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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.db.tries;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.bytecomparable.ByteComparable;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ObjectSizes;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
public abstract class InMemoryTrieTestBase
// Set this to true (in combination with smaller count) to dump the tries while debugging a problem.
// Do not commit the code with VERBOSE = true.
private static final boolean VERBOSE = false;
private static final int COUNT = 100000;
private static final int KEY_CHOICE = 25;
private static final int MIN_LENGTH = 10;
private static final int MAX_LENGTH = 50;
Random rand = new Random();
static final ByteComparable.Version VERSION = InMemoryTrie.BYTE_COMPARABLE_VERSION;
abstract boolean usePut();
public void testSingle()
ByteComparable e = ByteComparable.of("test");
InMemoryTrie<String> trie = new InMemoryTrie<>(BufferType.OFF_HEAP);
putSimpleResolve(trie, e, "test", (x, y) -> y);
System.out.println("Trie " + trie.dump());
assertEquals("test", trie.get(e));
assertEquals(null, trie.get(ByteComparable.of("teste")));
public void testSplitMulti()
testEntries(new String[] { "testing", "tests", "trials", "trial", "aaaa", "aaaab", "abdddd", "abeeee" });
public void testSplitMultiBug()
testEntriesHex(new String[] { "0c4143aeff", "0c4143ae69ff" });
public void testSparse00bug()
String[] tests = new String[] {
InMemoryTrie<String> trie = new InMemoryTrie<>(BufferType.OFF_HEAP);
for (String test : tests)
ByteComparable e = ByteComparable.fixedLength(ByteBufferUtil.hexToBytes(test));
System.out.println("Adding " + asString(e) + ": " + test);
putSimpleResolve(trie, e, test, (x, y) -> y);
for (String test : tests)
assertEquals(test, trie.get(ByteComparable.fixedLength(ByteBufferUtil.hexToBytes(test))));
int idx = 0;
for (String s : trie.values())
if (s != tests[idx])
throw new AssertionError("" + s + "!=" + tests[idx]);
assertEquals(tests.length, idx);
public void testUpdateContent()
String[] tests = new String[] {"testing", "tests", "trials", "trial", "testing", "trial", "trial"};
String[] values = new String[] {"testing", "tests", "trials", "trial", "t2", "x2", "y2"};
InMemoryTrie<String> trie = new InMemoryTrie<>(BufferType.OFF_HEAP);
for (int i = 0; i < tests.length; ++i)
String test = tests[i];
String v = values[i];
ByteComparable e = ByteComparable.of(test);
System.out.println("Adding " + asString(e) + ": " + v);
putSimpleResolve(trie, e, v, (x, y) -> "" + x + y);
System.out.println("Trie " + trie.dump());
for (int i = 0; i < tests.length; ++i)
String test = tests[i];
assertEquals(Stream.iterate(0, x -> x + 1)
.filter(x -> tests[x] == test)
.map(x -> values[x])
.reduce("", (x, y) -> "" + x + y),
static class SpecStackEntry
Object[] children;
int curChild;
Object content;
SpecStackEntry parent;
public SpecStackEntry(Object[] spec, Object content, SpecStackEntry parent)
this.children = spec;
this.content = content;
this.parent = parent;
this.curChild = -1;
public static class CursorFromSpec implements Trie.Cursor<ByteBuffer>
SpecStackEntry stack;
int depth;
CursorFromSpec(Object[] spec)
stack = new SpecStackEntry(spec, null, null);
depth = 0;
public int advance()
SpecStackEntry current = stack;
while (current != null && ++current.curChild >= current.children.length)
current = current.parent;
if (current == null)
assert depth == -1;
return depth;
Object child = current.children[current.curChild];
if (child instanceof Object[])
stack = new SpecStackEntry((Object[]) child, null, current);
stack = new SpecStackEntry(new Object[0], child, current);
return ++depth;
public int advanceMultiple()
if (++stack.curChild >= stack.children.length)
return skipChildren();
Object child = stack.children[stack.curChild];
while (child instanceof Object[])
stack = new SpecStackEntry((Object[]) child, null, stack);
if (stack.children.length == 0)
return depth;
child = stack.children[0];
stack = new SpecStackEntry(new Object[0], child, stack);
return ++depth;
public int skipChildren()
stack = stack.parent;
return advance();
public int depth()
return depth;
public ByteBuffer content()
return (ByteBuffer) stack.content;
public int incomingTransition()
SpecStackEntry parent = stack.parent;
return parent != null ? parent.curChild + 0x30 : -1;
static Trie<ByteBuffer> specifiedTrie(Object[] nodeDef)
return new Trie<ByteBuffer>()
protected Cursor<ByteBuffer> cursor()
return new CursorFromSpec(nodeDef);
public void testEntriesNullChildBug()
Object[] trieDef = new Object[]
new Object[] { // 0
ByteBufferUtil.bytes(1), // 01
ByteBufferUtil.bytes(2) // 02
// If requestChild returns null, bad things can happen (DB-2982)
null, // 1
ByteBufferUtil.bytes(3), // 2
new Object[] { // 3
ByteBufferUtil.bytes(4), // 30
// Also try null on the Remaining.ONE path
null // 31
ByteBufferUtil.bytes(5), // 4
// Also test requestUniqueDescendant returning null
new Object[] { // 5
new Object[] { // 50
new Object[] { // 500
null // 5000
ByteBufferUtil.bytes(6) // 6
SortedMap<ByteComparable, ByteBuffer> expected = new TreeMap<>((bytes1, bytes2) ->, bytes2, VERSION));
expected.put(comparable("00"), ByteBufferUtil.bytes(1));
expected.put(comparable("01"), ByteBufferUtil.bytes(2));
expected.put(comparable("2"), ByteBufferUtil.bytes(3));
expected.put(comparable("30"), ByteBufferUtil.bytes(4));
expected.put(comparable("4"), ByteBufferUtil.bytes(5));
expected.put(comparable("6"), ByteBufferUtil.bytes(6));
Trie<ByteBuffer> trie = specifiedTrie(trieDef);
assertSameContent(trie, expected);
static ByteComparable comparable(String s)
ByteBuffer b = ByteBufferUtil.bytes(s);
return ByteComparable.fixedLength(b);
public void testDirect()
ByteComparable[] src = generateKeys(rand, COUNT);
SortedMap<ByteComparable, ByteBuffer> content = new TreeMap<>((bytes1, bytes2) ->, bytes2, VERSION));
InMemoryTrie<ByteBuffer> trie = makeInMemoryTrie(src, content, usePut());
int keysize =
.mapToInt(src1 -> ByteComparable.length(src1, VERSION))
long ts = ObjectSizes.measureDeep(content);
long onh = ObjectSizes.measureDeep(trie.contentArrays);
System.out.format("Trie size on heap %,d off heap %,d measured %,d keys %,d treemap %,d\n",
trie.sizeOnHeap(), trie.sizeOffHeap(), onh, keysize, ts);
System.out.format("per entry on heap %.2f off heap %.2f measured %.2f keys %.2f treemap %.2f\n",
trie.sizeOnHeap() * 1.0 / COUNT, trie.sizeOffHeap() * 1.0 / COUNT, onh * 1.0 / COUNT, keysize * 1.0 / COUNT, ts * 1.0 / COUNT);
System.out.println("Trie " + trie.dump(ByteBufferUtil::bytesToHex));
assertSameContent(trie, content);
checkGet(trie, content);
public void testPrefixEvolution()
testEntries(new String[] { "testing",
// test changing type with prefix
// test adding prefix to chain
// test adding prefix to sparse
// test adding prefix to split
public void testPrefixUnsafeMulti()
// Make sure prefixes on inside a multi aren't overwritten by embedded metadata node.
testEntries(new String[] { "test89012345678901234567890",
private void testEntries(String[] tests)
for (Function<String, ByteComparable> mapping :
ImmutableList.<Function<String, ByteComparable>>of(ByteComparable::of,
s -> ByteComparable.fixedLength(s.getBytes())))
testEntries(tests, mapping);
private void testEntriesHex(String[] tests)
testEntries(tests, s -> ByteComparable.fixedLength(ByteBufferUtil.hexToBytes(s)));
// Run the other translations just in case.
private void testEntries(String[] tests, Function<String, ByteComparable> mapping)
InMemoryTrie<String> trie = new InMemoryTrie<>(BufferType.OFF_HEAP);
for (String test : tests)
ByteComparable e = mapping.apply(test);
System.out.println("Adding " + asString(e) + ": " + test);
putSimpleResolve(trie, e, test, (x, y) -> y);
System.out.println("Trie\n" + trie.dump());
for (String test : tests)
assertEquals(test, trie.get(mapping.apply(test)));
static InMemoryTrie<ByteBuffer> makeInMemoryTrie(ByteComparable[] src,
Map<ByteComparable, ByteBuffer> content,
boolean usePut)
InMemoryTrie<ByteBuffer> trie = new InMemoryTrie<>(BufferType.OFF_HEAP);
addToInMemoryTrie(src, content, trie, usePut);
return trie;
static void addToInMemoryTrie(ByteComparable[] src,
Map<ByteComparable, ByteBuffer> content,
InMemoryTrie<ByteBuffer> trie,
boolean usePut)
for (ByteComparable b : src)
// Note: Because we don't ensure order when calling resolve, just use a hash of the key as payload
// (so that all sources have the same value).
int payload = asString(b).hashCode();
ByteBuffer v = ByteBufferUtil.bytes(payload);
content.put(b, v);
System.out.println("Adding " + asString(b) + ": " + ByteBufferUtil.bytesToHex(v));
putSimpleResolve(trie, b, v, (x, y) -> y, usePut);
static void checkGet(InMemoryTrie<ByteBuffer> trie, Map<ByteComparable, ByteBuffer> items)
for (Map.Entry<ByteComparable, ByteBuffer> en : items.entrySet())
assertEquals(en.getValue(), trie.get(en.getKey()));
static void assertSameContent(Trie<ByteBuffer> trie, SortedMap<ByteComparable, ByteBuffer> map)
assertMapEquals(trie, map);
assertForEachEntryEquals(trie, map);
assertValuesEqual(trie, map);
assertForEachValueEquals(trie, map);
assertUnorderedValuesEqual(trie, map);
private static void assertValuesEqual(Trie<ByteBuffer> trie, SortedMap<ByteComparable, ByteBuffer> map)
assertIterablesEqual(trie.values(), map.values());
private static void assertUnorderedValuesEqual(Trie<ByteBuffer> trie, SortedMap<ByteComparable, ByteBuffer> map)
Multiset<ByteBuffer> unordered = HashMultiset.create();
StringBuilder errors = new StringBuilder();
for (ByteBuffer b : trie.valuesUnordered())
for (ByteBuffer b : map.values())
if (!unordered.remove(b))
errors.append("\nMissing value in valuesUnordered: " + ByteBufferUtil.bytesToHex(b));
for (ByteBuffer b : unordered)
errors.append("\nExtra value in valuesUnordered: " + ByteBufferUtil.bytesToHex(b));
assertEquals("", errors.toString());
private static void assertForEachEntryEquals(Trie<ByteBuffer> trie, SortedMap<ByteComparable, ByteBuffer> map)
Iterator<Map.Entry<ByteComparable, ByteBuffer>> it = map.entrySet().iterator();
trie.forEachEntry((key, value) -> {
Assert.assertTrue("Map exhausted first, key " + asString(key), it.hasNext());
Map.Entry<ByteComparable, ByteBuffer> entry =;
assertEquals(0,, key, Trie.BYTE_COMPARABLE_VERSION));
assertEquals(entry.getValue(), value);
Assert.assertFalse("Trie exhausted first", it.hasNext());
private static void assertForEachValueEquals(Trie<ByteBuffer> trie, SortedMap<ByteComparable, ByteBuffer> map)
Iterator<ByteBuffer> it = map.values().iterator();
trie.forEachValue(value -> {
Assert.assertTrue("Map exhausted first, value " + ByteBufferUtil.bytesToHex(value), it.hasNext());
ByteBuffer entry =;
assertEquals(entry, value);
Assert.assertFalse("Trie exhausted first", it.hasNext());
static void assertMapEquals(Trie<ByteBuffer> trie, SortedMap<ByteComparable, ByteBuffer> map)
assertMapEquals(trie.entrySet(), map.entrySet());
static void assertMapEquals(Iterable<Map.Entry<ByteComparable, ByteBuffer>> container1,
Iterable<Map.Entry<ByteComparable, ByteBuffer>> container2)
Iterator<Map.Entry<ByteComparable, ByteBuffer>> it1 = container1.iterator();
Iterator<Map.Entry<ByteComparable, ByteBuffer>> it2 = container2.iterator();
List<ByteComparable> failedAt = new ArrayList<>();
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
while (it1.hasNext() && it2.hasNext())
Map.Entry<ByteComparable, ByteBuffer> en1 =;
Map.Entry<ByteComparable, ByteBuffer> en2 =;
b.append(String.format("TreeSet %s:%s\n", asString(en2.getKey()), ByteBufferUtil.bytesToHex(en2.getValue())));
b.append(String.format("Trie %s:%s\n", asString(en1.getKey()), ByteBufferUtil.bytesToHex(en1.getValue())));
if (, en2.getKey(), VERSION) != 0 || ByteBufferUtil.compareUnsigned(en1.getValue(), en2.getValue()) != 0)
while (it1.hasNext())
Map.Entry<ByteComparable, ByteBuffer> en1 =;
b.append(String.format("Trie %s:%s\n", asString(en1.getKey()), ByteBufferUtil.bytesToHex(en1.getValue())));
while (it2.hasNext())
Map.Entry<ByteComparable, ByteBuffer> en2 =;
b.append(String.format("TreeSet %s:%s\n", asString(en2.getKey()), ByteBufferUtil.bytesToHex(en2.getValue())));
if (!failedAt.isEmpty())
String message = "Failed at " + Lists.transform(failedAt, InMemoryTrieTestBase::asString);
static <E extends Comparable<E>> void assertIterablesEqual(Iterable<E> expectedIterable, Iterable<E> actualIterable)
Iterator<E> expected = expectedIterable.iterator();
Iterator<E> actual = actualIterable.iterator();
while (actual.hasNext() && expected.hasNext())
if (expected.hasNext())"Remaing values in expected, starting with " +;
else if (actual.hasNext())"Remaing values in actual, starting with " +;
static ByteComparable[] generateKeys(Random rand, int count)
ByteComparable[] sources = new ByteComparable[count];
TreeSet<ByteComparable> added = new TreeSet<>((bytes1, bytes2) ->, bytes2, VERSION));
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
sources[i] = generateKey(rand);
if (!added.add(sources[i]))
// note: not sorted!
return sources;
static ByteComparable generateKey(Random rand)
return generateKey(rand, MIN_LENGTH, MAX_LENGTH);
static ByteComparable generateKey(Random rand, int minLength, int maxLength)
int len = rand.nextInt(maxLength - minLength + 1) + minLength;
byte[] bytes = new byte[len];
int p = 0;
int length = bytes.length;
while (p < length)
int seed = rand.nextInt(KEY_CHOICE);
Random r2 = new Random(seed);
int m = r2.nextInt(5) + 2 + p;
if (m > length)
m = length;
while (p < m)
bytes[p++] = (byte) r2.nextInt(256);
return ByteComparable.fixedLength(bytes);
static String asString(ByteComparable bc)
return bc != null ? bc.byteComparableAsString(VERSION) : "null";
<T, M> void putSimpleResolve(InMemoryTrie<T> trie,
ByteComparable key,
T value,
Trie.MergeResolver<T> resolver)
putSimpleResolve(trie, key, value, resolver, usePut());
static <T, M> void putSimpleResolve(InMemoryTrie<T> trie,
ByteComparable key,
T value,
Trie.MergeResolver<T> resolver,
boolean usePut)
(existing, update) -> existing != null ? resolver.resolve(existing, update) : update,
catch (InMemoryTrie.SpaceExhaustedException e)
// Should not happen, test stays well below size limit.
throw new AssertionError(e);