blob: 2b07c41155da59d5bb3d1ce5134fa3b6300046e5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.apache.cassandra.db.index.keys;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.composites.CellName;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.composites.CellNameType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.composites.Composite;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.composites.Composites;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.ExtendedFilter;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.IDiskAtomFilter;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.QueryFilter;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.index.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.dht.AbstractBounds;
import org.apache.cassandra.dht.Range;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.concurrent.OpOrder;
public class KeysSearcher extends SecondaryIndexSearcher
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KeysSearcher.class);
public KeysSearcher(SecondaryIndexManager indexManager, Set<ByteBuffer> columns)
super(indexManager, columns);
public List<Row> search(ExtendedFilter filter)
assert filter.getClause() != null && !filter.getClause().isEmpty();
final IndexExpression primary = highestSelectivityPredicate(filter.getClause(), true);
final SecondaryIndex index = indexManager.getIndexForColumn(primary.column);
if (!index.isQueryable())
throw new IndexNotAvailableException(index.getIndexName());
// TODO: this should perhaps not open and maintain a writeOp for the full duration, but instead only *try* to delete stale entries, without blocking if there's no room
// as it stands, we open a writeOp and keep it open for the duration to ensure that should this CF get flushed to make room we don't block the reclamation of any room being made
try (OpOrder.Group writeOp = baseCfs.keyspace.writeOrder.start(); OpOrder.Group baseOp = baseCfs.readOrdering.start(); OpOrder.Group indexOp = index.getIndexCfs().readOrdering.start())
return baseCfs.filter(getIndexedIterator(writeOp, filter, primary, index), filter);
private ColumnFamilyStore.AbstractScanIterator getIndexedIterator(final OpOrder.Group writeOp, final ExtendedFilter filter, final IndexExpression primary, final SecondaryIndex index)
// Start with the most-restrictive indexed clause, then apply remaining clauses
// to each row matching that clause.
// TODO: allow merge join instead of just one index + loop
assert index != null;
assert index.getIndexCfs() != null;
final DecoratedKey indexKey = index.getIndexKeyFor(primary.value);
if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
logger.trace("Most-selective indexed predicate is {}",
((AbstractSimplePerColumnSecondaryIndex) index).expressionString(primary));
* XXX: If the range requested is a token range, we'll have to start at the beginning (and stop at the end) of
* the indexed row unfortunately (which will be inefficient), because we have not way to intuit the small
* possible key having a given token. A fix would be to actually store the token along the key in the
* indexed row.
final AbstractBounds<RowPosition> range = filter.dataRange.keyRange();
CellNameType type = index.getIndexCfs().getComparator();
final Composite startKey = range.left instanceof DecoratedKey ? type.make(((DecoratedKey)range.left).getKey()) : Composites.EMPTY;
final Composite endKey = range.right instanceof DecoratedKey ? type.make(((DecoratedKey)range.right).getKey()) : Composites.EMPTY;
final CellName primaryColumn = baseCfs.getComparator().cellFromByteBuffer(primary.column);
return new ColumnFamilyStore.AbstractScanIterator()
private Composite lastSeenKey = startKey;
private Iterator<Cell> indexColumns;
private int columnsRead = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
protected Row computeNext()
// We shouldn't fetch only 1 row as this provides buggy paging in case the first row doesn't satisfy all clauses
int rowsPerQuery = Math.max(Math.min(filter.maxRows(), filter.maxColumns()), 2);
while (true)
if (indexColumns == null || !indexColumns.hasNext())
if (columnsRead < rowsPerQuery)
logger.trace("Read only {} (< {}) last page through, must be done", columnsRead, rowsPerQuery);
return endOfData();
if (logger.isTraceEnabled() && (index instanceof AbstractSimplePerColumnSecondaryIndex))
logger.trace("Scanning index {} starting with {}",
((AbstractSimplePerColumnSecondaryIndex)index).expressionString(primary), index.getBaseCfs().metadata.getKeyValidator().getString(startKey.toByteBuffer()));
QueryFilter indexFilter = QueryFilter.getSliceFilter(indexKey,
ColumnFamily indexRow = index.getIndexCfs().getColumnFamily(indexFilter);
logger.trace("fetched {}", indexRow);
if (indexRow == null)
logger.trace("no data, all done");
return endOfData();
Collection<Cell> sortedCells = indexRow.getSortedColumns();
columnsRead = sortedCells.size();
indexColumns = sortedCells.iterator();
Cell firstCell = sortedCells.iterator().next();
// Paging is racy, so it is possible the first column of a page is not the last seen one.
if (lastSeenKey != startKey && lastSeenKey.equals(
// skip the row we already saw w/ the last page of results;
logger.trace("Skipping {}", baseCfs.metadata.getKeyValidator().getString(;
else if (range instanceof Range && indexColumns.hasNext() &&
// skip key excluded by range;
logger.trace("Skipping first key as range excludes it");
while (indexColumns.hasNext())
Cell cell =;
lastSeenKey =;
if (!cell.isLive(filter.timestamp))
logger.trace("skipping {}",;
DecoratedKey dk = baseCfs.partitioner.decorateKey(lastSeenKey.toByteBuffer());
if (!range.right.isMinimum() && range.right.compareTo(dk) < 0)
logger.trace("Reached end of assigned scan range");
return endOfData();
if (!range.contains(dk))
logger.trace("Skipping entry {} outside of assigned scan range", dk.getToken());
logger.trace("Returning index hit for {}", dk);
ColumnFamily data = baseCfs.getColumnFamily(new QueryFilter(dk,, filter.columnFilter(lastSeenKey.toByteBuffer()), filter.timestamp));
// While the column family we'll get in the end should contains the primary clause cell, the initialFilter may not have found it and can thus be null
if (data == null)
data = ArrayBackedSortedColumns.factory.create(baseCfs.metadata);
// as in CFS.filter - extend the filter to ensure we include the columns
// from the index expressions, just in case they weren't included in the initialFilter
IDiskAtomFilter extraFilter = filter.getExtraFilter(dk, data);
if (extraFilter != null)
ColumnFamily cf = baseCfs.getColumnFamily(new QueryFilter(dk,, extraFilter, filter.timestamp));
if (cf != null)
if (((KeysIndex)index).isIndexEntryStale(indexKey.getKey(), data, filter.timestamp))
// delete the index entry w/ its own timestamp
Cell dummyCell = new BufferCell(primaryColumn, indexKey.getKey(), cell.timestamp());
((PerColumnSecondaryIndex)index).delete(dk.getKey(), dummyCell, writeOp);
return new Row(dk, data);
public void close() throws IOException {}