blob: 421cd542f093d84b7ab0ade95f888c9ae89e2ec1 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
This pom is the top-level parent, responsible for deploying to
ASF using the apache-release, and as defined in org.apache:apache
global parent.
At the same time, we want it to inherit from org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-parent.
It is therefore a copy of org.apache:apache, with customisations clearly identified
(though some plugins versions have been bumped to more recent versions).
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- based on org.apache:apache:27
for more information, see the documentation of this POM: -->
<name>Apache Causeway</name>
Apache Causeway Bill of Material (BOM).
Also the parent POM for the core framework and extensions.
<minimalMavenBuildVersion>3.8.0</minimalMavenBuildVersion> <!-- enforces https repos -->
<!-- for m-plugin-p and maven-plugin-annotations -->
<!-- PLUGINS -->
<!-- for surefire, failsafe and surefire-report -->
<asm.version>9.4</asm.version> <!-- keep in sync with org.eclipse.persistence:org.eclipse.persistence.asm -->
<datatables.version>1.13.2</datatables.version> <!-- keep in sync with DatatablesDotNet -->
<jakarta.inject-api.version>1.0.5</jakarta.inject-api.version> <!-- do not upgrade 1.x to 2.x until Spring 6 -->
<jakarta.servlet-api.version>4.0.4</jakarta.servlet-api.version> <!-- do not upgrade 4.x to 6.x until Spring 6 -->
<jakarta.xml.bind-api.version>2.3.3</jakarta.xml.bind-api.version> <!-- don't upgrade to 3.x before Spring 6-->
<!-- v3.2 not available yet, use datanucleus staging for now -->
<!-- <jdo-api.version>3.2</jdo-api.version> -->
<jquery-ui.version>1.13.2</jquery-ui.version> <!-- org.webjars:jquery-ui -->
<junit-jupiter.version>5.9.2</junit-jupiter.version> <!-- overrides spring -->
<lombok.version>1.18.26</lombok.version> <!-- overriding Spring -->
<momentjs.version>2.29.4</momentjs.version> <!-- keep in sync: org.apache.causeway.viewer.wicket.ui.components.scalars.datepicker.MomentJsReference -->
<!-- See for latest node and npm (lts) versions -->
<resteasy.version>5.0.0.Final</resteasy.version> <!-- keep in sync with property defined in resteasy4-spring-boot-starter -->
<slf4j-api.version>2.0.6</slf4j-api.version> <!-- also provided by spring-boot-starter-logging, needed to solve convergence issues -->
<wicket.version>9.12.0</wicket.version> <!-- 9.4.0 is last known good, before wicket put jupiter-api on the module graph -->
<wicket-bootstrap.version>6.0.0</wicket-bootstrap.version> <!-- de.agilecoders.wicket:wicket-bootstrap... -->
<wicket-viewer-jquery.version>3.6.4</wicket-viewer-jquery.version> <!-- as served by wicket via webjars -->
<wicketstuff.version>${wicket.version}</wicketstuff.version> <!-- org.wicketstuff:wicketstuff-select2 -->
<!-- OTHER -->
<distMgmtSnapshotsName>Apache Development Snapshot Repository</distMgmtSnapshotsName>
<license.additional-notes>In addition, Apache Causeway uses some
JavaScript libraries:
* Twitter Bootstrap, licensed under MIT [1]
Bootstrap-Growl (JQuery plugin), licensed under MIT license [2]
LiveQuery (JQuery plugin), licensed under MIT license [3]
* Wicket
Bootstrap, licenced under ASL 2 [4]
* Bootstrap Datetimepicker,
licensed under MIT licence [5]
* Moment.js, licenced under MIT licence
bill of materials of ALL of the modules making up the framework
<!-- org.apache.causeway.commons -->
<!-- org.apache.causeway.core -->
<!-- org.apache.causeway.persistence -->
<!-- -->
<!-- org.apache.causeway.viewer -->
<!-- org.apache.causeway.testing -->
<!-- org.apache.causeway.mavendeps -->
<!-- org.apache.causeway.extensions (commandlog) -->
<!-- org.apache.causeway.extensions (docgen) -->
<!-- org.apache.causeway.extensions (excel) -->
<!-- org.apache.causeway.extensions (executionlog) -->
<!-- org.apache.causeway.extensions (executionoutbox) -->
<!-- org.apache.causeway.extensions (executionrepublisher) -->
<!-- org.apache.causeway.extensions (flyway) -->
<!-- org.apache.causeway.extensions (audittrail) -->
<!-- org.apache.causeway.extensions (secman) -->
<!-- org.apache.causeway.extensions (sessionlog) -->
<!-- org.apache.causeway.extensions (shiro) -->
<!-- org.apache.causeway.extensions (spring security) -->
<!-- org.apache.causeway.extensions (restful objects viewer) -->
<!-- org.apache.causeway.extensions (wicket viewer) -->
<!-- org.apache.causeway.valuetypes -->
<!-- org.apache.causeway.incubator.viewer -->
<!-- other dependencies -->
<!-- dependency convergence clash with org.apache.cxf:cxf-core:3.4.0 (used
by causeway-mappings-jaxrsclient-impl) TODO ... jaxrsclient was removed -->
<version>2.7.12</version> <!-- do not upgrade 2.x to 3.x or higher until Spring 6 -->
<version>2.7.12</version> <!-- do not upgrade 2.x to 3.x or higher until Spring 6 -->
<version>2.3.8</version> <!-- do not upgrade 2.x to 3.x or higher until Spring 6 -->
<!-- provides @Nullable that's required by Spring 5.x -->
<!-- 3.2 not available yet, instead use org.datanucleus:javax.jdo
<!-- TODO: when used, move exclusions down -->
<!-- TODO: when used, move exclusions down -->
<!-- excluded because provided by javax:javaee-api -->
<!-- TODO: when used, move exclusions down -->
<!-- TODO: when used, move exclusions down -->
<!-- TODO: when used, move exclusions down -->
<!-- TODO: when used, move exclusions down -->
<!-- breaks dependabot run: timeout due to repo not accessible
<name>Apache Snapshot Repository</name>
<name>Central Repository</name>
<id>Apache Repository</id>
<!-- required for RestEasy -->
<id>JBoss Public Release</id>
<!-- breaks dependabot run: timeout due to repo not accessible
<name>Apache Snapshot Repository</name>
<name>Apache Release Distribution Repository</name>
<!-- set versions of common plugins for reproducibility, ordered alphabetically -->
<version>3.5.0</version> <!--bumped-->
<!-- goal:compile binds to phase:compile -->
<!-- goal:testCompile binds to phase:test-compile -->
<version>3.1.0</version> <!--bumped-->
<version>3.3.0</version> <!--bumped-->
<version>3.1.0</version> <!--bumped-->
<Implementation-Vendor>Apache Causewayâ„¢ Project</Implementation-Vendor>
<!-- required for DN plugin.xml loading -->
<!-- no requirement as of yet. <Bundle-ManifestVersion>2</Bundle-ManifestVersion>
<Bundle-Name>${jar-plugin.automaticModuleName}</Bundle-Name> <Bundle-Version>2.0.0-SNAPSHOT</Bundle-Version>
<Bundle-Vendor>Apache Causewayâ„¢ Project</Bundle-Vendor> -->
<!-- avoid noise for svn/gitpubsub -->
<version>3.4.2</version> <!--bumped-->
<!-- overrides the default ('clean verify') -->
<preparationGoals>clean install</preparationGoals>
<!-- goal:clean (for aggregator modules) has no bindings; cleans up and any backup POM files -->
<!-- goal:prepare (for aggregator modules) has no bindings; prepares
for release in SCM (modifying x.x-SNAPSHOT to x.x) -->
<!-- goal:update-versions (for aggregator modules) has no bindings;
updates versions eg to SNAPSHOT -->
<!-- etc; none of the goals has a binding. -->
<version>3.0.0</version> <!--bumped-->
<version>3.3.0</version> <!--bumped-->
<version>3.12.1</version> <!--bumped-->
<!-- Packaging: source jars of main and test code -->
<!-- goal:aggregate (for aggregator modules) binds to phase:package -->
<!-- goal:jar and goal:test-jar are meant to bind to phase:package,
but doesn't seem to so bound explicitly -->
<!-- override defaults and include everything unless explicitly excluded -->
<!-- allows tests to reduce verbosity, or conditionally disable
when run with surefire; e.g.:
@DisabledIfSystemProperty(named = "isRunningWithSurefire", matches = "true")
<!-- Test Reporting -->
<!-- goal:report is a report so is configured in the reporting section;
invokes phase:test before running itself -->
<licenseFamilyCategory>AL2 </licenseFamilyCategory>
<licenseFamilyName>Apache License 2.0</licenseFamilyName>
<notes />
<pattern>Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under
<licenseFamilyName>BSD 3-Clause</licenseFamilyName>
<pattern>BSD-3-Clause license</pattern>
<licenseFamilyName>MIT Licensed</licenseFamilyName>
<notes />
<pattern>The MIT License (MIT)</pattern>
<pattern>Dual licensed under the MIT</pattern>
<licenseFamilyName>Creative Commons 3.0</licenseFamilyName>
<notes />
<pattern>ASCII text placed in the public domain by Moby Lexical Tools, 1992.</pattern>
<notes />
<pattern>Copyright (c) 2000-2007,</pattern>
<notes />
<pattern>Copyright (c) 2000-2007,</pattern>
<familyName>Apache License 2.0</familyName>
<licenseFamily implementation="org.apache.rat.license.SimpleLicenseFamily">
<familyName>BSD 3-Clause</familyName>
<!-- -->
<!-- select 2 -->
<!-- datetime picker -->
<!-- boostrap growl -->
<!-- We want to package up license resources in the JARs produced -->
<!-- Reference the supplemental-model artifact from module supplemental-model -->
<!-- Specify the path, relative to the JAR root, where the supplemental model file is located -->
The above (auto-generated) list aggregates the dependencies (either directly or
transitively) of all the modules that make up ${}. You can use
mvn dependency:list or mvn dependency:tree to view dependencies by submodule.
<!-- APACHE CAUSEWAY customisation 12/21: end -->
<!-- seemingly not compatible with use of 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT placeholders
<requirePluginVersions> <message>All plugin versions must be defined!</message>
<banLatest>true</banLatest> <banRelease>true</banRelease> </requirePluginVersions> -->
<DependencyConvergence />
<!-- goal:enforce supposedly binds to phase:validate, but explicit binding seems to be required -->
<!-- scp and sftp support for deployments. -->
<!-- ftp support for deployments. -->
<!-- START SNIPPET: release-profile -->
<!-- Create a source-release artifact that contains the fully buildable
project directory source structure. This is the artifact which is
the official subject of any release vote. -->
<!-- We want to deploy the artifact to a staging location for perusal -->
<doctitle>${} ${project.version}</doctitle>
<windowtitle>${} ${project.version}</windowtitle>
<!-- calculate checksums of source release for Apache dist area -->
<!-- execute prior to maven-gpg-plugin:sign due to -->
<!-- -->
<!-- attach SHA-512 checksum as well to upload to Maven Staging Repo,
as this eases uploading from stage to dist and doesn't do harm in Maven Central -->
<!-- We want to sign the artifact, the POM, and all attached artifacts (except for SHA-512 checksum) -->
<!-- END SNIPPET: release-profile -->
<!-- this is a workaround
Details: The maven compiler plugin ought to pick up all available processors on the classpath.
In effect Lombok's annotation processor should be picked up implicitly, but yet is not
Presence of file '' decativates this profile and
the maven-compiler-plugin runs all annotation processors as picked up from the class-path.
<!-- Disable execution of some plugins in m2e ( -->
<!-- as this is an artificial artifact only use in a profile ( -->
<!-- no native m2e support yet ( -->
<!-- multiple profile activation conditions have AND logic ... -->
<message>The property "" must be set on the reactor's root pom.xml to make the build reproducible. Further information at "".</message>
<name>Github Releases</name>
<name>Temporary Local Filesystem Staging Repository</name>
<surefire-plugin.argLine>@{argLine} -Xmx384m</surefire-plugin.argLine>
<!-- META DATA -->
<name>The Apache Software Foundation</name>
<name>Apache License, Version 2.0</name>
<name>Andi Huber</name>
<name>Bilgin Ibryam</name>
<name>Dan Haywood</name>
<name>Dave Slaughter</name>
<name>Jeroen van der Wal</name>
<name>Johan Doornenbal</name>
<name>Joerg Rade</name>
<name>Kevin Meyer</name>
<role>pmc chair</role>
<name>Maurizio Taverna</name>
<name>Martin Grigorov</name>
<name>Mohammad Nour El-Din</name>
<role>mentor while incubating</role>
<name>Oscar Bou</name>
<name>Robert Matthews</name>
<name>Mark Struberg</name>
<role>mentor while incubating</role>
<name>Alexander Krasnuhkin</name>