blob: 1537aae803669a8f23c3b925eddaf463b0e65382 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.cassandra.config;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.cassandra.locator.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageService;
public final class KSMetaData
public final String name;
public final Class<? extends AbstractReplicationStrategy> strategyClass;
public final Map<String, String> strategyOptions;
private final Map<String, CFMetaData> cfMetaData;
public final boolean durableWrites;
public final UTMetaData userTypes;
public KSMetaData(String name,
Class<? extends AbstractReplicationStrategy> strategyClass,
Map<String, String> strategyOptions,
boolean durableWrites)
this(name, strategyClass, strategyOptions, durableWrites, Collections.<CFMetaData>emptyList(), new UTMetaData());
public KSMetaData(String name,
Class<? extends AbstractReplicationStrategy> strategyClass,
Map<String, String> strategyOptions,
boolean durableWrites,
Iterable<CFMetaData> cfDefs)
this(name, strategyClass, strategyOptions, durableWrites, cfDefs, new UTMetaData());
private KSMetaData(String name,
Class<? extends AbstractReplicationStrategy> strategyClass,
Map<String, String> strategyOptions,
boolean durableWrites,
Iterable<CFMetaData> cfDefs,
UTMetaData userTypes)
{ = name;
this.strategyClass = strategyClass == null ? NetworkTopologyStrategy.class : strategyClass;
this.strategyOptions = strategyOptions;
Map<String, CFMetaData> cfmap = new HashMap<>();
for (CFMetaData cfm : cfDefs)
cfmap.put(cfm.cfName, cfm);
this.cfMetaData = Collections.unmodifiableMap(cfmap);
this.durableWrites = durableWrites;
this.userTypes = userTypes;
// For new user created keyspaces (through CQL)
public static KSMetaData newKeyspace(String name, String strategyName, Map<String, String> options, boolean durableWrites) throws ConfigurationException
Class<? extends AbstractReplicationStrategy> cls = AbstractReplicationStrategy.getClass(strategyName);
if (cls.equals(LocalStrategy.class))
throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to use given strategy class: LocalStrategy is reserved for internal use.");
return newKeyspace(name, cls, options, durableWrites, Collections.<CFMetaData>emptyList());
public static KSMetaData newKeyspace(String name, Class<? extends AbstractReplicationStrategy> strategyClass, Map<String, String> options, boolean durablesWrites, Iterable<CFMetaData> cfDefs)
return new KSMetaData(name, strategyClass, options, durablesWrites, cfDefs, new UTMetaData());
public KSMetaData cloneWithTableRemoved(CFMetaData table)
// clone ksm but do not include the new table
List<CFMetaData> newTables = new ArrayList<>(cfMetaData().values());
assert newTables.size() == cfMetaData().size() - 1;
return cloneWith(newTables, userTypes);
public KSMetaData cloneWithTableAdded(CFMetaData table)
// clone ksm but include the new table
List<CFMetaData> newTables = new ArrayList<>(cfMetaData().values());
assert newTables.size() == cfMetaData().size() + 1;
return cloneWith(newTables, userTypes);
public KSMetaData cloneWith(Iterable<CFMetaData> tables, UTMetaData types)
return new KSMetaData(name, strategyClass, strategyOptions, durableWrites, tables, types);
public static KSMetaData testMetadata(String name, Class<? extends AbstractReplicationStrategy> strategyClass, Map<String, String> strategyOptions, CFMetaData... cfDefs)
return new KSMetaData(name, strategyClass, strategyOptions, true, Arrays.asList(cfDefs));
public static KSMetaData testMetadataNotDurable(String name, Class<? extends AbstractReplicationStrategy> strategyClass, Map<String, String> strategyOptions, CFMetaData... cfDefs)
return new KSMetaData(name, strategyClass, strategyOptions, false, Arrays.asList(cfDefs));
public int hashCode()
return Objects.hashCode(name, strategyClass, strategyOptions, cfMetaData, durableWrites, userTypes);
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == o)
return true;
if (!(o instanceof KSMetaData))
return false;
KSMetaData other = (KSMetaData) o;
return Objects.equal(name,
&& Objects.equal(strategyClass, other.strategyClass)
&& Objects.equal(strategyOptions, other.strategyOptions)
&& Objects.equal(cfMetaData, other.cfMetaData)
&& Objects.equal(durableWrites, other.durableWrites)
&& Objects.equal(userTypes, other.userTypes);
public Map<String, CFMetaData> cfMetaData()
return cfMetaData;
public String toString()
return Objects.toStringHelper(this)
.add("name", name)
.add("strategyClass", strategyClass.getSimpleName())
.add("strategyOptions", strategyOptions)
.add("cfMetaData", cfMetaData)
.add("durableWrites", durableWrites)
.add("userTypes", userTypes)
public static Map<String,String> optsWithRF(final Integer rf)
return Collections.singletonMap("replication_factor", rf.toString());
public KSMetaData validate() throws ConfigurationException
if (!CFMetaData.isNameValid(name))
throw new ConfigurationException(String.format("Keyspace name must not be empty, more than %s characters long, or contain non-alphanumeric-underscore characters (got \"%s\")", Schema.NAME_LENGTH, name));
// Attempt to instantiate the ARS, which will throw a ConfigException if the strategy_options aren't fully formed
TokenMetadata tmd = StorageService.instance.getTokenMetadata();
IEndpointSnitch eps = DatabaseDescriptor.getEndpointSnitch();
AbstractReplicationStrategy.validateReplicationStrategy(name, strategyClass, tmd, eps, strategyOptions);
for (CFMetaData cfm : cfMetaData.values())
return this;