blob: 9203cf9b25dd891bce4b81c51aca661afea515ed [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.auth.Permission;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.composites.CellNames;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.ClientState;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.MigrationManager;
import org.apache.cassandra.transport.Event;
public abstract class AlterTypeStatement extends SchemaAlteringStatement
protected final UTName name;
protected AlterTypeStatement(UTName name)
super(); = name;
public void prepareKeyspace(ClientState state) throws InvalidRequestException
if (!name.hasKeyspace())
if (name.getKeyspace() == null)
throw new InvalidRequestException("You need to be logged in a keyspace or use a fully qualified user type name");
protected abstract UserType makeUpdatedType(UserType toUpdate) throws InvalidRequestException;
public static AlterTypeStatement addition(UTName name, ColumnIdentifier fieldName, CQL3Type.Raw type)
return new AddOrAlter(name, true, fieldName, type);
public static AlterTypeStatement alter(UTName name, ColumnIdentifier fieldName, CQL3Type.Raw type)
return new AddOrAlter(name, false, fieldName, type);
public static AlterTypeStatement renames(UTName name, Map<ColumnIdentifier, ColumnIdentifier> renames)
return new Renames(name, renames);
public void checkAccess(ClientState state) throws UnauthorizedException, InvalidRequestException
state.hasKeyspaceAccess(keyspace(), Permission.ALTER);
public void validate(ClientState state) throws RequestValidationException
// Validation is left to announceMigration as it's easier to do it while constructing the updated type.
// It doesn't really change anything anyway.
public Event.SchemaChange changeEvent()
return new Event.SchemaChange(Event.SchemaChange.Change.UPDATED, Event.SchemaChange.Target.TYPE, keyspace(), name.getStringTypeName());
public String keyspace()
return name.getKeyspace();
public boolean announceMigration(boolean isLocalOnly) throws InvalidRequestException, ConfigurationException
KSMetaData ksm = Schema.instance.getKSMetaData(name.getKeyspace());
if (ksm == null)
throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Cannot alter type in unknown keyspace %s", name.getKeyspace()));
UserType toUpdate = ksm.userTypes.getType(name.getUserTypeName());
// Shouldn't happen, unless we race with a drop
if (toUpdate == null)
throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("No user type named %s exists.", name));
UserType updated = makeUpdatedType(toUpdate);
// Now, we need to announce the type update to basically change it for new tables using this type,
// but we also need to find all existing user types and CF using it and change them.
MigrationManager.announceTypeUpdate(updated, isLocalOnly);
for (CFMetaData cfm : ksm.cfMetaData().values())
CFMetaData copy = cfm.copy();
boolean modified = false;
for (ColumnDefinition def : copy.allColumns())
modified |= updateDefinition(copy, def, toUpdate.keyspace,, updated);
if (modified)
MigrationManager.announceColumnFamilyUpdate(copy, isLocalOnly);
// Other user types potentially using the updated type
for (UserType ut : ksm.userTypes.getAllTypes().values())
// Re-updating the type we've just updated would be harmless but useless so we avoid it.
// Besides, we use the occasion to drop the old version of the type if it's a type rename
if (ut.keyspace.equals(toUpdate.keyspace) &&
if (!ut.keyspace.equals(updated.keyspace) || !
AbstractType<?> upd = updateWith(ut, toUpdate.keyspace,, updated);
if (upd != null)
MigrationManager.announceTypeUpdate((UserType) upd, isLocalOnly);
return true;
private static int getIdxOfField(UserType type, ColumnIdentifier field)
for (int i = 0; i < type.size(); i++)
if (field.bytes.equals(type.fieldName(i)))
return i;
return -1;
private boolean updateDefinition(CFMetaData cfm, ColumnDefinition def, String keyspace, ByteBuffer toReplace, UserType updated)
AbstractType<?> t = updateWith(def.type, keyspace, toReplace, updated);
if (t == null)
return false;
// We need to update this validator ...
// ... but if it's part of the comparator or key validator, we need to go update those too.
switch (def.kind)
cfm.keyValidator(updateWith(cfm.getKeyValidator(), keyspace, toReplace, updated));
cfm.comparator = CellNames.fromAbstractType(updateWith(cfm.comparator.asAbstractType(), keyspace, toReplace, updated), cfm.comparator.isDense());
// If it's a collection, we still want to modify the comparator because the collection is aliased in it
if (def.type instanceof CollectionType && def.type.isMultiCell())
t = updateWith(cfm.comparator.asAbstractType(), keyspace, toReplace, updated);
// If t == null, all relevant comparators were updated via updateWith, which reaches into types and
// collections
if (t != null)
cfm.comparator = CellNames.fromAbstractType(t, cfm.comparator.isDense());
return true;
// Update the provided type were all instance of a given userType is replaced by a new version
// Note that this methods reaches inside other UserType, CompositeType and CollectionType.
private static AbstractType<?> updateWith(AbstractType<?> type, String keyspace, ByteBuffer toReplace, UserType updated)
if (type instanceof UserType)
UserType ut = (UserType)type;
// If it's directly the type we've updated, then just use the new one.
if (keyspace.equals(ut.keyspace) && toReplace.equals(
return updated;
// Otherwise, check for nesting
List<AbstractType<?>> updatedTypes = updateTypes(ut.fieldTypes(), keyspace, toReplace, updated);
return updatedTypes == null ? null : new UserType(ut.keyspace,, new ArrayList<>(ut.fieldNames()), updatedTypes);
else if (type instanceof TupleType)
TupleType tt = (TupleType)type;
List<AbstractType<?>> updatedTypes = updateTypes(tt.allTypes(), keyspace, toReplace, updated);
return updatedTypes == null ? null : new TupleType(updatedTypes);
else if (type instanceof CompositeType)
CompositeType ct = (CompositeType)type;
List<AbstractType<?>> updatedTypes = updateTypes(ct.types, keyspace, toReplace, updated);
return updatedTypes == null ? null : CompositeType.getInstance(updatedTypes);
else if (type instanceof ColumnToCollectionType)
ColumnToCollectionType ctct = (ColumnToCollectionType)type;
Map<ByteBuffer, CollectionType> updatedTypes = null;
for (Map.Entry<ByteBuffer, CollectionType> entry : ctct.defined.entrySet())
AbstractType<?> t = updateWith(entry.getValue(), keyspace, toReplace, updated);
if (t == null)
if (updatedTypes == null)
updatedTypes = new HashMap<>(ctct.defined);
updatedTypes.put(entry.getKey(), (CollectionType)t);
return updatedTypes == null ? null : ColumnToCollectionType.getInstance(updatedTypes);
else if (type instanceof CollectionType)
if (type instanceof ListType)
AbstractType<?> t = updateWith(((ListType)type).getElementsType(), keyspace, toReplace, updated);
if (t == null)
return null;
return ListType.getInstance(t, type.isMultiCell());
else if (type instanceof SetType)
AbstractType<?> t = updateWith(((SetType)type).getElementsType(), keyspace, toReplace, updated);
if (t == null)
return null;
return SetType.getInstance(t, type.isMultiCell());
assert type instanceof MapType;
MapType mt = (MapType)type;
AbstractType<?> k = updateWith(mt.getKeysType(), keyspace, toReplace, updated);
AbstractType<?> v = updateWith(mt.getValuesType(), keyspace, toReplace, updated);
if (k == null && v == null)
return null;
return MapType.getInstance(k == null ? mt.getKeysType() : k, v == null ? mt.getValuesType() : v, type.isMultiCell());
return null;
private static List<AbstractType<?>> updateTypes(List<AbstractType<?>> toUpdate, String keyspace, ByteBuffer toReplace, UserType updated)
// But this can also be nested.
List<AbstractType<?>> updatedTypes = null;
for (int i = 0; i < toUpdate.size(); i++)
AbstractType<?> t = updateWith(toUpdate.get(i), keyspace, toReplace, updated);
if (t == null)
if (updatedTypes == null)
updatedTypes = new ArrayList<>(toUpdate);
updatedTypes.set(i, t);
return updatedTypes;
private static class AddOrAlter extends AlterTypeStatement
private final boolean isAdd;
private final ColumnIdentifier fieldName;
private final CQL3Type.Raw type;
public AddOrAlter(UTName name, boolean isAdd, ColumnIdentifier fieldName, CQL3Type.Raw type)
this.isAdd = isAdd;
this.fieldName = fieldName;
this.type = type;
private UserType doAdd(UserType toUpdate) throws InvalidRequestException
if (getIdxOfField(toUpdate, fieldName) >= 0)
throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Cannot add new field %s to type %s: a field of the same name already exists", fieldName, name));
List<ByteBuffer> newNames = new ArrayList<>(toUpdate.size() + 1);
AbstractType<?> addType = type.prepare(keyspace()).getType();
if (addType.references(toUpdate))
throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Cannot add new field %s of type %s to type %s as this would create a circular reference", fieldName, type, name));
List<AbstractType<?>> newTypes = new ArrayList<>(toUpdate.size() + 1);
return new UserType(toUpdate.keyspace,, newNames, newTypes);
private UserType doAlter(UserType toUpdate) throws InvalidRequestException
int idx = getIdxOfField(toUpdate, fieldName);
if (idx < 0)
throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Unknown field %s in type %s", fieldName, name));
AbstractType<?> previous = toUpdate.fieldType(idx);
if (!type.prepare(keyspace()).getType().isCompatibleWith(previous))
throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Type %s is incompatible with previous type %s of field %s in user type %s", type, previous.asCQL3Type(), fieldName, name));
List<ByteBuffer> newNames = new ArrayList<>(toUpdate.fieldNames());
List<AbstractType<?>> newTypes = new ArrayList<>(toUpdate.fieldTypes());
newTypes.set(idx, type.prepare(keyspace()).getType());
return new UserType(toUpdate.keyspace,, newNames, newTypes);
protected UserType makeUpdatedType(UserType toUpdate) throws InvalidRequestException
return isAdd ? doAdd(toUpdate) : doAlter(toUpdate);
private static class Renames extends AlterTypeStatement
private final Map<ColumnIdentifier, ColumnIdentifier> renames;
public Renames(UTName name, Map<ColumnIdentifier, ColumnIdentifier> renames)
this.renames = renames;
protected UserType makeUpdatedType(UserType toUpdate) throws InvalidRequestException
List<ByteBuffer> newNames = new ArrayList<>(toUpdate.fieldNames());
List<AbstractType<?>> newTypes = new ArrayList<>(toUpdate.fieldTypes());
for (Map.Entry<ColumnIdentifier, ColumnIdentifier> entry : renames.entrySet())
ColumnIdentifier from = entry.getKey();
ColumnIdentifier to = entry.getValue();
int idx = getIdxOfField(toUpdate, from);
if (idx < 0)
throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Unknown field %s in type %s", from, name));
newNames.set(idx, to.bytes);
UserType updated = new UserType(toUpdate.keyspace,, newNames, newTypes);
return updated;