blob: 65dc02e25c58a16eebda4e9088943d3e220808ef [file] [log] [blame]
= sstablelevelreset
If LeveledCompactionStrategy is set, this script can be used to reset
level to 0 on a given set of sstables. This is useful if you want to,
for example, change the minimum sstable size, and therefore restart the
compaction process using this new configuration.
for information on how levels are used in this compaction strategy.
Cassandra must be stopped before this tool is executed, or unexpected
results will occur. Note: the script does not verify that Cassandra is
== Usage
sstablelevelreset --really-reset <keyspace> <table>
The really-reset flag is required, to ensure this intrusive command is
not run accidentally.
== Table not found
If the keyspace and/or table is not in the schema (e.g., if you
misspelled the table name), the script will return an error.
ColumnFamily not found: keyspace/evenlog.
== Table has no sstables
Found no sstables, did you give the correct keyspace/table?
== Table already at level 0
The script will not set the level if it is already set to 0.
Skipped /var/lib/cassandra/data/keyspace/eventlog-65c429e08c5a11e8939edf4f403979ef/mc-1-big-Data.db since it is already on level 0
== Table levels reduced to 0
If the level is not already 0, then this will reset it to 0.
sstablemetadata /var/lib/cassandra/data/keyspace/eventlog-6365332094dd11e88f324f9c503e4753/mc-8-big-Data.db | grep -i level
SSTable Level: 1
sstablelevelreset --really-reset keyspace eventlog
Changing level from 1 to 0 on /var/lib/cassandra/data/keyspace/eventlog-6365332094dd11e88f324f9c503e4753/mc-8-big-Data.db
sstablemetadata /var/lib/cassandra/data/keyspace/eventlog-6365332094dd11e88f324f9c503e4753/mc-8-big-Data.db | grep -i level
SSTable Level: 0