blob: c8f5cb1839743eb6b2a00209cb369879bf868adb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.db.rows;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.*;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.apache.cassandra.Util;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.CFMetaData;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.ColumnDefinition;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.CQLTester;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.context.CounterContext;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.CounterId;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
* Test that digest for pre-3.0 versions are properly computed (they match the value computed on pre-3.0 nodes).
* The concreted 'hard-coded' digests this file tests against have been generated on a 2.2 node using basically
* the same test file but with 2 modifications:
* 1. readAndDigest is modified to work on 2.2 (the actual modification is in the method as a comment)
* 2. the assertions are replace by simple println() of the generated digest.
* Note that we only compare against 2.2 since digests should be fixed between version before 3.0 (this would be a bug
* of previous version otherwise).
public class DigestBackwardCompatibilityTest extends CQLTester
private ByteBuffer readAndDigest(String partitionKey)
* In 2.2, this must be replaced by:
* ColumnFamily partition = getCurrentColumnFamilyStore().getColumnFamily(QueryFilter.getIdentityFilter(, currentTable(), System.currentTimeMillis()));
* return ColumnFamily.digest(partition);
ReadCommand cmd = Util.cmd(getCurrentColumnFamilyStore(), partitionKey).build();
ImmutableBTreePartition partition = Util.getOnlyPartitionUnfiltered(cmd);
MessageDigest digest = FBUtilities.threadLocalMD5Digest();
UnfilteredRowIterators.digest(cmd, partition.unfilteredIterator(), digest, MessagingService.VERSION_22);
return ByteBuffer.wrap(digest.digest());
private void assertDigest(String expected, ByteBuffer actual)
String toTest = ByteBufferUtil.bytesToHex(actual);
assertEquals(String.format("[digest from 2.2] %s != %s [digest from 3.0]", expected, toTest), expected, toTest);
public void testCQLTable() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k text, t int, v1 text, v2 int, PRIMARY KEY (k, t))");
String key = "someKey";
int N = 10;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, t, v1, v2) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) USING TIMESTAMP ? AND TTL ?", key, i, "v" + i, i, 1L, 200);
// ColumnFamily(table_0 [0::false:0@1!200,0:v1:false:2@1!200,0:v2:false:4@1!200,1::false:0@1!200,1:v1:false:2@1!200,1:v2:false:4@1!200,2::false:0@1!200,2:v1:false:2@1!200,2:v2:false:4@1!200,3::false:0@1!200,3:v1:false:2@1!200,3:v2:false:4@1!200,4::false:0@1!200,4:v1:false:2@1!200,4:v2:false:4@1!200,5::false:0@1!200,5:v1:false:2@1!200,5:v2:false:4@1!200,6::false:0@1!200,6:v1:false:2@1!200,6:v2:false:4@1!200,7::false:0@1!200,7:v1:false:2@1!200,7:v2:false:4@1!200,8::false:0@1!200,8:v1:false:2@1!200,8:v2:false:4@1!200,9::false:0@1!200,9:v1:false:2@1!200,9:v2:false:4@1!200,])
assertDigest("aa608035cf6574a97061b5c166b64939", readAndDigest(key));
// This is a cell deletion
execute("DELETE v1 FROM %s USING TIMESTAMP ? WHERE k = ? AND t = ?", 2L, key, 2);
// This is a range tombstone
execute("DELETE FROM %s USING TIMESTAMP ? WHERE k = ? AND t = ?", 3L, key, 4);
// This is a partition level deletion (but we use an older tombstone so it doesn't get rid of everything and keeps the test interesting)
execute("DELETE FROM %s USING TIMESTAMP ? WHERE k = ?", 0L, key);
// ColumnFamily(table_0 -{deletedAt=0, localDeletion=1441012270, ranges=[4:_-4:!, deletedAt=3, localDeletion=1441012270]}- [0::false:0@1!200,0:v1:false:2@1!200,0:v2:false:4@1!200,1::false:0@1!200,1:v1:false:2@1!200,1:v2:false:4@1!200,2::false:0@1!200,2:v1:true:4@2,2:v2:false:4@1!200,3::false:0@1!200,3:v1:false:2@1!200,3:v2:false:4@1!200,5::false:0@1!200,5:v1:false:2@1!200,5:v2:false:4@1!200,6::false:0@1!200,6:v1:false:2@1!200,6:v2:false:4@1!200,7::false:0@1!200,7:v1:false:2@1!200,7:v2:false:4@1!200,8::false:0@1!200,8:v1:false:2@1!200,8:v2:false:4@1!200,9::false:0@1!200,9:v1:false:2@1!200,9:v2:false:4@1!200,])
assertDigest("b5f38d2dc7b917d221f98ab1641f82bf", readAndDigest(key));
public void testCompactTable() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k text, t int, v text, PRIMARY KEY (k, t)) WITH COMPACT STORAGE");
String key = "someKey";
int N = 10;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, t, v) VALUES (?, ?, ?) USING TIMESTAMP ? AND TTL ?", key, i, "v" + i, 1L, 200);
assertDigest("44785ddd7c62c73287b448b6063645e5", readAndDigest(key));
// This is a cell deletion
execute("DELETE FROM %s USING TIMESTAMP ? WHERE k = ? AND t = ?", 2L, key, 2);
// This is a partition level deletion (but we use an older tombstone so it doesn't get rid of everything and keeps the test interesting)
execute("DELETE FROM %s USING TIMESTAMP ? WHERE k = ?", 0L, key);
assertDigest("55d9bd6335276395d83b18eb17f9abe7", readAndDigest(key));
public void testStaticCompactTable() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k text PRIMARY KEY, v1 text, v2 int) WITH COMPACT STORAGE");
String key = "someKey";
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, v1, v2) VALUES (?, ?, ?) USING TIMESTAMP ?", key, "v", 0, 1L);
assertDigest("d2080f9f57d6edf92da1fdaaa76573d3", readAndDigest(key));
public void testTableWithCollection() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k text PRIMARY KEY, m map<text, text>)");
String key = "someKey";
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, m) VALUES (?, { 'foo' : 'value1', 'bar' : 'value2' }) USING TIMESTAMP ?", key, 1L);
// ColumnFamily(table_2 -{deletedAt=-9223372036854775808, localDeletion=2147483647, ranges=[m:_-m:!, deletedAt=0, localDeletion=1441012271]}- [:false:0@1,m:626172:false:6@1,m:666f6f:false:6@1,])
assertDigest("708f3fc8bc8149cc3513eef300bf0182", readAndDigest(key));
// This is a collection range tombstone
execute("DELETE m FROM %s USING TIMESTAMP ? WHERE k = ?", 2L, key);
// ColumnFamily(table_2 -{deletedAt=-9223372036854775808, localDeletion=2147483647, ranges=[m:_-m:!, deletedAt=2, localDeletion=1441012271]}- [:false:0@1,])
assertDigest("f39937fc3ed96956ef507e81717fa5cd", readAndDigest(key));
public void testCounterTable() throws Throwable
* We can't use CQL to insert counters as both the timestamp and counter ID are automatically assigned and unpredictable.
* So we need to built it ourselves in a way that is totally equivalent between 2.2 and 3.0 which makes the test a little
* bit less readable. In any case, the code to generate the equivalent mutation on 2.2 is:
* ColumnFamily cf = ArrayBackedSortedColumns.factory.create(getCurrentColumnFamilyStore().metadata);
* ByteBuffer value = CounterContext.instance().createGlobal(CounterId.fromInt(1), 1L, 42L);
* cf.addColumn(new BufferCounterCell(CellNames.simpleSparse(new ColumnIdentifier("c", true)) , value, 0L, Long.MIN_VALUE));
* new Mutation(KEYSPACE, ByteBufferUtil.bytes(key), cf).applyUnsafe();
* Also note that we use COMPACT STORAGE only because it has no bearing on the test and was slightly easier in 2.2 to create
* the mutation.
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k text PRIMARY KEY, c counter) WITH COMPACT STORAGE");
String key = "someKey";
CFMetaData metadata = getCurrentColumnFamilyStore().metadata;
ColumnDefinition column = metadata.getColumnDefinition(ByteBufferUtil.bytes("c"));
ByteBuffer value = CounterContext.instance().createGlobal(CounterId.fromInt(1), 1L, 42L);
Row row = BTreeRow.singleCellRow(Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING,, column, 0L, value));
new Mutation(PartitionUpdate.singleRowUpdate(metadata,, row)).applyUnsafe();
assertDigest("3a5f7b48c320538b4cd2f829e05c6db3", readAndDigest(key));