blob: 430b937884ca868505f08ece4fe0bcc6893f35f4 [file] [log] [blame]
- Nothing specific to 0.7.8, but see 0.7.3 Upgrading if upgrading
from earlier than 0.7.1.
- Nothing specific to 0.7.7, but see 0.7.3 Upgrading if upgrading
from earlier than 0.7.1.
- Nothing specific to 0.7.6, but see 0.7.3 Upgrading if upgrading
from earlier than 0.7.1.
- Nothing specific to 0.7.5, but see 0.7.3 Upgrading if upgrading
from earlier than 0.7.1.
- system_update_column_family no longer snapshots before applying
the schema change. (_update_keyspace never did. _drop_keyspace
and _drop_column_family continue to snapshot.)
- added memtable_flush_queue_size option to cassandra.yaml to
avoid blocking writes when multiple column families (or a colum
family with indexes) are flushed at the same time.
- allow overriding initial_token, storage_port and rpc_port using
system properties
- Nothing specific to 0.7.4, but see 0.7.3 Upgrading if upgrading
from earlier than 0.7.1.
- Output to Pig is now supported as well as input
- 0.7.1 and 0.7.2 shipped with a bug that caused incorrect row-level
bloom filters to be generated when compacting sstables generated
with earlier versions. This would manifest in IOExceptions during
column name-based queries. 0.7.3 provides "nodetool scrub" to
rebuild sstables with correct bloom filters, with no data lost.
(If your cluster was never on 0.7.0 or earlier, you don't have to
worry about this.) Note that nodetool scrub will snapshot your
data files before rebuilding, just in case.
- 0.7.1 is completely backwards compatible with 0.7.0. Just restart
each node with the new version, one at a time. (The cluster does
not all need to be upgraded simultaneously.)
- added flush_largest_memtables_at and reduce_cache_sizes_at options
to cassandra.yaml as an escape valve for memory pressure
- added option to specify -Dcassandra.join_ring=false on startup
to allow "warm spare" nodes or performing JMX maintenance before
joining the ring
- Disk writes and sequential scans avoid polluting page cache
(requires JNA to be enabled)
- Cassandra performs writes efficiently across datacenters by
sending a single copy of the mutation and having the recipient
forward that to other replicas in its datacenter.
- Improved network buffering
- Reduced lock contention on memtable flush
- Optimized supercolumn deserialization
- Zero-copy reads from mmapped sstable files
- Explicitly set higher JVM new generation size
- Reduced i/o contention during saving of caches
- Secondary indexes (indexes on column values) are now supported
- Row size limit increased from 2GB to 2 billion columns. rows
are no longer read into memory during compaction.
- Keyspace and ColumnFamily definitions may be added and modified live
- Streaming data for repair or node movement no longer requires
anticompaction step first
- NetworkTopologyStrategy (formerly DatacenterShardStrategy) is ready for
use, enabling ConsistencyLevel.DCQUORUM and DCQUORUMSYNC. See comments
in `cassandra.yaml.`
- Optional per-Column time-to-live field allows expiring data without
have to issue explicit remove commands
- `truncate` thrift method allows clearing an entire ColumnFamily at once
- Hadoop OutputFormat and Streaming [non-jvm map/reduce via stdin/out]
- Up to 8x faster reads from row cache
- A new ByteOrderedPartitioner supports bytes keys with arbitrary content,
and orders keys by their byte value. This should be used in new
deployments instead of OrderPreservingPartitioner.
- Optional round-robin scheduling between keyspaces for multitenant
- Dynamic endpoint snitch mitigates the impact of impaired nodes
- New `IntegerType`, faster than LongType and allows integers of
both less and more bits than Long's 64
- A revamped authentication system that decouples authorization and
allows finer-grained control of resources.
The Thrift API has changed in incompatible ways; see below, and refer
to for a list of
higher-level clients that have been updated to support the 0.7 API.
The Cassandra inter-node protocol is incompatible with 0.6.x
releases (and with 0.7 beta1), meaning you will have to bring your
cluster down prior to upgrading: you cannot mix 0.6 and 0.7 nodes.
The hints schema was changed from 0.6 to 0.7. Cassandra automatically
snapshots and then truncates the hints column family as part of
starting up 0.7 for the first time.
Keyspace and ColumnFamily definitions are stored in the system
keyspace, rather than the configuration file.
The process to upgrade is:
1) run "nodetool drain" on _each_ 0.6 node. When drain finishes (log
message "Node is drained" appears), stop the process.
2) Convert your storage-conf.xml to the new cassandra.yaml using
3) Rename any of your keyspace or column family names that do not adhere
to the '^\w+' regex convention.
4) Start up your cluster with the 0.7 version.
5) Initialize your Keyspace and ColumnFamily definitions using
"bin/schematool <host> <jmxport> import". _You only need to do
this to one node_.
Thrift API
- The Cassandra server now defaults to framed mode, rather than
unframed. Unframed is obsolete and will be removed in the next
major release.
- The Cassandra Thrift interface file has been updated for Thrift 0.5.
If you are compiling your own client code from the interface, you
will need to upgrade the Thrift compiler to match.
- Row keys are now bytes: keys stored by versions prior to 0.7.0 will be
returned as UTF-8 encoded bytes. OrderPreservingPartitioner and
CollatingOrderPreservingPartitioner continue to expect that keys contain
UTF-8 encoded strings, but RandomPartitioner now works on any key data.
- keyspace parameters have been replaced with the per-connection
set_keyspace method.
- The return type for login() is now AccessLevel.
- The get_string_property() method has been removed.
- The get_string_list_property() method has been removed.
- Configuration file renamed to cassandra.yaml and to
- PropertyFileSnitch configuration file renamed to
- The ThriftAddress and ThriftPort directives have been renamed to
RPCAddress and RPCPort respectively.
- EndPointSnitch was renamed to RackInferringSnitch. A new SimpleSnitch
has been added.
- RackUnawareStrategy and RackAwareStrategy have been renamed to
SimpleStrategy and OldNetworkTopologyStrategy, respectively.
- RowWarningThresholdInMB replaced with in_memory_compaction_limit_in_mb
- GCGraceSeconds is now per-ColumnFamily instead of global
- Keyspace and column family names that do not confirm to a '^\w+' regex
are considered illegal.
- Keyspace and column family definitions will need to be loaded via
"bin/schematool <host> <jmxport> import". _You only need to do this to
one node_.
- In addition to an authenticator, an authority must be configured as
well. Users of SimpleAuthenticator should use SimpleAuthority for this
value (the default is AllowAllAuthority, which corresponds with
- The format of has changed, see the sample configuration
conf/ for documentation on the new format.
- StreamingService moved from o.a.c.streaming to o.a.c.service
- GMFD renamed to GOSSIP_STAGE
- {Min,Mean,Max}RowCompactedSize renamed to {Min,Mean,Max}RowSize
since it no longer has to wait til compaction to be computed
- If extending AbstractType, make sure you follow the singleton pattern
followed by Cassandra core AbstractType classes: provide a public
static final variable called 'instance'.
- As part of the cache-saving feature, a third directory
(along with data and commitlog) has been added to the config
file. You will need to set and create this directory
when restarting your node into 0.6.6.
- We try to keep minor versions 100% compatible (data format,
commitlog format, network format) within the major series, but
we introduced a network-level incompatibility in 0.6.1.
Thus, if you are upgrading from 0.6.0 to any higher version
(0.6.1, 0.6.2, etc.) then you will need to restart your entire
cluster with the new version, instead of being able to do a
rolling restart.
- row caching: configure with the RowsCached attribute in
ColumnFamily definition
- Hadoop map/reduce support: see contrib/word_count for an example
- experimental authentication support, described under
Authenticator in storage.conf
- MemtableSizeInMB has been replaced by MemtableThroughputInMB which
triggers a memtable flush when the specified amount of data has
been written, including overwrites.
- MemtableObjectCountInMillions has been replaced by the
MemtableOperationsInMillions directive which causes a memtable flush
to occur after the specified number of operations.
- Like MemtableSizeInMB, BinaryMemtableSizeInMB has been replaced by
- Replication factor is now per-keyspace, rather than global.
- KeysCachedFraction is deprecated in favor of KeysCached
- RowWarningThresholdInMB added, to warn before very large rows
get big enough to threaten node stability
Thrift API
- removed deprecated get_key_range method
- added batch_mutate meethod
- deprecated multiget and batch_insert methods in favor of
multiget_slice and batch_mutate, respectively
- added ConsistencyLevel.ANY, for when you want write
availability even when it may not be readable immediately.
Unlike CL.ZERO, though, it will throw an exception if
it cannot be written *somewhere*.
JMX metrics
- read and write statistics are reported as lifetime totals,
instead of averages over the last minute. average-since-last
requested are also available for convenience.
- cache hit rate statistics are now available from JMX under
- compaction JMX metrics are moved to
org.apache.cassandra.db.CompactionManager. PendingTasks is now
a much better estimate of compactions remaining, and the
progress of the current compaction has been added.
- commitlog JMX metrics are moved to org.apache.cassandra.db.Commitlog
- progress of data streaming during bootstrap, loadbalance, or other
data migration, is available under
See for details.
- 0.6 network traffic is not compatible with earlier versions. You
will need to shut down all your nodes at once, upgrade, then restart.
0. The commitlog format has changed (but sstable format has not).
When upgrading from 0.4, empty the commitlog either by running
bin/nodeprobe flush on each machine and waiting for the flush to finish,
or simply remove the commitlog directory if you only have test data.
(If more writes come in after the flush command, starting 0.5 will error
out; if that happens, just go back to 0.4 and flush again.)
The format changed twice: from 0.4 to beta1, and from beta2 to RC1.
.5 The gossip protocol has changed, meaning 0.5 nodes cannot coexist
in a cluster of 0.4 nodes or vice versa; you must upgrade your
whole cluster at the same time.
1. Bootstrap, move, load balancing, and active repair have been added.
See When upgrading
from 0.4, leave autobootstrap set to false for the first restart
of your old nodes.
2. Performance improvements across the board, especially on the write
path (over 100% improvement in throughput).
3. Configuration:
- Added "comment" field to ColumnFamily definition.
- Added MemtableFlushAfterMinutes, a global replacement for the
old per-CF FlushPeriodInMinutes setting
- Key cache settings
4. Thrift:
- Added get_range_slice, deprecating get_key_range
1. Improve default garbage collector options significantly --
throughput will be 30% higher or more.
1. SnapshotBeforeCompaction configuration option allows snapshotting
before each compaction, which allows rolling back to any version
of the data.
1. On-disk data format has changed to allow billions of keys/rows per
node instead of only millions. The new format is incompatible with 0.3;
see 0.3 notes below for how to import data from a 0.3 install.
2. Cassandra now supports multiple keyspaces. Typically you will have
one keyspace per application, allowing applications to be able to
create and modify ColumnFamilies at will without worrying about
collisions with others in the same cluster.
3. Many Thrift API changes and documentation. See
4. Removed the web interface in favor of JMX and bin/nodeprobe, which
has significantly enhanced functionality.
5. Renamed configuration "<Table>" to "<Keyspace>".
6. Added commitlog fsync; see "<CommitLogSync>" in configuration.
1. With enough and large enough keys in a ColumnFamily, Cassandra will
run out of memory trying to perform compactions (data file merges).
The size of what is stored in memory is (S + 16) * (N + M) where S
is the size of the key (usually 2 bytes per character), N is the
number of keys and M, is the map overhead (which can be guestimated
at around 32 bytes per key).
So, if you have 10-character keys and 1GB of headroom in your heap
space for compaction, you can expect to store about 17M keys
before running into problems.
2. Because fixing #1 requires a data file format change, 0.4 will not
be binary-compatible with 0.3 data files. A client-side upgrade
can be done relatively easily with the following algorithm:
for key in old_client.get_key_range(everything):
columns = old_client.get_slice or get_slice_super(key, all columns)
new_client.batch_insert or batch_insert_super(key, columns)
The inner loop can be trivially parallelized for speed.
3. Commitlog does not fsync before reporting a write successful.
Using blocking writes mitigates this to some degree, since all
nodes that were part of the write quorum would have to fail
before sync for data to be lost.
Additionally, row size (that is, all the data associated with a single
key in a given ColumnFamily) is limited by available memory, because
compaction deserializes each row before merging.