blob: 8060f230a3d41b534088b3bcec94ffbe2c837402 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.db.filter;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.CFMetaData;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.ColumnDefinition;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.Operator;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.context.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.transform.Transformation;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.InvalidRequestException;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.IndexMetadata;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities;
import static org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.RequestValidations.checkBindValueSet;
import static org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.RequestValidations.checkFalse;
import static org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.RequestValidations.checkNotNull;
* A filter on which rows a given query should include or exclude.
* <p>
* This corresponds to the restrictions on rows that are not handled by the query
* {@link ClusteringIndexFilter}. Some of the expressions of this filter may
* be handled by a 2ndary index, and the rest is simply filtered out from the
* result set (the later can only happen if the query was using ALLOW FILTERING).
public abstract class RowFilter implements Iterable<RowFilter.Expression>
public static final Serializer serializer = new Serializer();
public static final RowFilter NONE = new CQLFilter(Collections.emptyList());
protected final List<Expression> expressions;
protected RowFilter(List<Expression> expressions)
this.expressions = expressions;
public static RowFilter create()
return new CQLFilter(new ArrayList<>());
public static RowFilter create(int capacity)
return new CQLFilter(new ArrayList<>(capacity));
public static RowFilter forThrift(int capacity)
return new ThriftFilter(new ArrayList<>(capacity));
public void add(ColumnDefinition def, Operator op, ByteBuffer value)
add(new SimpleExpression(def, op, value));
public void addMapEquality(ColumnDefinition def, ByteBuffer key, Operator op, ByteBuffer value)
add(new MapEqualityExpression(def, key, op, value));
public void addThriftExpression(CFMetaData metadata, ByteBuffer name, Operator op, ByteBuffer value)
assert (this instanceof ThriftFilter);
add(new ThriftExpression(metadata, name, op, value));
public void addCustomIndexExpression(CFMetaData cfm, IndexMetadata targetIndex, ByteBuffer value)
add(new CustomExpression(cfm, targetIndex, value));
private void add(Expression expression)
public List<Expression> getExpressions()
return expressions;
* Filters the provided iterator so that only the row satisfying the expression of this filter
* are included in the resulting iterator.
* @param iter the iterator to filter
* @param nowInSec the time of query in seconds.
* @return the filtered iterator.
public abstract UnfilteredPartitionIterator filter(UnfilteredPartitionIterator iter, int nowInSec);
* Returns true if all of the expressions within this filter that apply to the partition key are satisfied by
* the given key, false otherwise.
public boolean partitionKeyRestrictionsAreSatisfiedBy(DecoratedKey key, AbstractType<?> keyValidator)
for (Expression e : expressions)
if (!e.column.isPartitionKey())
ByteBuffer value = keyValidator instanceof CompositeType
? ((CompositeType) keyValidator).split(key.getKey())[e.column.position()]
: key.getKey();
if (!e.operator().isSatisfiedBy(e.column.type, value, e.value))
return false;
return true;
* Returns true if all of the expressions within this filter that apply to the clustering key are satisfied by
* the given Clustering, false otherwise.
public boolean clusteringKeyRestrictionsAreSatisfiedBy(Clustering clustering)
for (Expression e : expressions)
if (!e.column.isClusteringColumn())
if (!e.operator().isSatisfiedBy(e.column.type, clustering.get(e.column.position()), e.value))
return false;
return true;
* Returns this filter but without the provided expression. This method
* *assumes* that the filter contains the provided expression.
public RowFilter without(Expression expression)
assert expressions.contains(expression);
if (expressions.size() == 1)
return RowFilter.NONE;
List<Expression> newExpressions = new ArrayList<>(expressions.size() - 1);
for (Expression e : expressions)
if (!e.equals(expression))
return withNewExpressions(newExpressions);
protected abstract RowFilter withNewExpressions(List<Expression> expressions);
public boolean isEmpty()
return expressions.isEmpty();
public Iterator<Expression> iterator()
return expressions.iterator();
private static Clustering makeCompactClustering(CFMetaData metadata, ByteBuffer name)
assert metadata.isCompactTable();
if (metadata.isCompound())
List<ByteBuffer> values = CompositeType.splitName(name);
return new Clustering(values.toArray(new ByteBuffer[metadata.comparator.size()]));
return new Clustering(name);
public String toString()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < expressions.size(); i++)
if (i > 0)
sb.append(" AND ");
return sb.toString();
private static class CQLFilter extends RowFilter
private CQLFilter(List<Expression> expressions)
public UnfilteredPartitionIterator filter(UnfilteredPartitionIterator iter, int nowInSec)
if (expressions.isEmpty())
return iter;
final CFMetaData metadata = iter.metadata();
long numberOfStaticColumnExpressions = -> e.column.isStatic()).count();
final boolean filterStaticColumns = numberOfStaticColumnExpressions != 0;
final boolean filterNonStaticColumns = (expressions.size() - numberOfStaticColumnExpressions) > 0;
class IsSatisfiedFilter extends Transformation<UnfilteredRowIterator>
DecoratedKey pk;
public UnfilteredRowIterator applyToPartition(UnfilteredRowIterator partition)
// The filter might be on static columns, so need to check static row first.
if (filterStaticColumns && applyToRow(partition.staticRow()) == null)
return null;
pk = partition.partitionKey();
UnfilteredRowIterator iterator = Transformation.apply(partition, this);
return (filterNonStaticColumns && !iterator.hasNext()) ? null : iterator;
public Row applyToRow(Row row)
Row purged = row.purge(DeletionPurger.PURGE_ALL, nowInSec);
if (purged == null)
return null;
for (Expression e : expressions)
if (!e.isSatisfiedBy(metadata, pk, purged))
return null;
return row;
return Transformation.apply(iter, new IsSatisfiedFilter());
protected RowFilter withNewExpressions(List<Expression> expressions)
return new CQLFilter(expressions);
private static class ThriftFilter extends RowFilter
private ThriftFilter(List<Expression> expressions)
public UnfilteredPartitionIterator filter(UnfilteredPartitionIterator iter, final int nowInSec)
if (expressions.isEmpty())
return iter;
class IsSatisfiedThriftFilter extends Transformation<UnfilteredRowIterator>
public UnfilteredRowIterator applyToPartition(UnfilteredRowIterator iter)
// Thrift does not filter rows, it filters entire partition if any of the expression is not
// satisfied, which forces us to materialize the result (in theory we could materialize only
// what we need which might or might not be everything, but we keep it simple since in practice
// it's not worth that it has ever been).
ImmutableBTreePartition result = ImmutableBTreePartition.create(iter);
// The partition needs to have a row for every expression, and the expression needs to be valid.
for (Expression expr : expressions)
assert expr instanceof ThriftExpression;
Row row = result.getRow(makeCompactClustering(iter.metadata(), expr.column().name.bytes));
if (row == null || !expr.isSatisfiedBy(iter.metadata(), iter.partitionKey(), row))
return null;
// If we get there, it means all expressions where satisfied, so return the original result
return result.unfilteredIterator();
return Transformation.apply(iter, new IsSatisfiedThriftFilter());
protected RowFilter withNewExpressions(List<Expression> expressions)
return new ThriftFilter(expressions);
public static abstract class Expression
private static final Serializer serializer = new Serializer();
// Note: the order of this enum matter, it's used for serialization
abstract Kind kind();
protected final ColumnDefinition column;
protected final Operator operator;
protected final ByteBuffer value;
protected Expression(ColumnDefinition column, Operator operator, ByteBuffer value)
this.column = column;
this.operator = operator;
this.value = value;
public boolean isCustom()
return kind() == Kind.CUSTOM;
public ColumnDefinition column()
return column;
public Operator operator()
return operator;
* Checks if the operator of this <code>IndexExpression</code> is a <code>CONTAINS</code> operator.
* @return <code>true</code> if the operator of this <code>IndexExpression</code> is a <code>CONTAINS</code>
* operator, <code>false</code> otherwise.
public boolean isContains()
return Operator.CONTAINS == operator;
* Checks if the operator of this <code>IndexExpression</code> is a <code>CONTAINS_KEY</code> operator.
* @return <code>true</code> if the operator of this <code>IndexExpression</code> is a <code>CONTAINS_KEY</code>
* operator, <code>false</code> otherwise.
public boolean isContainsKey()
return Operator.CONTAINS_KEY == operator;
* If this expression is used to query an index, the value to use as
* partition key for that index query.
public ByteBuffer getIndexValue()
return value;
public void validate()
checkNotNull(value, "Unsupported null value for column %s",;
checkBindValueSet(value, "Unsupported unset value for column %s",;
public void validateForIndexing()
checkFalse(value.remaining() > FBUtilities.MAX_UNSIGNED_SHORT,
"Index expression values may not be larger than 64K");
* Returns whether the provided row satisfied this expression or not.
* @param partitionKey the partition key for row to check.
* @param row the row to check. It should *not* contain deleted cells
* (i.e. it should come from a RowIterator).
* @return whether the row is satisfied by this expression.
public abstract boolean isSatisfiedBy(CFMetaData metadata, DecoratedKey partitionKey, Row row);
protected ByteBuffer getValue(CFMetaData metadata, DecoratedKey partitionKey, Row row)
switch (column.kind)
return metadata.getKeyValidator() instanceof CompositeType
? CompositeType.extractComponent(partitionKey.getKey(), column.position())
: partitionKey.getKey();
return row.clustering().get(column.position());
Cell cell = row.getCell(column);
return cell == null ? null : cell.value();
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == o)
return true;
if (!(o instanceof Expression))
return false;
Expression that = (Expression)o;
return Objects.equal(this.kind(), that.kind())
&& Objects.equal(,
&& Objects.equal(this.operator, that.operator)
&& Objects.equal(this.value, that.value);
public int hashCode()
return Objects.hashCode(, operator, value);
private static class Serializer
public void serialize(Expression expression, DataOutputPlus out, int version) throws IOException
if (version >= MessagingService.VERSION_30)
// Custom expressions include neither a column or operator, but all
// other expressions do. Also, custom expressions are 3.0+ only, so
// the column & operator will always be the first things written for
// any pre-3.0 version
if (expression.kind() == Kind.CUSTOM)
assert version >= MessagingService.VERSION_30;
IndexMetadata.serializer.serialize(((CustomExpression)expression).targetIndex, out, version);
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(expression.value, out);
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(, out);
switch (expression.kind())
case SIMPLE:
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(((SimpleExpression)expression).value, out);
MapEqualityExpression mexpr = (MapEqualityExpression)expression;
if (version < MessagingService.VERSION_30)
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(mexpr.getIndexValue(), out);
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(mexpr.key, out);
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(mexpr.value, out);
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(((ThriftExpression)expression).value, out);
public Expression deserialize(DataInputPlus in, int version, CFMetaData metadata) throws IOException
Kind kind = null;
ByteBuffer name;
Operator operator;
ColumnDefinition column;
if (version >= MessagingService.VERSION_30)
kind = Kind.values()[in.readByte()];
// custom expressions (3.0+ only) do not contain a column or operator, only a value
if (kind == Kind.CUSTOM)
return new CustomExpression(metadata,
IndexMetadata.serializer.deserialize(in, version, metadata),
name = ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(in);
operator = Operator.readFrom(in);
column = metadata.getColumnDefinition(name);
if (!metadata.isCompactTable() && column == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown (or dropped) column " + UTF8Type.instance.getString(name) + " during deserialization");
if (version < MessagingService.VERSION_30)
if (column == null)
kind = Kind.THRIFT_DYN_EXPR;
else if (column.type instanceof MapType && operator == Operator.EQ)
kind = Kind.MAP_EQUALITY;
kind = Kind.SIMPLE;
assert kind != null;
switch (kind)
case SIMPLE:
return new SimpleExpression(column, operator, ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(in));
ByteBuffer key, value;
if (version < MessagingService.VERSION_30)
ByteBuffer composite = ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(in);
key = CompositeType.extractComponent(composite, 0);
value = CompositeType.extractComponent(composite, 0);
key = ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(in);
value = ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(in);
return new MapEqualityExpression(column, key, operator, value);
return new ThriftExpression(metadata, name, operator, ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(in));
throw new AssertionError();
public long serializedSize(Expression expression, int version)
// version 3.0+ includes a byte for Kind
long size = version >= MessagingService.VERSION_30 ? 1 : 0;
// custom expressions don't include a column or operator, all other expressions do
if (expression.kind() != Kind.CUSTOM)
size += ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(expression.column().name.bytes)
+ expression.operator.serializedSize();
switch (expression.kind())
case SIMPLE:
size += ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(((SimpleExpression)expression).value);
MapEqualityExpression mexpr = (MapEqualityExpression)expression;
if (version < MessagingService.VERSION_30)
size += ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(mexpr.getIndexValue());
size += ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(mexpr.key)
+ ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(mexpr.value);
size += ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(((ThriftExpression)expression).value);
case CUSTOM:
if (version >= MessagingService.VERSION_30)
size += IndexMetadata.serializer.serializedSize(((CustomExpression)expression).targetIndex, version)
+ ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(expression.value);
return size;
* An expression of the form 'column' 'op' 'value'.
private static class SimpleExpression extends Expression
public SimpleExpression(ColumnDefinition column, Operator operator, ByteBuffer value)
super(column, operator, value);
public boolean isSatisfiedBy(CFMetaData metadata, DecoratedKey partitionKey, Row row)
// We support null conditions for LWT (in ColumnCondition) but not for RowFilter.
// TODO: we should try to merge both code someday.
assert value != null;
if (row.isStatic() != column.isStatic())
return true;
switch (operator)
case EQ:
case LT:
case LTE:
case GTE:
case GT:
assert !column.isComplex() : "Only CONTAINS and CONTAINS_KEY are supported for 'complex' types";
// In order to support operators on Counter types, their value has to be extracted from internal
// representation. See CASSANDRA-11629
if (column.type.isCounter())
ByteBuffer foundValue = getValue(metadata, partitionKey, row);
if (foundValue == null)
return false;
ByteBuffer counterValue = LongType.instance.decompose(CounterContext.instance().total(foundValue));
return operator.isSatisfiedBy(LongType.instance, counterValue, value);
// Note that CQL expression are always of the form 'x < 4', i.e. the tested value is on the left.
ByteBuffer foundValue = getValue(metadata, partitionKey, row);
return foundValue != null && operator.isSatisfiedBy(column.type, foundValue, value);
case NEQ:
assert !column.isComplex() : "Only CONTAINS and CONTAINS_KEY are supported for 'complex' types";
ByteBuffer foundValue = getValue(metadata, partitionKey, row);
// Note that CQL expression are always of the form 'x < 4', i.e. the tested value is on the left.
return foundValue != null && operator.isSatisfiedBy(column.type, foundValue, value);
assert column.type.isCollection();
CollectionType<?> type = (CollectionType<?>)column.type;
if (column.isComplex())
ComplexColumnData complexData = row.getComplexColumnData(column);
for (Cell cell : complexData)
if (type.kind == CollectionType.Kind.SET)
if (type.nameComparator().compare(cell.path().get(0), value) == 0)
return true;
if (type.valueComparator().compare(cell.value(), value) == 0)
return true;
return false;
ByteBuffer foundValue = getValue(metadata, partitionKey, row);
if (foundValue == null)
return false;
switch (type.kind)
case LIST:
ListType<?> listType = (ListType<?>)type;
return listType.compose(foundValue).contains(listType.getElementsType().compose(value));
case SET:
SetType<?> setType = (SetType<?>)type;
return setType.compose(foundValue).contains(setType.getElementsType().compose(value));
case MAP:
MapType<?,?> mapType = (MapType<?, ?>)type;
return mapType.compose(foundValue).containsValue(mapType.getValuesType().compose(value));
throw new AssertionError();
assert column.type.isCollection() && column.type instanceof MapType;
MapType<?, ?> mapType = (MapType<?, ?>)column.type;
if (column.isComplex())
return row.getCell(column, CellPath.create(value)) != null;
ByteBuffer foundValue = getValue(metadata, partitionKey, row);
return foundValue != null && mapType.getSerializer().getSerializedValue(foundValue, value, mapType.getKeysType()) != null;
case IN:
// It wouldn't be terribly hard to support this (though doing so would imply supporting
// IN for 2ndary index) but currently we don't.
throw new AssertionError();
throw new AssertionError();
public String toString()
AbstractType<?> type = column.type;
switch (operator)
assert type instanceof CollectionType;
CollectionType<?> ct = (CollectionType<?>)type;
type = ct.kind == CollectionType.Kind.SET ? ct.nameComparator() : ct.valueComparator();
assert type instanceof MapType;
type = ((MapType<?, ?>)type).nameComparator();
case IN:
type = ListType.getInstance(type, false);
return String.format("%s %s %s",, operator, type.getString(value));
Kind kind()
return Kind.SIMPLE;
* An expression of the form 'column' ['key'] = 'value' (which is only
* supported when 'column' is a map).
private static class MapEqualityExpression extends Expression
private final ByteBuffer key;
public MapEqualityExpression(ColumnDefinition column, ByteBuffer key, Operator operator, ByteBuffer value)
super(column, operator, value);
assert column.type instanceof MapType && operator == Operator.EQ;
this.key = key;
public void validate() throws InvalidRequestException
checkNotNull(key, "Unsupported null map key for column %s",;
checkBindValueSet(key, "Unsupported unset map key for column %s",;
checkNotNull(value, "Unsupported null map value for column %s",;
checkBindValueSet(value, "Unsupported unset map value for column %s",;
public ByteBuffer getIndexValue()
return, value);
public boolean isSatisfiedBy(CFMetaData metadata, DecoratedKey partitionKey, Row row)
assert key != null;
// We support null conditions for LWT (in ColumnCondition) but not for RowFilter.
// TODO: we should try to merge both code someday.
assert value != null;
if (row.isStatic() != column.isStatic())
return true;
MapType<?, ?> mt = (MapType<?, ?>)column.type;
if (column.isComplex())
Cell cell = row.getCell(column, CellPath.create(key));
return cell != null && mt.valueComparator().compare(cell.value(), value) == 0;
ByteBuffer serializedMap = getValue(metadata, partitionKey, row);
if (serializedMap == null)
return false;
ByteBuffer foundValue = mt.getSerializer().getSerializedValue(serializedMap, key, mt.getKeysType());
return foundValue != null && mt.valueComparator().compare(foundValue, value) == 0;
public String toString()
MapType<?, ?> mt = (MapType<?, ?>)column.type;
return String.format("%s[%s] = %s",, mt.nameComparator().getString(key), mt.valueComparator().getString(value));
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == o)
return true;
if (!(o instanceof MapEqualityExpression))
return false;
MapEqualityExpression that = (MapEqualityExpression)o;
return Objects.equal(,
&& Objects.equal(this.operator, that.operator)
&& Objects.equal(this.key, that.key)
&& Objects.equal(this.value, that.value);
public int hashCode()
return Objects.hashCode(, operator, key, value);
Kind kind()
return Kind.MAP_EQUALITY;
* An expression of the form 'name' = 'value', but where 'name' is actually the
* clustering value for a compact table. This is only for thrift.
private static class ThriftExpression extends Expression
public ThriftExpression(CFMetaData metadata, ByteBuffer name, Operator operator, ByteBuffer value)
super(makeDefinition(metadata, name), operator, value);
assert metadata.isCompactTable();
private static ColumnDefinition makeDefinition(CFMetaData metadata, ByteBuffer name)
ColumnDefinition def = metadata.getColumnDefinition(name);
if (def != null)
return def;
// In thrift, we actually allow expression on non-defined columns for the sake of filtering. To accomodate
// this we create a "fake" definition. This is messy but it works so is probably good enough.
return ColumnDefinition.regularDef(metadata, name, metadata.compactValueColumn().type);
public boolean isSatisfiedBy(CFMetaData metadata, DecoratedKey partitionKey, Row row)
assert value != null;
// On thrift queries, even if the column expression is a "static" one, we'll have convert it as a "dynamic"
// one in ThriftResultsMerger, so we always expect it to be a dynamic one. Further, we expect this is only
// called when the row clustering does match the column (see ThriftFilter above).
assert row.clustering().equals(makeCompactClustering(metadata,;
Cell cell = row.getCell(metadata.compactValueColumn());
return cell != null && operator.isSatisfiedBy(column.type, cell.value(), value);
public String toString()
return String.format("%s %s %s",, operator, column.type.getString(value));
Kind kind()
return Kind.THRIFT_DYN_EXPR;
* A custom index expression for use with 2i implementations which support custom syntax and which are not
* necessarily linked to a single column in the base table.
public static final class CustomExpression extends Expression
private final IndexMetadata targetIndex;
private final CFMetaData cfm;
public CustomExpression(CFMetaData cfm, IndexMetadata targetIndex, ByteBuffer value)
// The operator is not relevant, but Expression requires it so for now we just hardcode EQ
super(makeDefinition(cfm, targetIndex), Operator.EQ, value);
this.targetIndex = targetIndex;
this.cfm = cfm;
private static ColumnDefinition makeDefinition(CFMetaData cfm, IndexMetadata index)
// Similarly to how we handle non-defined columns in thift, we create a fake column definition to
// represent the target index. This is definitely something that can be improved though.
return ColumnDefinition.regularDef(cfm, ByteBuffer.wrap(, BytesType.instance);
public IndexMetadata getTargetIndex()
return targetIndex;
public ByteBuffer getValue()
return value;
public String toString()
return String.format("expr(%s, %s)",,
Kind kind()
return Kind.CUSTOM;
// Filtering by custom expressions isn't supported yet, so just accept any row
public boolean isSatisfiedBy(CFMetaData metadata, DecoratedKey partitionKey, Row row)
return true;
public static class Serializer
public void serialize(RowFilter filter, DataOutputPlus out, int version) throws IOException
out.writeBoolean(filter instanceof ThriftFilter);
for (Expression expr : filter.expressions)
Expression.serializer.serialize(expr, out, version);
public RowFilter deserialize(DataInputPlus in, int version, CFMetaData metadata) throws IOException
boolean forThrift = in.readBoolean();
int size = (int)in.readUnsignedVInt();
List<Expression> expressions = new ArrayList<>(size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
expressions.add(Expression.serializer.deserialize(in, version, metadata));
return forThrift
? new ThriftFilter(expressions)
: new CQLFilter(expressions);
public long serializedSize(RowFilter filter, int version)
long size = 1 // forThrift
+ TypeSizes.sizeofUnsignedVInt(filter.expressions.size());
for (Expression expr : filter.expressions)
size += Expression.serializer.serializedSize(expr, version);
return size;