blob: 29e2e15d1445e8442a26dded8061b53710e45b79 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.cassandra.db.transform;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.DeletionTime;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.PartitionIterator;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.UnfilteredPartitionIterator;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.*;
* We have a single common superclass for all Transformations to make implementation efficient.
* we have a shared stack for all transformations, and can share the same transformation across partition and row
* iterators, reducing garbage. Internal code is also simplified by always having a basic no-op implementation to invoke.
* Only the necessary methods need be overridden. Early termination is provided by invoking the method's stop or stopInPartition
* methods, rather than having their own abstract method to invoke, as this is both more efficient and simpler to reason about.
public abstract class Transformation<I extends BaseRowIterator<?>>
// internal methods for StoppableTransformation only
void attachTo(BasePartitions partitions) { }
void attachTo(BaseRows rows) { }
* Run on the close of any (logical) partitions iterator this function was applied to
* We stipulate logical, because if applied to a transformed iterator the lifetime of the iterator
* object may be longer than the lifetime of the "logical" iterator it was applied to; if the iterator
* is refilled with MoreContents, for instance, the iterator may outlive this function
protected void onClose() { }
* Run on the close of any (logical) rows iterator this function was applied to
* We stipulate logical, because if applied to a transformed iterator the lifetime of the iterator
* object may be longer than the lifetime of the "logical" iterator it was applied to; if the iterator
* is refilled with MoreContents, for instance, the iterator may outlive this function
protected void onPartitionClose() { }
* Applied to any rows iterator (partition) we encounter in a partitions iterator
protected I applyToPartition(I partition)
return partition;
* Applied to any row we encounter in a rows iterator
protected Row applyToRow(Row row)
return row;
* Applied to any RTM we encounter in a rows/unfiltered iterator
protected RangeTombstoneMarker applyToMarker(RangeTombstoneMarker marker)
return marker;
* Applied to the static row of any rows iterator.
* NOTE that this is only applied to the first iterator in any sequence of iterators filled by a MoreContents;
* the static data for such iterators is all expected to be equal
protected Row applyToStatic(Row row)
return row;
* Applied to the partition-level deletion of any rows iterator.
* NOTE that this is only applied to the first iterator in any sequence of iterators filled by a MoreContents;
* the static data for such iterators is all expected to be equal
protected DeletionTime applyToDeletion(DeletionTime deletionTime)
return deletionTime;
// Static Application Methods
public static UnfilteredPartitionIterator apply(UnfilteredPartitionIterator iterator, Transformation<? super UnfilteredRowIterator> transformation)
return add(mutable(iterator), transformation);
public static PartitionIterator apply(PartitionIterator iterator, Transformation<? super RowIterator> transformation)
return add(mutable(iterator), transformation);
public static UnfilteredRowIterator apply(UnfilteredRowIterator iterator, Transformation<?> transformation)
return add(mutable(iterator), transformation);
public static RowIterator apply(RowIterator iterator, Transformation<?> transformation)
return add(mutable(iterator), transformation);
static UnfilteredPartitions mutable(UnfilteredPartitionIterator iterator)
return iterator instanceof UnfilteredPartitions
? (UnfilteredPartitions) iterator
: new UnfilteredPartitions(iterator);
static FilteredPartitions mutable(PartitionIterator iterator)
return iterator instanceof FilteredPartitions
? (FilteredPartitions) iterator
: new FilteredPartitions(iterator);
static UnfilteredRows mutable(UnfilteredRowIterator iterator)
return iterator instanceof UnfilteredRows
? (UnfilteredRows) iterator
: new UnfilteredRows(iterator);
static FilteredRows mutable(RowIterator iterator)
return iterator instanceof FilteredRows
? (FilteredRows) iterator
: new FilteredRows(iterator);
static <E extends BaseIterator> E add(E to, Transformation add)
return to;
static <E extends BaseIterator> E add(E to, MoreContents add)
return to;