blob: 98e2433d19784faaac5f26a9e2a6f14608b67bd3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.cassandra.auth.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.Schema;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.functions.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AbstractType;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.serializers.MarshalException;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.ClientState;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.MigrationManager;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.QueryState;
import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.ThriftValidation;
import org.apache.cassandra.transport.Event;
import org.apache.cassandra.transport.Server;
* A {@code CREATE AGGREGATE} statement parsed from a CQL query.
public final class CreateAggregateStatement extends SchemaAlteringStatement
private final boolean orReplace;
private final boolean ifNotExists;
private FunctionName functionName;
private FunctionName stateFunc;
private FunctionName finalFunc;
private final CQL3Type.Raw stateTypeRaw;
private final List<CQL3Type.Raw> argRawTypes;
private final Term.Raw ival;
private List<AbstractType<?>> argTypes;
private AbstractType<?> returnType;
private ScalarFunction stateFunction;
private ScalarFunction finalFunction;
private ByteBuffer initcond;
public CreateAggregateStatement(FunctionName functionName,
List<CQL3Type.Raw> argRawTypes,
String stateFunc,
CQL3Type.Raw stateType,
String finalFunc,
Term.Raw ival,
boolean orReplace,
boolean ifNotExists)
this.functionName = functionName;
this.argRawTypes = argRawTypes;
this.stateFunc = new FunctionName(functionName.keyspace, stateFunc);
this.finalFunc = finalFunc != null ? new FunctionName(functionName.keyspace, finalFunc) : null;
this.stateTypeRaw = stateType;
this.ival = ival;
this.orReplace = orReplace;
this.ifNotExists = ifNotExists;
public Prepared prepare()
argTypes = new ArrayList<>(argRawTypes.size());
for (CQL3Type.Raw rawType : argRawTypes)
argTypes.add(prepareType("arguments", rawType));
AbstractType<?> stateType = prepareType("state type", stateTypeRaw);
List<AbstractType<?>> stateArgs = stateArguments(stateType, argTypes);
Function f = Schema.instance.findFunction(stateFunc, stateArgs).orElse(null);
if (!(f instanceof ScalarFunction))
throw new InvalidRequestException("State function " + stateFuncSig(stateFunc, stateTypeRaw, argRawTypes) + " does not exist or is not a scalar function");
stateFunction = (ScalarFunction)f;
AbstractType<?> stateReturnType = stateFunction.returnType();
if (!stateReturnType.equals(stateType))
throw new InvalidRequestException("State function " + stateFuncSig(, stateTypeRaw, argRawTypes) + " return type must be the same as the first argument type - check STYPE, argument and return types");
if (finalFunc != null)
List<AbstractType<?>> finalArgs = Collections.<AbstractType<?>>singletonList(stateType);
f = Schema.instance.findFunction(finalFunc, finalArgs).orElse(null);
if (!(f instanceof ScalarFunction))
throw new InvalidRequestException("Final function " + finalFunc + '(' + stateTypeRaw + ") does not exist or is not a scalar function");
finalFunction = (ScalarFunction) f;
returnType = finalFunction.returnType();
returnType = stateReturnType;
if (ival != null)
initcond = Terms.asBytes(functionName.keyspace, ival.toString(), stateType);
if (initcond != null)
catch (MarshalException e)
throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Invalid value for INITCOND of type %s%s", stateType.asCQL3Type(),
e.getMessage() == null ? "" : String.format(" (%s)", e.getMessage())));
// Sanity check that converts the initcond to a CQL literal and parse it back to avoid getting in CASSANDRA-11064.
String initcondAsCql = stateType.asCQL3Type().toCQLLiteral(initcond, Server.CURRENT_VERSION);
assert Objects.equals(initcond, Terms.asBytes(functionName.keyspace, initcondAsCql, stateType));
if (Constants.NULL_LITERAL != ival && UDHelper.isNullOrEmpty(stateType, initcond))
throw new InvalidRequestException("INITCOND must not be empty for all types except TEXT, ASCII, BLOB");
return super.prepare();
private AbstractType<?> prepareType(String typeName, CQL3Type.Raw rawType)
if (rawType.isFrozen())
throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("The function %s should not be frozen; remove the frozen<> modifier", typeName));
// UDT are not supported non frozen but we do not allow the frozen keyword for argument. So for the moment we
// freeze them here
if (!rawType.canBeNonFrozen())
AbstractType<?> type = rawType.prepare(functionName.keyspace).getType();
return type;
public void prepareKeyspace(ClientState state) throws InvalidRequestException
if (!functionName.hasKeyspace() && state.getRawKeyspace() != null)
functionName = new FunctionName(state.getKeyspace(),;
if (!functionName.hasKeyspace())
throw new InvalidRequestException("Functions must be fully qualified with a keyspace name if a keyspace is not set for the session");
stateFunc = new FunctionName(functionName.keyspace,;
if (finalFunc != null)
finalFunc = new FunctionName(functionName.keyspace,;
protected void grantPermissionsToCreator(QueryState state)
IResource resource = FunctionResource.function(functionName.keyspace,, argTypes);
catch (RequestExecutionException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void checkAccess(ClientState state) throws UnauthorizedException, InvalidRequestException
if (Schema.instance.findFunction(functionName, argTypes).isPresent() && orReplace)
state.ensureHasPermission(Permission.ALTER, FunctionResource.function(functionName.keyspace,,
state.ensureHasPermission(Permission.CREATE, FunctionResource.keyspace(functionName.keyspace));
state.ensureHasPermission(Permission.EXECUTE, stateFunction);
if (finalFunction != null)
state.ensureHasPermission(Permission.EXECUTE, finalFunction);
public void validate(ClientState state) throws InvalidRequestException
if (ifNotExists && orReplace)
throw new InvalidRequestException("Cannot use both 'OR REPLACE' and 'IF NOT EXISTS' directives");
if (Schema.instance.getKSMetaData(functionName.keyspace) == null)
throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Cannot add aggregate '%s' to non existing keyspace '%s'.",, functionName.keyspace));
public Event.SchemaChange announceMigration(boolean isLocalOnly) throws RequestValidationException
Function old = Schema.instance.findFunction(functionName, argTypes).orElse(null);
boolean replaced = old != null;
if (replaced)
if (ifNotExists)
return null;
if (!orReplace)
throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Function %s already exists", old));
if (!(old instanceof AggregateFunction))
throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Aggregate %s can only replace an aggregate", old));
// Means we're replacing the function. We still need to validate that 1) it's not a native function and 2) that the return type
// matches (or that could break existing code badly)
if (old.isNative())
throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Cannot replace native aggregate %s", old));
if (!old.returnType().isValueCompatibleWith(returnType))
throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Cannot replace aggregate %s, the new return type %s is not compatible with the return type %s of existing function",
functionName, returnType.asCQL3Type(), old.returnType().asCQL3Type()));
if (!stateFunction.isCalledOnNullInput() && initcond == null)
throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Cannot create aggregate %s without INITCOND because state function %s does not accept 'null' arguments", functionName, stateFunc));
UDAggregate udAggregate = new UDAggregate(functionName, argTypes, returnType, stateFunction, finalFunction, initcond);
MigrationManager.announceNewAggregate(udAggregate, isLocalOnly);
return new Event.SchemaChange(replaced ? Event.SchemaChange.Change.UPDATED : Event.SchemaChange.Change.CREATED,
Event.SchemaChange.Target.AGGREGATE,,, AbstractType.asCQLTypeStringList(udAggregate.argTypes()));
private static String stateFuncSig(FunctionName stateFuncName, CQL3Type.Raw stateTypeRaw, List<CQL3Type.Raw> argRawTypes)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (CQL3Type.Raw argRawType : argRawTypes)
sb.append(", ").append(argRawType);
return sb.toString();
private static List<AbstractType<?>> stateArguments(AbstractType<?> stateType, List<AbstractType<?>> argTypes)
List<AbstractType<?>> r = new ArrayList<>(argTypes.size() + 1);
return r;