blob: b2403a7bea6895b34079e73b5a9cc7889bcd8085 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from cassandra.metadata import maybe_escape_name
from cqlshlib import helptopics
from cqlshlib.cqlhandling import CqlParsingRuleSet, Hint
simple_cql_types = set(('ascii', 'bigint', 'blob', 'boolean', 'counter', 'date', 'decimal', 'double', 'duration', 'float',
'inet', 'int', 'smallint', 'text', 'time', 'timestamp', 'timeuuid', 'tinyint', 'uuid', 'varchar', 'varint'))
simple_cql_types.difference_update(('set', 'map', 'list'))
cqldocs = helptopics.CQL3HelpTopics()
class UnexpectedTableStructure(UserWarning):
def __init__(self, msg):
self.msg = msg
def __str__(self):
return 'Unexpected table structure; may not translate correctly to CQL. ' + self.msg
SYSTEM_KEYSPACES = ('system', 'system_schema', 'system_traces', 'system_auth', 'system_distributed', 'system_views', 'system_virtual_schema')
NONALTERBALE_KEYSPACES = ('system', 'system_schema', 'system_views', 'system_virtual_schema')
class Cql3ParsingRuleSet(CqlParsingRuleSet):
columnfamily_layout_options = (
('bloom_filter_fp_chance', None),
('comment', None),
('gc_grace_seconds', None),
('min_index_interval', None),
('max_index_interval', None),
('default_time_to_live', None),
('speculative_retry', None),
('additional_write_policy', None),
('memtable_flush_period_in_ms', None),
('cdc', None),
('read_repair', None),
columnfamily_layout_map_options = (
# (CQL3 option name, schema_columnfamilies column name (or None if same),
# list of known map keys)
('compaction', 'compaction_strategy_options',
('class', 'max_threshold', 'tombstone_compaction_interval', 'tombstone_threshold', 'enabled', 'unchecked_tombstone_compaction', 'only_purge_repaired_tombstones')),
('compression', 'compression_parameters',
('sstable_compression', 'chunk_length_kb', 'crc_check_chance')),
('caching', None,
('rows_per_partition', 'keys')),
obsolete_cf_options = ()
consistency_levels = (
size_tiered_compaction_strategy_options = (
leveled_compaction_strategy_options = (
date_tiered_compaction_strategy_options = (
time_window_compaction_strategy_options = (
def escape_value(cls, value):
if value is None:
return 'NULL' # this totally won't work
if isinstance(value, bool):
value = str(value).lower()
elif isinstance(value, float):
return '%f' % value
elif isinstance(value, int):
return str(value)
return "'%s'" % value.replace("'", "''")
def escape_name(cls, name):
if name is None:
return 'NULL'
return "'%s'" % name.replace("'", "''")
def dequote_name(name):
name = name.strip()
if name == '':
return name
if name[0] == '"' and name[-1] == '"':
return name[1:-1].replace('""', '"')
return name.lower()
def dequote_value(cqlword):
cqlword = cqlword.strip()
if cqlword == '':
return cqlword
if cqlword[0] == "'" and cqlword[-1] == "'":
cqlword = cqlword[1:-1].replace("''", "'")
return cqlword
CqlRuleSet = Cql3ParsingRuleSet()
# convenience for remainder of module
completer_for = CqlRuleSet.completer_for
explain_completion = CqlRuleSet.explain_completion
dequote_value = CqlRuleSet.dequote_value
dequote_name = CqlRuleSet.dequote_name
escape_value = CqlRuleSet.escape_value
syntax_rules = r'''
<Start> ::= <CQL_Statement>*
<CQL_Statement> ::= [statements]=<statementBody> ";"
# the order of these terminal productions is significant:
<endline> ::= /\n/ ;
JUNK ::= /([ \t\r\f\v]+|(--|[/][/])[^\n\r]*([\n\r]|$)|[/][*].*?[*][/])/ ;
<stringLiteral> ::= <quotedStringLiteral>
| <pgStringLiteral> ;
<quotedStringLiteral> ::= /'([^']|'')*'/ ;
<pgStringLiteral> ::= /\$\$(?:(?!\$\$).)*\$\$/;
<quotedName> ::= /"([^"]|"")*"/ ;
<float> ::= /-?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/ ;
<uuid> ::= /[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}/ ;
<blobLiteral> ::= /0x[0-9a-f]+/ ;
<wholenumber> ::= /[0-9]+/ ;
<identifier> ::= /[a-z][a-z0-9_]*/ ;
<colon> ::= ":" ;
<star> ::= "*" ;
<endtoken> ::= ";" ;
<op> ::= /[-+=%/,().]/ ;
<cmp> ::= /[<>!]=?/ ;
<brackets> ::= /[][{}]/ ;
<integer> ::= "-"? <wholenumber> ;
<boolean> ::= "true"
| "false"
<unclosedPgString>::= /\$\$(?:(?!\$\$).)*/ ;
<unclosedString> ::= /'([^']|'')*/ ;
<unclosedName> ::= /"([^"]|"")*/ ;
<unclosedComment> ::= /[/][*].*$/ ;
<term> ::= <stringLiteral>
| <integer>
| <float>
| <uuid>
| <boolean>
| <blobLiteral>
| <collectionLiteral>
| <functionLiteral> <functionArguments>
| "NULL"
<functionLiteral> ::= (<identifier> ( "." <identifier> )?)
<functionArguments> ::= "(" ( <term> ( "," <term> )* )? ")"
<tokenDefinition> ::= token="TOKEN" "(" <term> ( "," <term> )* ")"
| <term>
<cident> ::= <quotedName>
| <identifier>
| <unreservedKeyword>
<colname> ::= <cident> ; # just an alias
<collectionLiteral> ::= <listLiteral>
| <setLiteral>
| <mapLiteral>
<listLiteral> ::= "[" ( <term> ( "," <term> )* )? "]"
<setLiteral> ::= "{" ( <term> ( "," <term> )* )? "}"
<mapLiteral> ::= "{" <term> ":" <term> ( "," <term> ":" <term> )* "}"
<anyFunctionName> ::= ( ksname=<cfOrKsName> dot="." )? udfname=<cfOrKsName> ;
<userFunctionName> ::= ( ksname=<nonSystemKeyspaceName> dot="." )? udfname=<cfOrKsName> ;
<refUserFunctionName> ::= udfname=<cfOrKsName> ;
<userAggregateName> ::= ( ksname=<nonSystemKeyspaceName> dot="." )? udaname=<cfOrKsName> ;
<functionAggregateName> ::= ( ksname=<nonSystemKeyspaceName> dot="." )? functionname=<cfOrKsName> ;
<aggregateName> ::= <userAggregateName>
<functionName> ::= <functionAggregateName>
<statementBody> ::= <useStatement>
| <selectStatement>
| <dataChangeStatement>
| <schemaChangeStatement>
| <authenticationStatement>
| <authorizationStatement>
<dataChangeStatement> ::= <insertStatement>
| <updateStatement>
| <deleteStatement>
| <truncateStatement>
| <batchStatement>
<schemaChangeStatement> ::= <createKeyspaceStatement>
| <createColumnFamilyStatement>
| <createIndexStatement>
| <createMaterializedViewStatement>
| <createUserTypeStatement>
| <createFunctionStatement>
| <createAggregateStatement>
| <createTriggerStatement>
| <dropKeyspaceStatement>
| <dropColumnFamilyStatement>
| <dropIndexStatement>
| <dropMaterializedViewStatement>
| <dropUserTypeStatement>
| <dropFunctionStatement>
| <dropAggregateStatement>
| <dropTriggerStatement>
| <alterTableStatement>
| <alterKeyspaceStatement>
| <alterUserTypeStatement>
<authenticationStatement> ::= <createUserStatement>
| <alterUserStatement>
| <dropUserStatement>
| <listUsersStatement>
| <createRoleStatement>
| <alterRoleStatement>
| <dropRoleStatement>
| <listRolesStatement>
<authorizationStatement> ::= <grantStatement>
| <grantRoleStatement>
| <revokeStatement>
| <revokeRoleStatement>
| <listPermissionsStatement>
# timestamp is included here, since it's also a keyword
<simpleStorageType> ::= typename=( <identifier> | <stringLiteral> | "timestamp" ) ;
<userType> ::= utname=<cfOrKsName> ;
<storageType> ::= <simpleStorageType> | <collectionType> | <frozenCollectionType> | <userType> ;
# Note: autocomplete for frozen collection types does not handle nesting past depth 1 properly,
# but that's a lot of work to fix for little benefit.
<collectionType> ::= "map" "<" <simpleStorageType> "," ( <simpleStorageType> | <userType> ) ">"
| "list" "<" ( <simpleStorageType> | <userType> ) ">"
| "set" "<" ( <simpleStorageType> | <userType> ) ">"
<frozenCollectionType> ::= "frozen" "<" "map" "<" <storageType> "," <storageType> ">" ">"
| "frozen" "<" "list" "<" <storageType> ">" ">"
| "frozen" "<" "set" "<" <storageType> ">" ">"
<columnFamilyName> ::= ( ksname=<cfOrKsName> dot="." )? cfname=<cfOrKsName> ;
<materializedViewName> ::= ( ksname=<cfOrKsName> dot="." )? mvname=<cfOrKsName> ;
<userTypeName> ::= ( ksname=<cfOrKsName> dot="." )? utname=<cfOrKsName> ;
<keyspaceName> ::= ksname=<cfOrKsName> ;
<nonSystemKeyspaceName> ::= ksname=<cfOrKsName> ;
<alterableKeyspaceName> ::= ksname=<cfOrKsName> ;
<cfOrKsName> ::= <identifier>
| <quotedName>
| <unreservedKeyword>;
<unreservedKeyword> ::= nocomplete=
( "key"
| "clustering"
# | "count" -- to get count(*) completion, treat count as reserved
| "ttl"
| "compact"
| "storage"
| "type"
| "values" )
<property> ::= [propname]=<cident> propeq="=" [propval]=<propertyValue>
<propertyValue> ::= propsimpleval=( <stringLiteral>
| <identifier>
| <integer>
| <float>
| <unreservedKeyword> )
# we don't use <mapLiteral> here so we can get more targeted
# completions:
| propsimpleval="{" [propmapkey]=<term> ":" [propmapval]=<term>
( ender="," [propmapkey]=<term> ":" [propmapval]=<term> )*
def prop_equals_completer(ctxt, cass):
if not working_on_keyspace(ctxt):
# we know if the thing in the property name position is "compact" or
# "clustering" that there won't actually be an equals sign, because
# there are no properties by those names. there are, on the other hand,
# table properties that start with those keywords which don't have
# equals signs at all.
curprop = ctxt.get_binding('propname')[-1].upper()
if curprop in ('COMPACT', 'CLUSTERING'):
return ()
return ['=']
completer_for('property', 'propeq')(prop_equals_completer)
@completer_for('property', 'propname')
def prop_name_completer(ctxt, cass):
if working_on_keyspace(ctxt):
return ks_prop_name_completer(ctxt, cass)
return cf_prop_name_completer(ctxt, cass)
@completer_for('propertyValue', 'propsimpleval')
def prop_val_completer(ctxt, cass):
if working_on_keyspace(ctxt):
return ks_prop_val_completer(ctxt, cass)
return cf_prop_val_completer(ctxt, cass)
@completer_for('propertyValue', 'propmapkey')
def prop_val_mapkey_completer(ctxt, cass):
if working_on_keyspace(ctxt):
return ks_prop_val_mapkey_completer(ctxt, cass)
return cf_prop_val_mapkey_completer(ctxt, cass)
@completer_for('propertyValue', 'propmapval')
def prop_val_mapval_completer(ctxt, cass):
if working_on_keyspace(ctxt):
return ks_prop_val_mapval_completer(ctxt, cass)
return cf_prop_val_mapval_completer(ctxt, cass)
@completer_for('propertyValue', 'ender')
def prop_val_mapender_completer(ctxt, cass):
if working_on_keyspace(ctxt):
return ks_prop_val_mapender_completer(ctxt, cass)
return cf_prop_val_mapender_completer(ctxt, cass)
def ks_prop_name_completer(ctxt, cass):
optsseen = ctxt.get_binding('propname', ())
if 'replication' not in optsseen:
return ['replication']
return ["durable_writes"]
def ks_prop_val_completer(ctxt, cass):
optname = ctxt.get_binding('propname')[-1]
if optname == 'durable_writes':
return ["'true'", "'false'"]
if optname == 'replication':
return ["{'class': '"]
return ()
def ks_prop_val_mapkey_completer(ctxt, cass):
optname = ctxt.get_binding('propname')[-1]
if optname != 'replication':
return ()
keysseen = list(map(dequote_value, ctxt.get_binding('propmapkey', ())))
valsseen = list(map(dequote_value, ctxt.get_binding('propmapval', ())))
for k, v in zip(keysseen, valsseen):
if k == 'class':
repclass = v
return ["'class'"]
if repclass == 'SimpleStrategy':
opts = set(('replication_factor',))
elif repclass == 'NetworkTopologyStrategy':
return [Hint('<dc_name>')]
return list(map(escape_value, opts.difference(keysseen)))
def ks_prop_val_mapval_completer(ctxt, cass):
optname = ctxt.get_binding('propname')[-1]
if optname != 'replication':
return ()
currentkey = dequote_value(ctxt.get_binding('propmapkey')[-1])
if currentkey == 'class':
return list(map(escape_value, CqlRuleSet.replication_strategies))
return [Hint('<term>')]
def ks_prop_val_mapender_completer(ctxt, cass):
optname = ctxt.get_binding('propname')[-1]
if optname != 'replication':
return [',']
keysseen = list(map(dequote_value, ctxt.get_binding('propmapkey', ())))
valsseen = list(map(dequote_value, ctxt.get_binding('propmapval', ())))
for k, v in zip(keysseen, valsseen):
if k == 'class':
repclass = v
return [',']
if repclass == 'SimpleStrategy':
if 'replication_factor' not in keysseen:
return [',']
if repclass == 'NetworkTopologyStrategy' and len(keysseen) == 1:
return [',']
return ['}']
def cf_prop_name_completer(ctxt, cass):
return [c[0] for c in (CqlRuleSet.columnfamily_layout_options
+ CqlRuleSet.columnfamily_layout_map_options)]
def cf_prop_val_completer(ctxt, cass):
exist_opts = ctxt.get_binding('propname')
this_opt = exist_opts[-1]
if this_opt == 'compression':
return ["{'sstable_compression': '"]
if this_opt == 'compaction':
return ["{'class': '"]
if this_opt == 'caching':
return ["{'keys': '"]
if any(this_opt == opt[0] for opt in CqlRuleSet.obsolete_cf_options):
return ["'<obsolete_option>'"]
if this_opt == 'bloom_filter_fp_chance':
return [Hint('<float_between_0_and_1>')]
if this_opt in ('min_compaction_threshold', 'max_compaction_threshold',
'gc_grace_seconds', 'min_index_interval', 'max_index_interval'):
return [Hint('<integer>')]
if this_opt in ('cdc'):
return [Hint('<true|false>')]
if this_opt in ('read_repair'):
return [Hint('<\'none\'|\'blocking\'>')]
return [Hint('<option_value>')]
def cf_prop_val_mapkey_completer(ctxt, cass):
optname = ctxt.get_binding('propname')[-1]
for cql3option, _, subopts in CqlRuleSet.columnfamily_layout_map_options:
if optname == cql3option:
return ()
keysseen = list(map(dequote_value, ctxt.get_binding('propmapkey', ())))
valsseen = list(map(dequote_value, ctxt.get_binding('propmapval', ())))
pairsseen = dict(list(zip(keysseen, valsseen)))
if optname == 'compression':
return list(map(escape_value, set(subopts).difference(keysseen)))
if optname == 'caching':
return list(map(escape_value, set(subopts).difference(keysseen)))
if optname == 'compaction':
opts = set(subopts)
csc = pairsseen['class']
except KeyError:
return ["'class'"]
csc = csc.split('.')[-1]
if csc == 'SizeTieredCompactionStrategy':
opts = opts.union(set(CqlRuleSet.size_tiered_compaction_strategy_options))
elif csc == 'LeveledCompactionStrategy':
opts = opts.union(set(CqlRuleSet.leveled_compaction_strategy_options))
elif csc == 'DateTieredCompactionStrategy':
opts = opts.union(set(CqlRuleSet.date_tiered_compaction_strategy_options))
elif csc == 'TimeWindowCompactionStrategy':
opts = opts.union(set(CqlRuleSet.time_window_compaction_strategy_options))
return list(map(escape_value, opts))
return ()
def cf_prop_val_mapval_completer(ctxt, cass):
opt = ctxt.get_binding('propname')[-1]
key = dequote_value(ctxt.get_binding('propmapkey')[-1])
if opt == 'compaction':
if key == 'class':
return list(map(escape_value, CqlRuleSet.available_compaction_classes))
return [Hint('<option_value>')]
elif opt == 'compression':
if key == 'sstable_compression':
return list(map(escape_value, CqlRuleSet.available_compression_classes))
return [Hint('<option_value>')]
elif opt == 'caching':
if key == 'rows_per_partition':
return ["'ALL'", "'NONE'", Hint('#rows_per_partition')]
elif key == 'keys':
return ["'ALL'", "'NONE'"]
return ()
def cf_prop_val_mapender_completer(ctxt, cass):
return [',', '}']
@completer_for('tokenDefinition', 'token')
def token_word_completer(ctxt, cass):
return ['token(']
@completer_for('simpleStorageType', 'typename')
def storagetype_completer(ctxt, cass):
return simple_cql_types
@completer_for('keyspaceName', 'ksname')
def ks_name_completer(ctxt, cass):
return list(map(maybe_escape_name, cass.get_keyspace_names()))
@completer_for('nonSystemKeyspaceName', 'ksname')
def non_system_ks_name_completer(ctxt, cass):
ksnames = [n for n in cass.get_keyspace_names() if n not in SYSTEM_KEYSPACES]
return list(map(maybe_escape_name, ksnames))
@completer_for('alterableKeyspaceName', 'ksname')
def alterable_ks_name_completer(ctxt, cass):
ksnames = [n for n in cass.get_keyspace_names() if n not in NONALTERBALE_KEYSPACES]
return list(map(maybe_escape_name, ksnames))
def cf_ks_name_completer(ctxt, cass):
return [maybe_escape_name(ks) + '.' for ks in cass.get_keyspace_names()]
completer_for('columnFamilyName', 'ksname')(cf_ks_name_completer)
completer_for('materializedViewName', 'ksname')(cf_ks_name_completer)
def cf_ks_dot_completer(ctxt, cass):
name = dequote_name(ctxt.get_binding('ksname'))
if name in cass.get_keyspace_names():
return ['.']
return []
completer_for('columnFamilyName', 'dot')(cf_ks_dot_completer)
completer_for('materializedViewName', 'dot')(cf_ks_dot_completer)
@completer_for('columnFamilyName', 'cfname')
def cf_name_completer(ctxt, cass):
ks = ctxt.get_binding('ksname', None)
if ks is not None:
ks = dequote_name(ks)
cfnames = cass.get_columnfamily_names(ks)
except Exception:
if ks is None:
return ()
return list(map(maybe_escape_name, cfnames))
@completer_for('materializedViewName', 'mvname')
def mv_name_completer(ctxt, cass):
ks = ctxt.get_binding('ksname', None)
if ks is not None:
ks = dequote_name(ks)
mvnames = cass.get_materialized_view_names(ks)
except Exception:
if ks is None:
return ()
return list(map(maybe_escape_name, mvnames))
completer_for('userTypeName', 'ksname')(cf_ks_name_completer)
completer_for('userTypeName', 'dot')(cf_ks_dot_completer)
def ut_name_completer(ctxt, cass):
ks = ctxt.get_binding('ksname', None)
if ks is not None:
ks = dequote_name(ks)
utnames = cass.get_usertype_names(ks)
except Exception:
if ks is None:
return ()
return list(map(maybe_escape_name, utnames))
completer_for('userTypeName', 'utname')(ut_name_completer)
completer_for('userType', 'utname')(ut_name_completer)
@completer_for('unreservedKeyword', 'nocomplete')
def unreserved_keyword_completer(ctxt, cass):
# we never want to provide completions through this production;
# this is always just to allow use of some keywords as column
# names, CF names, property values, etc.
return ()
def get_table_meta(ctxt, cass):
ks = ctxt.get_binding('ksname', None)
if ks is not None:
ks = dequote_name(ks)
cf = dequote_name(ctxt.get_binding('cfname'))
return cass.get_table_meta(ks, cf)
def get_ut_layout(ctxt, cass):
ks = ctxt.get_binding('ksname', None)
if ks is not None:
ks = dequote_name(ks)
ut = dequote_name(ctxt.get_binding('utname'))
return cass.get_usertype_layout(ks, ut)
def working_on_keyspace(ctxt):
wat = ctxt.get_binding('wat').upper()
if wat in ('KEYSPACE', 'SCHEMA'):
return True
return False
syntax_rules += r'''
<useStatement> ::= "USE" <keyspaceName>
<selectStatement> ::= "SELECT" ( "JSON" )? <selectClause>
"FROM" (cf=<columnFamilyName> | mv=<materializedViewName>)
( "WHERE" <whereClause> )?
( "GROUP" "BY" <groupByClause> ( "," <groupByClause> )* )?
( "ORDER" "BY" <orderByClause> ( "," <orderByClause> )* )?
( "PER" "PARTITION" "LIMIT" perPartitionLimit=<wholenumber> )?
( "LIMIT" limit=<wholenumber> )?
<whereClause> ::= <relation> ( "AND" <relation> )*
<relation> ::= [rel_lhs]=<cident> ( "[" <term> "]" )? ( "=" | "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=" | "CONTAINS" ( "KEY" )? ) <term>
| token="TOKEN" "(" [rel_tokname]=<cident>
( "," [rel_tokname]=<cident> )*
")" ("=" | "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=") <tokenDefinition>
| [rel_lhs]=<cident> "IN" "(" <term> ( "," <term> )* ")"
<selectClause> ::= "DISTINCT"? <selector> ("AS" <cident>)? ("," <selector> ("AS" <cident>)?)*
| "*"
<udtSubfieldSelection> ::= <identifier> "." <identifier>
<selector> ::= [colname]=<cident> ( "[" ( <term> ( ".." <term> "]" )? | <term> ".." ) )?
| <udtSubfieldSelection>
| "WRITETIME" "(" [colname]=<cident> ")"
| "TTL" "(" [colname]=<cident> ")"
| "COUNT" "(" star=( "*" | "1" ) ")"
| "CAST" "(" <selector> "AS" <storageType> ")"
| <functionName> <selectionFunctionArguments>
| <term>
<selectionFunctionArguments> ::= "(" ( <selector> ( "," <selector> )* )? ")"
<orderByClause> ::= [ordercol]=<cident> ( "ASC" | "DESC" )?
<groupByClause> ::= [groupcol]=<cident>
def udf_name_completer(ctxt, cass):
ks = ctxt.get_binding('ksname', None)
if ks is not None:
ks = dequote_name(ks)
udfnames = cass.get_userfunction_names(ks)
except Exception:
if ks is None:
return ()
return list(map(maybe_escape_name, udfnames))
def uda_name_completer(ctxt, cass):
ks = ctxt.get_binding('ksname', None)
if ks is not None:
ks = dequote_name(ks)
udanames = cass.get_useraggregate_names(ks)
except Exception:
if ks is None:
return ()
return list(map(maybe_escape_name, udanames))
def udf_uda_name_completer(ctxt, cass):
ks = ctxt.get_binding('ksname', None)
if ks is not None:
ks = dequote_name(ks)
functionnames = cass.get_userfunction_names(ks) + cass.get_useraggregate_names(ks)
except Exception:
if ks is None:
return ()
return list(map(maybe_escape_name, functionnames))
def ref_udf_name_completer(ctxt, cass):
udanames = cass.get_userfunction_names(None)
except Exception:
return ()
return list(map(maybe_escape_name, udanames))
completer_for('functionAggregateName', 'ksname')(cf_ks_name_completer)
completer_for('functionAggregateName', 'dot')(cf_ks_dot_completer)
completer_for('functionAggregateName', 'functionname')(udf_uda_name_completer)
completer_for('anyFunctionName', 'ksname')(cf_ks_name_completer)
completer_for('anyFunctionName', 'dot')(cf_ks_dot_completer)
completer_for('anyFunctionName', 'udfname')(udf_name_completer)
completer_for('userFunctionName', 'ksname')(cf_ks_name_completer)
completer_for('userFunctionName', 'dot')(cf_ks_dot_completer)
completer_for('userFunctionName', 'udfname')(udf_name_completer)
completer_for('refUserFunctionName', 'udfname')(ref_udf_name_completer)
completer_for('userAggregateName', 'ksname')(cf_ks_name_completer)
completer_for('userAggregateName', 'dot')(cf_ks_dot_completer)
completer_for('userAggregateName', 'udaname')(uda_name_completer)
@completer_for('orderByClause', 'ordercol')
def select_order_column_completer(ctxt, cass):
prev_order_cols = ctxt.get_binding('ordercol', ())
keyname = ctxt.get_binding('keyname')
if keyname is None:
keyname = ctxt.get_binding('rel_lhs', ())
if not keyname:
return [Hint("Can't ORDER BY here: need to specify partition key in WHERE clause")]
layout = get_table_meta(ctxt, cass)
order_by_candidates = [ for col in layout.clustering_key]
if len(order_by_candidates) > len(prev_order_cols):
return [maybe_escape_name(order_by_candidates[len(prev_order_cols)])]
return [Hint('No more orderable columns here.')]
@completer_for('groupByClause', 'groupcol')
def select_group_column_completer(ctxt, cass):
prev_group_cols = ctxt.get_binding('groupcol', ())
layout = get_table_meta(ctxt, cass)
group_by_candidates = [ for col in layout.primary_key]
if len(group_by_candidates) > len(prev_group_cols):
return [maybe_escape_name(group_by_candidates[len(prev_group_cols)])]
return [Hint('No more columns here.')]
@completer_for('relation', 'token')
def relation_token_word_completer(ctxt, cass):
return ['TOKEN(']
@completer_for('relation', 'rel_tokname')
def relation_token_subject_completer(ctxt, cass):
layout = get_table_meta(ctxt, cass)
return [ for key in layout.partition_key]
@completer_for('relation', 'rel_lhs')
def select_relation_lhs_completer(ctxt, cass):
layout = get_table_meta(ctxt, cass)
filterable = set()
already_filtered_on = list(map(dequote_name, ctxt.get_binding('rel_lhs', ())))
for num in range(0, len(layout.partition_key)):
if num == 0 or layout.partition_key[num - 1].name in already_filtered_on:
for num in range(0, len(layout.clustering_key)):
if num == 0 or layout.clustering_key[num - 1].name in already_filtered_on:
for idx in layout.indexes.values():
return list(map(maybe_escape_name, filterable))
explain_completion('selector', 'colname')
syntax_rules += r'''
<insertStatement> ::= "INSERT" "INTO" cf=<columnFamilyName>
( ( "(" [colname]=<cident> ( "," [colname]=<cident> )* ")"
"VALUES" "(" [newval]=<term> ( valcomma="," [newval]=<term> )* valcomma=")")
| ("JSON" <stringLiteral>))
( "IF" "NOT" "EXISTS")?
( "USING" [insertopt]=<usingOption>
( "AND" [insertopt]=<usingOption> )* )?
<usingOption> ::= "TIMESTAMP" <wholenumber>
| "TTL" <wholenumber>
def regular_column_names(table_meta):
if not table_meta or not table_meta.columns:
return []
regular_columns = list(set(table_meta.columns.keys())
- set([ for key in table_meta.partition_key])
- set([ for key in table_meta.clustering_key]))
return regular_columns
@completer_for('insertStatement', 'colname')
def insert_colname_completer(ctxt, cass):
layout = get_table_meta(ctxt, cass)
colnames = set(map(dequote_name, ctxt.get_binding('colname', ())))
keycols = layout.primary_key
for k in keycols:
if not in colnames:
return [maybe_escape_name(]
normalcols = set(regular_column_names(layout)) - colnames
return list(map(maybe_escape_name, normalcols))
@completer_for('insertStatement', 'newval')
def insert_newval_completer(ctxt, cass):
layout = get_table_meta(ctxt, cass)
insertcols = list(map(dequote_name, ctxt.get_binding('colname')))
valuesdone = ctxt.get_binding('newval', ())
if len(valuesdone) >= len(insertcols):
return []
curcol = insertcols[len(valuesdone)]
coltype = layout.columns[curcol].cql_type
if coltype in ('map', 'set'):
return ['{']
if coltype == 'list':
return ['[']
if coltype == 'boolean':
return ['true', 'false']
return [Hint('<value for %s (%s)>' % (maybe_escape_name(curcol),
@completer_for('insertStatement', 'valcomma')
def insert_valcomma_completer(ctxt, cass):
numcols = len(ctxt.get_binding('colname', ()))
numvals = len(ctxt.get_binding('newval', ()))
if numcols > numvals:
return [',']
return [')']
@completer_for('insertStatement', 'insertopt')
def insert_option_completer(ctxt, cass):
opts = set('TIMESTAMP TTL'.split())
for opt in ctxt.get_binding('insertopt', ()):
return opts
syntax_rules += r'''
<updateStatement> ::= "UPDATE" cf=<columnFamilyName>
( "USING" [updateopt]=<usingOption>
( "AND" [updateopt]=<usingOption> )* )?
"SET" <assignment> ( "," <assignment> )*
"WHERE" <whereClause>
( "IF" ( "EXISTS" | <conditions> ))?
<assignment> ::= updatecol=<cident>
(( "=" update_rhs=( <term> | <cident> )
( counterop=( "+" | "-" ) inc=<wholenumber>
| listadder="+" listcol=<cident> )? )
| ( indexbracket="[" <term> "]" "=" <term> )
| ( udt_field_dot="." udt_field=<identifier> "=" <term> ))
<conditions> ::= <condition> ( "AND" <condition> )*
<condition_op_and_rhs> ::= (("=" | "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=" | "!=") <term>)
| ("IN" "(" <term> ( "," <term> )* ")" )
<condition> ::= conditioncol=<cident>
( (( indexbracket="[" <term> "]" )
|( udt_field_dot="." udt_field=<identifier> )) )?
@completer_for('updateStatement', 'updateopt')
def update_option_completer(ctxt, cass):
opts = set('TIMESTAMP TTL'.split())
for opt in ctxt.get_binding('updateopt', ()):
return opts
@completer_for('assignment', 'updatecol')
def update_col_completer(ctxt, cass):
layout = get_table_meta(ctxt, cass)
return list(map(maybe_escape_name, regular_column_names(layout)))
@completer_for('assignment', 'update_rhs')
def update_countername_completer(ctxt, cass):
layout = get_table_meta(ctxt, cass)
curcol = dequote_name(ctxt.get_binding('updatecol', ''))
coltype = layout.columns[curcol].cql_type
if coltype == 'counter':
return [maybe_escape_name(curcol)]
if coltype in ('map', 'set'):
return ["{"]
if coltype == 'list':
return ["["]
return [Hint('<term (%s)>' % coltype)]
@completer_for('assignment', 'counterop')
def update_counterop_completer(ctxt, cass):
layout = get_table_meta(ctxt, cass)
curcol = dequote_name(ctxt.get_binding('updatecol', ''))
return ['+', '-'] if layout.columns[curcol].cql_type == 'counter' else []
@completer_for('assignment', 'inc')
def update_counter_inc_completer(ctxt, cass):
layout = get_table_meta(ctxt, cass)
curcol = dequote_name(ctxt.get_binding('updatecol', ''))
if layout.columns[curcol].cql_type == 'counter':
return [Hint('<wholenumber>')]
return []
@completer_for('assignment', 'listadder')
def update_listadder_completer(ctxt, cass):
rhs = ctxt.get_binding('update_rhs')
if rhs.startswith('['):
return ['+']
return []
@completer_for('assignment', 'listcol')
def update_listcol_completer(ctxt, cass):
rhs = ctxt.get_binding('update_rhs')
if rhs.startswith('['):
colname = dequote_name(ctxt.get_binding('updatecol'))
return [maybe_escape_name(colname)]
return []
@completer_for('assignment', 'indexbracket')
def update_indexbracket_completer(ctxt, cass):
layout = get_table_meta(ctxt, cass)
curcol = dequote_name(ctxt.get_binding('updatecol', ''))
coltype = layout.columns[curcol].cql_type
if coltype in ('map', 'list'):
return ['[']
return []
@completer_for('assignment', 'udt_field_dot')
def update_udt_field_dot_completer(ctxt, cass):
layout = get_table_meta(ctxt, cass)
curcol = dequote_name(ctxt.get_binding('updatecol', ''))
return ["."] if _is_usertype(layout, curcol) else []
@completer_for('assignment', 'udt_field')
def assignment_udt_field_completer(ctxt, cass):
layout = get_table_meta(ctxt, cass)
curcol = dequote_name(ctxt.get_binding('updatecol', ''))
return _usertype_fields(ctxt, cass, layout, curcol)
def _is_usertype(layout, curcol):
coltype = layout.columns[curcol].cql_type
return coltype not in simple_cql_types and coltype not in ('map', 'set', 'list')
def _usertype_fields(ctxt, cass, layout, curcol):
if not _is_usertype(layout, curcol):
return []
coltype = layout.columns[curcol].cql_type
ks = ctxt.get_binding('ksname', None)
if ks is not None:
ks = dequote_name(ks)
user_type = cass.get_usertype_layout(ks, coltype)
return [field_name for (field_name, field_type) in user_type]
@completer_for('condition', 'indexbracket')
def condition_indexbracket_completer(ctxt, cass):
layout = get_table_meta(ctxt, cass)
curcol = dequote_name(ctxt.get_binding('conditioncol', ''))
coltype = layout.columns[curcol].cql_type
if coltype in ('map', 'list'):
return ['[']
return []
@completer_for('condition', 'udt_field_dot')
def condition_udt_field_dot_completer(ctxt, cass):
layout = get_table_meta(ctxt, cass)
curcol = dequote_name(ctxt.get_binding('conditioncol', ''))
return ["."] if _is_usertype(layout, curcol) else []
@completer_for('condition', 'udt_field')
def condition_udt_field_completer(ctxt, cass):
layout = get_table_meta(ctxt, cass)
curcol = dequote_name(ctxt.get_binding('conditioncol', ''))
return _usertype_fields(ctxt, cass, layout, curcol)
syntax_rules += r'''
<deleteStatement> ::= "DELETE" ( <deleteSelector> ( "," <deleteSelector> )* )?
"FROM" cf=<columnFamilyName>
( "USING" [delopt]=<deleteOption> )?
"WHERE" <whereClause>
( "IF" ( "EXISTS" | <conditions> ) )?
<deleteSelector> ::= delcol=<cident>
( ( "[" <term> "]" )
| ( "." <identifier> ) )?
<deleteOption> ::= "TIMESTAMP" <wholenumber>
@completer_for('deleteStatement', 'delopt')
def delete_opt_completer(ctxt, cass):
opts = set('TIMESTAMP'.split())
for opt in ctxt.get_binding('delopt', ()):
return opts
@completer_for('deleteSelector', 'delcol')
def delete_delcol_completer(ctxt, cass):
layout = get_table_meta(ctxt, cass)
return list(map(maybe_escape_name, regular_column_names(layout)))
syntax_rules += r'''
<batchStatement> ::= "BEGIN" ( "UNLOGGED" | "COUNTER" )? "BATCH"
( "USING" [batchopt]=<usingOption>
( "AND" [batchopt]=<usingOption> )* )?
[batchstmt]=<batchStatementMember> ";"?
( [batchstmt]=<batchStatementMember> ";"? )*
<batchStatementMember> ::= <insertStatement>
| <updateStatement>
| <deleteStatement>
@completer_for('batchStatement', 'batchopt')
def batch_opt_completer(ctxt, cass):
opts = set('TIMESTAMP'.split())
for opt in ctxt.get_binding('batchopt', ()):
return opts
syntax_rules += r'''
<truncateStatement> ::= "TRUNCATE" ("COLUMNFAMILY" | "TABLE")? cf=<columnFamilyName>
syntax_rules += r'''
<createKeyspaceStatement> ::= "CREATE" wat=( "KEYSPACE" | "SCHEMA" ) ("IF" "NOT" "EXISTS")? ksname=<cfOrKsName>
"WITH" <property> ( "AND" <property> )*
@completer_for('createKeyspaceStatement', 'wat')
def create_ks_wat_completer(ctxt, cass):
# would prefer to get rid of the "schema" nomenclature in cql3
if ctxt.get_binding('partial', '') == '':
return ['KEYSPACE']
return ['KEYSPACE', 'SCHEMA']
syntax_rules += r'''
<createColumnFamilyStatement> ::= "CREATE" wat=( "COLUMNFAMILY" | "TABLE" ) ("IF" "NOT" "EXISTS")?
( ks=<nonSystemKeyspaceName> dot="." )? cf=<cfOrKsName>
"(" ( <singleKeyCfSpec> | <compositeKeyCfSpec> ) ")"
( "WITH" <cfamProperty> ( "AND" <cfamProperty> )* )?
<cfamProperty> ::= <property>
| "CLUSTERING" "ORDER" "BY" "(" <cfamOrdering>
( "," <cfamOrdering> )* ")"
<cfamOrdering> ::= [ordercol]=<cident> ( "ASC" | "DESC" )
<singleKeyCfSpec> ::= [newcolname]=<cident> <storageType> "PRIMARY" "KEY"
( "," [newcolname]=<cident> <storageType> )*
<compositeKeyCfSpec> ::= [newcolname]=<cident> <storageType>
"," [newcolname]=<cident> <storageType> ( "static" )?
( "," [newcolname]=<cident> <storageType> ( "static" )? )*
"," "PRIMARY" k="KEY" p="(" ( partkey=<pkDef> | [pkey]=<cident> )
( c="," [pkey]=<cident> )* ")"
<pkDef> ::= "(" [ptkey]=<cident> "," [ptkey]=<cident>
( "," [ptkey]=<cident> )* ")"
@completer_for('cfamOrdering', 'ordercol')
def create_cf_clustering_order_colname_completer(ctxt, cass):
colnames = list(map(dequote_name, ctxt.get_binding('newcolname', ())))
# Definitely some of these aren't valid for ordering, but I'm not sure
# precisely which are. This is good enough for now
return colnames
@completer_for('createColumnFamilyStatement', 'wat')
def create_cf_wat_completer(ctxt, cass):
# would prefer to get rid of the "columnfamily" nomenclature in cql3
if ctxt.get_binding('partial', '') == '':
return ['TABLE']
explain_completion('createColumnFamilyStatement', 'cf', '<new_table_name>')
explain_completion('compositeKeyCfSpec', 'newcolname', '<new_column_name>')
@completer_for('createColumnFamilyStatement', 'dot')
def create_cf_ks_dot_completer(ctxt, cass):
ks = dequote_name(ctxt.get_binding('ks'))
if ks in cass.get_keyspace_names():
return ['.']
return []
@completer_for('pkDef', 'ptkey')
def create_cf_pkdef_declaration_completer(ctxt, cass):
cols_declared = ctxt.get_binding('newcolname')
pieces_already = ctxt.get_binding('ptkey', ())
pieces_already = list(map(dequote_name, pieces_already))
while cols_declared[0] in pieces_already:
cols_declared = cols_declared[1:]
if len(cols_declared) < 2:
return ()
return [maybe_escape_name(cols_declared[0])]
@completer_for('compositeKeyCfSpec', 'pkey')
def create_cf_composite_key_declaration_completer(ctxt, cass):
cols_declared = ctxt.get_binding('newcolname')
pieces_already = ctxt.get_binding('ptkey', ()) + ctxt.get_binding('pkey', ())
pieces_already = list(map(dequote_name, pieces_already))
while cols_declared[0] in pieces_already:
cols_declared = cols_declared[1:]
if len(cols_declared) < 2:
return ()
return [maybe_escape_name(cols_declared[0])]
@completer_for('compositeKeyCfSpec', 'k')
def create_cf_composite_primary_key_keyword_completer(ctxt, cass):
return ['KEY (']
@completer_for('compositeKeyCfSpec', 'p')
def create_cf_composite_primary_key_paren_completer(ctxt, cass):
return ['(']
@completer_for('compositeKeyCfSpec', 'c')
def create_cf_composite_primary_key_comma_completer(ctxt, cass):
cols_declared = ctxt.get_binding('newcolname')
pieces_already = ctxt.get_binding('pkey', ())
if len(pieces_already) >= len(cols_declared) - 1:
return ()
return [',']
syntax_rules += r'''
<idxName> ::= <identifier>
| <quotedName>
| <unreservedKeyword>;
<createIndexStatement> ::= "CREATE" "CUSTOM"? "INDEX" ("IF" "NOT" "EXISTS")? indexname=<idxName>? "ON"
cf=<columnFamilyName> "(" (
col=<cident> |
"keys(" col=<cident> ")" |
"full(" col=<cident> ")"
) ")"
( "USING" <stringLiteral> ( "WITH" "OPTIONS" "=" <mapLiteral> )? )?
<createMaterializedViewStatement> ::= "CREATE" "MATERIALIZED" "VIEW" ("IF" "NOT" "EXISTS")? <materializedViewName>?
"AS" <selectStatement>
"PRIMARY" "KEY" <pkDef>
<createUserTypeStatement> ::= "CREATE" "TYPE" ( ks=<nonSystemKeyspaceName> dot="." )? typename=<cfOrKsName> "(" newcol=<cident> <storageType>
( "," [newcolname]=<cident> <storageType> )*
<createFunctionStatement> ::= "CREATE" ("OR" "REPLACE")? "FUNCTION"
("IF" "NOT" "EXISTS")?
( "(" ( newcol=<cident> <storageType>
( "," [newcolname]=<cident> <storageType> )* )?
")" )?
"RETURNS" <storageType>
"LANGUAGE" <cident> "AS" <stringLiteral>
<createAggregateStatement> ::= "CREATE" ("OR" "REPLACE")? "AGGREGATE"
("IF" "NOT" "EXISTS")?
( "("
( <storageType> ( "," <storageType> )* )?
")" )?
"SFUNC" <refUserFunctionName>
"STYPE" <storageType>
( "FINALFUNC" <refUserFunctionName> )?
( "INITCOND" <term> )?
explain_completion('createIndexStatement', 'indexname', '<new_index_name>')
explain_completion('createUserTypeStatement', 'typename', '<new_type_name>')
explain_completion('createUserTypeStatement', 'newcol', '<new_field_name>')
@completer_for('createIndexStatement', 'col')
def create_index_col_completer(ctxt, cass):
""" Return the columns for which an index doesn't exist yet. """
layout = get_table_meta(ctxt, cass)
idx_targets = [idx.index_options["target"] for idx in layout.indexes.values()]
colnames = [ for cd in list(layout.columns.values()) if not in idx_targets]
return list(map(maybe_escape_name, colnames))
syntax_rules += r'''
<dropKeyspaceStatement> ::= "DROP" "KEYSPACE" ("IF" "EXISTS")? ksname=<nonSystemKeyspaceName>
<dropColumnFamilyStatement> ::= "DROP" ( "COLUMNFAMILY" | "TABLE" ) ("IF" "EXISTS")? cf=<columnFamilyName>
<indexName> ::= ( ksname=<idxOrKsName> dot="." )? idxname=<idxOrKsName> ;
<idxOrKsName> ::= <identifier>
| <quotedName>
| <unreservedKeyword>;
<dropIndexStatement> ::= "DROP" "INDEX" ("IF" "EXISTS")? idx=<indexName>
<dropMaterializedViewStatement> ::= "DROP" "MATERIALIZED" "VIEW" ("IF" "EXISTS")? mv=<materializedViewName>
<dropUserTypeStatement> ::= "DROP" "TYPE" ut=<userTypeName>
<dropFunctionStatement> ::= "DROP" "FUNCTION" ( "IF" "EXISTS" )? <userFunctionName>
<dropAggregateStatement> ::= "DROP" "AGGREGATE" ( "IF" "EXISTS" )? <userAggregateName>
@completer_for('indexName', 'ksname')
def idx_ks_name_completer(ctxt, cass):
return [maybe_escape_name(ks) + '.' for ks in cass.get_keyspace_names()]
@completer_for('indexName', 'dot')
def idx_ks_dot_completer(ctxt, cass):
name = dequote_name(ctxt.get_binding('ksname'))
if name in cass.get_keyspace_names():
return ['.']
return []
@completer_for('indexName', 'idxname')
def idx_ks_idx_name_completer(ctxt, cass):
ks = ctxt.get_binding('ksname', None)
if ks is not None:
ks = dequote_name(ks)
idxnames = cass.get_index_names(ks)
except Exception:
if ks is None:
return ()
return list(map(maybe_escape_name, idxnames))
syntax_rules += r'''
<alterTableStatement> ::= "ALTER" wat=( "COLUMNFAMILY" | "TABLE" ) cf=<columnFamilyName>
<alterInstructions> ::= "ADD" newcol=<cident> <storageType> ("static")?
| "DROP" existcol=<cident>
| "WITH" <cfamProperty> ( "AND" <cfamProperty> )*
| "RENAME" existcol=<cident> "TO" newcol=<cident>
( "AND" existcol=<cident> "TO" newcol=<cident> )*
<alterUserTypeStatement> ::= "ALTER" "TYPE" ut=<userTypeName>
<alterTypeInstructions> ::= "ADD" newcol=<cident> <storageType>
| "RENAME" existcol=<cident> "TO" newcol=<cident>
( "AND" existcol=<cident> "TO" newcol=<cident> )*
@completer_for('alterInstructions', 'existcol')
def alter_table_col_completer(ctxt, cass):
layout = get_table_meta(ctxt, cass)
cols = [str(md) for md in layout.columns]
return list(map(maybe_escape_name, cols))
@completer_for('alterTypeInstructions', 'existcol')
def alter_type_field_completer(ctxt, cass):
layout = get_ut_layout(ctxt, cass)
fields = [tuple[0] for tuple in layout]
return list(map(maybe_escape_name, fields))
explain_completion('alterInstructions', 'newcol', '<new_column_name>')
explain_completion('alterTypeInstructions', 'newcol', '<new_field_name>')
syntax_rules += r'''
<alterKeyspaceStatement> ::= "ALTER" wat=( "KEYSPACE" | "SCHEMA" ) ks=<alterableKeyspaceName>
"WITH" <property> ( "AND" <property> )*
syntax_rules += r'''
<username> ::= name=( <identifier> | <stringLiteral> )
<createUserStatement> ::= "CREATE" "USER" ( "IF" "NOT" "EXISTS" )? <username>
( "WITH" "PASSWORD" <stringLiteral> )?
<alterUserStatement> ::= "ALTER" "USER" <username>
( "WITH" "PASSWORD" <stringLiteral> )?
<dropUserStatement> ::= "DROP" "USER" ( "IF" "EXISTS" )? <username>
<listUsersStatement> ::= "LIST" "USERS"
syntax_rules += r'''
<rolename> ::= <identifier>
| <quotedName>
| <unreservedKeyword>
<createRoleStatement> ::= "CREATE" "ROLE" <rolename>
( "WITH" <roleProperty> ("AND" <roleProperty>)*)?
<alterRoleStatement> ::= "ALTER" "ROLE" <rolename>
( "WITH" <roleProperty> ("AND" <roleProperty>)*)?
<roleProperty> ::= "PASSWORD" "=" <stringLiteral>
| "OPTIONS" "=" <mapLiteral>
| "SUPERUSER" "=" <boolean>
| "LOGIN" "=" <boolean>
| "ACCESS" "TO" "DATACENTERS" <setLiteral>
<dropRoleStatement> ::= "DROP" "ROLE" <rolename>
<grantRoleStatement> ::= "GRANT" <rolename> "TO" <rolename>
<revokeRoleStatement> ::= "REVOKE" <rolename> "FROM" <rolename>
<listRolesStatement> ::= "LIST" "ROLES"
( "OF" <rolename> )? "NORECURSIVE"?
syntax_rules += r'''
<grantStatement> ::= "GRANT" <permissionExpr> "ON" <resource> "TO" <rolename>
<revokeStatement> ::= "REVOKE" <permissionExpr> "ON" <resource> "FROM" <rolename>
<listPermissionsStatement> ::= "LIST" <permissionExpr>
( "ON" <resource> )? ( "OF" <rolename> )? "NORECURSIVE"?
<permission> ::= "AUTHORIZE"
| "DROP"
<permissionExpr> ::= ( <permission> "PERMISSION"? )
<resource> ::= <dataResource>
| <roleResource>
| <functionResource>
| <jmxResource>
<dataResource> ::= ( "ALL" "KEYSPACES" )
| ( "KEYSPACE" <keyspaceName> )
| ( "TABLE"? <columnFamilyName> )
<roleResource> ::= ("ALL" "ROLES")
| ("ROLE" <rolename>)
<functionResource> ::= ( "ALL" "FUNCTIONS" ("IN KEYSPACE" <keyspaceName>)? )
| ( "FUNCTION" <functionAggregateName>
( "(" ( newcol=<cident> <storageType>
( "," [newcolname]=<cident> <storageType> )* )?
")" )
<jmxResource> ::= ( "ALL" "MBEANS")
| ( ( "MBEAN" | "MBEANS" ) <stringLiteral> )
@completer_for('username', 'name')
def username_name_completer(ctxt, cass):
def maybe_quote(name):
if CqlRuleSet.is_valid_cql3_name(name):
return name
return "'%s'" % name
# disable completion for CREATE USER.
if ctxt.matched[0][1].upper() == 'CREATE':
return [Hint('<username>')]
session = cass.session
return [maybe_quote(list(row.values())[0].replace("'", "''")) for row in session.execute("LIST USERS")]
@completer_for('rolename', 'role')
def rolename_completer(ctxt, cass):
def maybe_quote(name):
if CqlRuleSet.is_valid_cql3_name(name):
return name
return "'%s'" % name
# disable completion for CREATE ROLE.
if ctxt.matched[0][1].upper() == 'CREATE':
return [Hint('<rolename>')]
session = cass.session
return [maybe_quote(row[0].replace("'", "''")) for row in session.execute("LIST ROLES")]
syntax_rules += r'''
<createTriggerStatement> ::= "CREATE" "TRIGGER" ( "IF" "NOT" "EXISTS" )? <cident>
"ON" cf=<columnFamilyName> "USING" class=<stringLiteral>
<dropTriggerStatement> ::= "DROP" "TRIGGER" ( "IF" "EXISTS" )? triggername=<cident>
"ON" cf=<columnFamilyName>
explain_completion('createTriggerStatement', 'class', '\'fully qualified class name\'')
def get_trigger_names(ctxt, cass):
ks = ctxt.get_binding('ksname', None)
if ks is not None:
ks = dequote_name(ks)
return cass.get_trigger_names(ks)
@completer_for('dropTriggerStatement', 'triggername')
def drop_trigger_completer(ctxt, cass):
names = get_trigger_names(ctxt, cass)
return list(map(maybe_escape_name, names))