blob: c8f01be4a7fae14cbfac36ba83eab3b65df121d8 [file] [log] [blame]
layout: post
title: Marrying DHTMLX with Apache Isis
date: '2013-02-26T21:20:19+00:00'
permalink: marrying_dhtmlx_with_apache_isis
<p>Mylaensys have just publicised on <a href="">their blog</a> the fact that they are working on an integration between&nbsp;<a href="">DHTMLX</a>&nbsp;and <a href="">Apache Isis</a>.&nbsp;</p>
<p>They previously have integrated DHTMLX&nbsp;and Spring Framework (<a href="">DHTMLX Spring Link</a>), so they have a proven track record... and I've been impressed how quickly they've produced some early prototypes.</p>
<p>If the idea of rapidly building domain-driven apps with a customizable UI appeals, then keep an eye on their progress through the Apache <a href="">Isis mailing lists</a>.