blob: e8667e005dba12a5c8a2ca8f3f60ce3423498427 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.cassandra.db.rows;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.CFMetaData;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.ColumnDefinition;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.ColumnFilter;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AbstractType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.PartitionUpdate;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.AbstractIterator;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ObjectSizes;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.btree.BTree;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.btree.BTreeSearchIterator;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.btree.UpdateFunction;
* Immutable implementation of a Row object.
public class BTreeRow extends AbstractRow
private static final long EMPTY_SIZE = ObjectSizes.measure(emptyRow(Clustering.EMPTY));
private final Clustering clustering;
private final LivenessInfo primaryKeyLivenessInfo;
private final Deletion deletion;
// The data for each columns present in this row in column sorted order.
private final Object[] btree;
// We need to filter the tombstones of a row on every read (twice in fact: first to remove purgeable tombstone, and then after reconciliation to remove
// all tombstone since we don't return them to the client) as well as on compaction. But it's likely that many rows won't have any tombstone at all, so
// we want to speed up that case by not having to iterate/copy the row in this case. We could keep a single boolean telling us if we have tombstones,
// but that doesn't work for expiring columns. So instead we keep the deletion time for the first thing in the row to be deleted. This allow at any given
// time to know if we have any deleted information or not. If we any "true" tombstone (i.e. not an expiring cell), this value will be forced to
// Integer.MIN_VALUE, but if we don't and have expiring cells, this will the time at which the first expiring cell expires. If we have no tombstones and
// no expiring cells, this will be Integer.MAX_VALUE;
private final int minLocalDeletionTime;
private BTreeRow(Clustering clustering, LivenessInfo primaryKeyLivenessInfo, Deletion deletion, Object[] btree, int minLocalDeletionTime)
assert !deletion.isShadowedBy(primaryKeyLivenessInfo);
this.clustering = clustering;
this.primaryKeyLivenessInfo = primaryKeyLivenessInfo;
this.deletion = deletion;
this.btree = btree;
this.minLocalDeletionTime = minLocalDeletionTime;
private BTreeRow(Clustering clustering, Object[] btree, int minLocalDeletionTime)
this(clustering, LivenessInfo.EMPTY, Deletion.LIVE, btree, minLocalDeletionTime);
// Note that it's often easier/safer to use the sortedBuilder/unsortedBuilder or one of the static creation method below. Only directly useful in a small amount of cases.
public static BTreeRow create(Clustering clustering, LivenessInfo primaryKeyLivenessInfo, Deletion deletion, Object[] btree)
int minDeletionTime = Math.min(minDeletionTime(primaryKeyLivenessInfo), minDeletionTime(deletion.time()));
if (minDeletionTime != Integer.MIN_VALUE)
for (ColumnData cd : BTree.<ColumnData>iterable(btree))
minDeletionTime = Math.min(minDeletionTime, minDeletionTime(cd));
return new BTreeRow(clustering, primaryKeyLivenessInfo, deletion, btree, minDeletionTime);
public static BTreeRow emptyRow(Clustering clustering)
return new BTreeRow(clustering, BTree.empty(), Integer.MAX_VALUE);
public static BTreeRow singleCellRow(Clustering clustering, Cell cell)
if (cell.column().isSimple())
return new BTreeRow(clustering, BTree.singleton(cell), minDeletionTime(cell));
ComplexColumnData complexData = new ComplexColumnData(cell.column(), new Cell[]{ cell }, DeletionTime.LIVE);
return new BTreeRow(clustering, BTree.singleton(complexData), minDeletionTime(cell));
public static BTreeRow emptyDeletedRow(Clustering clustering, Deletion deletion)
assert !deletion.isLive();
return new BTreeRow(clustering, LivenessInfo.EMPTY, deletion, BTree.empty(), Integer.MIN_VALUE);
public static BTreeRow noCellLiveRow(Clustering clustering, LivenessInfo primaryKeyLivenessInfo)
assert !primaryKeyLivenessInfo.isEmpty();
return new BTreeRow(clustering, primaryKeyLivenessInfo, Deletion.LIVE, BTree.empty(), minDeletionTime(primaryKeyLivenessInfo));
private static int minDeletionTime(Cell cell)
return cell.isTombstone() ? Integer.MIN_VALUE : cell.localDeletionTime();
private static int minDeletionTime(LivenessInfo info)
return info.isExpiring() ? info.localExpirationTime() : Integer.MAX_VALUE;
private static int minDeletionTime(DeletionTime dt)
return dt.isLive() ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : Integer.MIN_VALUE;
private static int minDeletionTime(ComplexColumnData cd)
int min = minDeletionTime(cd.complexDeletion());
for (Cell cell : cd)
min = Math.min(min, minDeletionTime(cell));
if (min == Integer.MIN_VALUE)
return min;
private static int minDeletionTime(ColumnData cd)
return cd.column().isSimple() ? minDeletionTime((Cell) cd) : minDeletionTime((ComplexColumnData)cd);
private static int minDeletionTime(Object[] btree, LivenessInfo info, DeletionTime rowDeletion)
int min = Math.min(minDeletionTime(info), minDeletionTime(rowDeletion));
for (ColumnData cd : BTree.<ColumnData>iterable(btree))
min = Math.min(min, minDeletionTime(cd));
if (min == Integer.MIN_VALUE)
return min;
public Clustering clustering()
return clustering;
public Collection<ColumnDefinition> columns()
return Collections2.transform(this, ColumnData::column);
public LivenessInfo primaryKeyLivenessInfo()
return primaryKeyLivenessInfo;
public boolean isEmpty()
return primaryKeyLivenessInfo().isEmpty()
&& deletion().isLive()
&& BTree.isEmpty(btree);
public Deletion deletion()
return deletion;
public Cell getCell(ColumnDefinition c)
assert !c.isComplex();
return (Cell) BTree.<Object>find(btree, ColumnDefinition.asymmetricColumnDataComparator, c);
public Cell getCell(ColumnDefinition c, CellPath path)
assert c.isComplex();
ComplexColumnData cd = getComplexColumnData(c);
if (cd == null)
return null;
return cd.getCell(path);
public ComplexColumnData getComplexColumnData(ColumnDefinition c)
assert c.isComplex();
return (ComplexColumnData) BTree.<Object>find(btree, ColumnDefinition.asymmetricColumnDataComparator, c);
public int size()
return BTree.size(btree);
public Iterator<ColumnData> iterator()
return searchIterator();
public Iterable<Cell> cells()
return CellIterator::new;
public BTreeSearchIterator<ColumnDefinition, ColumnData> searchIterator()
return BTree.slice(btree, ColumnDefinition.asymmetricColumnDataComparator, BTree.Dir.ASC);
public Row filter(ColumnFilter filter, CFMetaData metadata)
return filter(filter, DeletionTime.LIVE, false, metadata);
public Row filter(ColumnFilter filter, DeletionTime activeDeletion, boolean setActiveDeletionToRow, CFMetaData metadata)
Map<ByteBuffer, CFMetaData.DroppedColumn> droppedColumns = metadata.getDroppedColumns();
if (filter.includesAllColumns() && (activeDeletion.isLive() || deletion.supersedes(activeDeletion)) && droppedColumns.isEmpty())
return this;
boolean mayHaveShadowed = activeDeletion.supersedes(deletion.time());
LivenessInfo newInfo = primaryKeyLivenessInfo;
Deletion newDeletion = deletion;
if (mayHaveShadowed)
if (activeDeletion.deletes(newInfo.timestamp()))
newInfo = LivenessInfo.EMPTY;
// note that mayHaveShadowed means the activeDeletion shadows the row deletion. So if don't have setActiveDeletionToRow,
// the row deletion is shadowed and we shouldn't return it.
newDeletion = setActiveDeletionToRow ? Deletion.regular(activeDeletion) : Deletion.LIVE;
Columns columns = filter.fetchedColumns().columns(isStatic());
Predicate<ColumnDefinition> inclusionTester = columns.inOrderInclusionTester();
return transformAndFilter(newInfo, newDeletion, (cd) -> {
ColumnDefinition column = cd.column();
if (!inclusionTester.test(column))
return null;
CFMetaData.DroppedColumn dropped = droppedColumns.get(;
if (column.isComplex())
return ((ComplexColumnData) cd).filter(filter, mayHaveShadowed ? activeDeletion : DeletionTime.LIVE, dropped);
Cell cell = (Cell) cd;
return (dropped == null || cell.timestamp() > dropped.droppedTime) && !(mayHaveShadowed && activeDeletion.deletes(cell))
? cell : null;
public boolean hasComplex()
// We start by the end cause we know complex columns sort after the simple ones
ColumnData cd = Iterables.getFirst(BTree.<ColumnData>iterable(btree, BTree.Dir.DESC), null);
return cd != null && cd.column.isComplex();
public boolean hasComplexDeletion()
// We start by the end cause we know complex columns sort before simple ones
for (ColumnData cd : BTree.<ColumnData>iterable(btree, BTree.Dir.DESC))
if (cd.column().isSimple())
return false;
if (!((ComplexColumnData)cd).complexDeletion().isLive())
return true;
return false;
public Row markCounterLocalToBeCleared()
return transformAndFilter(primaryKeyLivenessInfo, deletion, (cd) -> cd.column().cellValueType().isCounter()
? cd.markCounterLocalToBeCleared()
: cd);
public boolean hasDeletion(int nowInSec)
return nowInSec >= minLocalDeletionTime;
* Returns a copy of the row where all timestamps for live data have replaced by {@code newTimestamp} and
* all deletion timestamp by {@code newTimestamp - 1}.
* This exists for the Paxos path, see {@link PartitionUpdate#updateAllTimestamp} for additional details.
public Row updateAllTimestamp(long newTimestamp)
LivenessInfo newInfo = primaryKeyLivenessInfo.isEmpty() ? primaryKeyLivenessInfo : primaryKeyLivenessInfo.withUpdatedTimestamp(newTimestamp);
// If the deletion is shadowable and the row has a timestamp, we'll forced the deletion timestamp to be less than the row one, so we
// should get rid of said deletion.
Deletion newDeletion = deletion.isLive() || (deletion.isShadowable() && !primaryKeyLivenessInfo.isEmpty())
? Deletion.LIVE
: new Deletion(new DeletionTime(newTimestamp - 1, deletion.time().localDeletionTime()), deletion.isShadowable());
return transformAndFilter(newInfo, newDeletion, (cd) -> cd.updateAllTimestamp(newTimestamp));
public Row purge(DeletionPurger purger, int nowInSec)
if (!hasDeletion(nowInSec))
return this;
LivenessInfo newInfo = purger.shouldPurge(primaryKeyLivenessInfo, nowInSec) ? LivenessInfo.EMPTY : primaryKeyLivenessInfo;
Deletion newDeletion = purger.shouldPurge(deletion.time()) ? Deletion.LIVE : deletion;
return transformAndFilter(newInfo, newDeletion, (cd) -> cd.purge(purger, nowInSec));
private Row transformAndFilter(LivenessInfo info, Deletion deletion, Function<ColumnData, ColumnData> function)
Object[] transformed = BTree.transformAndFilter(btree, function);
if (btree == transformed && info == this.primaryKeyLivenessInfo && deletion == this.deletion)
return this;
if (info.isEmpty() && deletion.isLive() && BTree.isEmpty(transformed))
return null;
int minDeletionTime = minDeletionTime(transformed, info, deletion.time());
return new BTreeRow(clustering, info, deletion, transformed, minDeletionTime);
public int dataSize()
int dataSize = clustering.dataSize()
+ primaryKeyLivenessInfo.dataSize()
+ deletion.dataSize();
for (ColumnData cd : this)
dataSize += cd.dataSize();
return dataSize;
public long unsharedHeapSizeExcludingData()
long heapSize = EMPTY_SIZE
+ clustering.unsharedHeapSizeExcludingData()
+ BTree.sizeOfStructureOnHeap(btree);
for (ColumnData cd : this)
heapSize += cd.unsharedHeapSizeExcludingData();
return heapSize;
public static Row.Builder sortedBuilder()
return new Builder(true);
public static Row.Builder unsortedBuilder(int nowInSec)
return new Builder(false, nowInSec);
// This is only used by PartitionUpdate.CounterMark but other uses should be avoided as much as possible as it breaks our general
// assumption that Row objects are immutable. This method should go away post-#6506 in particular.
// This method is in particular not exposed by the Row API on purpose.
// This method also *assumes* that the cell we're setting already exists.
public void setValue(ColumnDefinition column, CellPath path, ByteBuffer value)
ColumnData current = (ColumnData) BTree.<Object>find(btree, ColumnDefinition.asymmetricColumnDataComparator, column);
if (column.isSimple())
BTree.replaceInSitu(btree, ColumnData.comparator, current, ((Cell) current).withUpdatedValue(value));
((ComplexColumnData) current).setValue(path, value);
public Iterable<Cell> cellsInLegacyOrder(CFMetaData metadata, boolean reversed)
return () -> new CellInLegacyOrderIterator(metadata, reversed);
private class CellIterator extends AbstractIterator<Cell>
private Iterator<ColumnData> columnData = iterator();
private Iterator<Cell> complexCells;
protected Cell computeNext()
while (true)
if (complexCells != null)
if (complexCells.hasNext())
complexCells = null;
if (!columnData.hasNext())
return endOfData();
ColumnData cd =;
if (cd.column().isComplex())
complexCells = ((ComplexColumnData)cd).iterator();
return (Cell)cd;
private class CellInLegacyOrderIterator extends AbstractIterator<Cell>
private final Comparator<ByteBuffer> comparator;
private final boolean reversed;
private final int firstComplexIdx;
private int simpleIdx;
private int complexIdx;
private Iterator<Cell> complexCells;
private final Object[] data;
private CellInLegacyOrderIterator(CFMetaData metadata, boolean reversed)
AbstractType<?> nameComparator = metadata.getColumnDefinitionNameComparator(isStatic() ? ColumnDefinition.Kind.STATIC : ColumnDefinition.Kind.REGULAR);
this.comparator = reversed ? Collections.reverseOrder(nameComparator) : nameComparator;
this.reversed = reversed;
// copy btree into array for simple separate iteration of simple and complex columns = new Object[BTree.size(btree)];
BTree.toArray(btree, data, 0);
int idx = Iterators.indexOf(Iterators.forArray(data), cd -> cd instanceof ComplexColumnData);
this.firstComplexIdx = idx < 0 ? data.length : idx;
this.complexIdx = firstComplexIdx;
private int getSimpleIdx()
return reversed ? firstComplexIdx - simpleIdx - 1 : simpleIdx;
private int getSimpleIdxAndIncrement()
int idx = getSimpleIdx();
return idx;
private int getComplexIdx()
return reversed ? data.length + firstComplexIdx - complexIdx - 1 : complexIdx;
private int getComplexIdxAndIncrement()
int idx = getComplexIdx();
return idx;
private Iterator<Cell> makeComplexIterator(Object complexData)
ComplexColumnData ccd = (ComplexColumnData)complexData;
return reversed ? ccd.reverseIterator() : ccd.iterator();
protected Cell computeNext()
while (true)
if (complexCells != null)
if (complexCells.hasNext())
complexCells = null;
if (simpleIdx >= firstComplexIdx)
if (complexIdx >= data.length)
return endOfData();
complexCells = makeComplexIterator(data[getComplexIdxAndIncrement()]);
if (complexIdx >= data.length)
return (Cell)data[getSimpleIdxAndIncrement()];
if ( data[getSimpleIdx()]).column().name.bytes, ((ColumnData) data[getComplexIdx()]).column().name.bytes) < 0)
return (Cell)data[getSimpleIdxAndIncrement()];
complexCells = makeComplexIterator(data[getComplexIdxAndIncrement()]);
public static class Builder implements Row.Builder
// a simple marker class that will sort to the beginning of a run of complex cells to store the deletion time
private static class ComplexColumnDeletion extends BufferCell
public ComplexColumnDeletion(ColumnDefinition column, DeletionTime deletionTime)
super(column, deletionTime.markedForDeleteAt(), 0, deletionTime.localDeletionTime(), ByteBufferUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER, CellPath.BOTTOM);
// converts a run of Cell with equal column into a ColumnData
private static class CellResolver implements BTree.Builder.Resolver
final int nowInSec;
private CellResolver(int nowInSec)
this.nowInSec = nowInSec;
public ColumnData resolve(Object[] cells, int lb, int ub)
Cell cell = (Cell) cells[lb];
ColumnDefinition column = cell.column;
if (cell.column.isSimple())
assert lb + 1 == ub || nowInSec != Integer.MIN_VALUE;
while (++lb < ub)
cell = Cells.reconcile(cell, (Cell) cells[lb], nowInSec);
return cell;
// TODO: relax this in the case our outer provider is sorted (want to delay until remaining changes are
// bedded in, as less important; galloping makes it pretty cheap anyway)
Arrays.sort(cells, lb, ub, (Comparator<Object>) column.cellComparator());
DeletionTime deletion = DeletionTime.LIVE;
// Deal with complex deletion (for which we've use "fake" ComplexColumnDeletion cells that we need to remove).
// Note that in almost all cases we'll at most one of those fake cell, but the contract of {{Row.Builder.addComplexDeletion}}
// does not forbid it being called twice (especially in the unsorted case) and this can actually happen when reading
// legacy sstables (see #10743).
while (lb < ub)
cell = (Cell) cells[lb];
if (!(cell instanceof ComplexColumnDeletion))
if (cell.timestamp() > deletion.markedForDeleteAt())
deletion = new DeletionTime(cell.timestamp(), cell.localDeletionTime());
List<Object> buildFrom = Arrays.asList(cells).subList(lb, ub);
Object[] btree =, UpdateFunction.noOp());
return new ComplexColumnData(column, btree, deletion);
protected Clustering clustering;
protected LivenessInfo primaryKeyLivenessInfo = LivenessInfo.EMPTY;
protected Deletion deletion = Deletion.LIVE;
private final boolean isSorted;
private final BTree.Builder<Cell> cells;
private final CellResolver resolver;
private boolean hasComplex = false;
// For complex column at index i of 'columns', we store at complexDeletions[i] its complex deletion.
protected Builder(boolean isSorted)
this(isSorted, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
protected Builder(boolean isSorted, int nowInSecs)
this.cells = BTree.builder(ColumnData.comparator);
resolver = new CellResolver(nowInSecs);
this.isSorted = isSorted;;
public boolean isSorted()
return isSorted;
public void newRow(Clustering clustering)
assert this.clustering == null; // Ensures we've properly called build() if we've use this builder before
this.clustering = clustering;
public Clustering clustering()
return clustering;
protected void reset()
this.clustering = null;
this.primaryKeyLivenessInfo = LivenessInfo.EMPTY;
this.deletion = Deletion.LIVE;
public void addPrimaryKeyLivenessInfo(LivenessInfo info)
this.primaryKeyLivenessInfo = info;
public void addRowDeletion(Deletion deletion)
this.deletion = deletion;
public void addCell(Cell cell)
assert cell.column().isStatic() == (clustering == Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING) : "Column is " + cell.column() + ", clustering = " + clustering;
hasComplex |= cell.column.isComplex();
public void addComplexDeletion(ColumnDefinition column, DeletionTime complexDeletion)
cells.add(new ComplexColumnDeletion(column, complexDeletion));
hasComplex = true;
public Row build()
if (!isSorted)
// we can avoid resolving if we're sorted and have no complex values
// (because we'll only have unique simple cells, which are already in their final condition)
if (!isSorted | hasComplex)
Object[] btree =;
if (deletion.isShadowedBy(primaryKeyLivenessInfo))
deletion = Deletion.LIVE;
int minDeletionTime = minDeletionTime(btree, primaryKeyLivenessInfo, deletion.time());
Row row = new BTreeRow(clustering, primaryKeyLivenessInfo, deletion, btree, minDeletionTime);
return row;