blob: 15ee33df2f0f61bda7f1ea19785b6d95f9dc303e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.db.filter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.Cell;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.ColumnFamily;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.DecoratedKey;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.DeletionInfo;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.OnDiskAtom;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.RangeTombstone;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.columniterator.IdentityQueryFilter;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.columniterator.OnDiskAtomIterator;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.composites.CellName;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.composites.Composite;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.MergeIterator;
public class QueryFilter
public final DecoratedKey key;
public final String cfName;
public final IDiskAtomFilter filter;
public final long timestamp;
public QueryFilter(DecoratedKey key, String cfName, IDiskAtomFilter filter, long timestamp)
this.key = key;
this.cfName = cfName;
this.filter = filter;
this.timestamp = timestamp;
public Iterator<Cell> getIterator(ColumnFamily cf)
assert cf != null;
return filter.getColumnIterator(cf);
public OnDiskAtomIterator getSSTableColumnIterator(SSTableReader sstable)
return filter.getSSTableColumnIterator(sstable, key);
public void collateOnDiskAtom(ColumnFamily returnCF,
List<? extends Iterator<? extends OnDiskAtom>> toCollate,
int gcBefore)
collateOnDiskAtom(returnCF, toCollate, filter, this.key, gcBefore, timestamp);
public static void collateOnDiskAtom(ColumnFamily returnCF,
List<? extends Iterator<? extends OnDiskAtom>> toCollate,
IDiskAtomFilter filter,
DecoratedKey key,
int gcBefore,
long timestamp)
List<Iterator<Cell>> filteredIterators = new ArrayList<>(toCollate.size());
for (Iterator<? extends OnDiskAtom> iter : toCollate)
filteredIterators.add(gatherTombstones(returnCF, iter));
collateColumns(returnCF, filteredIterators, filter, key, gcBefore, timestamp);
// When there is only a single source of atoms, we can skip the collate step
public void collateOnDiskAtom(ColumnFamily returnCF, Iterator<? extends OnDiskAtom> toCollate, int gcBefore)
filter.collectReducedColumns(returnCF, gatherTombstones(returnCF, toCollate), this.key, gcBefore, timestamp);
public void collateColumns(ColumnFamily returnCF, List<? extends Iterator<Cell>> toCollate, int gcBefore)
collateColumns(returnCF, toCollate, filter, this.key, gcBefore, timestamp);
public static void collateColumns(ColumnFamily returnCF,
List<? extends Iterator<Cell>> toCollate,
IDiskAtomFilter filter,
DecoratedKey key,
int gcBefore,
long timestamp)
Comparator<Cell> comparator = filter.getColumnComparator(returnCF.getComparator());
Iterator<Cell> reduced = toCollate.size() == 1
? toCollate.get(0)
: MergeIterator.get(toCollate, comparator, getReducer(comparator));
filter.collectReducedColumns(returnCF, reduced, key, gcBefore, timestamp);
private static MergeIterator.Reducer<Cell, Cell> getReducer(final Comparator<Cell> comparator)
// define a 'reduced' iterator that merges columns w/ the same name, which
// greatly simplifies computing liveColumns in the presence of tombstones.
return new MergeIterator.Reducer<Cell, Cell>()
Cell current;
public void reduce(Cell next)
assert current == null ||, next) == 0;
current = current == null ? next : current.reconcile(next);
protected Cell getReduced()
assert current != null;
Cell toReturn = current;
current = null;
return toReturn;
public boolean trivialReduceIsTrivial()
return true;
* Given an iterator of on disk atom, returns an iterator that filters the tombstone range
* markers adding them to {@code returnCF} and returns the normal column.
public static Iterator<Cell> gatherTombstones(final ColumnFamily returnCF, final Iterator<? extends OnDiskAtom> iter)
return new Iterator<Cell>()
private Cell next;
public boolean hasNext()
if (next != null)
return true;
return next != null;
public Cell next()
if (next == null)
assert next != null;
Cell toReturn = next;
next = null;
return toReturn;
private void getNext()
while (iter.hasNext())
OnDiskAtom atom =;
if (atom instanceof Cell)
next = (Cell)atom;
public void remove()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public String getColumnFamilyName()
return cfName;
* @return a QueryFilter object to satisfy the given slice criteria:
* @param key the row to slice
* @param cfName column family to query
* @param start column to start slice at, inclusive; empty for "the first column"
* @param finish column to stop slice at, inclusive; empty for "the last column"
* @param reversed true to start with the largest column (as determined by configured sort order) instead of smallest
* @param limit maximum number of non-deleted columns to return
* @param timestamp time to use for determining expiring columns' state
public static QueryFilter getSliceFilter(DecoratedKey key,
String cfName,
Composite start,
Composite finish,
boolean reversed,
int limit,
long timestamp)
return new QueryFilter(key, cfName, new SliceQueryFilter(start, finish, reversed, limit), timestamp);
* return a QueryFilter object that includes every column in the row.
* This is dangerous on large rows; avoid except for test code.
public static QueryFilter getIdentityFilter(DecoratedKey key, String cfName, long timestamp)
return new QueryFilter(key, cfName, new IdentityQueryFilter(), timestamp);
* @return a QueryFilter object that will return columns matching the given names
* @param key the row to slice
* @param cfName column family to query
* @param columns the column names to restrict the results to, sorted in comparator order
public static QueryFilter getNamesFilter(DecoratedKey key, String cfName, SortedSet<CellName> columns, long timestamp)
return new QueryFilter(key, cfName, new NamesQueryFilter(columns), timestamp);
public String toString()
return getClass().getSimpleName() + "(key=" + key + ", cfName=" + cfName + (filter == null ? "" : ", filter=" + filter) + ")";
public boolean shouldInclude(SSTableReader sstable)
return filter.shouldInclude(sstable);
public void delete(DeletionInfo target, ColumnFamily source)
// source is the CF currently in the memtable, and it can be large compared to what the filter selects,
// so only consider those range tombstones that the filter do select.
for (Iterator<RangeTombstone> iter = filter.getRangeTombstoneIterator(source); iter.hasNext(); )
target.add(, source.getComparator());