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</script></head><body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF"><div xmlns:d="" class="navheader"><table width="100%" summary="Navigation header"><tr><th class="versioninfo">v.3.1 (3.1)</th><th align="center">Chapter&nbsp;9.&nbsp;Queries</th><th></th></tr><tr><td width="20%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="orderings.html">Prev</a>&nbsp;</td><th width="60%" align="center"><a accesskey="u" href="cayenne-guide-part2.html">Part&nbsp;II.&nbsp;Cayenne Framework</a></th><td width="20%" align="right">&nbsp;<a accesskey="n" href="lifecycle-events.html">Next</a></td></tr></table><hr></div><div class="chapter" title="Chapter&nbsp;9.&nbsp;Queries"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title"><a name="queries"></a>Chapter&nbsp;9.&nbsp;Queries</h2></div></div></div><div class="toc"><p><b>Table of Contents</b></p><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="queries.html#selectquery">SelectQuery</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="queries.html#ejbqlquery">EJBQLQuery</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="queries.html#sqltemplate">SQLTemplate</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="queries.html#procedurequery">ProcedureQuery</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="queries.html#namedquery">NamedQuery</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="queries.html#custom-queries">Custom Queries</a></span></dt></dl></div><p>Queries are Java objects used by the application to communicate with the database. Cayenne
knows how to translate queries into SQL statements appropriate for a particular database
engine. Most often queries are used to find objects matching certain criteria, but there are
other types of queries too. E.g. those allowing to run native SQL, call DB stored
procedures, etc. When committing objects, Cayenne itself creates special queries to
insert/update/delete rows in the dabase.</p><p>There is a number of built-in queries in Cayenne, described later in this chapter. Users can
also define their own query types to abstract certain DB interactions that for whatever
reason can not be adequately described by the built-in set. </p><p>Queries can be roughly categorized as "object" and "native". Object queries (most notably
SelectQuery and EJBQLQuery) are built with abstractions originating in the object model (the
"object" side in the "object-relational" divide). E.g. SelectQuery is assembled from a Java
class of the objects to fetch, a qualifier expression, orderings, etc. - all of this
expressed in terms of the object model.</p><p>Native queries describe a desired DB operation as SQL code (SQLTemplate query) or a
reference to a stored procedure (ProcedureQuery), etc. The results of native queries are
usually presented as Lists of Maps, with each map representing a row in the DB (a term "data
row" is often used to describe such a map). They can potentially be converted to objects,
however it may take a considerable effort to do so. Native queries are also less (if at all)
portable across databases than object queries. </p><div class="section" title="SelectQuery"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title"><a name="selectquery"></a>SelectQuery</h2></div></div></div><p>SelectQuery is the most commonly used query in user applications. This may be the only
query you will need in most appplications. It returns a list of persistent objects of a
certain type specified in the
query:</p><pre class="programlisting">SelectQuery query = <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> SelectQuery(Artist.<span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">class</span>);
List&lt;Artist&gt; objects = context.performQuery(query);</pre><p>This
returned all rows in the "ARTIST" table. If the logs were turned on, you might see the
following SQL
printed:</p><pre class="programlisting">INFO: SELECT t0.DATE_OF_BIRTH, t0.NAME, t0.ID FROM ARTIST t0
INFO: === returned <span xmlns="" class="hl-number">5</span> row. - took <span xmlns="" class="hl-number">5</span> ms.</pre><p>This SQL was generated by Cayenne from the SelectQuery above. SelectQuery can have a
qualifier to select only the data that you care about. Qualifier is simply an Expression
(Expressions where discussed in the previous chapter). If you only want artists whose
name begins with 'Pablo', you might use the following qualifier expression:
</p><pre class="programlisting">SelectQuery query = <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> SelectQuery(Artist.<span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">class</span>,
ExpressionFactory.likeExp(Artist.NAME_PROPERTY, <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"Pablo%"</span>));
List&lt;Artist&gt; objects = context.performQuery(query);</pre><p>The
SQL will look different this
time:</p><pre class="programlisting">INFO: SELECT t0.DATE_OF_BIRTH, t0.NAME, t0.ID FROM ARTIST t0 WHERE t0.NAME LIKE ?
[bind: <span xmlns="" class="hl-number">1</span>-&gt;NAME:<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'Pablo%'</span>]
INFO: === returned <span xmlns="" class="hl-number">1</span> row. - took <span xmlns="" class="hl-number">6</span> ms.</pre><p>SelectQuery allows to append parts of qualifier to
self:</p><pre class="programlisting">SelectQuery query = <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> SelectQuery(Artist.<span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">class</span>);
query.setQualifier(ExpressionFactory.likeExp(Artist.NAME_PROPERTY, <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"A%"</span>));
query.andQualifier(ExpressionFactory.greaterExp(Artist.DATE_OF_BIRTH_PROPERTY, someDate));</pre><p>To order the results of SelectQuery, one or more Orderings can be applied. Ordering
were already discussed earlier.
E.g.:</p><pre class="programlisting">SelectQuery query = <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> SelectQuery(Artist.<span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">class</span>);
<span xmlns="" class="hl-comment">// create Ordering object explicitly</span>
query.addOrdering(<span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> Ordering(Artist.DATE_OF_BIRTH_PROPERTY, SortOrder.DESCENDING));
<span xmlns="" class="hl-comment">// or let SelectQuery create it behind the scenes</span>
query.addOrdering(Artist.NAME_PROPERTY, SortOrder.ASCENDING);</pre><p>There's a number of other useful properties in SelectQuery that define what to select
and how to optimize database interaction (prefetching, caching, fetch offset and limit,
pagination, etc.). Some of them are discussed in separate chapters on caching and
performance optimization. Others are fairly self-explanatory. Please check the API docs
for the full extent of the SelectQuery features.</p></div><div class="section" title="EJBQLQuery"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title"><a name="ejbqlquery"></a>EJBQLQuery</h2></div></div></div><p>EJBQLQuery was created as a part of an experiment in adopting some of Java Persistence
API (JPA) approaches in Cayenne. It is a parameterized object query that is created from
query String. A String used to build EJBQLQuery must conform to JPQL (JPA query
language):</p><pre class="programlisting">EJBQLQuery query = <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> EJBQLQuery(<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"select a FROM Artist a"</span>);</pre><p>JPQL details can be found in any JPA manual. Here we'll mention only how this fits
into Cayenne and what are the differences between EJBQL and other Cayenne
queries.</p><p>Although most frequently EJBQLQuery is used as an alternative to SelectQuery, there
are also DELETE and UPDATE varieties available. </p><div class="note" title="Note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"><h3 class="title">Note</h3><p>As of this version of Cayenne, DELETE and UPDATE do not change the state of
objects in the ObjectContext. They are run directly against the database
instead.&nbsp;</p></div><pre class="programlisting">EJBQLQuery select = <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> EJBQLQuery(<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"select a FROM Artist a WHERE = 'Salvador Dali'"</span>);
List&lt;Artist&gt; artists = context.performQuery(select);</pre><pre class="programlisting">EJBQLQuery delete = <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> EJBQLQuery(<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"delete from Painting"</span>);
context.performGenericQuery(delete);</pre><pre class="programlisting">EJBQLQuery update = <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> EJBQLQuery(<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"UPDATE Painting AS p SET = 'P2' WHERE = 'P1'"</span>);
most cases SelectQuery is preferred to EJBQLQuery, as it is API-based, and provides you
with better compile-time checks. However sometimes you may want a completely scriptable
object query. This is when you might prefer EJBQL. A more practical reason for picking
EJBQL over SelectQuery though is that the former offers some extra selecting
capabilities, namely aggregate functions and
subqueries:</p><pre class="programlisting">EJBQLQuery query = <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> EJBQLQuery(<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"select a, COUNT(p) FROM Artist a JOIN a.paintings p GROUP BY a"</span>);
List&lt;Object[]&gt; result = context.performQuery(query);
<span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">for</span>(Object[] artistWithCount : result) {
Artist a = (Artist) artistWithCount[<span xmlns="" class="hl-number">0</span>];
<span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">int</span> hasPaintings = (Integer) artistWithCount[<span xmlns="" class="hl-number">1</span>];
also demonstrates a previously unseen type of select result - a List of Object[]
elements, where each entry in an Object[] is either a DataObject or a scalar, depending
on the query SELECT clause. A result can also be a list of
scalars:</p><pre class="programlisting">EJBQLQuery query = <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> EJBQLQuery(<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"select FROM Artist a"</span>);
List&lt;String&gt; names = context.performQuery(query);</pre><p>While
Cayenne Expressions discussed previously can be thought of as identical to JPQL WHERE
clause, and indeed they are very close, there are a few noteable differences:</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist"><li class="listitem"><p>Null handling: SelectQuery would translate the expressions matching NULL
values to the corresponding "X IS NULL" or "X IS NOT NULL" SQL syntax.
EJBQLQuery on the other hand requires explicit "IS NULL" (or "IS NOT NULL")
syntax to be used, otherwise the generated SQL will look like "X = NULL" (or
"X &lt;&gt; NULL"), which will evaluate differently.</p></li><li class="listitem"><p>Expression Parameters: SelectQuery uses "$" to denote named parameters
(e.g. "$myParam"), while EJBQL uses ":" (e.g. ":myParam"). Also EJBQL
supports positional parameters denoted by the question mark: "?3".</p></li></ul></div></div><div class="section" title="SQLTemplate"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title"><a name="sqltemplate"></a>SQLTemplate</h2></div></div></div><p>SQLTemplate is a query that allows to run native SQL from a Cayenne application. It
comes handy when the standard ORM concepts are not sufficient for a given query or an
update. SQL is too powerful and allows to manipulate data in ways that are not easily
described as a graph of related entities. Cayenne acknowledges this fact and provides
this facility to execute SQL, mapping the result to objects when possible. Here are
examples of selecting and non-selecting
SQLTemplates:</p><pre class="programlisting">SQLTemplate select = <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> SQLTemplate(Artist.<span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">class</span>, <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"select * from ARTIST"</span>);
List&lt;Artist&gt; result = context.performQuery(select);</pre><pre class="programlisting">SQLTemplate update = <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> SQLTemplate(Artist.<span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">class</span>, <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"delete from ARTIST"</span>);
QueryResponse response = context.performGenericQuery(update);</pre><p>Cayenne doesn't make any attempt to make sense of the SQL semantics, so it doesn't
know whether a given query is performing a select or update, etc. It is the the user's
decision to run a given query as a selecting or "generic".</p><p>
</p><div class="note" title="Note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"><h3 class="title">Note</h3><p>Any data modifications done to DB as a result of SQLTemplate execution do not
change the state of objects in the ObjectContext. So some objects in the context
may become stale as a result.</p></div><p>
</p><p>Another point to note is that the first argument to the SQLTemplate constructor - the
Java class - has the same meaning as in SelectQuery only when the result can be
converted to objects (e.g. when this is a selecting query and it is selecting all
columns from one table). In this case it denotes the "root" entity of this query result.
If the query does not denote a single entity result, this argument is only used for
query routing, i.e. determining which database it should be run against. You are free to
use any persistent class or even a DataMap instance in such situation. It will work as
long as the passed "root" maps to the same database as the current query.</p><p>To achieve interoperability between mutliple RDBMS a user can specify multiple SQL
statements for the same SQLTemplate, each corresponding to a native SQL dialect. A key
used to look up the right dialect during execution is a fully qualified class name of
the corresponding DbAdapter. If no DB-specific statement is present for a given DB, a
default generic statement is used. E.g. in all the examples above a default statement
will be used regardless of the runtime database. So in most cases you won't need to
explicitly "translate" your SQL to all possible dialects. Here is how this works in
practice:</p><pre class="programlisting">SQLTemplate select = <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> SQLTemplate(Artist.<span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">class</span>, <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"select * from ARTIST"</span>);
<span xmlns="" class="hl-comment">// For Postgres it would be nice to trim padding of all CHAR columns.</span>
<span xmlns="" class="hl-comment">// Otherwise those will be returned with whitespace on the right.</span>
<span xmlns="" class="hl-comment">// assuming "NAME" is defined as CHAR...</span>
String pgSQL = <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"SELECT ARTIST_ID, RTRIM(NAME), DATE_OF_BIRTH FROM ARTIST"</span>;
query.setTemplate(PostgresAdapter.<span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">class</span>.getName(), pgSQL);</pre><div class="section" title="Scripting SQLTemplate with Velocity"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="sqltemplate-scripting"></a>Scripting SQLTemplate with Velocity</h3></div></div></div><p>The most interesting aspect of SQLTemplate (and the reason why it is called a
"template") is that a SQL string is treated by Cayenne as an Apache Velocity
template. Before sending it to DB as a PreparedStatement, the String is evaluated in
the Velocity context, that does variable substitutions, and performs special
callbacks in response to various directives, thus controlling query interaction with
the JDBC layer. </p><p>Check Velocity docs for the syntax details. Here we'll just mention the two main
scripting elements - "variables" (that look like <code class="code">$var</code>) and "directives"
(that look like <code class="code">#directive(p1 p2 p3)</code>). All built-in Velocity directives
are supported. Additionally Cayenne defines a number of its own directives to bind
parameters to PreparedStatements and to control the structure of the ResultSet.
These directives are described in the following sections.</p></div><div class="section" title="Variable Substitution"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="sqltemplate-parameters"></a>Variable Substitution</h3></div></div></div><p>All variables in the template string are replaced from query
parameters:</p><pre class="programlisting">SQLTemplate query = <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> SQLTemplate(Artist.<span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">class</span>, <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"delete from $tableName"</span>);
query.setParameters(Collections.singletonMap(<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"tableName"</span>, <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"mydb.PAINTING"</span>));
<span xmlns="" class="hl-comment">// this will generate SQL like this: "delete from mydb.PAINTING"</span></pre><p>The
example above demonstrates the point made earlier in this chapter - even if we don't
know upfront which table the query will run against, we can still use a fixed "root"
in constructor (<code class="code">Artist.class</code> in this case) , as we are not planning on
converting the result to objects.</p><p>Variable substitution within the text uses "<code class="code">object.toString()</code>" method to replace the
variable value. Keep in mind that this may not be appropriate in all situations.
E.g. passing a date object in a WHERE clause expression may be converted to a String
not understood by the target RDBMS SQL parser. In such cases variable should be wrapped in <code class="code">#bind</code>
directive as described below.</p></div><div class="section" title="Directives"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="sqltemplate-bind-directive"></a>Directives</h3></div></div></div><p>These are the Cayenne directives used to customize SQLTemplate parsing and
integrate it with the JDBC layer: </p><div class="section" title="#bind"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="d0e1579"></a>#bind</h4></div></div></div><p>Creates a PreparedStatement positional parameter in place of the directive,
binding the value to it before statement execution. <code class="code">#bind</code> is
allowed in places where a "?" would be allowed in a PreparedStatement. And in
such places it almost always makes sense to pass objects to the template via
this or other forms of <code class="code">#bind</code> instead of inserting them
inline.</p><p><span class="italic">Semantics:</span></p><pre class="programlisting">#bind(value)
#bind(value jdbcType)
#bind(value jdbcType scale)</pre><p><span class="italic">Arguments:</span>
</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist"><li class="listitem"><p><code class="code">value</code> - can either be a char constant or a variable
that is resolved from the query parameters. Note that the variable
can be a collection, that will be automatically expanded into a list
of individual value bindings. This is useful for instance to build
IN conditions. </p></li><li class="listitem"><p><code class="code">jdbcType</code> - is a JDBC data type of the parameter as
defined in <code class="code">java.sql.Types</code>.</p></li><li class="listitem"><p><code class="code">scale</code> - An optional scale of the numeric value. Same
as "scale" in PreparedStatement.</p></li></ul></div><p>
<span class="italic">Usage</span>:</p><pre class="programlisting">#bind($xyz)
#bind(<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'str'</span>)
#bind($xyz <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'VARCHAR'</span>)
#bind($xyz <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'DECIMAL'</span> <span xmlns="" class="hl-number">2</span>)</pre><p><span class="italic">Full
example:</span></p><pre class="programlisting">update ARTIST set NAME = #bind($name) where ID = #bind($id)</pre></div><div class="section" title="#bindEqual"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="d0e1630"></a>#bindEqual</h4></div></div></div><p>Same as #bind, but also includes the "=" sign in front of the value binding.
Look at the example below - we took the #bind example and replaced "<code class="code">ID =
#bind(..)</code>" with "<code class="code">ID #bindEqual(..)</code>". While it looks like
a clumsy shortcut to eliminate the equal sign, the actual reason why this is
useful is that it allows the value to be null. If the value is not null,
"<code class="code">= ?</code>" is generated, but if it is, the resulting chunk of the
SQL would look like "<code class="code">IS NULL</code>" and will be compilant with what the
DB expects.</p><p><span class="italic">Semantics:</span></p><pre class="programlisting">#bindEqual(value)
#bindEqual(value jdbcType)
#bindEqual(value jdbcType scale)</pre><p><span class="italic">Arguments: (same as #bind)</span>
<span class="italic">Usage</span>:</p><pre class="programlisting">#bindEqual($xyz)
#bindEqual(<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'str'</span>)
#bindEqual($xyz <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'VARCHAR'</span>)
#bindEqual($xyz <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'DECIMAL'</span> <span xmlns="" class="hl-number">2</span>)</pre><p><span class="italic">Full
example:</span></p><pre class="programlisting">update ARTIST set NAME = #bind($name) where ID #bindEqual($id)</pre></div><div class="section" title="#bindNotEqual"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="d0e1668"></a>#bindNotEqual</h4></div></div></div><p>This directive deals with the same issue as <code class="code">#bindEqual</code> above,
only it generates "not equal" in front of the value (or IS NOT NULL).</p><p><span class="italic">Semantics:</span></p><pre class="programlisting">#bindNotEqual(value)
#bindNotEqual(value jdbcType)
#bindNotEqual(value jdbcType scale)</pre><p><span class="italic">Arguments: (same as #bind)</span></p><p>
<span class="italic">Usage</span>:</p><pre class="programlisting">#bindNotEqual($xyz)
#bindNotEqual(<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'str'</span>)
#bindNotEqual($xyz <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'VARCHAR'</span>)
#bindNotEqual($xyz <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'DECIMAL'</span> <span xmlns="" class="hl-number">2</span>)</pre><p><span class="italic">Full
example:</span></p><pre class="programlisting">update ARTIST set NAME = #bind($name) where ID #bindEqual($id)</pre></div><div class="section" title="#bindObjectEqual"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="d0e1696"></a>#bindObjectEqual</h4></div></div></div><p>It can be tricky to use a Persistent object or an ObjectId in a binding,
especially for tables with compound primary keys. This directive helps to handle
such binding. It maps columns in the query to the names of Persistent object ID
columns, extracts ID values from the object, and generates SQL like "COL1 = ?
AND COL2 = ? ..." , binding positional parameters to ID values. It can also
correctly handle null object. Also notice how we are specifying a Velocity array
for multi-column PK.</p><p><span class="italic">Semantics:</span></p><pre class="programlisting">#bindObjectEqual(value columns idColumns)</pre><p><span class="italic">Arguments:</span>
</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist"><li class="listitem"><p><code class="code">value</code> - must be a variable that is resolved from the
query parameters to a Persistent or ObjectId.</p></li><li class="listitem"><p><code class="code">columns</code> - the names of the columns to generate in the
SQL.</p></li><li class="listitem"><p><code class="code">idColumn</code> - the names of the ID columns for a given
entity. Must match the order of "columns" to match against.</p></li></ul></div><p>
<span class="italic">Usage</span>:</p><pre class="programlisting">#bindObjectEqual($a <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'t0.ID'</span> <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'ID'</span>)
#bindObjectEqual($b [<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'t0.FK1'</span>, <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'t0.FK2'</span>] [<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'PK1'</span>, <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'PK2'</span>])</pre><p><span class="italic">Full
example:</span></p><pre class="programlisting">String sql = <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"SELECT * FROM PAINTING t0 WHERE #bindObjectEqual($a 't0.ARTIST_ID' 'ARTIST_ID' ) ORDER BY PAINTING_ID"</span>;
SQLTemplate select = <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> SQLTemplate(Artist.<span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">class</span>, sql);
Artist a = ....
select.setParameters(Collections.singletonMap(<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"a"</span>, a)); </pre></div><div class="section" title="#bindObjectNotEqual"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="d0e1738"></a>#bindObjectNotEqual</h4></div></div></div><p>Same as #bindObjectEqual above, only generates "not equal" operator for value
comparison (or IS NOT NULL).</p><p><span class="italic">Semantics:</span></p><pre class="programlisting">#bindObjectNotEqual(value columns idColumns)</pre><p><span class="italic">Arguments: (same as #bindObjectEqual)</span>
<span class="italic">Usage</span>:</p><pre class="programlisting">#bindObjectNotEqual($a <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'t0.ID'</span> <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'ID'</span>)
#bindObjectNotEqual($b [<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'t0.FK1'</span>, <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'t0.FK2'</span>] [<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'PK1'</span>, <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'PK2'</span>])</pre><p><span class="italic">Full
example:</span></p><pre class="programlisting">String sql = <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"SELECT * FROM PAINTING t0 WHERE #bindObjectNotEqual($a 't0.ARTIST_ID' 'ARTIST_ID' ) ORDER BY PAINTING_ID"</span>;
SQLTemplate select = <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> SQLTemplate(Artist.<span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">class</span>, sql);
Artist a = ....
select.setParameters(Collections.singletonMap(<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"a"</span>, a)); </pre></div><div class="section" title="#result"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="d0e1764"></a>#result</h4></div></div></div><p>Renders a column in SELECT clause of a query and maps it to a key in the
result DataRow. Also ensures the value read is of the correct type. This allows
to create a DataRow (and ultimately - a persistent object) from an arbitrary
ResultSet.</p><p><span class="italic">Semantics:</span></p><pre class="programlisting">#result(column)
#result(column javaType)
#result(column javaType alias)
#result(column javaType alias dataRowKey)</pre><p><span class="italic">Arguments:</span>
</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist"><li class="listitem"><p><code class="code">column</code> - the name of the column to render in SQL
SELECT clause.</p></li><li class="listitem"><p><code class="code">javaType</code> - a fully-qualified Java class name for a
given result column. For simplicity most common Java types used in
JDBC can be specified without a package. These include all numeric
types, primitives, String, SQL dates, BigDecimal and BigInteger. So
"<code class="code">#result('A' 'String')</code>", "<code class="code">#result('B'
'java.lang.String')</code>" and "<code class="code">#result('C'
'int')</code>" are all valid</p></li><li class="listitem"><p><code class="code">alias</code> - specifies both the SQL alias of the column
and the value key in the DataRow. If omitted, "column" value is
used.</p></li><li class="listitem"><p><code class="code">dataRowKey</code> - needed if SQL 'alias' is not appropriate
as a DataRow key on the Cayenne side. One common case when this
happens is when a DataRow retrieved from a query is mapped using
joint prefetch keys (see below). In this case DataRow must use
database path expressions for joint column keys, and their format is
incompatible with most databases alias format. </p></li></ul></div><p>
<span class="italic">Usage</span>:</p><pre class="programlisting">#result(<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'NAME'</span>)
#result(<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'DATE_OF_BIRTH'</span> <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'java.util.Date'</span>)
#result(<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'DOB'</span> <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'java.util.Date'</span> <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'DATE_OF_BIRTH'</span>)
#result(<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'DOB'</span> <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'java.util.Date'</span> <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">''</span> <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'artist.DATE_OF_BIRTH'</span>)
#result(<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'SALARY'</span> <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'float'</span>) </pre><p><span class="italic">Full
example:</span></p><pre class="programlisting">SELECT #result(<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'ID'</span> <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'int'</span>), #result(<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'NAME'</span> <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'String'</span>), #result(<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'DATE_OF_BIRTH'</span> <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'java.util.Date'</span>) FROM ARTIST</pre></div><div class="section" title="#chain and #chunk"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="d0e1820"></a>#chain and #chunk</h4></div></div></div><p><code class="code">#chain</code> and <code class="code">#chunk</code> directives are used for
conditional inclusion of SQL code. They are used together with
<code class="code">#chain</code> wrapping multiple <code class="code">#chunks</code>. A chunk
evaluates its parameter expression and if it is NULL suppresses rendering of the
enclosed SQL block. A chain renders its prefix and its chunks joined by the
operator. If all the chunks are suppressed, the chain itself is suppressed. This
allows to work with otherwise hard to script SQL semantics. E.g. a WHERE clause
can contain multiple conditions joined with AND or OR. Application code would
like to exclude a condition if its right-hand parameter is not present (similar
to Expression pruning discussed above). If all conditions are excluded, the
entire WHERE clause should be excluded. chain/chunk allows to do that.</p><p>
<span class="italic">Semantics</span>:</p><pre class="programlisting">#chain(operator) ... #end
#chain(operator prefix) ... #end
#chunk() ... #end
#chunk(param) ... #end </pre><p><span class="italic">Full
example:</span></p><pre class="programlisting">#chain(<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'OR'</span> <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">'WHERE'</span>)
#chunk($name) NAME LIKE #bind($name) #end<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"
</span> #chunk($id) ARTIST_ID &gt; #bind($id) #end<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"
</span>#end<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">" </span></pre></div></div><div class="section" title="Mapping SQLTemplate Results"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="d0e1848"></a>Mapping SQLTemplate Results</h3></div></div></div><p>Here we'll discuss how to convert the data selected via SQLTemplate to some
useable format, compatible with other query results. It can either be very simple or
very complex, depending on the structure of the SQL, JDBC driver nature and the
desired result structure. This section presents various tips and tricks dealing with
result mapping. </p><p>By default SQLTemplate is expected to return a List of Persistent objects of its
root type. This is the simple
case:</p><pre class="programlisting">SQLTemplate query = <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> SQLTemplate(Artist.<span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">class</span>, <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"SELECT * FROM ARTIST"</span>);
<span xmlns="" class="hl-comment">// List of Artists</span>
List&lt;Artist&gt; artists = context.performQuery(query);</pre><p>Just
like SelectQuery, SQLTemplate can fetch DataRows. In fact DataRows option is very
useful with SQLTemplate, as the result type most often than not does not represent a
Cayenne entity, but instead may be some aggregated report or any other data whose
object structure is opaque to
Cayenne:</p><pre class="programlisting">String sql = SELECT t0.NAME, COUNT(<span xmlns="" class="hl-number">1</span>) FROM ARTIST t0 JOIN PAINTING t1 ON (t0.ID = t1.ARTIST_ID) <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"
</span> + <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"GROUP BY t0.NAME ORDER BY COUNT(1)"</span>;
SQLTemplate query = <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> SQLTemplate(Artist.<span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">class</span>, sql);
<span xmlns="" class="hl-comment">// ensure we are fetching DataRows</span>
<span xmlns="" class="hl-comment">// List of DataRow</span>
List&lt;DataRow&gt; rows = context.performQuery(query);</pre><p>In
the example above, even though the query root is Artist. the result is a list of
artist names with painting counts (as mentioned before in such case "root" is only
used to find the DB to fetch against, but has no bearning on the result). The
DataRows here are the most appropriate and desired result type.</p><p>In a more advanced case you may decide to fetch a list of scalars or a list of
Object[] with each array entry being either an entity or a scalar. You probably
won't be doing this too often and it requires quite a lot of work to setup, but if
you want your SQLTemplate to return results similar to EJBQLQuery, it is doable
using SQLResult as described
below:</p><pre class="programlisting">SQLTemplate query = <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> SQLTemplate(Painting.<span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">class</span>, <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"SELECT ESTIMATED_PRICE P FROM PAINTING"</span>);
<span xmlns="" class="hl-comment">// let Cayenne know that result is a scalar</span>
SQLResult resultDescriptor = <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> SQLResult();
resultDescriptor.addColumnResult(<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"P"</span>);
<span xmlns="" class="hl-comment">// List of BigDecimals</span>
List&lt;BigDecimal&gt; prices = context.performQuery(query); </pre><pre class="programlisting">SQLTemplate query = <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> SQLTemplate(Artist.<span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">class</span>, <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"SELECT t0.ID, t0.NAME, t0.DATE_OF_BIRTH, COUNT(t1.PAINTING_ID) C "</span> +
<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"FROM ARTIST t0 LEFT JOIN PAINTING t1 ON (t0.ID = t1.ARTIST_ID) "</span> +
<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"GROUP BY t0.ID, t0.NAME, t0.DATE_OF_BIRTH"</span>);
<span xmlns="" class="hl-comment">// let Cayenne know that result is a mix of Artist objects and the count of their paintings</span>
EntityResult artistResult = <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> EntityResult(Artist.<span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">class</span>);
artistResult.addDbField(Artist.ID_PK_COLUMN, <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"ARTIST_ID"</span>);
artistResult.addObjectField(Artist.NAME_PROPERTY, <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"NAME"</span>);
artistResult.addObjectField(Artist.DATE_OF_BIRTH_PROPERTY, <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"DATE_OF_BIRTH"</span>);
SQLResult resultDescriptor = <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> SQLResult();
resultDescriptor.addColumnResult(<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"C"</span>);
<span xmlns="" class="hl-comment">// List of Object[]</span>
List&lt;Object[]&gt; data = context.performQuery(query);</pre><p>Another trick related to mapping result sets is making Cayenne recognize
prefetched entities in the result set. This emulates "joint" prefetching of
SelectQuery, and is achieved by special column naming. Columns belonging to the
"root" entity of the query should use unqualified names corresponding to the root
DbEntity columns. For each related entity column names must be prefixed with
relationship name and a dot (e.g. "toArtist.ID"). Column naming can be controlled
with "#result"
directive:</p><pre class="programlisting">String sql = <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"SELECT distinct "</span>
+ <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"#result('t1.ESTIMATED_PRICE' 'BigDecimal' '' 'paintings.ESTIMATED_PRICE'), "</span>
+ <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"#result('t1.PAINTING_TITLE' 'String' '' 'paintings.PAINTING_TITLE'), "</span>
+ <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"#result('t1.GALLERY_ID' 'int' '' 'paintings.GALLERY_ID'), "</span>
+ <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"#result('t1.ID' 'int' '' 'paintings.ID'), "</span>
+ <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"#result('NAME' 'String'), "</span>
+ <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"#result('DATE_OF_BIRTH' 'java.util.Date'), "</span>
+ <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"#result('t0.ID' 'int' '' 'ID') "</span>
+ <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"FROM ARTIST t0, PAINTING t1 "</span>
+ <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"WHERE t0.ID = t1.ARTIST_ID"</span>;
SQLTemplate q = <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> SQLTemplate(Artist.<span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">class</span>, sql);
List&lt;Artist&gt; objects = context.performQuery(query);</pre><p>And the final tip deals with capitalization of the DataRow keys. Queries like
"<code class="code">SELECT * FROM...</code>" and even "<code class="code">SELECT COLUMN1, COLUMN2, ...
FROM ...</code>" can sometimes result in Cayenne exceptions on attempts to
convert fetched DataRows to objects. Essentially any query that is not using a
<code class="code">#result</code> directive to describe the result set is prone to this
problem, as different databases may produce different capitalization of the
java.sql.ResultSet columns. </p><p>The most universal way to address this issue is to describe each column explicitly
in the SQLTemplate via <code class="code">#result</code>, e.g.: "<code class="code">SELECT #result('column1'),
#result('column2'), ..</code>". However this quickly becomes impractical for
tables with lots of columns. For such cases Cayenne provides a shortcut based on the
fact that an ORM mapping usually follows some naming convention for the column
names. Simply put, for case-insensitive databases developers normally use either all
lowercase or all uppercase column names. Here is the API that takes advantage of
that user knowledge and forces Cayenne to follow a given naming convention for the
DataRow keys (this is also available as a dropdown in the
Modeler):</p><pre class="programlisting">SQLTemplate query = <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> SQLTemplate(<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"SELECT * FROM ARTIST"</span>);
List objects = context.performQuery(query);</pre><p>or</p><pre class="programlisting">SQLTemplate query = <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> SQLTemplate(<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"SELECT * FROM ARTIST"</span>);
List objects = context.performQuery(query); </pre><p>None of this affects the generated SQL, but the resulting DataRows are using
correct capitalization. Note that you probably shouldn't bother with this unless you
are getting CayenneRuntimeExceptions when fetching with SQLTemplate.</p></div></div><div class="section" title="ProcedureQuery"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title"><a name="procedurequery"></a>ProcedureQuery</h2></div></div></div><p>Stored procedures are mapped as separate objects in CayenneModeler. ProcedureQuery
provides a way to execute them with a certain set of parameters. Just like with
SQLTemplate, the outcome of a procedure can be anything - a single result set, mutliple
result sets, some data modification (returned as an update count), or a combination of
these. So use "performQuery" to get a single result set, and use "performGenericQuery"
for anything
else:</p><pre class="programlisting">ProcedureQuery query = <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> ProcedureQuery(<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"my_procedure"</span>, Artist.<span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">class</span>);
<span xmlns="" class="hl-comment">// Set "IN" parameter values</span>
query.addParam(<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"p1"</span>, <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"abc"</span>);
query.addParam(<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"p2"</span>, <span xmlns="" class="hl-number">3000</span>);
List&lt;Artist&gt; result = context.performQuery(query);</pre><pre class="programlisting"><span xmlns="" class="hl-comment">// here we do not bother with root class. </span>
<span xmlns="" class="hl-comment">// Procedure name gives us needed routing information</span>
ProcedureQuery query = <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> ProcedureQuery(<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"my_procedure"</span>);
query.addParam(<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"p1"</span>, <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"abc"</span>);
query.addParam(<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"p2"</span>, <span xmlns="" class="hl-number">3000</span>);
QueryResponse response = context.performGenericQuery(query); </pre><p>A stored procedure can return data back to the application as result sets or via OUT
parameters. To simplify the processing of the query output, QueryResponse treats OUT
parameters as if it was a separate result set. If a stored procedure declares any OUT or
INOUT parameters, QueryResponse will contain their returned values in the very first
list:</p><pre class="programlisting">ProcedureQuery query = <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> ProcedureQuery(<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"my_procedure"</span>);
QueryResponse response = context.performGenericQuery(query);
<span xmlns="" class="hl-comment">// read OUT parameters</span>
List out = response.firstList();
<span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">if</span>(!out.isEmpty()) {
Map outParameterValues = (Map) outList.get(<span xmlns="" class="hl-number">0</span>);
}</pre><p>There maybe a situation when a stored procedure handles its own transactions, but an
application is configured to use Cayenne-managed transactions. This is obviously
conflicting and undesirable behavior. In this case ProcedureQueries should be executed
explicitly wrapped in an "external" Transaction. This is one of the few cases when a
user should worry about transactions at all. See Transactions section for more
details.</p></div><div class="section" title="NamedQuery"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title"><a name="namedquery"></a>NamedQuery</h2></div></div></div><p>NamedQuery is a query that is a reference to another query stored in the DataMap. The
actual stored query can be SelectQuery, SQLTemplate, EJBQLQuery, etc. It doesn't matter
- the API for calling them is the same - via a
NamedQuery:</p><pre class="programlisting">String[] keys = <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> String[] {<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"loginid"</span>, <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"password"</span>};
Object[] values = <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> String[] {<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"joe"</span>, <span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"secret"</span>};
NamedQuery query = <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> NamedQuery(<span xmlns="" class="hl-string">"Login"</span>, keys, values);
List&lt;User&gt; matchingUsers = context.performQuery(query); </pre></div><div class="section" title="Custom Queries"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title"><a name="custom-queries"></a>Custom Queries</h2></div></div></div><p>If a user needs some extra functionality not addressed by the existing set of Cayenne
queries, he can write his own. The only requirement is to implement
<code class="code">org.apache.cayenne.query.Query</code> interface. The easiest way to go about
it is to subclass some of the base queries in Cayenne. </p><p>E.g. to do something directly in the JDBC layer, you might subclass
AbstractQuery:</p><pre class="programlisting"><span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">public</span> <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">class</span> MyQuery <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">extends</span> AbstractQuery {
<span xmlns="" class="hl-annotation">@Override</span>
<span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">public</span> SQLAction createSQLAction(SQLActionVisitor visitor) {
<span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">return</span> <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> SQLAction() {
<span xmlns="" class="hl-annotation">@Override</span>
<span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">public</span> <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">void</span> performAction(Connection connection, OperationObserver observer) <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">throws</span> SQLException, Exception {
<span xmlns="" class="hl-comment">// 1. do some JDBC work using provided connection... </span>
<span xmlns="" class="hl-comment">// 2. push results back to Cayenne via OperationObserver</span>
}</pre><p>To delegate the actual query execution to a standard Cayenne query, you may subclass
IndirectQuery:</p><pre class="programlisting"><span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">public</span> <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">class</span> MyDelegatingQuery <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">extends</span> IndirectQuery {
<span xmlns="" class="hl-annotation">@Override</span>
<span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">protected</span> Query createReplacementQuery(EntityResolver resolver) {
SQLTemplate delegate = <span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">new</span> SQLTemplate(SomeClass.<span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">class</span>, generateRawSQL());
<span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">return</span> delegate;
<span xmlns="" class="hl-keyword">protected</span> String generateRawSQL() {
<span xmlns="" class="hl-comment">// build some SQL string</span>
}</pre><p>In fact many internal Cayenne queries are IndirectQueries, delegating to SelectQuery
or SQLTemplate after some preprocessing.</p></div></div><div class="navfooter"><hr><table width="100%" summary="Navigation footer"><tr><td width="40%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="orderings.html">Prev</a>&nbsp;</td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="u" href="cayenne-guide-part2.html">Up</a></td><td width="40%" align="right">&nbsp;<a accesskey="n" href="lifecycle-events.html">Next</a></td></tr><tr><td width="40%" align="left" valign="top">Chapter&nbsp;8.&nbsp;Orderings&nbsp;</td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="h" href="index.html">Home</a></td><td width="40%" align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;Chapter&nbsp;10.&nbsp;Lifecycle Events</td></tr></table></div></body></html>