blob: 9190cdd1c3230b459eba8141c37a928c85c0b307 [file] [log] [blame]
Title: CayenneModeler and Eclipse
<P>If you use <A href="" class="external-link" rel="nofollow">Eclipse IDE</A> for your Java development, it can be configured to launch CayenneModeler when clicking on &quot;cayenne.xml&quot; file in the project tree. Here is the instructions for Windows, other platforms should work in a similar fashion. </P>
<P>In Eclipse Properties panel go to &quot;Workbench -&gt; File Associations&quot;. Add an association for &quot;cayenne.xml&quot; to open with &quot;external editor&quot;. Select &quot;modeler.bat&quot; file as an external editor. Caveat - CAYENNE_HOME variable must be either defined in the environment, or you may need to edit modeler.bat and set it right there, otherwise modeler will not start. </P>