blob: d5014236a791a85c504b4147ec315684816f8e95 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.schema;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.audit.AuditLogContext;
import org.apache.cassandra.audit.AuditLogEntryType;
import org.apache.cassandra.auth.Permission;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.CQLStatement;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.ColumnIdentifier;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.QualifiedName;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.schema.IndexTarget.Type;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.Keyspace;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.MapType;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.InvalidRequestException;
import org.apache.cassandra.index.sasi.SASIIndex;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.Keyspaces.KeyspacesDiff;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.ClientState;
import org.apache.cassandra.transport.Event.SchemaChange;
import org.apache.cassandra.transport.Event.SchemaChange.Change;
import org.apache.cassandra.transport.Event.SchemaChange.Target;
import static;
import static;
public final class CreateIndexStatement extends AlterSchemaStatement
private final String indexName;
private final String tableName;
private final List<IndexTarget.Raw> rawIndexTargets;
private final IndexAttributes attrs;
private final boolean ifNotExists;
public CreateIndexStatement(String keyspaceName,
String tableName,
String indexName,
List<IndexTarget.Raw> rawIndexTargets,
IndexAttributes attrs,
boolean ifNotExists)
this.tableName = tableName;
this.indexName = indexName;
this.rawIndexTargets = rawIndexTargets;
this.attrs = attrs;
this.ifNotExists = ifNotExists;
public Keyspaces apply(Keyspaces schema)
if (attrs.isCustom && attrs.customClass.equals(SASIIndex.class.getName()) && !DatabaseDescriptor.getEnableSASIIndexes())
throw new InvalidRequestException("SASI indexes are disabled. Enable in cassandra.yaml to use.");
KeyspaceMetadata keyspace = schema.getNullable(keyspaceName);
if (null == keyspace)
throw ire("Keyspace '%s' doesn't exist", keyspaceName);
TableMetadata table = keyspace.getTableOrViewNullable(tableName);
if (null == table)
throw ire("Table '%s' doesn't exist", tableName);
if (null != indexName && keyspace.hasIndex(indexName))
if (ifNotExists)
return schema;
throw ire("Index '%s' already exists", indexName);
if (table.isCounter())
throw ire("Secondary indexes on counter tables aren't supported");
if (table.isView())
throw ire("Secondary indexes on materialized views aren't supported");
if (
throw new InvalidRequestException("Secondary indexes are not supported on transiently replicated keyspaces");
List<IndexTarget> indexTargets = Lists.newArrayList(transform(rawIndexTargets, t -> t.prepare(table)));
if (indexTargets.isEmpty() && !attrs.isCustom)
throw ire("Only CUSTOM indexes can be created without specifying a target column");
if (indexTargets.size() > 1)
if (!attrs.isCustom)
throw ire("Only CUSTOM indexes support multiple columns");
Set<ColumnIdentifier> columns = new HashSet<>();
for (IndexTarget target : indexTargets)
if (!columns.add(target.column))
throw ire("Duplicate column '%s' in index target list", target.column);
indexTargets.forEach(t -> validateIndexTarget(table, t));
String name = null == indexName ? generateIndexName(keyspace, indexTargets) : indexName;
IndexMetadata.Kind kind = attrs.isCustom ? IndexMetadata.Kind.CUSTOM : IndexMetadata.Kind.COMPOSITES;
Map<String, String> options = attrs.isCustom ? attrs.getOptions() : Collections.emptyMap();
IndexMetadata index = IndexMetadata.fromIndexTargets(indexTargets, name, kind, options);
// check to disallow creation of an index which duplicates an existing one in all but name
IndexMetadata equalIndex = tryFind(table.indexes, i -> i.equalsWithoutName(index)).orNull();
if (null != equalIndex)
if (ifNotExists)
return schema;
throw ire("Index %s is a duplicate of existing index %s",,;
TableMetadata newTable = table.withSwapped(table.indexes.with(index));
return schema.withAddedOrUpdated(keyspace.withSwapped(keyspace.tables.withSwapped(newTable)));
Set<String> clientWarnings(KeyspacesDiff diff)
if (attrs.isCustom && attrs.customClass.equals(SASIIndex.class.getName()))
return ImmutableSet.of(SASIIndex.USAGE_WARNING);
return ImmutableSet.of();
private void validateIndexTarget(TableMetadata table, IndexTarget target)
ColumnMetadata column = table.getColumn(target.column);
if (null == column)
throw ire("Column '%s' doesn't exist", target.column);
if (column.type.referencesDuration())
if (column.type.isCollection())
throw ire("Secondary indexes are not supported on collections containing durations");
if (column.type.isTuple())
throw ire("Secondary indexes are not supported on tuples containing durations");
if (column.type.isUDT())
throw ire("Secondary indexes are not supported on UDTs containing durations");
throw ire("Secondary indexes are not supported on duration columns");
if (table.isCompactTable())
TableMetadata.CompactTableMetadata compactTable = (TableMetadata.CompactTableMetadata) table;
if (column.isPrimaryKeyColumn())
throw new InvalidRequestException("Secondary indexes are not supported on PRIMARY KEY columns in COMPACT STORAGE tables");
if (compactTable.compactValueColumn.equals(column))
throw new InvalidRequestException("Secondary indexes are not supported on compact value column of COMPACT STORAGE tables");
if (column.isPartitionKey() && table.partitionKeyColumns().size() == 1)
throw ire("Cannot create secondary index on the only partition key column %s", column);
if (column.type.isFrozenCollection() && target.type != Type.FULL)
throw ire("Cannot create %s() index on frozen column %s. Frozen collections are immutable and must be fully " +
"indexed by using the 'full(%s)' modifier", target.type, column, column);
if (!column.type.isFrozenCollection() && target.type == Type.FULL)
throw ire("full() indexes can only be created on frozen collections");
if (!column.type.isCollection() && target.type != Type.SIMPLE)
throw ire("Cannot create %s() index on %s. Non-collection columns only support simple indexes", target.type, column);
if (!(column.type instanceof MapType && column.type.isMultiCell()) && (target.type == Type.KEYS || target.type == Type.KEYS_AND_VALUES))
throw ire("Cannot create index on %s of column %s with non-map type", target.type, column);
if (column.type.isUDT() && column.type.isMultiCell())
throw ire("Cannot create index on non-frozen UDT column %s", column);
private String generateIndexName(KeyspaceMetadata keyspace, List<IndexTarget> targets)
String baseName = targets.size() == 1
? IndexMetadata.generateDefaultIndexName(tableName, targets.get(0).column)
: IndexMetadata.generateDefaultIndexName(tableName);
return keyspace.findAvailableIndexName(baseName);
SchemaChange schemaChangeEvent(KeyspacesDiff diff)
return new SchemaChange(Change.UPDATED, Target.TABLE, keyspaceName, tableName);
public void authorize(ClientState client)
client.ensureTablePermission(keyspaceName, tableName, Permission.ALTER);
public AuditLogContext getAuditLogContext()
return new AuditLogContext(AuditLogEntryType.CREATE_INDEX, keyspaceName, indexName);
public String toString()
return String.format("%s (%s, %s)", getClass().getSimpleName(), keyspaceName, indexName);
public static final class Raw extends CQLStatement.Raw
private final QualifiedName tableName;
private final QualifiedName indexName;
private final List<IndexTarget.Raw> rawIndexTargets;
private final IndexAttributes attrs;
private final boolean ifNotExists;
public Raw(QualifiedName tableName,
QualifiedName indexName,
List<IndexTarget.Raw> rawIndexTargets,
IndexAttributes attrs,
boolean ifNotExists)
this.tableName = tableName;
this.indexName = indexName;
this.rawIndexTargets = rawIndexTargets;
this.attrs = attrs;
this.ifNotExists = ifNotExists;
public CreateIndexStatement prepare(ClientState state)
String keyspaceName = tableName.hasKeyspace()
? tableName.getKeyspace()
: indexName.hasKeyspace() ? indexName.getKeyspace() : state.getKeyspace();
if (tableName.hasKeyspace() && !keyspaceName.equals(tableName.getKeyspace()))
throw ire("Keyspace name '%s' doesn't match table name '%s'", keyspaceName, tableName);
if (indexName.hasKeyspace() && !keyspaceName.equals(indexName.getKeyspace()))
throw ire("Keyspace name '%s' doesn't match index name '%s'", keyspaceName, tableName);
return new CreateIndexStatement(keyspaceName, tableName.getName(), indexName.getName(), rawIndexTargets, attrs, ifNotExists);