blob: 5e8002a4a840acabf8f865723d08572c086970f7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <atomic>
#include <cassert>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <functional>
#include <thread>
#include "celix_utils.h"
#include "celix/Properties.h"
#include "celix/Utils.h"
#include "celix/Bundle.h"
#include "celix/Constants.h"
#include "celix/Filter.h"
#include "celix_bundle_context.h"
#include "celix_framework.h"
namespace celix {
* @brief The tracker state.
enum class TrackerState {
* @brief The AbstractTracker class is the base of all C++ Celix trackers.
* It defines how trackers are closed and manages the tracker state.
* This class can be used to create a vector of different (shared ptr)
* trackers (i.e. ServiceTracker, BundleTracker, MetaTracker).
* AbstractTracker <-----------------------------------
* ^ | |
* | | |
* GenericServiceTracker BundleTracker MetaTracker
* ^
* |
* ServiceTracker<I>
* @note Thread safe.
class AbstractTracker {
explicit AbstractTracker(std::shared_ptr<celix_bundle_context_t> _cCtx) :
cCtx{std::move(_cCtx)} {}
virtual ~AbstractTracker() noexcept = default;
* @brief Check if the tracker is open (state == OPEN)
bool isOpen() const {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck{mutex};
return state == TrackerState::OPEN;
* @brief Get the current state of the tracker.
TrackerState getState() const {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck{mutex};
return state;
* @brief Close the tracker (of the state is not CLOSED or CLOSING).
* This will be done sync so then the close() method return the
* tracker is closed and all the needed callbacks have been called.
void close() {
long localTrkId = -1;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck{mutex};
if (state == TrackerState::OPEN || state == TrackerState::OPENING) {
//not yet closed
state = TrackerState::CLOSING;
localTrkId = trkId;
trkId = -1;
if (localTrkId >= 0) {
celix_bundleContext_stopTracker(cCtx.get(), localTrkId);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck{mutex};
state = TrackerState::CLOSED;
* @brief Open the tracker (if the state is not OPEN or OPENING).
* This is done async, meaning that the actual opening of the tracker will be
* done a a Celix event processed on the Celix event thread.
* @throws celix::Exception
virtual void open() = 0;
* @brief Wait until a service tracker is completely OPEN or CLOSED.
* This method cannot be called on the Celix event thread.
void wait() const {
bool needWaitOpening = false;
bool needWaitClosing = false;
long localId;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck{mutex};
localId = trkId;
if (state == TrackerState::OPENING) {
needWaitOpening = true;
} else if (state == TrackerState::CLOSING) {
needWaitClosing = true;
if (needWaitOpening) {
celix_bundleContext_waitForAsyncTracker(cCtx.get(), localId);
if (needWaitClosing) {
celix_bundleContext_waitForAsyncStopTracker(cCtx.get(), localId);
* @brief Wait (if not on the Celix event thread) for the tracker to be OPEN or CLOSED.
void waitIfAble() const {
auto* fw = celix_bundleContext_getFramework(cCtx.get());
if (celix_framework_isCurrentThreadTheEventLoop(fw)) {
template<typename T>
static std::function<void(T*)> delCallback() {
return [](T *tracker) {
if (tracker->getState() == TrackerState::CLOSED) {
delete tracker;
} else {
* if open/opening -> close() -> new event on the Celix event thread
* if closing -> nop close() -> there is already a event on the Celix event thread to close
* Creating event on the Event loop, this will be after the close is done
auto *fw = celix_bundleContext_getFramework(tracker->cCtx.get());
auto *bnd = celix_bundleContext_getBundle(tracker->cCtx.get());
long bndId = celix_bundle_getId(bnd);
"celix::AbstractTracker delete callback",
[](void *data) {
auto *t = static_cast<AbstractTracker *>(data);
delete t;
const std::shared_ptr<celix_bundle_context_t> cCtx;
mutable std::mutex mutex{}; //protects below
long trkId{-1L};
TrackerState state{TrackerState::CLOSED};
* @brief he GenericServiceTracker class is a specialization of the AbstractTracker
* for managing a service tracker.
* It defines how service trackers are opened ands manages some shared service tracker
* fields.
* @note Thread safe.
class GenericServiceTracker : public AbstractTracker {
GenericServiceTracker(std::shared_ptr<celix_bundle_context_t> _cCtx, std::string _svcName,
std::string _svcVersionRange, celix::Filter _filter) : AbstractTracker{std::move(_cCtx)}, svcName{std::move(_svcName)},
svcVersionRange{std::move(_svcVersionRange)}, filter{std::move(_filter)} {
opts.trackerCreatedCallbackData = this;
opts.trackerCreatedCallback = [](void *data) {
auto* trk = static_cast<GenericServiceTracker*>(data);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> callbackLock{trk->mutex};
trk->state = TrackerState::OPEN;
~GenericServiceTracker() override = default;
* @see celix::AbstractTracker::open
void open() override {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck{mutex};
if (state == TrackerState::CLOSED || state == TrackerState::CLOSING) {
state = TrackerState::OPENING;
//NOTE assuming the opts already configured the callbacks
trkId = celix_bundleContext_trackServicesWithOptionsAsync(cCtx.get(), &opts);
if (trkId < 0) {
throw celix::Exception{"Cannot open service tracker"};
* @brief The service name tracked by this service tracker.
const std::string& getServiceName() const { return svcName; }
* @brief The service version range tracked by this service tracker.
const std::string& getServiceRange() const { return svcVersionRange; }
* @brief The additional filter for services tracked by this service tracker.
* This filter is additional to the service name and optional service
* version range.
const celix::Filter& getFilter() const { return filter; }
* @brief The nr of services currently tracked by this tracker.
std::size_t getServiceCount() const {
return svcCount;
const std::string svcName;
const std::string svcVersionRange;
const celix::Filter filter;
celix_service_tracking_options opts{}; //note only set in the ctor
std::atomic<size_t> svcCount{0};
* @brief The ServiceTracker class tracks services
* Tracking in this case means that the ServiceTracker maintains and informs
* - through the use of callbacks - a set services matching
* the service tracking criteria (matches the service name, fits int the optional service
* version range and matches with the LDAP filter).
* @note Thread safe.
* \tparam I The service type to track
template<typename I>
class ServiceTracker : public GenericServiceTracker {
* @brief Creates a new service tracker and opens the tracker.
* @param cCtx The c bundle context.
* @param svcName The service name to filter for.
* @param svcVersionRange The optional service range to filter for.
* @param filter The optional (and additional with respect to svcName and svcVersionRange) LDAP filter to filter for.
* @param setCallbacks The callback which is called when a new service needs te be set which matches the trackers filter.
* @param addCallbacks The callback which is called when a new service is added to the Celix framework which matches the trackers filter.
* @param remCallbacks The callback which is called when a service is removed from the Celix framework which matches the trackers filter.
* @return The new service tracker as shared ptr.
* @throws celix::Exception
static std::shared_ptr<ServiceTracker<I>> create(
std::shared_ptr<celix_bundle_context_t> cCtx,
std::string svcName,
std::string svcVersionRange,
celix::Filter filter,
std::vector<std::function<void(const std::shared_ptr<I>&, const std::shared_ptr<const celix::Properties>&, const std::shared_ptr<const celix::Bundle>&)>> setCallbacks,
std::vector<std::function<void(const std::shared_ptr<I>&, const std::shared_ptr<const celix::Properties>&, const std::shared_ptr<const celix::Bundle>&)>> addCallbacks,
std::vector<std::function<void(const std::shared_ptr<I>&, const std::shared_ptr<const celix::Properties>&, const std::shared_ptr<const celix::Bundle>&)>> remCallbacks) {
auto tracker = std::shared_ptr<ServiceTracker<I>>{
new ServiceTracker<I>{
return tracker;
* @brief Get the current highest ranking service tracked by this tracker.
* Note that this can be a nullptr if there are no services found.
* The return shared ptr should not be stored and only be used shortly, otherwise the
* framework can hangs during service un-registrations.
std::shared_ptr<I> getHighestRankingService() {
std::shared_ptr<I> result{};
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck{mutex};
auto it = entries.begin();
if (it != entries.end()) {
result = (*it)->svc;
return result;
* @brief Get a vector of all the currently found services for this tracker.
* This vector is ordered by service ranking (descending, highest ranking service first).
* The returned result not be stored and only be used shortly, otherwise the
* framework can hangs during service un-registrations.
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<I>> getServices() {
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<I>> result{};
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck{mutex};
for (auto& e : entries) {
return result;
struct SvcEntry {
SvcEntry(long _svcId, long _svcRanking, const std::shared_ptr<I> _svc,
const std::shared_ptr<const celix::Properties> _properties,
const std::shared_ptr<const celix::Bundle> _owner) : svcId(_svcId), svcRanking(_svcRanking),
owner(std::move(_owner)) {}
long svcId;
long svcRanking;
std::shared_ptr<I> svc;
std::shared_ptr<const celix::Properties> properties;
std::shared_ptr<const celix::Bundle> owner;
ServiceTracker(std::shared_ptr<celix_bundle_context_t> _cCtx, std::string _svcName,
std::string _svcVersionRange, celix::Filter _filter,
std::vector<std::function<void(const std::shared_ptr<I>&, const std::shared_ptr<const celix::Properties>&, const std::shared_ptr<const celix::Bundle>&)>> _setCallbacks,
std::vector<std::function<void(const std::shared_ptr<I>&, const std::shared_ptr<const celix::Properties>&, const std::shared_ptr<const celix::Bundle>&)>> _addCallbacks,
std::vector<std::function<void(const std::shared_ptr<I>&, const std::shared_ptr<const celix::Properties>&, const std::shared_ptr<const celix::Bundle>&)>> _remCallbacks) :
GenericServiceTracker{std::move(_cCtx), std::move(_svcName), std::move(_svcVersionRange), std::move(_filter)},
remCallbacks{std::move(_remCallbacks)} {
opts.filter.serviceName = svcName.empty() ? nullptr : svcName.c_str();
opts.filter.versionRange = svcVersionRange.empty() ? nullptr : svcVersionRange.c_str();
opts.filter.filter = filter.empty() ? nullptr : filter.getFilterCString();
opts.callbackHandle = this;
opts.addWithOwner = [](void *handle, void *voidSvc, const celix_properties_t* cProps, const celix_bundle_t* cBnd) {
auto tracker = static_cast<ServiceTracker<I>*>(handle);
auto entry = createEntry(voidSvc, cProps, cBnd);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck{tracker->mutex};
tracker->cachedEntries[entry->svcId] = entry;
tracker->svcCount.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
for (const auto& cb : tracker->addCallbacks) {
cb(entry->svc, entry->properties, entry->owner);
opts.removeWithOwner = [](void *handle, void*, const celix_properties_t* cProps, const celix_bundle_t*) {
auto tracker = static_cast<ServiceTracker<I>*>(handle);
long svcId = celix_properties_getAsLong(cProps, OSGI_FRAMEWORK_SERVICE_ID, -1L);
std::shared_ptr<SvcEntry> entry{};
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck{tracker->mutex};
auto it = tracker->cachedEntries.find(svcId);
assert(it != tracker->cachedEntries.end()); //should not happen, added during add callback
entry = it->second;
for (const auto& cb : tracker->remCallbacks) {
cb(entry->svc, entry->properties, entry->owner);
tracker->svcCount.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
opts.setWithOwner = [](void *handle, void *voidSvc, const celix_properties_t *cProps, const celix_bundle_t *cBnd) {
auto tracker = static_cast<ServiceTracker<I>*>(handle);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck{tracker->mutex};
auto prevEntry = tracker->highestRankingServiceEntry;
if (voidSvc) {
tracker->highestRankingServiceEntry = createEntry(voidSvc, cProps, cBnd);
} else {
tracker->highestRankingServiceEntry = nullptr;
for (const auto& cb : tracker->setCallbacks) {
if (tracker->highestRankingServiceEntry) {
auto& e = tracker->highestRankingServiceEntry;
cb(e->svc, e->properties, e->owner);
} else /*"unset"*/ {
cb(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
static std::shared_ptr<SvcEntry> createEntry(void* voidSvc, const celix_properties_t* cProps, const celix_bundle_t* cBnd) {
long svcId = celix_properties_getAsLong(cProps, OSGI_FRAMEWORK_SERVICE_ID, -1L);
long svcRanking = celix_properties_getAsLong(cProps, OSGI_FRAMEWORK_SERVICE_RANKING, 0);
auto svc = std::shared_ptr<I>{static_cast<I*>(voidSvc), [](I*){/*nop*/}};
auto props = celix::Properties::wrap(cProps);
auto owner = std::make_shared<celix::Bundle>(const_cast<celix_bundle_t*>(cBnd));
return std::make_shared<SvcEntry>(svcId, svcRanking, svc, props, owner);
void waitForExpiredSvcEntry(std::shared_ptr<SvcEntry>& entry) {
if (entry) {
std::weak_ptr<void> svcObserve = entry->svc;
std::weak_ptr<const celix::Properties> propsObserve = entry->properties;
std::weak_ptr<const celix::Bundle> ownerObserve = entry->owner;
entry->svc = nullptr;
entry->properties = nullptr;
entry->owner = nullptr;
waitForExpired(svcObserve, entry->svcId, "service");
waitForExpired(propsObserve, entry->svcId, "service properties");
waitForExpired(ownerObserve, entry->svcId, "service bundle (owner)");
template<typename U>
void waitForExpired(std::weak_ptr<U> observe, long svcId, const char* objName) {
auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
while (!observe.expired()) {
auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
auto durationInMilli = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(now - start);
if (durationInMilli > warningTimoutForNonExpiredSvcObject) {
celix_bundleContext_log(cCtx.get(), CELIX_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "Cannot remove %s associated with %li, because it is still in use. Current shared_ptr use count is %i\n", objName, svcId, (int)observe.use_count());
start = now;
void invokeUpdateCallbacks() {
if (!updateCallbacks.empty()) {
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<I>> updateVector{};
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck{mutex};
for (const auto &entry : entries) {
for (const auto& cb : updateCallbacks) {
if (!updateWithPropertiesCallbacks.empty()) {
std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<I>, std::shared_ptr<const celix::Properties>>> updateVector{};
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck{mutex};
for (const auto &entry : entries) {
updateVector.emplace_back(entry->svc, entry->properties);
for (const auto& cb : updateWithPropertiesCallbacks) {
if (!updateWithOwnerCallbacks.empty()) {
std::vector<std::tuple<std::shared_ptr<I>, std::shared_ptr<const celix::Properties>, std::shared_ptr<const celix::Bundle>>> updateVector{};
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck{mutex};
for (const auto &entry : entries) {
updateVector.emplace_back(entry->svc, entry->properties, entry->owner);
for (const auto& cb : updateWithOwnerCallbacks) {
const std::chrono::milliseconds warningTimoutForNonExpiredSvcObject{1000}; //TODO make configureable with buidler
const std::vector<std::function<void(const std::shared_ptr<I>&, const std::shared_ptr<const celix::Properties>&, const std::shared_ptr<const celix::Bundle>&)>> setCallbacks;
const std::vector<std::function<void(const std::shared_ptr<I>&, const std::shared_ptr<const celix::Properties>&, const std::shared_ptr<const celix::Bundle>&)>> addCallbacks;
const std::vector<std::function<void(const std::shared_ptr<I>&, const std::shared_ptr<const celix::Properties>&, const std::shared_ptr<const celix::Bundle>&)>> remCallbacks;
const std::vector<std::function<void(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<I>>)>> updateCallbacks{}; //TODO add to ctor, builder and test
const std::vector<std::function<void(const std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<I>, std::shared_ptr<const celix::Properties>>>)>> updateWithPropertiesCallbacks{}; //TODO add to ctor, builder and test
const std::vector<std::function<void(const std::vector<std::tuple<std::shared_ptr<I>, std::shared_ptr<const celix::Properties>, std::shared_ptr<const celix::Bundle>>>)>> updateWithOwnerCallbacks{}; //TODO add to ctor, builder and test
struct SvcEntryCompare {
bool operator() (const std::shared_ptr<SvcEntry>& a, const std::shared_ptr<SvcEntry>& b) const {
int cmp = celix_utils_compareServiceIdsAndRanking(a->svcId, a->svcRanking, b->svcId, b->svcRanking);
return cmp < 0;
mutable std::mutex mutex{}; //protect below
std::set<std::shared_ptr<SvcEntry>, SvcEntryCompare> entries{};
std::unordered_map<long, std::shared_ptr<SvcEntry>> cachedEntries{};
std::shared_ptr<SvcEntry> highestRankingServiceEntry{};
* @brief The BundleTracker class tracks bundles
* @note Thread safe.
class BundleTracker : public AbstractTracker {
* @brief Creates a new bundle tracker and opens the tracker.
* @param cCtx The c bundle context.
* @param includeFrameworkBundle Whether the Celix framework bundle should be included in the callbacks.
* @param onInstallCallbacks The callback which is called for every bundle being installed (also called retroactively for already installed bundles).
* @param onStartCallbacks The callback which is called for every bundle being started (also called retroactively for already started bundles).
* @param onStopCallbacks The callback which is called for every bundle being stopped (also called retroactively for already stopped bundles).
* @return The new bundle tracker as shared ptr.
* @throws celix::Exception.
static std::shared_ptr<BundleTracker> create(
std::shared_ptr<celix_bundle_context_t> cCtx,
bool includeFrameworkBundle,
std::vector<std::function<void(const celix::Bundle&)>> onInstallCallbacks,
std::vector<std::function<void(const celix::Bundle&)>> onStartCallbacks,
std::vector<std::function<void(const celix::Bundle&)>> onStopCallbacks) {
auto tracker = std::shared_ptr<BundleTracker>{
new BundleTracker{
return tracker;
* @see AbstractTracker::open
void open() override {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck{mutex};
if (state == TrackerState::CLOSED || state == TrackerState::CLOSING) {
state = TrackerState::OPENING;
//NOTE the opts already configured the callbacks
trkId = celix_bundleContext_trackBundlesWithOptionsAsync(cCtx.get(), &opts);
if (trkId < 0) {
throw celix::Exception{"Cannot open bundle tracker"};
std::shared_ptr<celix_bundle_context_t> _cCtx,
bool _includeFrameworkBundle,
std::vector<std::function<void(const celix::Bundle&)>> _onInstallCallbacks,
std::vector<std::function<void(const celix::Bundle&)>> _onStartCallbacks,
std::vector<std::function<void(const celix::Bundle&)>> _onStopCallbacks) :
onStopCallbacks{std::move(_onStopCallbacks)} {
opts.includeFrameworkBundle = includeFrameworkBundle;
opts.callbackHandle = this;
opts.onInstalled = [](void *handle, const celix_bundle_t *cBnd) {
auto tracker = static_cast<BundleTracker *>(handle);
auto bnd = celix::Bundle{const_cast<celix_bundle_t *>(cBnd)};
for (const auto& cb : tracker->onInstallCallbacks) {
opts.onStarted = [](void *handle, const celix_bundle_t *cBnd) {
auto tracker = static_cast<BundleTracker *>(handle);
auto bnd = celix::Bundle{const_cast<celix_bundle_t *>(cBnd)};
for (const auto& cb : tracker->onStartCallbacks) {
opts.onStopped = [](void *handle, const celix_bundle_t *cBnd) {
auto tracker = static_cast<BundleTracker *>(handle);
auto bnd = celix::Bundle{const_cast<celix_bundle_t *>(cBnd)};
for (const auto& cb : tracker->onStopCallbacks) {
opts.trackerCreatedCallbackData = this;
opts.trackerCreatedCallback = [](void *data) {
auto* trk = static_cast<BundleTracker*>(data);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> callbackLock{trk->mutex};
trk->state = TrackerState::OPEN;
const bool includeFrameworkBundle;
const std::vector<std::function<void(const celix::Bundle&)>> onInstallCallbacks;
const std::vector<std::function<void(const celix::Bundle&)>> onStartCallbacks;
const std::vector<std::function<void(const celix::Bundle&)>> onStopCallbacks;
celix_bundle_tracking_options_t opts{}; //note only set in the ctor
* @brief A trivial struct containing information about a service tracker.
struct ServiceTrackerInfo {
* @brief The service name the service tracker is tracking.
* Will be '*' if the service tracker is tracking any services.
const std::string serviceName;
* @brief The service filter the service tracker is using for tracking.
const celix::Filter filter;
* @brief The bundle id of the owner of the service tracker.
const long trackerOwnerBundleId;
* @brief The MetaTracker track service trackers.
* @throws celix::Exception
* @note Thread safe.
class MetaTracker : public AbstractTracker {
* @brief Creates a new meta tracker and opens the tracker.
* @param cCtx The c bundle context.
* @param serviceName The service name used in the service tracker to track for.
* @param onTrackerCreated The callback which will be called when the tracker is created.
* @param onTrackerDestroyed The callback which will be called when the tracker is destroyed.
* @return The new meta tracker as shared ptr.
* @throws celix::Exception.
static std::shared_ptr<MetaTracker> create(
std::shared_ptr<celix_bundle_context_t> cCtx,
std::string serviceName,
std::vector<std::function<void(const ServiceTrackerInfo&)>> onTrackerCreated,
std::vector<std::function<void(const ServiceTrackerInfo&)>> onTrackerDestroyed) {
auto tracker = std::shared_ptr<MetaTracker>{
new MetaTracker{
return tracker;
* @see AbstractTracker::open
void open() override {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck{mutex};
if (state == TrackerState::CLOSED || state == TrackerState::CLOSING) {
state = TrackerState::OPENING;
//NOTE the opts already configured the callbacks
trkId = celix_bundleContext_trackServiceTrackersAsync(
serviceName.empty() ? nullptr : serviceName.c_str(),
[](void *handle, const celix_service_tracker_info_t *cInfo) {
auto *trk = static_cast<MetaTracker *>(handle);
ServiceTrackerInfo info{cInfo->serviceName, celix::Filter::wrap(cInfo->filter), cInfo->bundleId};
for (const auto& cb : trk->onTrackerCreated) {
[](void *handle, const celix_service_tracker_info_t *cInfo) {
auto *trk = static_cast<MetaTracker *>(handle);
ServiceTrackerInfo info{cInfo->serviceName, celix::Filter::wrap(cInfo->filter), cInfo->bundleId};
for (const auto& cb : trk->onTrackerDestroyed) {
[](void *data) {
auto *trk = static_cast<MetaTracker *>(data);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> callbackLock{trk->mutex};
trk->state = TrackerState::OPEN;
if (trkId < 0) {
throw celix::Exception{"Cannot open meta tracker"};
std::shared_ptr<celix_bundle_context_t> _cCtx,
std::string _serviceName,
std::vector<std::function<void(const ServiceTrackerInfo&)>> _onTrackerCreated,
std::vector<std::function<void(const ServiceTrackerInfo&)>> _onTrackerDestroyed) :
onTrackerDestroyed{std::move(_onTrackerDestroyed)} {}
const std::string serviceName;
const std::vector<std::function<void(const ServiceTrackerInfo&)>> onTrackerCreated;
const std::vector<std::function<void(const ServiceTrackerInfo&)>> onTrackerDestroyed;