, void *inst, uint32_t cap);
int dynType_sequence_locForIndex(dyn_type *type, void *seqLoc, int index, void **valLoc);
int dynType_sequence_increaseLengthAndReturnLastLoc(dyn_type *type, void *seqLoc, void **valLoc);
dyn_type * dynType_sequence_itemType(dyn_type *type);
uint32_t dynType_sequence_length(void *seqLoc);
//typed pointer
int dynType_typedPointer_getTypedType(dyn_type *type, dyn_type **typedType);
int dynType_text_allocAndInit(dyn_type *type, void *textLoc, const char *value);
void dynType_simple_setValue(dyn_type *type, void *inst, void *in);
// avpr parsing
dyn_type * dynType_parseAvpr(FILE *avprStream, const char *fqn);
dyn_type * dynType_parseAvprWithStr(const char *avpr, const char *fqn);
#endif //_DYN_TYPE_H_