blob: 30c22fb9d95e940d6febe4c45081e16e176f9236 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# code for dealing with CQL's syntax, rules, interpretation
# i.e., stuff that's not necessarily cqlsh-specific
import re
from . import pylexotron
from itertools import izip
Hint = pylexotron.Hint
columnfamily_options = (
# (CQL option name, Thrift option name (or None if same))
('comment', None),
('comparator', 'comparator_type'),
('row_cache_provider', None),
('key_cache_size', None),
('row_cache_size', None),
('read_repair_chance', None),
('gc_grace_seconds', None),
('default_validation', 'default_validation_class'),
('min_compaction_threshold', None),
('max_compaction_threshold', None),
('row_cache_save_period_in_seconds', None),
('key_cache_save_period_in_seconds', None),
('replicate_on_write', None)
cql_type_to_apache_class = {
'ascii': 'AsciiType',
'bigint': 'LongType',
'blob': 'BytesType',
'boolean': 'BooleanType',
'counter': 'CounterColumnType',
'decimal': 'DecimalType',
'double': 'DoubleType',
'float': 'FloatType',
'int': 'Int32Type',
'text': 'UTF8Type',
'timestamp': 'DateType',
'uuid': 'UUIDType',
'varchar': 'UTF8Type',
'varint': 'IntegerType'
apache_class_to_cql_type = dict((v,k) for (k,v) in cql_type_to_apache_class.items())
cql_types = sorted(cql_type_to_apache_class.keys())
def find_validator_class(cqlname):
return cql_type_to_apache_class[cqlname]
replication_strategies = (
consistency_levels = (
# if a term matches this, it shouldn't need to be quoted to be valid cql
valid_cql_word_re = re.compile(r"^(?:[a-z][a-z0-9_]*|-?[0-9][0-9.]*)$", re.I)
def is_valid_cql_word(s):
return valid_cql_word_re.match(s) is not None
def tokenize_cql(cql_text):
return CqlLexotron.scan(cql_text)[0]
def cql_detokenize(toklist):
return ' '.join([t[1] for t in toklist])
# note: commands_end_with_newline may be extended by an importing module.
commands_end_with_newline = set()
def token_dequote(tok):
if tok[0] == 'stringLiteral':
# strip quotes
return tok[1][1:-1].replace("''", "'")
if tok[0] == 'unclosedString':
# strip one quote
return tok[1][1:].replace("''", "'")
if tok[0] == 'unclosedComment':
return ''
return tok[1]
def cql_dequote(cqlword):
cqlword = cqlword.strip()
if cqlword == '':
return cqlword
if cqlword[0] == "'":
cqlword = cqlword[1:-1].replace("''", "'")
return cqlword
def token_is_word(tok):
return tok[0] == 'identifier'
def cql_escape(value):
if value is None:
return 'NULL' # this totally won't work
if isinstance(value, float):
return '%f' % value
if isinstance(value, int):
return str(value)
return "'%s'" % value.replace("'", "''")
def maybe_cql_escape(value):
if is_valid_cql_word(value):
return value
return cql_escape(value)
def cql_typename(classname):
fq_classname = 'org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.'
if classname.startswith(fq_classname):
classname = classname[len(fq_classname):]
return apache_class_to_cql_type[classname]
except KeyError:
return cql_escape(classname)
special_completers = []
def completer_for(rulename, symname):
def registrator(f):
def completerwrapper(ctxt):
cass = ctxt.get_binding('cassandra_conn', None)
if cass is None:
return ()
return f(ctxt, cass)
completerwrapper.func_name = 'completerwrapper_on_' + f.func_name
special_completers.append((rulename, symname, completerwrapper))
return completerwrapper
return registrator
def explain_completion(rulename, symname, explanation=None):
if explanation is None:
explanation = '<%s>' % (symname,)
@completer_for(rulename, symname)
def explainer(ctxt, cass):
return [Hint(explanation)]
return explainer
def is_counter_col(cfdef, colname):
col_info = [cm for cm in cfdef.column_metadata if == colname]
return bool(col_info and cql_typename(col_info[0].validation_class) == 'counter')
syntax_rules = r'''
<Start> ::= <CQL_Statement>*
<CQL_Statement> ::= [statements]=<statementBody> ";"
# the order of these terminal productions is significant:
<endline> ::= /\n/ ;
JUNK ::= /([ \t\r\f\v]+|(--|[/][/])[^\n\r]*([\n\r]|$)|[/][*].*?[*][/])/ ;
<stringLiteral> ::= /'([^']|'')*'/ ;
<float> ::= /-?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/ ;
<integer> ::= /-?[0-9]+/ ;
<uuid> ::= /[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}/ ;
<identifier> ::= /[a-z][a-z0-9_:]*/ ;
<star> ::= "*" ;
<range> ::= ".." ;
<endtoken> ::= ";" ;
<op> ::= /[-+=,().]/ ;
<cmp> ::= /[<>]=?/ ;
<unclosedString> ::= /'([^']|'')*/ ;
<unclosedComment> ::= /[/][*][^\n]*$/ ;
<symbol> ::= <star>
| <range>
| <op>
| <cmp>
<name> ::= <identifier>
| <stringLiteral>
| <integer>
<term> ::= <stringLiteral>
| <integer>
| <float>
| <uuid>
<colname> ::= <term>
| <identifier>
<statementBody> ::= <useStatement>
| <selectStatement>
| <dataChangeStatement>
| <schemaChangeStatement>
<dataChangeStatement> ::= <insertStatement>
| <updateStatement>
| <deleteStatement>
| <truncateStatement>
| <batchStatement>
<schemaChangeStatement> ::= <createKeyspaceStatement>
| <createColumnFamilyStatement>
| <createIndexStatement>
| <dropKeyspaceStatement>
| <dropColumnFamilyStatement>
| <dropIndexStatement>
| <alterTableStatement>
<consistencylevel> ::= cl=<identifier> ;
<storageType> ::= typename=( <identifier> | <stringLiteral> );
@completer_for('consistencylevel', 'cl')
def cl_completer(ctxt, cass):
return consistency_levels
@completer_for('storageType', 'typename')
def storagetype_completer(ctxt, cass):
return cql_types
syntax_rules += r'''
<useStatement> ::= "USE" ksname=<name>
@completer_for('useStatement', 'ksname')
def use_ks_completer(ctxt, cass):
return map(maybe_cql_escape, cass.get_keyspace_names())
syntax_rules += r'''
<selectStatement> ::= "SELECT" <whatToSelect>
"FROM" ( selectks=<name> "." )? selectsource=<name>
("USING" "CONSISTENCY" <consistencylevel>)?
("WHERE" <selectWhereClause>)?
("LIMIT" <integer>)?
<selectWhereClause> ::= <relation> ("AND" <relation>)*
| keyname=<colname> "IN" "(" <term> ("," <term>)* ")"
<relation> ::= [rel_lhs]=<colname> ("=" | "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=") <colname>
<whatToSelect> ::= colname=<colname> ("," colname=<colname>)*
| ("FIRST" <integer>)? "REVERSED"? (rangestart=<colname> ".." rangeend=<colname>
| "*")
| "COUNT" countparens="(" "*" ")"
@completer_for('selectStatement', 'selectsource')
def select_source_completer(ctxt, cass):
ks = ctxt.get_binding('selectks', None)
if ks is not None:
ks = cql_dequote(ks)
cfnames = cass.get_columnfamily_names(ks)
except Exception:
if ks is None:
return ()
return map(maybe_cql_escape, cfnames)
@completer_for('selectStatement', 'selectks')
def select_keyspace_completer(ctxt, cass):
return [maybe_cql_escape(ks) + '.' for ks in cass.get_keyspace_names()]
@completer_for('selectWhereClause', 'keyname')
def select_where_keyname_completer(ctxt, cass):
ksname = ctxt.get_binding('selectks')
if ksname is not None:
ksname = cql_dequote(ksname)
selectsource = cql_dequote(ctxt.get_binding('selectsource'))
cfdef = cass.get_columnfamily(selectsource, ksname=ksname)
return [cfdef.key_alias if cfdef.key_alias is not None else 'KEY']
@completer_for('relation', 'rel_lhs')
def select_relation_lhs_completer(ctxt, cass):
ksname = ctxt.get_binding('selectks')
if ksname is not None:
ksname = cql_dequote(ksname)
selectsource = cql_dequote(ctxt.get_binding('selectsource'))
return map(maybe_cql_escape, cass.filterable_column_names(selectsource, ksname=ksname))
@completer_for('whatToSelect', 'countparens')
def select_count_parens_completer(ctxt, cass):
return ['(*)']
explain_completion('whatToSelect', 'colname')
explain_completion('whatToSelect', 'rangestart', '<range_start>')
explain_completion('whatToSelect', 'rangeend', '<range_end>')
syntax_rules += r'''
<insertStatement> ::= "INSERT" "INTO" insertcf=<name>
"(" keyname=<colname> ","
[colname]=<colname> ( "," [colname]=<colname> )* ")"
"VALUES" "(" <term> "," <term> ( "," <term> )* ")"
( "USING" [insertopt]=<usingOption>
( "AND" [insertopt]=<usingOption> )* )?
<usingOption> ::= "CONSISTENCY" <consistencylevel>
| "TIMESTAMP" <integer>
| "TTL" <integer>
@completer_for('insertStatement', 'insertcf')
def insert_cf_completer(ctxt, cass):
return map(maybe_cql_escape, cass.get_columnfamily_names())
@completer_for('insertStatement', 'keyname')
def insert_keyname_completer(ctxt, cass):
insertcf = ctxt.get_binding('insertcf')
cfdef = cass.get_columnfamily(cql_dequote(insertcf))
return [cfdef.key_alias if cfdef.key_alias is not None else 'KEY']
explain_completion('insertStatement', 'colname')
@completer_for('insertStatement', 'insertopt')
def insert_option_completer(ctxt, cass):
opts = set('CONSISTENCY TIMESTAMP TTL'.split())
for opt in ctxt.get_binding('insertopt', ()):
return opts
syntax_rules += r'''
<updateStatement> ::= "UPDATE" cf=<name>
( "USING" [updateopt]=<usingOption>
( "AND" [updateopt]=<usingOption> )* )?
"SET" <assignment> ( "," <assignment> )*
"WHERE" <updateWhereClause>
<assignment> ::= updatecol=<colname> "=" update_rhs=<colname>
( counterop=( "+" | "-"? ) <integer> )?
<updateWhereClause> ::= updatefiltercol=<colname> "=" <term>
| updatefilterkey=<colname> filter_in="IN" "(" <term> ( "," <term> )* ")"
@completer_for('updateStatement', 'cf')
def update_cf_completer(ctxt, cass):
return map(maybe_cql_escape, cass.get_columnfamily_names())
@completer_for('updateStatement', 'updateopt')
def insert_option_completer(ctxt, cass):
opts = set('CONSISTENCY TIMESTAMP TTL'.split())
for opt in ctxt.get_binding('updateopt', ()):
return opts
@completer_for('assignment', 'updatecol')
def update_col_completer(ctxt, cass):
cfdef = cass.get_columnfamily(cql_dequote(ctxt.get_binding('cf')))
colnames = map(maybe_cql_escape, [ for cm in cfdef.column_metadata])
return colnames + [Hint('<colname>')]
@completer_for('assignment', 'update_rhs')
def update_countername_completer(ctxt, cass):
cfdef = cass.get_columnfamily(cql_dequote(ctxt.get_binding('cf')))
curcol = cql_dequote(ctxt.get_binding('updatecol', ''))
return [maybe_cql_escape(curcol)] if is_counter_col(cfdef, curcol) else [Hint('<term>')]
@completer_for('assignment', 'counterop')
def update_counterop_completer(ctxt, cass):
cfdef = cass.get_columnfamily(cql_dequote(ctxt.get_binding('cf')))
curcol = cql_dequote(ctxt.get_binding('updatecol', ''))
return ['+', '-'] if is_counter_col(cfdef, curcol) else []
@completer_for('updateWhereClause', 'updatefiltercol')
def update_filtercol_completer(ctxt, cass):
cfname = cql_dequote(ctxt.get_binding('cf'))
return map(maybe_cql_escape, cass.filterable_column_names(cfname))
@completer_for('updateWhereClause', 'updatefilterkey')
def update_filterkey_completer(ctxt, cass):
cfdef = cass.get_columnfamily(cql_dequote(ctxt.get_binding('cf')))
return [cfdef.key_alias if cfdef.key_alias is not None else 'KEY']
@completer_for('updateWhereClause', 'filter_in')
def update_filter_in_completer(ctxt, cass):
cfdef = cass.get_columnfamily(cql_dequote(ctxt.get_binding('cf')))
fk = ctxt.get_binding('updatefilterkey')
return ['IN'] if fk in ('KEY', cfdef.key_alias) else []
syntax_rules += r'''
<deleteStatement> ::= "DELETE" ( [delcol]=<colname> ( "," [delcol]=<colname> )* )?
"FROM" cf=<name>
( "USING" [delopt]=<deleteOption> ( "AND" [delopt]=<deleteOption> )* )?
"WHERE" <updateWhereClause>
<deleteOption> ::= "CONSISTENCY" <consistencylevel>
| "TIMESTAMP" <integer>
@completer_for('deleteStatement', 'cf')
def delete_cf_completer(ctxt, cass):
return map(maybe_cql_escape, cass.get_columnfamily_names())
@completer_for('deleteStatement', 'delopt')
def delete_opt_completer(ctxt, cass):
opts = set('CONSISTENCY TIMESTAMP'.split())
for opt in ctxt.get_binding('delopt', ()):
return opts
explain_completion('deleteStatement', 'delcol', '<column_to_delete>')
syntax_rules += r'''
<batchStatement> ::= "BEGIN" "BATCH"
( "USING" [batchopt]=<usingOption>
( "AND" [batchopt]=<usingOption> )* )?
[batchstmt]=<batchStatementMember> ";"
( [batchstmt]=<batchStatementMember> ";" )*
<batchStatementMember> ::= <insertStatement>
| <updateStatement>
| <deleteStatement>
@completer_for('batchStatement', 'batchopt')
def batch_opt_completer(ctxt, cass):
opts = set('CONSISTENCY TIMESTAMP'.split())
for opt in ctxt.get_binding('batchopt', ()):
return opts
syntax_rules += r'''
<truncateStatement> ::= "TRUNCATE" cf=<name>
@completer_for('truncateStatement', 'cf')
def truncate_cf_completer(ctxt, cass):
return map(maybe_cql_escape, cass.get_columnfamily_names())
syntax_rules += r'''
<createKeyspaceStatement> ::= "CREATE" "KEYSPACE" ksname=<name>
"WITH" [optname]=<optionName> "=" [optval]=<optionVal>
( "AND" [optname]=<optionName> "=" [optval]=<optionVal> )*
<optionName> ::= <identifier> ( ":" ( <identifier> | <integer> ) )?
<optionVal> ::= <stringLiteral>
| <identifier>
| <integer>
explain_completion('createKeyspaceStatement', 'ksname', '<new_keyspace_name>')
@completer_for('createKeyspaceStatement', 'optname')
def create_ks_opt_completer(ctxt, cass):
exist_opts = ctxt.get_binding('optname', ())
stratopt = exist_opts.index('strategy_class')
except ValueError:
return ['strategy_class =']
vals = ctxt.get_binding('optval')
stratclass = cql_dequote(vals[stratopt])
if stratclass in ('SimpleStrategy', 'OldNetworkTopologyStrategy'):
return ['strategy_options:replication_factor =']
return [Hint('<strategy_option_name>')]
@completer_for('createKeyspaceStatement', 'optval')
def create_ks_optval_completer(ctxt, cass):
exist_opts = ctxt.get_binding('optname', (None,))
if exist_opts[-1] == 'strategy_class':
return map(cql_escape, replication_strategies)
return [Hint('<option_value>')]
syntax_rules += r'''
<createColumnFamilyStatement> ::= "CREATE" "COLUMNFAMILY" cf=<name>
"(" keyalias=<colname> <storageType> "PRIMARY" "KEY"
( "," colname=<colname> <storageType> )* ")"
( "WITH" [cfopt]=<identifier> "=" [optval]=<cfOptionVal>
( "AND" [cfopt]=<identifier> "=" [optval]=<cfOptionVal> )* )?
<cfOptionVal> ::= <storageType>
| <identifier>
| <stringLiteral>
| <integer>
| <float>
explain_completion('createColumnFamilyStatement', 'keyalias', '<new_key_alias>')
explain_completion('createColumnFamilyStatement', 'cf', '<new_columnfamily_name>')
explain_completion('createColumnFamilyStatement', 'colname', '<new_column_name>')
explain_completion('createColumnFamilyStatement', 'optval', '<option_value>')
@completer_for('createColumnFamilyStatement', 'cfopt')
def create_cf_option_completer(ctxt, cass):
return [c[0] for c in columnfamily_options]
syntax_rules += r'''
<createIndexStatement> ::= "CREATE" "INDEX" indexname=<identifier>? "ON"
cf=<name> "(" col=<colname> ")"
explain_completion('createIndexStatement', 'indexname', '<new_index_name>')
@completer_for('createIndexStatement', 'cf')
def create_index_cf_completer(ctxt, cass):
return map(maybe_cql_escape, cass.get_columnfamily_names())
@completer_for('createIndexStatement', 'col')
def create_index_col_completer(ctxt, cass):
cfdef = cass.get_columnfamily(cql_dequote(ctxt.get_binding('cf')))
colnames = [ for md in cfdef.column_metadata if md.index_name is None]
return map(maybe_cql_escape, colnames)
syntax_rules += r'''
<dropKeyspaceStatement> ::= "DROP" "KEYSPACE" ksname=<name>
@completer_for('dropKeyspaceStatement', 'ksname')
def drop_ks_completer(ctxt, cass):
return map(maybe_cql_escape, cass.get_keyspace_names())
syntax_rules += r'''
<dropColumnFamilyStatement> ::= "DROP" "COLUMNFAMILY" cf=<name>
@completer_for('dropColumnFamilyStatement', 'cf')
def drop_cf_completer(ctxt, cass):
return map(maybe_cql_escape, cass.get_columnfamily_names())
syntax_rules += r'''
<dropIndexStatement> ::= "DROP" "INDEX" indexname=<name>
@completer_for('dropIndexStatement', 'cf')
def drop_index_completer(ctxt, cass):
return map(maybe_cql_escape, cass.get_index_names())
syntax_rules += r'''
<alterTableStatement> ::= "ALTER" "COLUMNFAMILY" cf=<name> <alterInstructions>
<alterInstructions> ::= "ALTER" existcol=<name> "TYPE" <storageType>
| "ADD" newcol=<name> <storageType>
| "DROP" existcol=<name>
@completer_for('alterTableStatement', 'cf')
def alter_table_cf_completer(ctxt, cass):
return map(maybe_cql_escape, cass.get_columnfamily_names())
@completer_for('alterInstructions', 'existcol')
def alter_table_col_completer(ctxt, cass):
cfdef = cass.get_columnfamily(cql_dequote(ctxt.get_binding('cf')))
return map(maybe_cql_escape, [ for md in cfdef.column_metadata])
explain_completion('alterInstructions', 'newcol', '<new_column_name>')
CqlRuleSet = pylexotron.ParsingRuleSet.from_rule_defs(syntax_rules)
for rulename, symname, compf in special_completers:
CqlRuleSet.register_completer(compf, rulename, symname)
def cql_add_completer(rulename, symname):
registrator = completer_for(rulename, symname)
def more_registration(f):
f = registrator(f)
CqlRuleSet.register_completer(f, rulename, symname)
return f
return more_registration
def cql_parse(text, startsymbol='Start'):
tokens = CqlRuleSet.lex(text)
tokens = cql_massage_tokens(tokens)
return cql_parse_tokens(tokens, startsymbol)
def cql_parse_tokens(toklist, startsymbol='Start'):
return CqlRuleSet.parse(startsymbol, toklist)
def cql_whole_parse_tokens(toklist, startsymbol='Start'):
return CqlRuleSet.whole_match(startsymbol, toklist)
def cql_massage_tokens(toklist):
curstmt = []
output = []
term_on_nl = False
for t in toklist:
if t[0] == 'endline':
if term_on_nl:
t = ('endtoken', '\n')
# don't put any 'endline' tokens in output
if t[0] == 'endtoken':
term_on_nl = False
curstmt = []
if len(curstmt) == 1:
# first token in statement; command word
cmd = t[1].lower()
term_on_nl = bool(cmd in commands_end_with_newline)
return output
def split_list(items, pred):
thisresult = []
results = [thisresult]
for i in items:
if pred(i):
thisresult = []
return results
def cql_split_statements(text):
tokens = CqlRuleSet.lex(text)
tokens = cql_massage_tokens(tokens)
stmts = split_list(tokens, lambda t: t[0] == 'endtoken')
output = []
in_batch = False
for stmt in stmts:
if in_batch:
if len(stmt) > 1 \
and stmt[0][0] == 'identifier' and stmt[1][0] == 'identifier' \
and stmt[1][1].lower() == 'batch':
if stmt[0][1].lower() == 'begin':
in_batch = True
elif stmt[0][1].lower() == 'apply':
in_batch = False
return output, in_batch
def want_space_between(tok, following):
if tok[0] == 'op' and tok[1] in (',', ')', '='):
return True
if tok[0] == 'stringLiteral' and following[0] != ';':
return True
if tok[0] == 'star' and following[0] != ')':
return True
if tok[0] == 'endtoken':
return True
if tok[1][-1].isalnum() and following[0] != ',':
return True
return False
def find_common_prefix(strs):
common = []
for cgroup in izip(*strs):
if all(x == cgroup[0] for x in cgroup[1:]):
return ''.join(common)
def list_bifilter(pred, iterable):
yes_s = []
no_s = []
for i in iterable:
(yes_s if pred(i) else no_s).append(i)
return yes_s, no_s
def cql_complete_single(text, partial, init_bindings={}, ignore_case=True, startsymbol='Start'):
tokens = (cql_split_statements(text)[0] or [[]])[-1]
bindings = init_bindings.copy()
# handle some different completion scenarios- in particular, completing
# inside a string literal
prefix = None
if tokens and tokens[-1][0] == 'unclosedString':
prefix = token_dequote(tokens[-1])
tokens = tokens[:-1]
partial = prefix + partial
if tokens and tokens[-1][0] == 'unclosedComment':
return []
# find completions for the position
completions = CqlRuleSet.complete(startsymbol, tokens, init_bindings)
hints, strcompletes = list_bifilter(pylexotron.is_hint, completions)
# it's possible to get a newline token from completion; of course, we
# don't want to actually have that be a candidate, we just want to hint
if '\n' in strcompletes:
if partial == '':
# find matches with the partial word under completion
if ignore_case:
partial = partial.lower()
f = lambda s: s and cql_dequote(s).lower().startswith(partial)
f = lambda s: s and cql_dequote(s).startswith(partial)
candidates = filter(f, strcompletes)
if prefix is not None:
# dequote, re-escape, strip quotes: gets us the right quoted text
# for completion. the opening quote is already there on the command
# line and not part of the word under completion, and readline
# fills in the closing quote for us.
candidates = [cql_escape(cql_dequote(c))[len(prefix)+1:-1] for c in candidates]
# prefix a space when desirable for pleasant cql formatting
if tokens:
newcandidates = []
for c in candidates:
if want_space_between(tokens[-1], c) \
and prefix is None \
and not text[-1].isspace() \
and not c[0].isspace():
c = ' ' + c
candidates = newcandidates
return candidates, hints
def cql_complete(text, partial, cassandra_conn=None, ignore_case=True, debug=False,
init_bindings = {'cassandra_conn': cassandra_conn}
if debug:
init_bindings['*DEBUG*'] = True
completions, hints = cql_complete_single(text, partial, init_bindings, startsymbol=startsymbol)
if hints:
hints = [h.text for h in hints]
if len(completions) == 1 and len(hints) == 0:
c = completions[0]
if not c.isspace():
new_c = cql_complete_multiple(text, c, init_bindings, startsymbol=startsymbol)
completions = [new_c]
return hints + completions
def cql_complete_multiple(text, first, init_bindings, startsymbol='Start'):
completions, hints = cql_complete_single(text + first, '', init_bindings,
except Exception:
return first
if hints:
if not first[-1].isspace():
first += ' '
return first
if len(completions) == 1 and completions[0] != '':
first += completions[0]
common_prefix = find_common_prefix(completions)
if common_prefix != '':
first += common_prefix
return first
return cql_complete_multiple(text, first, init_bindings, startsymbol=startsymbol)