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title: "Cayenne Guide 5.0 ยท Including Cayenne in a Project"
description: "Cayenne Guide 5.0, Including Cayenne in a Project"
cayenneVersion: "5.0"
cayenneNoToc: true
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<h3 id="including-cayenne-in-project"><a class="anchor" href="#including-cayenne-in-project"></a>2.1. Including Cayenne in a Project</h3>
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<h4 id="maven"><a class="anchor" href="#maven"></a>2.1.1. Maven</h4>
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<p>To add Cayenne to your Maven project, include <code>cayenne</code> in your POM:</p>
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<pre class="highlight"><code class="language-xml xml" data-lang="xml">&lt;dependency&gt;
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<h4 id="gradle"><a class="anchor" href="#gradle"></a>2.1.2. Gradle</h4>
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<p>To add Cayenne to your Gradle project, include <code>cayenne</code> module:</p>
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<pre class="highlight"><code class="language-Groovy Groovy" data-lang="Groovy">compile 'org.apache.cayenne:cayenne:5.0-SNAPSHOT'</code></pre>
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<h4 id="ant-etc"><a class="anchor" href="#ant-etc"></a>2.1.3. Ant, etc.</h4>
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<p>If your environment requires manual dependency management (like Ant), check <code>lib</code> and <code>lib/third-party</code> folders of Cayenne distribution. It contains all Cayenne jars as well as the minimal set of third-party libraries to get you started.</p>