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title: Google Open Source blogpost on ASF's GSOC2013 participants
date: '2013-10-07T06:36:58+00:00'
permalink: google_open_source_blogpost_on
<p>The <a href="">Google open source blog</a> has just <a href="">posted the write-up</a> that ASF provided on some of its students for GSOC 2013. I contributed a couple of paragraphs on how <a href="">Apache Isis</a>' two students, Dimuthu Upeksha and Bhargav Golla, got on.
<p>Here's what I said:
<blockquote>Apache Isis -- Students: Bhargav Golla and Dimuthu Upeksha
<p>Apache Isis is a Java framework for rapidly developing domain-driven apps. This summer we had two students working on new “viewers” that interact with a REST API that Isis automatically generates, reflecting the structure and behavior of the domain objects. In the past the Isis community has worked on single-page HTML5/JS viewer and on a Windows Store App viewer. For Google Summer of Code our two students are each building their own viewers, one for Android, and one using JQueryMobile (to be packaged using Apache Cordova/PhoneGap).
Both students have become quite fluent in the REST API, and both have a viewer running that is quite usable and can be deployed to an Android mobile device. The two viewers are broadly similar in terms of features implemented, and indeed towards the end of the project hit the limits of the available features in the REST API. Both students have said they are keen to continue developing their viewers after the Google Summer of Code program ends.</p>