blob: 73ba131e848556508d20880146c96dad5c090f4c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.Memtable;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.RowPosition;
import org.apache.cassandra.dht.AbstractBounds;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.Interval;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static java.util.Collections.singleton;
import static org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle.Helpers.emptySet;
import static org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle.Helpers.replace;
* An immutable structure holding the current memtable, the memtables pending
* flush, the sstables for a column family, and the sstables that are active
* in compaction (a subset of the sstables).
* Modifications to instances are all performed via a Function produced by the static methods in this class.
* These are composed as necessary and provided to the Tracker.apply() methods, which atomically reject or
* accept and apply the changes to the View.
public class View
* ordinarily a list of size 1, but when preparing to flush will contain both the memtable we will flush
* and the new replacement memtable, until all outstanding write operations on the old table complete.
* The last item in the list is always the "current" memtable.
public final List<Memtable> liveMemtables;
* contains all memtables that are no longer referenced for writing and are queued for / in the process of being
* flushed. In chronologically ascending order.
public final List<Memtable> flushingMemtables;
public final Set<SSTableReader> compacting;
public final Set<SSTableReader> sstables;
// we use a Map here so that we can easily perform identity checks as well as equality checks.
// When marking compacting, we now indicate if we expect the sstables to be present (by default we do),
// and we then check that not only are they all present in the live set, but that the exact instance present is
// the one we made our decision to compact against.
public final Map<SSTableReader, SSTableReader> sstablesMap;
public final SSTableIntervalTree intervalTree;
View(List<Memtable> liveMemtables, List<Memtable> flushingMemtables, Map<SSTableReader, SSTableReader> sstables, Set<SSTableReader> compacting, SSTableIntervalTree intervalTree)
assert liveMemtables != null;
assert flushingMemtables != null;
assert sstables != null;
assert compacting != null;
assert intervalTree != null;
this.liveMemtables = liveMemtables;
this.flushingMemtables = flushingMemtables;
this.sstablesMap = sstables;
this.sstables = sstablesMap.keySet();
this.compacting = compacting;
this.intervalTree = intervalTree;
public Memtable getCurrentMemtable()
return liveMemtables.get(liveMemtables.size() - 1);
* @return the active memtable and all the memtables that are pending flush.
public Iterable<Memtable> getAllMemtables()
return concat(flushingMemtables, liveMemtables);
public Sets.SetView<SSTableReader> nonCompactingSStables()
return Sets.difference(sstables, compacting);
public Iterable<SSTableReader> getUncompacting(Iterable<SSTableReader> candidates)
return filter(candidates, new Predicate<SSTableReader>()
public boolean apply(SSTableReader sstable)
return !compacting.contains(sstable);
public String toString()
return String.format("View(pending_count=%d, sstables=%s, compacting=%s)", liveMemtables.size() + flushingMemtables.size() - 1, sstables, compacting);
* Returns the sstables that have any partition between {@code left} and {@code right}, when both bounds are taken inclusively.
* The interval formed by {@code left} and {@code right} shouldn't wrap.
public List<SSTableReader> sstablesInBounds(RowPosition left, RowPosition right)
assert !AbstractBounds.strictlyWrapsAround(left, right);
if (intervalTree.isEmpty())
return Collections.emptyList();
RowPosition stopInTree = right.isMinimum() ? intervalTree.max() : right;
return<RowPosition, SSTableReader>create(left, stopInTree));
// return a function to un/mark the provided readers compacting in a view
static Function<View, View> updateCompacting(final Set<SSTableReader> unmark, final Iterable<SSTableReader> mark)
if (unmark.isEmpty() && Iterables.isEmpty(mark))
return Functions.identity();
return new Function<View, View>()
public View apply(View view)
assert all(mark, Helpers.idIn(view.sstablesMap));
return new View(view.liveMemtables, view.flushingMemtables, view.sstablesMap,
replace(view.compacting, unmark, mark),
// construct a predicate to reject views that do not permit us to mark these readers compacting;
// i.e. one of them is either already compacting, has been compacted, or has been replaced
static Predicate<View> permitCompacting(final Iterable<SSTableReader> readers)
return new Predicate<View>()
public boolean apply(View view)
for (SSTableReader reader : readers)
if (view.compacting.contains(reader) || view.sstablesMap.get(reader) != reader || reader.isMarkedCompacted())
return false;
return true;
// construct a function to change the liveset in a Snapshot
static Function<View, View> updateLiveSet(final Set<SSTableReader> remove, final Iterable<SSTableReader> add)
if (remove.isEmpty() && Iterables.isEmpty(add))
return Functions.identity();
return new Function<View, View>()
public View apply(View view)
Map<SSTableReader, SSTableReader> sstableMap = replace(view.sstablesMap, remove, add);
return new View(view.liveMemtables, view.flushingMemtables, sstableMap, view.compacting,;
// called prior to initiating flush: add newMemtable to liveMemtables, making it the latest memtable
static Function<View, View> switchMemtable(final Memtable newMemtable)
return new Function<View, View>()
public View apply(View view)
List<Memtable> newLive = ImmutableList.<Memtable>builder().addAll(view.liveMemtables).add(newMemtable).build();
assert newLive.size() == view.liveMemtables.size() + 1;
return new View(newLive, view.flushingMemtables, view.sstablesMap, view.compacting, view.intervalTree);
// called before flush: move toFlush from liveMemtables to flushingMemtables
static Function<View, View> markFlushing(final Memtable toFlush)
return new Function<View, View>()
public View apply(View view)
List<Memtable> live = view.liveMemtables, flushing = view.flushingMemtables;
List<Memtable> newLive = copyOf(filter(live, not(equalTo(toFlush))));
List<Memtable> newFlushing = copyOf(concat(filter(flushing, lessThan(toFlush)),
filter(flushing, not(lessThan(toFlush)))));
assert newLive.size() == live.size() - 1;
assert newFlushing.size() == flushing.size() + 1;
return new View(newLive, newFlushing, view.sstablesMap, view.compacting, view.intervalTree);
// called after flush: removes memtable from flushingMemtables, and inserts flushed into the live sstable set
static Function<View, View> replaceFlushed(final Memtable memtable, final SSTableReader flushed)
return new Function<View, View>()
public View apply(View view)
List<Memtable> flushingMemtables = copyOf(filter(view.flushingMemtables, not(equalTo(memtable))));
assert flushingMemtables.size() == view.flushingMemtables.size() - 1;
if (flushed == null)
return new View(view.liveMemtables, flushingMemtables, view.sstablesMap,
view.compacting, view.intervalTree);
Map<SSTableReader, SSTableReader> sstableMap = replace(view.sstablesMap, emptySet(), singleton(flushed));
return new View(view.liveMemtables, flushingMemtables, sstableMap, view.compacting,;
private static <T extends Comparable<T>> Predicate<T> lessThan(final T lessThan)
return new Predicate<T>()
public boolean apply(T t)
return t.compareTo(lessThan) < 0;