blob: 68e6521da9b2fb6eaf30e4849cadf290ac4fd7dd [file] [log] [blame]
Title: Running Unit Tests
## Running Unit Tests
Cayenne provides a comprehensive suite of unit tests. To execute unit tests
you must first get Cayenne from Git, install JDK 1.7 and obtain the latest
### Prerequisites
Maven [build prerequisites and recommended settings](/dev/building-cayenne.html) apply here.
### Running Against Embedded HSQLDB
No extra setup is required. Just run Maven:
$ cd cayenne
$ mvn install
$ cd cayenne
$ mvn clean verify
### Running Against In-memory Database
Besides HSQLDB mentioned above Cayenne has preconfigured connection information for
following databases that support in-memory mode:
* derby
* h2
* sqlite
For this databases you can run tests without any additional configuration by only specifying
*cayenneTestConnection* property that will activate required Maven profile:
$ mvn verify -DcayenneTestConnection=derby
### Running Against Database in Docker (only on Linux)
Another handy option to run Cayenne tests is with preconfigured docker profiles.
The only thing you need is to install Docker.
You can run tests with following *cayenneTestConnection* properties:
$ mvn verify -DcayenneTestConnection=mysql-docker
$ mvn verify -DcayenneTestConnection=postgres-docker
### Running Against a Specific Database
Final option to run tests against any supported database is with manual configuration.
#### Step 1. Install JDBC Driver Jars in a Local Maven Repo
Most commercial drivers are not present in the public Maven repositories.
So they have to be installed by the tester locally. The group and artifact
ids are arbitrarily assigned in the main Cayenne POM, so users must follow
the POM or the examples below.
$ mvn install:install-file -Dfile=frontbasejdbc.jar -DgroupId=com.frontbase \
-DartifactId=frontbase-driver -Dversion=4.1 -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true
$ mvn install:install-file -Dfile=OpenBaseJDBC.jar -DgroupId=com.openbase \
-DartifactId=openbase-driver -Dversion=9 -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true
$ mvn install:install-file -Dfile=ojdbc5.jar \
-DartifactId=oracle-driver -Dversion=11 -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true
$ mvn install:install-file -Dfile=sqljdbc4.jar \
-DartifactId=sqlserver-driver -Dversion=4.0 -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true
$ mvn install:install-file -Dfile=jconn3.jar -DgroupId=com.sybase \
-DartifactId=sybase-driver -Dversion=12 -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true
#### Step 2. Run Tests Against Configured Data Source
Database type and connection information can be specified either on the
command line or via a configuration file. First let's look at the command
line options:
$ mvn verify -DcayenneTestConnection=<profile_name> \
-DcayenneAdapter=org.apache.cayenne.dba.mysql.MySQLAdapter \
-DcayenneJdbcUsername=myuser \
-DcayenneJdbcPassword=mypassword \
-DcayenneJdbcUrl=jdbc:mysql://localhost/cayenne \
*cayenneTestConnection* is a property activating a DB-specific Maven
profile. *<profile_name>* can be one of:
* db2
* derby
* firebird
* frontbase
* h2
* ingres
* mysql
* openbase
* oracle
* postgres
* sqlite
* sqlserver
* sybase
Another way to store this information permanently for each profile is to
create a directory *$HOME/.cayenne/* and place a file called
** in this directory. File contents should be
similar to this example:
mysql.cayenne.adapter = org.apache.cayenne.dba.mysql.MySQLAdapter
mysql.jdbc.username = someuser
mysql.jdbc.password = somepasswd
mysql.jdbc.url = jdbc:mysql://
mysql.jdbc.driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
oracle.cayenne.adapter =
oracle.jdbc.username = someuser
oracle.jdbc.password = somepasswd
oracle.jdbc.url = jdbc:oracle:thin:@//
oracle.jdbc.driver = oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
postgres.adapter = org.apache.cayenne.dba.postgres.PostgresAdapter
postgres.jdbc.username = someuser
postgres.jdbc.password = somepasswd
postgres.jdbc.url = jdbc:postgresql://
postgres.jdbc.driver = org.postgresql.Driver
db2.adapter = org.apache.cayenne.dba.db2.DB2Adapter
db2.jdbc.username = someuser
db2.jdbc.password = somepasswd
db2.jdbc.url = jdbc:db2://
db2.jdbc.driver =
Each property starts with the Maven profile name ("mysql" and "oracle" in
the example above). Note that in this case you should still use
*cayenneTestConnection*. E.g.:
$ mvn verify -DcayenneTestConnection=mysql