blob: 2273f7af1aa6b1a0b2b83ef903dacaad35370975 [file] [log] [blame]
Title: Remote Object Persistence Features
<H3><A name="RemoteObjectPersistenceFeatures-FeaturesofRemoteObjectPersistenceTechnology"></A>Features of Remote Object Persistence Technology</H3>
<LI>Unified approach to lightweight object persistence across multiple tiers of a distributed system.</LI>
<LI>Same abstract object model on the server and on the client.</LI>
<LI>Client can &quot;bootstrap&quot; from the server by dynamically loading persistence metadata.</LI>
<LI>An ability to define client objects differently than the server ones, and still have seamless persistence.</LI>
<LI>Generic web service interface that doesn't change when object model changes.</LI>
<LI>An ability to work in two modes: dedicated session mode or shared (&quot;chat&quot;) mode when multiple remote clients collaboratively work on the same data.</LI>
<LI>Lazy object and collection faulting.</LI>
<LI>Full context lifecycle</LI>
<LI>Queries, expressions, local query caching, paginated queries.</LI>
<LI>Delete Rules</LI>