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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.cassandra.config;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.ConfigurationException;
/** A class that extracts system properties for the cassandra node it runs within. */
public enum CassandraRelevantProperties
//base JVM properties
CASSANDRA_PID_FILE ("cassandra-pidfile"),
* Indicates the temporary directory used by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
* to create and store temporary files.
* Path from which to load native libraries.
* Default is absolute path to lib directory.
JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH ("java.library.path"),
/** Java Runtime Environment version */
JAVA_VERSION ("java.version"),
/** Java Virtual Machine implementation name */
/** Line separator ("\n" on UNIX). */
LINE_SEPARATOR ("line.separator"),
/** Java class path. */
JAVA_CLASS_PATH ("java.class.path"),
/** Operating system architecture. */
OS_ARCH ("os.arch"),
/** Operating system name. */
OS_NAME (""),
/** User's home directory. */
USER_HOME ("user.home"),
/** Platform word size Examples: "32", "64", "unknown"*/
//JMX properties
* The value of this property represents the host name string
* that should be associated with remote stubs for locally created remote objects,
* in order to allow clients to invoke methods on the remote object.
JAVA_RMI_SERVER_HOSTNAME ("java.rmi.server.hostname"),
* If this value is true, object identifiers for remote objects exported by this VM will be generated by using
* a cryptographically secure random number generator. The default value is false.
JAVA_RMI_SERVER_RANDOM_ID ("java.rmi.server.randomIDs"),
* This property indicates whether password authentication for remote monitoring is
* enabled. By default it is disabled -
* The port number to which the RMI connector will be bound -
* An Integer object that represents the value of the second argument is returned
* if there is no port specified, if the port does not have the correct numeric format,
* or if the specified name is empty or null.
/** Cassandra jmx remote port */
/** This property indicates whether SSL is enabled for monitoring remotely. Default is set to false. */
* This property indicates whether SSL client authentication is enabled -
* Default is set to false.
* This property indicates the location for the access file. If is false,
* then this property and the password and access files, are ignored. Otherwise, the access file must exist and
* be in the valid format. If the access file is empty or nonexistent, then no access is allowed.
/** This property indicates the path to the password file - */
/** Port number to enable JMX RMI connections - */
* A comma-delimited list of SSL/TLS protocol versions to enable.
* Used in conjunction with -
* A comma-delimited list of SSL/TLS cipher suites to enable.
* Used in conjunction with -
/** mx4jaddress */
MX4JADDRESS ("mx4jaddress"),
/** mx4jport */
MX4JPORT ("mx4jport"),
* When bootstraping we wait for all schema versions found in gossip to be seen, and if not seen in time we fail
* the bootstrap; this property will avoid failing and allow bootstrap to continue if set to true.
* When bootstraping how long to wait for schema versions to be seen.
* When draining, how long to wait for mutating executors to shutdown.
DRAIN_EXECUTOR_TIMEOUT_MS("cassandra.drain_executor_timeout_ms", String.valueOf(TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(5))),
* Gossip quarantine delay is used while evaluating membership changes and should only be changed with extreme care.
* When doing a host replacement its possible that the gossip state is "empty" meaning that the endpoint is known
* but the current state isn't known. If the host replacement is needed to repair this state, this property must
* be true.
REPLACEMENT_ALLOW_EMPTY("cassandra.allow_empty_replace_address", "true"),
* Whether {@link org.apache.cassandra.db.ConsistencyLevel#NODE_LOCAL} should be allowed.
ENABLE_NODELOCAL_QUERIES("cassandra.enable_nodelocal_queries", "false"),
//cassandra properties (without the "cassandra." prefix)
* The cassandra-foreground option will tell CassandraDaemon whether
* to close stdout/stderr, but it's up to us not to background.
* yes/null
CASSANDRA_FOREGROUND ("cassandra-foreground"),
DEFAULT_PROVIDE_OVERLAPPING_TOMBSTONES ("default.provide.overlapping.tombstones"),
ORG_APACHE_CASSANDRA_DISABLE_MBEAN_REGISTRATION ("org.apache.cassandra.disable_mbean_registration"),
//only for testing
/** This property indicates whether disable_mbean_registration is true */
/** what class to use for mbean registeration */
MIGRATION_DELAY("cassandra.migration_delay_ms", "60000"),
/** Defines how often schema definitions are pulled from the other nodes */
SCHEMA_PULL_INTERVAL_MS("cassandra.schema_pull_interval_ms", "60000"),
* Minimum delay after a failed pull request before it is reattempted. It prevents reattempting failed requests
* immediately as it is high chance they will fail anyway. It is better to wait a bit instead of flooding logs
* and wasting resources.
SCHEMA_PULL_BACKOFF_DELAY_MS("cassandra.schema_pull_backoff_delay_ms", "3000"),
/** When enabled, recursive directory deletion will be executed using a unix command `rm -rf` instead of traversing
* and removing individual files. This is now used only tests, but eventually we will make it true by default.*/
/** If set, {@link} is shutdown abrtuptly without waiting for anything.
* This is an optimization used in unit tests becuase we never restart a node there. The only node is stopoped
* when the JVM terminates. Therefore, we can use such optimization and not wait unnecessarily. */
/** Flush changes of {@link org.apache.cassandra.schema.SchemaKeyspace} after each schema modification. In production,
* we always do that. However, tests which do not restart nodes may disable this functionality in order to run
* faster. Note that this is disabled for unit tests but if an individual test requires schema to be flushed, it
* can be also done manually for that particular case: {@code flush(SchemaConstants.SCHEMA_KEYSPACE_NAME);}. */
FLUSH_LOCAL_SCHEMA_CHANGES("cassandra.test.flush_local_schema_changes", "true"),
CassandraRelevantProperties(String key, String defaultVal)
this.key = key;
this.defaultVal = defaultVal;
CassandraRelevantProperties(String key)
this.key = key;
this.defaultVal = null;
private final String key;
private final String defaultVal;
public String getKey()
return key;
* Gets the value of the indicated system property.
* @return system property value if it exists, defaultValue otherwise.
public String getString()
String value = System.getProperty(key);
return value == null ? defaultVal : STRING_CONVERTER.convert(value);
* Sets the property to its default value if a default value was specified. Remove the property otherwise.
public void reset()
if (defaultVal != null)
System.setProperty(key, defaultVal);
* Gets the value of a system property as a String.
* @return system property String value if it exists, overrideDefaultValue otherwise.
public String getString(String overrideDefaultValue)
String value = System.getProperty(key);
if (value == null)
return overrideDefaultValue;
return STRING_CONVERTER.convert(value);
* Sets the value into system properties.
* @param value to set
public void setString(String value)
System.setProperty(key, value);
* Gets the value of a system property as a boolean.
* @return system property boolean value if it exists, false otherwise().
public boolean getBoolean()
String value = System.getProperty(key);
return BOOLEAN_CONVERTER.convert(value == null ? defaultVal : value);
* Gets the value of a system property as a boolean.
* @return system property boolean value if it exists, overrideDefaultValue otherwise.
public boolean getBoolean(boolean overrideDefaultValue)
String value = System.getProperty(key);
if (value == null)
return overrideDefaultValue;
return BOOLEAN_CONVERTER.convert(value);
* Sets the value into system properties.
* @param value to set
public void setBoolean(boolean value)
System.setProperty(key, Boolean.toString(value));
* Gets the value of a system property as a int.
* @return system property int value if it exists, defaultValue otherwise.
public int getInt()
String value = System.getProperty(key);
return INTEGER_CONVERTER.convert(value == null ? defaultVal : value);
* Gets the value of a system property as a int.
* @return system property int value if it exists, overrideDefaultValue otherwise.
public int getInt(int overrideDefaultValue)
String value = System.getProperty(key);
if (value == null)
return overrideDefaultValue;
return INTEGER_CONVERTER.convert(value);
* Sets the value into system properties.
* @param value to set
public void setInt(int value)
System.setProperty(key, Integer.toString(value));
private interface PropertyConverter<T>
T convert(String value);
private static final PropertyConverter<String> STRING_CONVERTER = value -> value;
private static final PropertyConverter<Boolean> BOOLEAN_CONVERTER = Boolean::parseBoolean;
private static final PropertyConverter<Integer> INTEGER_CONVERTER = value ->
return Integer.decode(value);
catch (NumberFormatException e)
throw new ConfigurationException(String.format("Invalid value for system property: " +
"expected integer value but got '%s'", value));
* @return whether a system property is present or not.
public boolean isPresent()
return System.getProperties().containsKey(key);