blob: f9555f46c53e51b56feffa7d747463245d833464 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.Throwables;
import static*;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static org.apache.cassandra.utils.Throwables.merge;
class Helpers
* update the contents of a set with the provided sets, ensuring that the items to remove are
* really present, and that the items to add are not (unless we're also removing them)
* @return a new set with the contents of the provided one modified
static <T> Set<T> replace(Set<T> original, Set<T> remove, Iterable<T> add)
return ImmutableSet.copyOf(replace(identityMap(original), remove, add).keySet());
* update the contents of an "identity map" with the provided sets, ensuring that the items to remove are
* really present, and that the items to add are not (unless we're also removing them)
* @return a new identity map with the contents of the provided one modified
static <T> Map<T, T> replace(Map<T, T> original, Set<T> remove, Iterable<T> add)
// ensure the ones being removed are the exact same ones present
for (T reader : remove)
assert original.get(reader) == reader;
// ensure we don't already contain any we're adding, that we aren't also removing
assert !any(add, and(not(in(remove)), in(original.keySet()))) : String.format("original:%s remove:%s add:%s", original.keySet(), remove, add);
Map<T, T> result =
identityMap(concat(add, filter(original.keySet(), not(in(remove)))));
assert result.size() == original.size() - remove.size() + Iterables.size(add) :
String.format("Expecting new size of %d, got %d while replacing %s by %s in %s",
original.size() - remove.size() + Iterables.size(add), result.size(), remove, add, original.keySet());
return result;
* A convenience method for encapsulating this action over multiple SSTableReader with exception-safety
* @return accumulate if not null (with any thrown exception attached), or any thrown exception otherwise
static void setupOnline(Iterable<SSTableReader> readers)
for (SSTableReader reader : readers)
* A convenience method for encapsulating this action over multiple SSTableReader with exception-safety
* @return accumulate if not null (with any thrown exception attached), or any thrown exception otherwise
static Throwable setReplaced(Iterable<SSTableReader> readers, Throwable accumulate)
for (SSTableReader reader : readers)
catch (Throwable t)
accumulate = merge(accumulate, t);
return accumulate;
* assert that none of these readers have been replaced
static void checkNotReplaced(Iterable<SSTableReader> readers)
for (SSTableReader reader : readers)
assert !reader.isReplaced();
static Throwable markObsolete(List<LogTransaction.Obsoletion> obsoletions, Throwable accumulate)
if (obsoletions == null || obsoletions.isEmpty())
return accumulate;
for (LogTransaction.Obsoletion obsoletion : obsoletions)
catch (Throwable t)
accumulate = merge(accumulate, t);
return accumulate;
static Throwable prepareForObsoletion(Iterable<SSTableReader> readers, LogTransaction txnLogs, List<LogTransaction.Obsoletion> obsoletions, Throwable accumulate)
for (SSTableReader reader : readers)
obsoletions.add(new LogTransaction.Obsoletion(reader, txnLogs.obsoleted(reader)));
catch (Throwable t)
accumulate = Throwables.merge(accumulate, t);
return accumulate;
static Throwable abortObsoletion(List<LogTransaction.Obsoletion> obsoletions, Throwable accumulate)
if (obsoletions == null || obsoletions.isEmpty())
return accumulate;
for (LogTransaction.Obsoletion obsoletion : obsoletions)
catch (Throwable t)
accumulate = merge(accumulate, t);
return accumulate;
* @return the identity function, as a Map, with domain of the provided values
static <T> Map<T, T> identityMap(Iterable<T> values)
ImmutableMap.Builder<T, T> builder = ImmutableMap.<T, T>builder();
for (T t : values)
builder.put(t, t);
* @return an Iterable of the union if the sets, with duplicates being represented by their first encountered instance
* (as defined by the order of set provision)
static <T> Iterable<T> concatUniq(Set<T>... sets)
List<Predicate<T>> notIn = new ArrayList<>(sets.length);
for (Set<T> set : sets)
List<Iterable<T>> results = new ArrayList<>(sets.length);
for (int i = 0 ; i < sets.length ; i++)
results.add(filter(sets[i], and(notIn.subList(0, i))));
return concat(results);
* @return a Predicate yielding true for an item present in NONE of the provided sets
static <T> Predicate<T> notIn(Set<T>... sets)
return not(orIn(sets));
* @return a Predicate yielding true for an item present in ANY of the provided sets
static <T> Predicate<T> orIn(Collection<T>... sets)
Predicate<T>[] orIn = new Predicate[sets.length];
for (int i = 0 ; i < orIn.length ; i++)
orIn[i] = in(sets[i]);
return or(orIn);
* filter out (i.e. remove) matching elements
* @return filter, filtered to only those elements that *are not* present in *any* of the provided sets (are present in none)
static <T> Iterable<T> filterOut(Iterable<T> filter, Set<T>... inNone)
return filter(filter, notIn(inNone));
* filter in (i.e. retain)
* @return filter, filtered to only those elements that *are* present in *any* of the provided sets
static <T> Iterable<T> filterIn(Iterable<T> filter, Set<T>... inAny)
return filter(filter, orIn(inAny));
static Set<SSTableReader> emptySet()
return Collections.emptySet();
static <T> T select(T t, Collection<T> col)
if (col instanceof Set && !col.contains(t))
return null;
return getFirst(filter(col, equalTo(t)), null);
static <T> T selectFirst(T t, Collection<T> ... sets)
for (Collection<T> set : sets)
T select = select(t, set);
if (select != null)
return select;
return null;
static <T> Predicate<T> idIn(Set<T> set)
return idIn(identityMap(set));
static <T> Predicate<T> idIn(final Map<T, T> identityMap)
return new Predicate<T>()
public boolean apply(T t)
return identityMap.get(t) == t;