blob: a8a0ba83b26c785cdb5a47475772734c18025717 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# code for dealing with CQL's syntax, rules, interpretation
# i.e., stuff that's not necessarily cqlsh-specific
import traceback
from cassandra.metadata import cql_keywords_reserved
from . import pylexotron, util
Hint = pylexotron.Hint
class CqlParsingRuleSet(pylexotron.ParsingRuleSet):
available_compression_classes = (
available_compaction_classes = (
replication_strategies = (
replication_factor_strategies = (
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
pylexotron.ParsingRuleSet.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
# note: commands_end_with_newline may be extended by callers.
self.commands_end_with_newline = set()
def set_reserved_keywords(self, keywords):
We cannot let resreved cql keywords be simple 'identifier' since this caused
problems with completion, see CASSANDRA-10415
syntax = '<reserved_identifier> ::= /(' + '|'.join(r'\b{}\b'.format(k) for k in keywords) + ')/ ;'
def completer_for(self, rulename, symname):
def registrator(f):
def completerwrapper(ctxt):
cass = ctxt.get_binding('cassandra_conn', None)
if cass is None:
return ()
return f(ctxt, cass)
completerwrapper.func_name = 'completerwrapper_on_' + f.func_name
self.register_completer(completerwrapper, rulename, symname)
return completerwrapper
return registrator
def explain_completion(self, rulename, symname, explanation=None):
if explanation is None:
explanation = '<%s>' % (symname,)
@self.completer_for(rulename, symname)
def explainer(ctxt, cass):
return [Hint(explanation)]
return explainer
def cql_massage_tokens(self, toklist):
curstmt = []
output = []
term_on_nl = False
for t in toklist:
if t[0] == 'endline':
if term_on_nl:
t = ('endtoken',) + t[1:]
# don't put any 'endline' tokens in output
# Convert all unicode tokens to ascii, where possible. This
# helps avoid problems with performing unicode-incompatible
# operations on tokens (like .lower()). See CASSANDRA-9083
# for one example of this.
str_token = t[1]
if isinstance(str_token, unicode):
str_token = str_token.encode('ascii')
t = (t[0], str_token) + t[2:]
except UnicodeEncodeError:
if t[0] == 'endtoken':
term_on_nl = False
curstmt = []
if len(curstmt) == 1:
# first token in statement; command word
cmd = t[1].lower()
term_on_nl = bool(cmd in self.commands_end_with_newline)
return output
def cql_parse(self, text, startsymbol='Start'):
tokens = self.lex(text)
tokens = self.cql_massage_tokens(tokens)
return self.parse(startsymbol, tokens, init_bindings={'*SRC*': text})
def cql_whole_parse_tokens(self, toklist, srcstr=None, startsymbol='Start'):
return self.whole_match(startsymbol, toklist, srcstr=srcstr)
def cql_split_statements(self, text):
tokens = self.lex(text)
tokens = self.cql_massage_tokens(tokens)
stmts = util.split_list(tokens, lambda t: t[0] == 'endtoken')
output = []
in_batch = False
in_pg_string = len([st for st in tokens if len(st) > 0 and st[0] == 'unclosedPgString']) == 1
for stmt in stmts:
if in_batch:
if len(stmt) > 2:
if stmt[-3][1].upper() == 'APPLY':
in_batch = False
elif stmt[0][1].upper() == 'BEGIN':
in_batch = True
return output, in_batch or in_pg_string
def cql_complete_single(self, text, partial, init_bindings={}, ignore_case=True,
tokens = (self.cql_split_statements(text)[0] or [[]])[-1]
bindings = init_bindings.copy()
# handle some different completion scenarios- in particular, completing
# inside a string literal
prefix = None
dequoter = util.identity
lasttype = None
if tokens:
lasttype = tokens[-1][0]
if lasttype == 'unclosedString':
prefix = self.token_dequote(tokens[-1])
tokens = tokens[:-1]
partial = prefix + partial
dequoter = self.dequote_value
requoter = self.escape_value
elif lasttype == 'unclosedName':
prefix = self.token_dequote(tokens[-1])
tokens = tokens[:-1]
partial = prefix + partial
dequoter = self.dequote_name
requoter = self.escape_name
elif lasttype == 'unclosedComment':
return []
bindings['partial'] = partial
bindings['*LASTTYPE*'] = lasttype
bindings['*SRC*'] = text
# find completions for the position
completions = self.complete(startsymbol, tokens, bindings)
hints, strcompletes = util.list_bifilter(pylexotron.is_hint, completions)
# it's possible to get a newline token from completion; of course, we
# don't want to actually have that be a candidate, we just want to hint
if '\n' in strcompletes:
if partial == '':
# find matches with the partial word under completion
if ignore_case:
partial = partial.lower()
f = lambda s: s and dequoter(s).lower().startswith(partial)
f = lambda s: s and dequoter(s).startswith(partial)
candidates = filter(f, strcompletes)
if prefix is not None:
# dequote, re-escape, strip quotes: gets us the right quoted text
# for completion. the opening quote is already there on the command
# line and not part of the word under completion, and readline
# fills in the closing quote for us.
candidates = [requoter(dequoter(c))[len(prefix) + 1:-1] for c in candidates]
# the above process can result in an empty string; this doesn't help for
# completions
candidates = filter(None, candidates)
# prefix a space when desirable for pleasant cql formatting
if tokens:
newcandidates = []
for c in candidates:
if self.want_space_between(tokens[-1], c) \
and prefix is None \
and not text[-1].isspace() \
and not c[0].isspace():
c = ' ' + c
candidates = newcandidates
# append a space for single, complete identifiers
if len(candidates) == 1 and candidates[0][-1].isalnum() \
and lasttype != 'unclosedString' \
and lasttype != 'unclosedName':
candidates[0] += ' '
return candidates, hints
def want_space_between(tok, following):
if following in (',', ')', ':'):
return False
if tok[0] == 'op' and tok[1] in (',', ')', '='):
return True
if tok[0] == 'stringLiteral' and following[0] != ';':
return True
if tok[0] == 'star' and following[0] != ')':
return True
if tok[0] == 'endtoken':
return True
if tok[1][-1].isalnum() and following[0] != ',':
return True
return False
def cql_complete(self, text, partial, cassandra_conn=None, ignore_case=True, debug=False,
init_bindings = {'cassandra_conn': cassandra_conn}
if debug:
init_bindings['*DEBUG*'] = True
print "cql_complete(%r, partial=%r)" % (text, partial)
completions, hints = self.cql_complete_single(text, partial, init_bindings,
if hints:
hints = [h.text for h in hints]
if len(completions) == 1 and len(hints) == 0:
c = completions[0]
if debug:
print "** Got one completion: %r. Checking for further matches...\n" % (c,)
if not c.isspace():
new_c = self.cql_complete_multiple(text, c, init_bindings, startsymbol=startsymbol)
completions = [new_c]
if debug:
print "** New list of completions: %r" % (completions,)
return hints + completions
def cql_complete_multiple(self, text, first, init_bindings, startsymbol='Start'):
debug = init_bindings.get('*DEBUG*', False)
completions, hints = self.cql_complete_single(text + first, '', init_bindings,
except Exception:
if debug:
print "** completion expansion had a problem:"
return first
if hints:
if not first[-1].isspace():
first += ' '
if debug:
print "** completion expansion found hints: %r" % (hints,)
return first
if len(completions) == 1 and completions[0] != '':
if debug:
print "** Got another completion: %r." % (completions[0],)
if completions[0][0] in (',', ')', ':') and first[-1] == ' ':
first = first[:-1]
first += completions[0]
common_prefix = util.find_common_prefix(completions)
if common_prefix == '':
return first
if common_prefix[0] in (',', ')', ':') and first[-1] == ' ':
first = first[:-1]
if debug:
print "** Got a partial completion: %r." % (common_prefix,)
return first + common_prefix
if debug:
print "** New total completion: %r. Checking for further matches...\n" % (first,)
return self.cql_complete_multiple(text, first, init_bindings, startsymbol=startsymbol)
def cql_extract_orig(toklist, srcstr):
# low end of span for first token, to high end of span for last token
return srcstr[toklist[0][2][0]:toklist[-1][2][1]]
def token_dequote(tok):
if tok[0] == 'unclosedName':
# strip one quote
return tok[1][1:].replace('""', '"')
if tok[0] == 'quotedStringLiteral':
# strip quotes
return tok[1][1:-1].replace("''", "'")
if tok[0] == 'unclosedString':
# strip one quote
return tok[1][1:].replace("''", "'")
if tok[0] == 'unclosedComment':
return ''
return tok[1]
def token_is_word(tok):
return tok[0] == 'identifier'