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*Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
*or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
*distributed with this work for additional information
*regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
*to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
*"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
*with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
*Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
*software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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*under the License.
* version.h
* \date Jul 12, 2010
* \author <a href="">Apache Celix Project Team</a>
* \copyright Apache License, Version 2.0
#ifndef VERSION_H_
#define VERSION_H_
#include "celix_errno.h"
#include <stdbool.h>
* The definition of the version_pt abstract data type.
typedef struct version * version_pt;
* Creates a new version_pt using the supplied arguments.
* @param major Major component of the version identifier.
* @param minor Minor component of the version identifier.
* @param micro Micro component of the version identifier.
* @param qualifier Qualifier component of the version identifier. If
* <code>null</code> is specified, then the qualifier will be set to
* the empty string.
* @param version The created version_pt
* @return Status code indication failure or success:
* - CELIX_SUCCESS when no errors are encountered.
* - CELIX_ENOMEM If allocating memory for <code>version</code> failed.
* - CELIX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT If the numerical components are negative
* or the qualifier string is invalid.
celix_status_t version_createVersion(int major, int minor, int micro, char * qualifier, version_pt *version);
celix_status_t version_destroy(version_pt version);
* Creates a clone of <code>version</code>.
* @param version The version to clone
* @param clone The cloned version
* @return Status code indication failure or success:
* - CELIX_SUCCESS when no errors are encountered.
* - CELIX_ENOMEM If allocating memory for <code>version</code> failed.
* - CELIX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT If the numerical components are negative
* or the qualifier string is invalid.
celix_status_t version_clone(version_pt version, version_pt *clone);
* Creates a version identifier from the specified string.
* <p>
* Here is the grammar for version strings.
* <pre>
* version ::= major('.'minor('.'micro('.'qualifier)?)?)?
* major ::= digit+
* minor ::= digit+
* micro ::= digit+
* qualifier ::= (alpha|digit|'_'|'-')+
* digit ::= [0..9]
* alpha ::= [a..zA..Z]
* </pre>
* There must be no whitespace in version.
* @param versionStr String representation of the version identifier.
* @param version The created version_pt
* @return Status code indication failure or success:
* - CELIX_SUCCESS when no errors are encountered.
* - CELIX_ENOMEM If allocating memory for <code>version</code> failed.
* - CELIX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT If the numerical components are negative,
* the qualifier string is invalid or <code>versionStr</code> is improperly formatted.
celix_status_t version_createVersionFromString(char * versionStr, version_pt *version);
* The empty version "0.0.0".
* @param version The created version_pt
* @return Status code indication failure or success:
* - CELIX_SUCCESS when no errors are encountered.
* - CELIX_ENOMEM If allocating memory for <code>version</code> failed.
* - CELIX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT If the numerical components are negative,
* the qualifier string is invalid or <code>versionStr</code> is improperly formatted.
celix_status_t version_createEmptyVersion(version_pt *version);
celix_status_t version_getMajor(version_pt version, int *major);
celix_status_t version_getMinor(version_pt version, int *minor);
celix_status_t version_getMicro(version_pt version, int *micro);
celix_status_t version_getQualifier(version_pt version, char **qualifier);
* Compares this <code>Version</code> object to another object.
* <p>
* A version is considered to be <b>less than </b> another version if its
* major component is less than the other version's major component, or the
* major components are equal and its minor component is less than the other
* version's minor component, or the major and minor components are equal
* and its micro component is less than the other version's micro component,
* or the major, minor and micro components are equal and it's qualifier
* component is less than the other version's qualifier component (using
* <code>String.compareTo</code>).
* <p>
* A version is considered to be <b>equal to</b> another version if the
* major, minor and micro components are equal and the qualifier component
* is equal (using <code>String.compareTo</code>).
* @param version The <code>version_pt</code> to be compared with <code>compare</code>.
* @param compare The <code>version_pt</code> to be compared with <code>version</code>.
* @param result A negative integer, zero, or a positive integer if <code>version</code> is
* less than, equal to, or greater than the <code>compare</code>.
* @return Status code indication failure or success:
* - CELIX_SUCCESS when no errors are encountered.
celix_status_t version_compareTo(version_pt version, version_pt compare, int *result);
* Returns the string representation of <code>version</code> identifier.
* <p>
* The format of the version string will be <code>major.minor.micro</code>
* if qualifier is the empty string or
* <code>major.minor.micro.qualifier</code> otherwise.
* @return The string representation of this version identifier.
* @param version The <code>version_pt</code> to get the string representation from.
* @param string Pointer to the string (char *) in which the result will be placed.
* @return Status code indication failure or success:
* - CELIX_SUCCESS when no errors are encountered.
celix_status_t version_toString(version_pt version, char **string);
* Check if two versions are semantically compatible.
* <p>
* The user version is compatible with the provider version if the provider version is in the range
* [user_version, next_macro_from_user_version)
* @return Boolean indicating if the versions are compatible
* @param version The user <code>version_pt</code> .
* @param version The reference provider <code>version_pt</code> .
* @param Boolean indicating if the versions are compatible
* @return Status code indication failure or success:
* - CELIX_SUCCESS when no errors are encountered.
celix_status_t version_isCompatible(version_pt user, version_pt provider, bool* isCompatible);
* @}
#endif /* VERSION_H_ */