blob: ade80bb1d0bd93c983110987e20addd4737e505e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.cql3.validation.operations;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.CQLTester;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.InvalidRequestException;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.SyntaxException;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.SchemaKeyspace;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
public class InsertUpdateIfConditionTest extends CQLTester
* Migrated from
public void testSimpleCas() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (tkn int, consumed boolean, PRIMARY KEY (tkn))");
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
execute("INSERT INTO %s (tkn, consumed) VALUES (?, FALSE)", i);
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET consumed = TRUE WHERE tkn = ? IF consumed = FALSE", i), row(true));
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET consumed = TRUE WHERE tkn = ? IF consumed = FALSE", i), row(false, true));
* Migrated from
public void testConditionalUpdate() throws Throwable
createTable(" CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, v1 int, v2 text, v3 int)");
// Shouldn't apply
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET v1 = 3, v2 = 'bar' WHERE k = 0 IF v1 = 4"), row(false));
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET v1 = 3, v2 = 'bar' WHERE k = 0 IF EXISTS"), row(false));
// Should apply
assertRows(execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, v1, v2) VALUES (0, 2, 'foo') IF NOT EXISTS"), row(true));
// Shouldn't apply
assertRows(execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, v1, v2) VALUES (0, 5, 'bar') IF NOT EXISTS"), row(false, 0, 2, "foo", null));
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(0, 2, "foo", null));
// Shouldn't apply
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET v1 = 3, v2 = 'bar' WHERE k = 0 IF v1 = 4"), row(false, 2));
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(0, 2, "foo", null));
// Should apply (note: we want v2 before v1 in the statement order to exercise #5786)
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET v2 = 'bar', v1 = 3 WHERE k = 0 IF v1 = 2"), row(true));
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET v2 = 'bar', v1 = 3 WHERE k = 0 IF EXISTS"), row(true));
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(0, 3, "bar", null));
// Shouldn't apply, only one condition is ok
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET v1 = 5, v2 = 'foobar' WHERE k = 0 IF v1 = 3 AND v2 = 'foo'"), row(false, 3, "bar"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(0, 3, "bar", null));
// Should apply
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET v1 = 5, v2 = 'foobar' WHERE k = 0 IF v1 = 3 AND v2 = 'bar'"), row(true));
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(0, 5, "foobar", null));
// Shouldn't apply
assertRows(execute("DELETE v2 FROM %s WHERE k = 0 IF v1 = 3"), row(false, 5));
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(0, 5, "foobar", null));
// Shouldn't apply
assertRows(execute("DELETE v2 FROM %s WHERE k = 0 IF v1 = null"), row(false, 5));
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(0, 5, "foobar", null));
// Should apply
assertRows(execute("DELETE v2 FROM %s WHERE k = 0 IF v1 = 5"), row(true));
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(0, 5, null, null));
// Shouln't apply
assertRows(execute("DELETE v1 FROM %s WHERE k = 0 IF v3 = 4"), row(false, null));
// Should apply
assertRows(execute("DELETE v1 FROM %s WHERE k = 0 IF v3 = null"), row(true));
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(0, null, null, null));
// Should apply
assertRows(execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = 0 IF v1 = null"), row(true));
assertEmpty(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"));
// Shouldn't apply
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET v1 = 3, v2 = 'bar' WHERE k = 0 IF EXISTS"), row(false));
// Should apply
assertRows(execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = 0 IF v1 IN (null)"), row(true));
createTable(" CREATE TABLE %s (k int, c int, v1 text, PRIMARY KEY(k, c))");
assertInvalidMessage("IN on the clustering key columns is not supported with conditional updates",
"UPDATE %s SET v1 = 'A' WHERE k = 0 AND c IN (1, 2) IF EXISTS");
* Migrated from
public void testNonEqConditionalUpdate() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, v1 int, v2 text, v3 int)");
// non-EQ conditions
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, v1, v2) VALUES (0, 2, 'foo')");
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET v2 = 'bar' WHERE k = 0 IF v1 < 3"), row(true));
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET v2 = 'bar' WHERE k = 0 IF v1 <= 3"), row(true));
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET v2 = 'bar' WHERE k = 0 IF v1 > 1"), row(true));
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET v2 = 'bar' WHERE k = 0 IF v1 >= 1"), row(true));
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET v2 = 'bar' WHERE k = 0 IF v1 != 1"), row(true));
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET v2 = 'bar' WHERE k = 0 IF v1 != 2"), row(false, 2));
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET v2 = 'bar' WHERE k = 0 IF v1 IN (0, 1, 2)"), row(true));
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET v2 = 'bar' WHERE k = 0 IF v1 IN (142, 276)"), row(false, 2));
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET v2 = 'bar' WHERE k = 0 IF v1 IN ()"), row(false, 2));
* Migrated from
public void testConditionalDelete() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, v1 int,)");
assertRows(execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k=1 IF EXISTS"), row(false));
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, v1) VALUES (1, 2)");
assertRows(execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k=1 IF EXISTS"), row(true));
assertEmpty(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k=1"));
assertRows(execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k=1 IF EXISTS"), row(false));
execute("UPDATE %s USING TTL 1 SET v1=2 WHERE k=1");
assertRows(execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k=1 IF EXISTS"), row(false));
assertEmpty(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k=1"));
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, v1) VALUES (2, 2) USING TTL 1");
assertRows(execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k=2 IF EXISTS"), row(false));
assertEmpty(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k=2"));
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, v1) VALUES (3, 2)");
assertRows(execute("DELETE v1 FROM %s WHERE k=3 IF EXISTS"), row(true));
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k=3"), row(3, null));
assertRows(execute("DELETE v1 FROM %s WHERE k=3 IF EXISTS"), row(true));
assertRows(execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k=3 IF EXISTS"), row(true));
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, v1) VALUES (4, 2)");
execute("UPDATE %s USING TTL 1 SET v1=2 WHERE k=4");
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k=4"), row(4, null));
assertRows(execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k=4 IF EXISTS"), row(true));
assertEmpty(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k=4"));
// static columns
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k text, s text static, i int, v text, PRIMARY KEY (k, i) )");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, s, i, v) VALUES ('k', 's', 0, 'v')");
assertRows(execute("DELETE v FROM %s WHERE k='k' AND i=0 IF EXISTS"), row(true));
assertRows(execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k='k' AND i=0 IF EXISTS"), row(true));
assertRows(execute("DELETE v FROM %s WHERE k='k' AND i=0 IF EXISTS"), row(false));
assertRows(execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k='k' AND i=0 IF EXISTS"), row(false));
assertInvalidMessage("DELETE statements must restrict all PRIMARY KEY columns with equality relations in order to use IF conditions",
assertInvalidMessage("DELETE statements must restrict all PRIMARY KEY columns with equality relations in order to use IF conditions",
"DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = 'k' IF v = 'foo'");
assertInvalidMessage("Some partition key parts are missing: k",
assertInvalidMessage("Invalid INTEGER constant (0) for \"k\" of type text",
assertInvalidMessage("Invalid INTEGER constant (0) for \"k\" of type text",
"DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND i > 0 IF v = 'foo'");
assertInvalidMessage("DELETE statements must restrict all PRIMARY KEY columns with equality relations in order to use IF conditions",
"DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = 'k' AND i > 0 IF EXISTS");
assertInvalidMessage("DELETE statements must restrict all PRIMARY KEY columns with equality relations in order to use IF conditions",
"DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = 'k' AND i > 0 IF v = 'foo'");
assertInvalidMessage("IN on the clustering key columns is not supported with conditional deletions",
"DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = 'k' AND i IN (0, 1) IF v = 'foo'");
assertInvalidMessage("IN on the clustering key columns is not supported with conditional deletions",
"DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = 'k' AND i IN (0, 1) IF EXISTS");
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s(k int, s int static, i int, v text, PRIMARY KEY(k, i))");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, s, i, v) VALUES ( 1, 1, 2, '1')");
assertRows(execute("DELETE v FROM %s WHERE k = 1 AND i = 2 IF s != 1"), row(false, 1));
assertRows(execute("DELETE v FROM %s WHERE k = 1 AND i = 2 IF s = 1"), row(true));
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k = 1 AND i = 2"), row(1, 2, 1, null));
assertRows(execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = 1 AND i = 2 IF s != 1"), row(false, 1));
assertRows(execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = 1 AND i = 2 IF s = 1"), row(true));
assertEmpty(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k = 1 AND i = 2"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k = 1"), row(1, null, 1, null));
* Migrated from
public void testStaticColumnsCas() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (id int, k text, version int static, v text, PRIMARY KEY (id, k))");
// Test that INSERT IF NOT EXISTS concerns only the static column if no clustering nor regular columns
// is provided, but concerns the CQL3 row targetted by the clustering columns otherwise
execute("INSERT INTO %s (id, k, v) VALUES (1, 'foo', 'foo')");
assertRows(execute("INSERT INTO %s (id, k, version) VALUES (1, 'foo', 1) IF NOT EXISTS"), row(false, 1, "foo", null, "foo"));
assertRows(execute("INSERT INTO %s (id, version) VALUES (1, 1) IF NOT EXISTS"), row(true));
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(1, "foo", 1, "foo"));
execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE id = 1");
execute("INSERT INTO %s(id, version) VALUES (0, 0)");
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET v='foo', version=1 WHERE id=0 AND k='k1' IF version = 0"), row(true));
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(0, "k1", 1, "foo"));
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET v='bar', version=1 WHERE id=0 AND k='k2' IF version = 0"), row(false, 1));
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(0, "k1", 1, "foo"));
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET v='bar', version=2 WHERE id=0 AND k='k2' IF version = 1"), row(true));
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(0, "k1", 2, "foo"), row(0, "k2", 2, "bar"));
// Testing batches
assertRows(execute("BEGIN BATCH " +
"UPDATE %1$s SET v='foobar' WHERE id=0 AND k='k1'; " +
"UPDATE %1$s SET v='barfoo' WHERE id=0 AND k='k2'; " +
"UPDATE %1$s SET version=3 WHERE id=0 IF version=1; " +
row(false, 0, null, 2));
assertRows(execute("BEGIN BATCH " +
"UPDATE %1$s SET v = 'foobar' WHERE id = 0 AND k = 'k1'; " +
"UPDATE %1$s SET v = 'barfoo' WHERE id = 0 AND k = 'k2'; " +
"UPDATE %1$s SET version = 3 WHERE id = 0 IF version = 2; " +
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"),
row(0, "k1", 3, "foobar"),
row(0, "k2", 3, "barfoo"));
assertRows(execute("BEGIN BATCH " +
"UPDATE %1$s SET version = 4 WHERE id = 0 IF version = 3; " +
"UPDATE %1$s SET v='row1' WHERE id=0 AND k='k1' IF v='foo'; " +
"UPDATE %1$s SET v='row2' WHERE id=0 AND k='k2' IF v='bar'; " +
row(false, 0, "k1", 3, "foobar"),
row(false, 0, "k2", 3, "barfoo"));
assertRows(execute("BEGIN BATCH " +
"UPDATE %1$s SET version = 4 WHERE id = 0 IF version = 3; " +
"UPDATE %1$s SET v='row1' WHERE id = 0 AND k='k1' IF v='foobar'; " +
"UPDATE %1$s SET v='row2' WHERE id = 0 AND k='k2' IF v='barfoo'; " +
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"),
row(0, "k1", 4, "row1"),
row(0, "k2", 4, "row2"));
assertInvalid("BEGIN BATCH " +
"UPDATE %1$s SET version=5 WHERE id=0 IF version=4; " +
"UPDATE %1$s SET v='row1' WHERE id=0 AND k='k1'; " +
"UPDATE %1$s SET v='row2' WHERE id=1 AND k='k2'; " +
assertRows(execute("BEGIN BATCH " +
"INSERT INTO %1$s (id, k, v) VALUES (1, 'k1', 'val1') IF NOT EXISTS; " +
"INSERT INTO %1$s (id, k, v) VALUES (1, 'k2', 'val2') IF NOT EXISTS; " +
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE id=1"),
row(1, "k1", null, "val1"),
row(1, "k2", null, "val2"));
assertRows(execute("INSERT INTO %s (id, k, v) VALUES (1, 'k2', 'val2') IF NOT EXISTS"), row(false, 1, "k2", null, "val2"));
assertRows(execute("BEGIN BATCH " +
"INSERT INTO %1$s (id, k, v) VALUES (1, 'k2', 'val2') IF NOT EXISTS; " +
"INSERT INTO %1$s (id, k, v) VALUES (1, 'k3', 'val3') IF NOT EXISTS; " +
row(false, 1, "k2", null, "val2"));
assertRows(execute("BEGIN BATCH " +
"UPDATE %1$s SET v = 'newVal' WHERE id = 1 AND k = 'k2' IF v = 'val0'; " +
"INSERT INTO %1$s (id, k, v) VALUES (1, 'k3', 'val3') IF NOT EXISTS; " +
row(false, 1, "k2", null, "val2"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE id=1"),
row(1, "k1", null, "val1"),
row(1, "k2", null, "val2"));
assertRows(execute("BEGIN BATCH " +
"UPDATE %1$s SET v = 'newVal' WHERE id = 1 AND k = 'k2' IF v = 'val2'; " +
"INSERT INTO %1$s (id, k, v, version) VALUES(1, 'k3', 'val3', 1) IF NOT EXISTS; " +
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE id=1"),
row(1, "k1", 1, "val1"),
row(1, "k2", 1, "newVal"),
row(1, "k3", 1, "val3"));
assertRows(execute("BEGIN BATCH " +
"UPDATE %1$s SET v = 'newVal1' WHERE id = 1 AND k = 'k2' IF v = 'val2'; " +
"UPDATE %1$s SET v = 'newVal2' WHERE id = 1 AND k = 'k2' IF v = 'val3'; " +
row(false, 1, "k2", "newVal"));
* Migrated from
public void testInsertSetIfNotExists() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, s set<int>)");
assertRows(execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, s) VALUES (0, {1, 2, 3}) IF NOT EXISTS"),
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s "), row(0, set(1, 2, 3)));
* Migrated from
public void testCasAndTTL() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, v int, lock boolean)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, v, lock) VALUES (0, 0, false)");
execute("UPDATE %s USING TTL 1 SET lock=true WHERE k=0");
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET v = 1 WHERE k = 0 IF lock = null"),
* Test for CAS with compact storage table, and #6813 in particular,
* migrated from
public void testCompactStorage() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (partition text, key text, owner text, PRIMARY KEY (partition, key) ) WITH COMPACT STORAGE");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (partition, key, owner) VALUES ('a', 'b', null)");
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET owner='z' WHERE partition='a' AND key='b' IF owner=null"), row(true));
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET owner='b' WHERE partition='a' AND key='b' IF owner='a'"), row(false, "z"));
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET owner='b' WHERE partition='a' AND key='b' IF owner='z'"), row(true));
assertRows(execute("INSERT INTO %s (partition, key, owner) VALUES ('a', 'c', 'x') IF NOT EXISTS"), row(true));
* Migrated from
public void testWholeList() throws Throwable
for (boolean frozen : new boolean[] {false, true})
createTable(String.format("CREATE TABLE %%s (k int PRIMARY KEY, l %s)",
? "frozen<list<text>>"
: "list<text>"));
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, l) VALUES (0, ['foo', 'bar', 'foobar'])");
check_applies_list("l = ['foo', 'bar', 'foobar']");
check_applies_list("l != ['baz']");
check_applies_list("l > ['a']");
check_applies_list("l >= ['a']");
check_applies_list("l < ['z']");
check_applies_list("l <= ['z']");
check_applies_list("l IN (null, ['foo', 'bar', 'foobar'], ['a'])");
// multiple conditions
check_applies_list("l > ['aaa', 'bbb'] AND l > ['aaa']");
check_applies_list("l != null AND l IN (['foo', 'bar', 'foobar'])");
// should not apply
check_does_not_apply_list("l = ['baz']");
check_does_not_apply_list("l != ['foo', 'bar', 'foobar']");
check_does_not_apply_list("l > ['z']");
check_does_not_apply_list("l >= ['z']");
check_does_not_apply_list("l < ['a']");
check_does_not_apply_list("l <= ['a']");
check_does_not_apply_list("l IN (['a'], null)");
check_does_not_apply_list("l IN ()");
// multiple conditions
check_does_not_apply_list("l IN () AND l IN (['foo', 'bar', 'foobar'])");
check_does_not_apply_list("l > ['zzz'] AND l < ['zzz']");
check_invalid_list("l = [null]", InvalidRequestException.class);
check_invalid_list("l < null", InvalidRequestException.class);
check_invalid_list("l <= null", InvalidRequestException.class);
check_invalid_list("l > null", InvalidRequestException.class);
check_invalid_list("l >= null", InvalidRequestException.class);
check_invalid_list("l IN null", SyntaxException.class);
check_invalid_list("l IN 367", SyntaxException.class);
check_invalid_list("l CONTAINS KEY 123", SyntaxException.class);
// not supported yet
check_invalid_list("m CONTAINS 'bar'", SyntaxException.class);
void check_applies_list(String condition) throws Throwable
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET l = ['foo', 'bar', 'foobar'] WHERE k=0 IF " + condition), row(true));
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(0, list("foo", "bar", "foobar")));
void check_does_not_apply_list(String condition) throws Throwable
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET l = ['foo', 'bar', 'foobar'] WHERE k=0 IF " + condition),
row(false, list("foo", "bar", "foobar")));
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(0, list("foo", "bar", "foobar")));
void check_invalid_list(String condition, Class<? extends Throwable> expected) throws Throwable
assertInvalidThrow(expected, "UPDATE %s SET l = ['foo', 'bar', 'foobar'] WHERE k=0 IF " + condition);
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(0, list("foo", "bar", "foobar")));
* Migrated from
public void testListItem() throws Throwable
for (boolean frozen : new boolean[]{ false, true })
createTable(String.format("CREATE TABLE %%s (k int PRIMARY KEY, l %s)",
? "frozen<list<text>>"
: "list<text>"));
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, l) VALUES (0, ['foo', 'bar', 'foobar'])");
assertInvalid("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k=0 IF l[null] = 'foobar'");
assertInvalid("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k=0 IF l[-2] = 'foobar'");
assertRows(execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k=0 IF l[1] = null"), row(false, list("foo", "bar", "foobar")));
assertRows(execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k=0 IF l[1] = 'foobar'"), row(false, list("foo", "bar", "foobar")));
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(0, list("foo", "bar", "foobar")));
assertRows(execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k=0 IF l[1] = 'bar'"), row(true));
assertEmpty(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"));
* Test expanded functionality from CASSANDRA-6839,
* migrated from
public void testExpandedListItem() throws Throwable
for (boolean frozen : new boolean[] {false, true})
createTable(String.format("CREATE TABLE %%s (k int PRIMARY KEY, l %s)",
? "frozen<list<text>>"
: "list<text>"));
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, l) VALUES (0, ['foo', 'bar', 'foobar'])");
check_applies_list("l[1] < 'zzz'");
check_applies_list("l[1] <= 'bar'");
check_applies_list("l[1] > 'aaa'");
check_applies_list("l[1] >= 'bar'");
check_applies_list("l[1] != 'xxx'");
check_applies_list("l[1] != null");
check_applies_list("l[1] IN (null, 'xxx', 'bar')");
check_applies_list("l[1] > 'aaa' AND l[1] < 'zzz'");
// check beyond end of list
check_applies_list("l[3] = null");
check_applies_list("l[3] IN (null, 'xxx', 'bar')");
check_does_not_apply_list("l[1] < 'aaa'");
check_does_not_apply_list("l[1] <= 'aaa'");
check_does_not_apply_list("l[1] > 'zzz'");
check_does_not_apply_list("l[1] >= 'zzz'");
check_does_not_apply_list("l[1] != 'bar'");
check_does_not_apply_list("l[1] IN (null, 'xxx')");
check_does_not_apply_list("l[1] IN ()");
check_does_not_apply_list("l[1] != null AND l[1] IN ()");
// check beyond end of list
check_does_not_apply_list("l[3] != null");
check_does_not_apply_list("l[3] = 'xxx'");
check_invalid_list("l[1] < null", InvalidRequestException.class);
check_invalid_list("l[1] <= null", InvalidRequestException.class);
check_invalid_list("l[1] > null", InvalidRequestException.class);
check_invalid_list("l[1] >= null", InvalidRequestException.class);
check_invalid_list("l[1] IN null", SyntaxException.class);
check_invalid_list("l[1] IN 367", SyntaxException.class);
check_invalid_list("l[1] IN (1, 2, 3)", InvalidRequestException.class);
check_invalid_list("l[1] CONTAINS 367", SyntaxException.class);
check_invalid_list("l[1] CONTAINS KEY 367", SyntaxException.class);
check_invalid_list("l[null] = null", InvalidRequestException.class);
* Migrated from
public void testWholeSet() throws Throwable
for (boolean frozen : new boolean[] {false, true})
createTable(String.format("CREATE TABLE %%s (k int PRIMARY KEY, s %s)",
? "frozen<set<text>>"
: "set<text>"));
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, s) VALUES (0, {'bar', 'foo'})");
check_applies_set("s = {'bar', 'foo'}");
check_applies_set("s = {'foo', 'bar'}");
check_applies_set("s != {'baz'}");
check_applies_set("s > {'a'}");
check_applies_set("s >= {'a'}");
check_applies_set("s < {'z'}");
check_applies_set("s <= {'z'}");
check_applies_set("s IN (null, {'bar', 'foo'}, {'a'})");
// multiple conditions
check_applies_set("s > {'a'} AND s < {'z'}");
check_applies_set("s IN (null, {'bar', 'foo'}, {'a'}) AND s IN ({'a'}, {'bar', 'foo'}, null)");
// should not apply
check_does_not_apply_set("s = {'baz'}");
check_does_not_apply_set("s != {'bar', 'foo'}");
check_does_not_apply_set("s > {'z'}");
check_does_not_apply_set("s >= {'z'}");
check_does_not_apply_set("s < {'a'}");
check_does_not_apply_set("s <= {'a'}");
check_does_not_apply_set("s IN ({'a'}, null)");
check_does_not_apply_set("s IN ()");
check_does_not_apply_set("s != null AND s IN ()");
check_invalid_set("s = {null}", InvalidRequestException.class);
check_invalid_set("s < null", InvalidRequestException.class);
check_invalid_set("s <= null", InvalidRequestException.class);
check_invalid_set("s > null", InvalidRequestException.class);
check_invalid_set("s >= null", InvalidRequestException.class);
check_invalid_set("s IN null", SyntaxException.class);
check_invalid_set("s IN 367", SyntaxException.class);
check_invalid_set("s CONTAINS KEY 123", SyntaxException.class);
// element access is not allow for sets
check_invalid_set("s['foo'] = 'foobar'", InvalidRequestException.class);
// not supported yet
check_invalid_set("m CONTAINS 'bar'", SyntaxException.class);
void check_applies_set(String condition) throws Throwable
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET s = {'bar', 'foo'} WHERE k=0 IF " + condition), row(true));
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(0, set("bar", "foo")));
void check_does_not_apply_set(String condition) throws Throwable
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET s = {'bar', 'foo'} WHERE k=0 IF " + condition), row(false, set("bar", "foo")));
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(0, set("bar", "foo")));
void check_invalid_set(String condition, Class<? extends Throwable> expected) throws Throwable
assertInvalidThrow(expected, "UPDATE %s SET s = {'bar', 'foo'} WHERE k=0 IF " + condition);
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(0, set("bar", "foo")));
* Migrated from
public void testWholeMap() throws Throwable
for (boolean frozen : new boolean[] {false, true})
createTable(String.format("CREATE TABLE %%s (k int PRIMARY KEY, m %s)",
? "frozen<map<text, text>>"
: "map<text, text>"));
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, m) VALUES (0, {'foo' : 'bar'})");
check_applies_map("m = {'foo': 'bar'}");
check_applies_map("m > {'a': 'a'}");
check_applies_map("m >= {'a': 'a'}");
check_applies_map("m < {'z': 'z'}");
check_applies_map("m <= {'z': 'z'}");
check_applies_map("m != {'a': 'a'}");
check_applies_map("m IN (null, {'a': 'a'}, {'foo': 'bar'})");
// multiple conditions
check_applies_map("m > {'a': 'a'} AND m < {'z': 'z'}");
check_applies_map("m != null AND m IN (null, {'a': 'a'}, {'foo': 'bar'})");
// should not apply
check_does_not_apply_map("m = {'a': 'a'}");
check_does_not_apply_map("m > {'z': 'z'}");
check_does_not_apply_map("m >= {'z': 'z'}");
check_does_not_apply_map("m < {'a': 'a'}");
check_does_not_apply_map("m <= {'a': 'a'}");
check_does_not_apply_map("m != {'foo': 'bar'}");
check_does_not_apply_map("m IN ({'a': 'a'}, null)");
check_does_not_apply_map("m IN ()");
check_does_not_apply_map("m = null AND m != null");
check_invalid_map("m = {null: null}", InvalidRequestException.class);
check_invalid_map("m = {'a': null}", InvalidRequestException.class);
check_invalid_map("m = {null: 'a'}", InvalidRequestException.class);
check_invalid_map("m < null", InvalidRequestException.class);
check_invalid_map("m IN null", SyntaxException.class);
// not supported yet
check_invalid_map("m CONTAINS 'bar'", SyntaxException.class);
check_invalid_map("m CONTAINS KEY 'foo'", SyntaxException.class);
check_invalid_map("m CONTAINS null", SyntaxException.class);
check_invalid_map("m CONTAINS KEY null", SyntaxException.class);
* Migrated from
public void testMapItem() throws Throwable
for (boolean frozen : new boolean[]{ false, true })
createTable(String.format("CREATE TABLE %%s (k int PRIMARY KEY, m %s)",
? "frozen<map<text, text>>"
: "map<text, text>"));
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, m) VALUES (0, {'foo' : 'bar'})");
assertInvalid("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k=0 IF m[null] = 'foo'");
assertRows(execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k=0 IF m['foo'] = 'foo'"), row(false, map("foo", "bar")));
assertRows(execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k=0 IF m['foo'] = null"), row(false, map("foo", "bar")));
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(0, map("foo", "bar")));
assertRows(execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k=0 IF m['foo'] = 'bar'"), row(true));
assertEmpty(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"));
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, m) VALUES (1, null)");
if (frozen)
assertInvalid("UPDATE %s set m['foo'] = 'bar', m['bar'] = 'foo' WHERE k = 1 IF m['foo'] IN ('blah', null)");
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s set m['foo'] = 'bar', m['bar'] = 'foo' WHERE k = 1 IF m['foo'] IN ('blah', null)"), row(true));
* Test expanded functionality from CASSANDRA-6839,
* migrated from
public void testExpandedMapItem() throws Throwable
for (boolean frozen : new boolean[]{ false, true })
createTable(String.format("CREATE TABLE %%s (k int PRIMARY KEY, m %s)",
? "frozen<map<text, text>>"
: "map<text, text>"));
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, m) VALUES (0, {'foo' : 'bar'})");
check_applies_map("m['xxx'] = null");
check_applies_map("m['foo'] < 'zzz'");
check_applies_map("m['foo'] <= 'bar'");
check_applies_map("m['foo'] > 'aaa'");
check_applies_map("m['foo'] >= 'bar'");
check_applies_map("m['foo'] != 'xxx'");
check_applies_map("m['foo'] != null");
check_applies_map("m['foo'] IN (null, 'xxx', 'bar')");
check_applies_map("m['xxx'] IN (null, 'xxx', 'bar')"); // m['xxx'] is not set
// multiple conditions
check_applies_map("m['foo'] < 'zzz' AND m['foo'] > 'aaa'");
check_does_not_apply_map("m['foo'] < 'aaa'");
check_does_not_apply_map("m['foo'] <= 'aaa'");
check_does_not_apply_map("m['foo'] > 'zzz'");
check_does_not_apply_map("m['foo'] >= 'zzz'");
check_does_not_apply_map("m['foo'] != 'bar'");
check_does_not_apply_map("m['xxx'] != null"); // m['xxx'] is not set
check_does_not_apply_map("m['foo'] IN (null, 'xxx')");
check_does_not_apply_map("m['foo'] IN ()");
check_does_not_apply_map("m['foo'] != null AND m['foo'] = null");
check_invalid_map("m['foo'] < null", InvalidRequestException.class);
check_invalid_map("m['foo'] <= null", InvalidRequestException.class);
check_invalid_map("m['foo'] > null", InvalidRequestException.class);
check_invalid_map("m['foo'] >= null", InvalidRequestException.class);
check_invalid_map("m['foo'] IN null", SyntaxException.class);
check_invalid_map("m['foo'] IN 367", SyntaxException.class);
check_invalid_map("m['foo'] IN (1, 2, 3)", InvalidRequestException.class);
check_invalid_map("m['foo'] CONTAINS 367", SyntaxException.class);
check_invalid_map("m['foo'] CONTAINS KEY 367", SyntaxException.class);
check_invalid_map("m[null] = null", InvalidRequestException.class);
void check_applies_map(String condition) throws Throwable
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET m = {'foo': 'bar'} WHERE k=0 IF " + condition), row(true));
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(0, map("foo", "bar")));
void check_does_not_apply_map(String condition) throws Throwable
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET m = {'foo': 'bar'} WHERE k=0 IF " + condition), row(false, map("foo", "bar")));
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(0, map("foo", "bar")));
void check_invalid_map(String condition, Class<? extends Throwable> expected) throws Throwable
assertInvalidThrow(expected, "UPDATE %s SET m = {'foo': 'bar'} WHERE k=0 IF " + condition);
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(0, map("foo", "bar")));
* Test for 7499,
* migrated from
public void testCasAndListIndex() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s ( k int PRIMARY KEY, v text, l list<text>)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, v, l) VALUES(0, 'foobar', ['foi', 'bar'])");
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET l[0] = 'foo' WHERE k = 0 IF v = 'barfoo'"), row(false, "foobar"));
assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET l[0] = 'foo' WHERE k = 0 IF v = 'foobar'"), row(true));
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(0, list("foo", "bar"), "foobar"));
* Migrated from
public void testDropCreateKeyspaceIfNotExists() throws Throwable
String keyspace = KEYSPACE_PER_TEST;
// try dropping when doesn't exist
// create and confirm
schemaChange("CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS " + keyspace + " WITH replication = { 'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor':1} and durable_writes = true ");
assertRows(execute(format("select durable_writes from %s.%s where keyspace_name = ?",
// unsuccessful create since it's already there, confirm settings don't change
schemaChange("CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS " + keyspace + " WITH replication = {'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor':1} and durable_writes = false ");
assertRows(execute(format("select durable_writes from %s.%s where keyspace_name = ?",
// drop and confirm
schemaChange("DROP KEYSPACE IF EXISTS " + keyspace);
assertEmpty(execute(format("select * from %s.%s where keyspace_name = ?", SchemaKeyspace.NAME, SchemaKeyspace.KEYSPACES),
* Migrated from
public void testDropCreateTableIfNotExists() throws Throwable
String tableName = createTableName();
String fullTableName = KEYSPACE + "." + tableName;
// try dropping when doesn't exist
schemaChange("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + fullTableName);
// create and confirm
schemaChange("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + fullTableName + " (id text PRIMARY KEY, value1 blob) with comment = 'foo'");
assertRows(execute("select comment from system_schema.tables where keyspace_name = ? and table_name = ?", KEYSPACE, tableName),
// unsuccessful create since it's already there, confirm settings don't change
schemaChange("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + fullTableName + " (id text PRIMARY KEY, value2 blob)with comment = 'bar'");
assertRows(execute("select comment from system_schema.tables where keyspace_name = ? and table_name = ?", KEYSPACE, tableName),
// drop and confirm
schemaChange("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + fullTableName);
assertEmpty(execute("select * from system_schema.tables where keyspace_name = ? and table_name = ?", KEYSPACE, tableName));
* Migrated from
public void testDropCreateIndexIfNotExists() throws Throwable
String tableName = createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (id text PRIMARY KEY, value1 blob, value2 blob)with comment = 'foo'");
execute("use " + KEYSPACE);
// try dropping when doesn't exist
schemaChange("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS myindex");
// create and confirm
createIndex("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS myindex ON %s (value1)");
assertTrue(waitForIndex(KEYSPACE, tableName, "myindex"));
// unsuccessful create since it's already there
execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS myindex ON %s (value1)");
// drop and confirm
execute("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS myindex");
Object[][] rows = getRows(execute("select index_name from system.\"IndexInfo\" where table_name = ?", tableName));
assertEquals(0, rows.length);
* Migrated from
public void testDropCreateTypeIfNotExists() throws Throwable
execute("use " + KEYSPACE);
// try dropping when doesn 't exist
execute("DROP TYPE IF EXISTS mytype");
// create and confirm
execute("CREATE TYPE IF NOT EXISTS mytype (somefield int)");
assertRows(execute(format("SELECT type_name from %s.%s where keyspace_name = ? and type_name = ?",
// unsuccessful create since it 's already there
// TODO: confirm this create attempt doesn't alter type field from int to blob
execute("CREATE TYPE IF NOT EXISTS mytype (somefield blob)");
// drop and confirm
execute("DROP TYPE IF EXISTS mytype");
assertEmpty(execute(format("SELECT type_name from %s.%s where keyspace_name = ? and type_name = ?",