blob: f0513daa9ceb5feffc9a3fa0ac2515de171ceda3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.db.guardrails;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.DataStorageSpec;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.BytesType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.ListType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.MapType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.SetType;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import static java.nio.ByteBuffer.allocate;
import static org.apache.cassandra.config.DataStorageSpec.DataStorageUnit.BYTES;
* Tests the guardrail for the size of column values, {@link Guardrails#columnValueSize}.
public class GuardrailColumnValueSizeTest extends ThresholdTester
private static final int WARN_THRESHOLD = 1024; // bytes
private static final int FAIL_THRESHOLD = WARN_THRESHOLD * 4; // bytes
public GuardrailColumnValueSizeTest()
bytes -> new DataStorageSpec.LongBytesBound(bytes, BYTES).toString(),
size -> new DataStorageSpec.LongBytesBound(size).toBytes());
public void testSimplePartitionKey() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k text PRIMARY KEY, v int)");
// the size of primary key columns is not guarded because they already have a fixed limit of 65535B
testNoThreshold("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (?, 0)");
testNoThreshold("UPDATE %s SET v = 1 WHERE k = ?");
testNoThreshold("DELETE v FROM %s WHERE k = ?");
testNoThreshold("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = ?");
public void testCompositePartitionKey() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k1 text, k2 text, v int, PRIMARY KEY((k1, k2)))");
// the size of primary key columns is not guarded because they already have a fixed limit of 65535B
testNoThreshold2("INSERT INTO %s (k1, k2, v) VALUES (?, ?, 0)");
testNoThreshold2("UPDATE %s SET v = 1 WHERE k1 = ? AND k2 = ?");
testNoThreshold2("DELETE v FROM %s WHERE k1 = ? AND k2 = ?");
testNoThreshold2("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k1 = ? AND k2 = ?");
public void testSimpleClustering() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int, c text, v int, PRIMARY KEY(k, c))");
// the size of primary key columns is not guarded because they already have a fixed limit of 65535B
testNoThreshold("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, v) VALUES (0, ?, 0)");
testNoThreshold("UPDATE %s SET v = 1 WHERE k = 0 AND c = ?");
testNoThreshold("DELETE v FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c = ?");
testNoThreshold("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c = ?");
public void testCompositeClustering() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int, c1 text, c2 text, v int, PRIMARY KEY(k, c1, c2))");
// the size of primary key columns is not guarded because they already have a fixed limit of 65535B
testNoThreshold("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c1 = ?");
testNoThreshold("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c1 > ?");
testNoThreshold("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c1 < ?");
testNoThreshold("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c1 >= ?");
testNoThreshold("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c1 <= ?");
testNoThreshold2("INSERT INTO %s (k, c1, c2, v) VALUES (0, ?, ?, 0)");
testNoThreshold2("UPDATE %s SET v = 1 WHERE k = 0 AND c1 = ? AND c2 = ?");
testNoThreshold2("DELETE v FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c1 = ? AND c2 = ?");
testNoThreshold2("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c1 = ? AND c2 = ?");
testNoThreshold2("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c1 = ? AND c2 > ?");
testNoThreshold2("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c1 = ? AND c2 < ?");
testNoThreshold2("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c1 = ? AND c2 >= ?");
testNoThreshold2("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c1 = ? AND c2 <= ?");
public void testRegularColumn() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, v text)");
testThreshold("v", "INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (0, ?)");
testThreshold("v", "UPDATE %s SET v = ? WHERE k = 0");
public void testStaticColumn() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int, c int, s text STATIC, r int, PRIMARY KEY(k, c))");
testThreshold("s", "INSERT INTO %s (k, s) VALUES (0, ?)");
testThreshold("s", "INSERT INTO %s (k, c, s, r) VALUES (0, 0, ?, 0)");
testThreshold("s", "UPDATE %s SET s = ? WHERE k = 0");
testThreshold("s", "UPDATE %s SET s = ?, r = 0 WHERE k = 0 AND c = 0");
public void testTuple() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, t tuple<text, text>)");
testThreshold2("t", "INSERT INTO %s (k, t) VALUES (0, (?, ?))", 8);
testThreshold2("t", "UPDATE %s SET t = (?, ?) WHERE k = 0", 8);
public void testUDT() throws Throwable
String udt = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (a text, b text)");
createTable(format("CREATE TABLE %%s (k int PRIMARY KEY, u %s)", udt));
testThreshold("u", "INSERT INTO %s (k, u) VALUES (0, {a: ?})");
testThreshold("u", "INSERT INTO %s (k, u) VALUES (0, {b: ?})");
testThreshold("u", "UPDATE %s SET u = {a: ?} WHERE k = 0");
testThreshold("u", "UPDATE %s SET u = {b: ?} WHERE k = 0");
testThreshold("u", "UPDATE %s SET u.a = ? WHERE k = 0");
testThreshold("u", "UPDATE %s SET u.b = ? WHERE k = 0");
testThreshold2("u", "INSERT INTO %s (k, u) VALUES (0, {a: ?, b: ?})");
testThreshold2("u", "UPDATE %s SET u.a = ?, u.b = ? WHERE k = 0");
testThreshold2("u", "UPDATE %s SET u = {a: ?, b: ?} WHERE k = 0");
public void testFrozenUDT() throws Throwable
String udt = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (a text, b text)");
createTable(format("CREATE TABLE %%s (k int PRIMARY KEY, v frozen<%s>)", udt));
testThreshold("v", "INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (0, {a: ?})", 8);
testThreshold("v", "INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (0, {b: ?})", 8);
testThreshold("v", "UPDATE %s SET v = {a: ?} WHERE k = 0", 8);
testThreshold("v", "UPDATE %s SET v = {b: ?} WHERE k = 0", 8);
testThreshold2("v", "INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (0, {a: ?, b: ?})", 8);
testThreshold2("v", "UPDATE %s SET v = {a: ?, b: ?} WHERE k = 0", 8);
public void testNestedUDT() throws Throwable
String inner = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (c text, d text)");
String outer = createType(format("CREATE TYPE %%s (a text, b frozen<%s>)", inner));
createTable(format("CREATE TABLE %%s (k int PRIMARY KEY, v %s)", outer));
for (String query : Arrays.asList("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (0, {a: ?, b: {c: ?, d: ?}})",
"UPDATE %s SET v = {a: ?, b: {c: ?, d: ?}} WHERE k = 0"))
assertValid(query, allocate(0), allocate(0), allocate(0));
assertValid(query, allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD - 8), allocate(0), allocate(0));
assertValid(query, allocate(0), allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD - 8), allocate(0));
assertValid(query, allocate(0), allocate(0), allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD - 8));
assertWarns("v", query, allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD + 1), allocate(0), allocate(0));
assertWarns("v", query, allocate(0), allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD - 7), allocate(0));
assertWarns("v", query, allocate(0), allocate(0), allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD - 7));
assertFails("v", query, allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD + 1), allocate(0), allocate(0));
assertFails("v", query, allocate(0), allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD - 7), allocate(0));
assertFails("v", query, allocate(0), allocate(0), allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD - 7));
public void testList() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, l list<text>)");
for (String query : Arrays.asList("INSERT INTO %s (k, l) VALUES (0, ?)",
"UPDATE %s SET l = ? WHERE k = 0",
"UPDATE %s SET l = l + ? WHERE k = 0"))
testCollection("l", query, this::list);
testThreshold("l", "UPDATE %s SET l[0] = ? WHERE k = 0");
String query = "UPDATE %s SET l = l - ? WHERE k = 0";
assertValid(query, this::list, allocate(1));
assertValid(query, this::list, allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD));
assertValid(query, this::list, allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD + 1)); // Doesn't write anything because we couldn't write
public void testFrozenList() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, fl frozen<list<text>>)");
// the serialized size of a frozen list is the size of its serialized elements, plus a 32-bit integer prefix for
// the number of elements, and another 32-bit integer for the size of each element
for (String query : Arrays.asList("INSERT INTO %s (k, fl) VALUES (0, ?)",
"UPDATE %s SET fl = ? WHERE k = 0"))
testFrozenCollection("fl", query, this::list);
public void testSet() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, s set<text>)");
for (String query : Arrays.asList("INSERT INTO %s (k, s) VALUES (0, ?)",
"UPDATE %s SET s = ? WHERE k = 0",
"UPDATE %s SET s = s + ? WHERE k = 0",
"UPDATE %s SET s = s - ? WHERE k = 0"))
testCollection("s", query, this::set);
public void testSetWithClustering() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int, c1 int, c2 int, s set<text>, PRIMARY KEY(k, c1, c2))");
for (String query : Arrays.asList("INSERT INTO %s (k, c1, c2, s) VALUES (0, 0, 0, ?)",
"UPDATE %s SET s = ? WHERE k = 0 AND c1 = 0 AND c2 = 0",
"UPDATE %s SET s = s + ? WHERE k = 0 AND c1 = 0 AND c2 = 0",
"UPDATE %s SET s = s - ? WHERE k = 0 AND c1 = 0 AND c2 = 0"))
testCollection("s", query, this::set);
public void testFrozenSet() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, fs frozen<set<text>>)");
// the serialized size of a frozen set is the size of its serialized elements, plus a 32-bit integer prefix for
// the number of elements, and another 32-bit integer for the size of each element
for (String query : Arrays.asList("INSERT INTO %s (k, fs) VALUES (0, ?)",
"UPDATE %s SET fs = ? WHERE k = 0"))
testFrozenCollection("fs", query, this::set);
public void testMap() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, m map<text, text>)");
for (String query : Arrays.asList("INSERT INTO %s (k, m) VALUES (0, ?)",
"UPDATE %s SET m = ? WHERE k = 0",
"UPDATE %s SET m = m + ? WHERE k = 0"))
testMap("m", query);
testThreshold2("m", "UPDATE %s SET m[?] = ? WHERE k = 0");
testCollection("m", "UPDATE %s SET m = m - ? WHERE k = 0", this::set);
public void testMapWithClustering() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int, c1 int, c2 int, mc map<text, text>, PRIMARY KEY(k, c1, c2))");
testMap("mc", "INSERT INTO %s (k, c1, c2, mc) VALUES (0, 0, 0, ?)");
public void testFrozenMap() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY,fm frozen<map<text, text>>)");
// the serialized size of a frozen map is the size of the serialized values plus a 32-bit integer prefix for the
// number of key-value pairs, and another 32-bit integer for the size of each value
for (String query : Arrays.asList("INSERT INTO %s (k, fm) VALUES (0, ?)",
"UPDATE %s SET fm = ? WHERE k = 0"))
assertValid(query, this::map, allocate(1), allocate(1));
assertValid(query, this::map, allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD - 13), allocate(1));
assertValid(query, this::map, allocate(1), allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD - 13));
assertWarns("fm", query, this::map, allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD - 12), allocate(1));
assertWarns("fm", query, this::map, allocate(1), allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD - 12));
assertFails("fm", query, this::map, allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD - 12), allocate(1));
assertFails("fm", query, this::map, allocate(1), allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD - 12));
public void testBatch() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k text, c text, r text, s text STATIC, PRIMARY KEY(k, c))");
// partition key
testNoThreshold("BEGIN BATCH INSERT INTO %s (k, c, r) VALUES (?, '0', '0'); APPLY BATCH;");
testNoThreshold("BEGIN BATCH UPDATE %s SET r = '0' WHERE k = ? AND c = '0'; APPLY BATCH;");
testNoThreshold("BEGIN BATCH DELETE r FROM %s WHERE k = ? AND c = '0'; APPLY BATCH;");
// static column
testThreshold("s", "BEGIN BATCH INSERT INTO %s (k, s) VALUES ('0', ?); APPLY BATCH;");
testThreshold("s", "BEGIN BATCH INSERT INTO %s (k, s, c, r) VALUES ('0', ?, '0', '0'); APPLY BATCH;");
testThreshold("s", "BEGIN BATCH UPDATE %s SET s = ? WHERE k = '0'; APPLY BATCH;");
testThreshold("s", "BEGIN BATCH UPDATE %s SET s = ?, r = '0' WHERE k = '0' AND c = '0'; APPLY BATCH;");
// clustering key
testNoThreshold("BEGIN BATCH INSERT INTO %s (k, c, r) VALUES ('0', ?, '0'); APPLY BATCH;");
testNoThreshold("BEGIN BATCH UPDATE %s SET r = '0' WHERE k = '0' AND c = ?; APPLY BATCH;");
testNoThreshold("BEGIN BATCH DELETE r FROM %s WHERE k = '0' AND c = ?; APPLY BATCH;");
testNoThreshold("BEGIN BATCH DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = '0' AND c = ?; APPLY BATCH;");
// regular column
testThreshold("r", "BEGIN BATCH INSERT INTO %s (k, c, r) VALUES ('0', '0', ?); APPLY BATCH;");
testThreshold("r", "BEGIN BATCH UPDATE %s SET r = ? WHERE k = '0' AND c = '0'; APPLY BATCH;");
public void testCASWithIfNotExistsCondition() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k text, c text, v text, s text STATIC, PRIMARY KEY(k, c))");
// partition key
testNoThreshold("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, v) VALUES (?, '0', '0') IF NOT EXISTS");
// clustering key
testNoThreshold("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, v) VALUES ('0', ?, '0') IF NOT EXISTS");
// static column
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, s) VALUES ('1', ?) IF NOT EXISTS", allocate(1));
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, s) VALUES ('2', ?) IF NOT EXISTS", allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD));
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, s) VALUES ('2', ?) IF NOT EXISTS", allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD + 1)); // not applied
assertWarns("s", "INSERT INTO %s (k, s) VALUES ('3', ?) IF NOT EXISTS", allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD + 1));
// regular column
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, v) VALUES ('4', '0', ?) IF NOT EXISTS", allocate(1));
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, v) VALUES ('5', '0', ?) IF NOT EXISTS", allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD));
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, v) VALUES ('5', '0', ?) IF NOT EXISTS", allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD + 1)); // not applied
assertWarns("v", "INSERT INTO %s (k, c, v) VALUES ('6', '0', ?) IF NOT EXISTS", allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD + 1));
public void testCASWithIfExistsCondition() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k text, c text, v text, s text STATIC, PRIMARY KEY(k, c))");
// partition key, the CAS updates with values beyond the threshold are not applied so they don't come to fail
testNoThreshold("UPDATE %s SET v = '0' WHERE k = ? AND c = '0' IF EXISTS");
// clustering key, the CAS updates with values beyond the threshold are not applied so they don't come to fail
testNoThreshold("UPDATE %s SET v = '0' WHERE k = '0' AND c = ? IF EXISTS");
// static column, only the applied CAS updates can fire the guardrail
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, s) VALUES ('0', '0')");
testThreshold("s", "UPDATE %s SET s = ? WHERE k = '0' IF EXISTS");
assertValid("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = '0'");
testNoThreshold("UPDATE %s SET s = ? WHERE k = '0' IF EXISTS");
// regular column, only the applied CAS updates can fire the guardrail
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, c) VALUES ('0', '0')");
testThreshold("v", "UPDATE %s SET v = ? WHERE k = '0' AND c = '0' IF EXISTS");
assertValid("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = '0' AND c = '0'");
testNoThreshold("UPDATE %s SET v = ? WHERE k = '0' AND c = '0' IF EXISTS");
public void testCASWithColumnsCondition() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, v text)");
// updates are always accepted for values lesser than the threshold, independently of whether they are applied
assertValid("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = 0");
assertValid("UPDATE %s SET v = ? WHERE k = 0 IF v = '0'", allocate(1));
assertValid("UPDATE %s SET v = '0' WHERE k = 0");
assertValid("UPDATE %s SET v = ? WHERE k = 0 IF v = '0'", allocate(1));
// updates are always accepted for values equals to the threshold, independently of whether they are applied
assertValid("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = 0");
assertValid("UPDATE %s SET v = ? WHERE k = 0 IF v = '0'", allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD));
assertValid("UPDATE %s SET v = '0' WHERE k = 0");
assertValid("UPDATE %s SET v = ? WHERE k = 0 IF v = '0'", allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD));
// updates beyond the threshold fail only if the update is applied
assertValid("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = 0");
assertValid("UPDATE %s SET v = ? WHERE k = 0 IF v = '0'", allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD + 1));
assertValid("UPDATE %s SET v = '0' WHERE k = 0");
assertWarns("v", "UPDATE %s SET v = ? WHERE k = 0 IF v = '0'", allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD + 1));
public void testSelect() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k text, c text, r text, s text STATIC, PRIMARY KEY(k, c))");
// the guardail is only checked for writes; reads are excluded
testNoThreshold("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k = ?");
testNoThreshold("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k = '0' AND c = ?");
testNoThreshold("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE c = ? ALLOW FILTERING");
testNoThreshold("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE s = ? ALLOW FILTERING");
testNoThreshold("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE r = ? ALLOW FILTERING");
* Tests that the max column size guardrail threshold is not applied for the specified 1-placeholder CQL query.
* @param query a CQL modification statement with exactly one placeholder
private void testNoThreshold(String query) throws Throwable
assertValid(query, allocate(1));
assertValid(query, allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD));
assertValid(query, allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD + 1));
assertValid(query, allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD));
assertValid(query, allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD + 1));
* Tests that the max column size guardrail threshold is not applied for the specified 2-placeholder CQL query.
* @param query a CQL modification statement with exactly two placeholders
private void testNoThreshold2(String query) throws Throwable
assertValid(query, allocate(1), allocate(1));
assertValid(query, allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD), allocate(1));
assertValid(query, allocate(1), allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD));
assertValid(query, allocate((WARN_THRESHOLD)), allocate((WARN_THRESHOLD)));
assertValid(query, allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD + 1), allocate(1));
assertValid(query, allocate(1), allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD + 1));
assertValid(query, allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD), allocate(1));
assertValid(query, allocate(1), allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD));
assertValid(query, allocate((FAIL_THRESHOLD)), allocate((FAIL_THRESHOLD)));
assertValid(query, allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD + 1), allocate(1));
assertValid(query, allocate(1), allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD + 1));
* Tests that the max column size guardrail threshold is applied for the specified 1-placeholder CQL query.
* @param column the name of the column referenced by the query placeholder
* @param query a CQL query with exactly one placeholder
private void testThreshold(String column, String query) throws Throwable
testThreshold(column, query, 0);
* Tests that the max column size guardrail threshold is applied for the specified 1-placeholder CQL query.
* @param column the name of the column referenced by the query placeholder
* @param query a CQL query with exactly one placeholder
* @param serializationBytes the extra bytes added to the placeholder value by its wrapping column type serializer
private void testThreshold(String column, String query, int serializationBytes) throws Throwable
int warn = WARN_THRESHOLD - serializationBytes;
int fail = FAIL_THRESHOLD - serializationBytes;
assertValid(query, allocate(0));
assertValid(query, allocate(warn));
assertWarns(column, query, allocate(warn + 1));
assertFails(column, query, allocate(fail + 1));
* Tests that the max column size guardrail threshold is applied for the specified 2-placeholder CQL query.
* @param column the name of the column referenced by the placeholders
* @param query a CQL query with exactly two placeholders
private void testThreshold2(String column, String query) throws Throwable
testThreshold2(column, query, 0);
* Tests that the max column size guardrail threshold is applied for the specified 2-placeholder query.
* @param column the name of the column referenced by the placeholders
* @param query a CQL query with exactly two placeholders
* @param serializationBytes the extra bytes added to the size of the placeholder value by their wrapping serializer
private void testThreshold2(String column, String query, int serializationBytes) throws Throwable
int warn = WARN_THRESHOLD - serializationBytes;
int fail = FAIL_THRESHOLD - serializationBytes;
assertValid(query, allocate(0), allocate(0));
assertValid(query, allocate(warn), allocate(0));
assertValid(query, allocate(0), allocate(warn));
assertValid(query, allocate(warn / 2), allocate(warn / 2));
assertWarns(column, query, allocate(warn + 1), allocate(0));
assertWarns(column, query, allocate(0), allocate(warn + 1));
assertFails(column, query, allocate(fail + 1), allocate(0));
assertFails(column, query, allocate(0), allocate(fail + 1));
private void testCollection(String column, String query, Function<ByteBuffer[], ByteBuffer> collectionBuilder) throws Throwable
assertValid(query, collectionBuilder, allocate(1));
assertValid(query, collectionBuilder, allocate(1), allocate(1));
assertValid(query, collectionBuilder, allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD));
assertValid(query, collectionBuilder, allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD), allocate(1));
assertValid(query, collectionBuilder, allocate(1), allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD));
assertValid(query, collectionBuilder, allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD), allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD));
assertWarns(column, query, collectionBuilder, allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD + 1));
assertWarns(column, query, collectionBuilder, allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD + 1), allocate(1));
assertWarns(column, query, collectionBuilder, allocate(1), allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD + 1));
assertFails(column, query, collectionBuilder, allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD + 1));
assertFails(column, query, collectionBuilder, allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD + 1), allocate(1));
assertFails(column, query, collectionBuilder, allocate(1), allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD + 1));
private void testFrozenCollection(String column, String query, Function<ByteBuffer[], ByteBuffer> collectionBuilder) throws Throwable
assertValid(query, collectionBuilder, allocate(1));
assertValid(query, collectionBuilder, allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD - 8));
assertValid(query, collectionBuilder, allocate((WARN_THRESHOLD - 12) / 2), allocate((WARN_THRESHOLD - 12) / 2));
assertWarns(column, query, collectionBuilder, allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD - 7));
assertWarns(column, query, collectionBuilder, allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD - 12), allocate(1));
assertFails(column, query, collectionBuilder, allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD - 7));
assertFails(column, query, collectionBuilder, allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD - 12), allocate(1));
private void testMap(String column, String query) throws Throwable
assertValid(query, this::map, allocate(1), allocate(1));
assertValid(query, this::map, allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD), allocate(1));
assertValid(query, this::map, allocate(1), allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD));
assertValid(query, this::map, allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD), allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD));
assertWarns(column, query, this::map, allocate(1), allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD + 1));
assertWarns(column, query, this::map, allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD + 1), allocate(1));
assertFails(column, query, this::map, allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD + 1), allocate(1));
assertFails(column, query, this::map, allocate(1), allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD + 1));
assertFails(column, query, this::map, allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD + 1), allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD + 1));
private void assertValid(String query, ByteBuffer... values) throws Throwable
assertValid(() -> execute(query, values));
private void assertValid(String query, Function<ByteBuffer[], ByteBuffer> collectionBuilder, ByteBuffer... values) throws Throwable
assertValid(() -> execute(query, collectionBuilder.apply(values)));
private void assertWarns(String column, String query, Function<ByteBuffer[], ByteBuffer> collectionBuilder, ByteBuffer... values) throws Throwable
assertWarns(column, query, collectionBuilder.apply(values));
private void assertWarns(String column, String query, ByteBuffer... values) throws Throwable
String errorMessage = format("Value of column %s has size %s, this exceeds the warning threshold of %s.",
assertWarns(() -> execute(query, values), errorMessage);
private void assertFails(String column, String query, Function<ByteBuffer[], ByteBuffer> collectionBuilder, ByteBuffer... values) throws Throwable
assertFails(column, query, collectionBuilder.apply(values));
private void assertFails(String column, String query, ByteBuffer... values) throws Throwable
String errorMessage = format("Value of column %s has size %s, this exceeds the failure threshold of %s.",
assertFails(() -> execute(query, values), errorMessage);
private void execute(String query, ByteBuffer... values)
execute(userClientState, query, Arrays.asList(values));
private ByteBuffer set(ByteBuffer... values)
return SetType.getInstance(BytesType.instance, true).decompose(ImmutableSet.copyOf(values));
private ByteBuffer list(ByteBuffer... values)
return ListType.getInstance(BytesType.instance, true).decompose(ImmutableList.copyOf(values));
private ByteBuffer map(ByteBuffer... values)
assert values.length % 2 == 0;
int size = values.length / 2;
Map<ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer> m = new LinkedHashMap<>(size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
m.put(values[2 * i], values[(2 * i) + 1]);
return MapType.getInstance(BytesType.instance, BytesType.instance, true).decompose(m);