blob: b15f85a1255ba41c9430e2962afc1125256bc8df [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.cassandra.db.guardrails;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.DataStorageSpec;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.BytesType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.ListType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.MapType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.SetType;
import static java.nio.ByteBuffer.allocate;
import static org.apache.cassandra.config.DataStorageSpec.DataStorageUnit.BYTES;
* Tests the guardrail for the size of collections, {@link Guardrails#collectionSize}.
* <p>
* This test doesn't include the activation of the guardrail during sstable writes, these cases are covered by the dtest
* {@link org.apache.cassandra.distributed.test.guardrails.GuardrailCollectionSizeOnSSTableWriteTest}.
public class GuardrailCollectionSizeTest extends ThresholdTester
private static final int WARN_THRESHOLD = 1024; // bytes
private static final int FAIL_THRESHOLD = WARN_THRESHOLD * 4; // bytes
public GuardrailCollectionSizeTest()
bytes -> new DataStorageSpec.LongBytesBound(bytes, BYTES).toString(),
size -> new DataStorageSpec.LongBytesBound(size).toBytes());
public void after()
// immediately drop the created table so its async cleanup doesn't interfere with the next tests
if (currentTable() != null)
dropTable("DROP TABLE %s");
public void testSetSize() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, v set<blob>)");
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (0, null)");
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (1, ?)", set());
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (2, ?)", set(allocate(1)));
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (3, ?)", set(allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD / 2)));
assertWarns("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (4, ?)", set(allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD)));
assertWarns("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (5, ?)", set(allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD / 4), allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD * 3 / 4)));
assertFails("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (6, ?)", set(allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD)));
assertFails("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (7, ?)", set(allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD / 4), allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD * 3 / 4)));
public void testSetSizeFrozen() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, v frozen<set<blob>>)");
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (0, null)");
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (1, ?)", set());
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (2, ?)", set(allocate(1)));
assertWarns("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (4, ?)", set(allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD)));
assertFails("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (5, ?)", set(allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD)));
public void testSetSizeWithUpdates() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, v set<blob>)");
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (0, ?)", set(allocate(1)));
assertValid("UPDATE %s SET v = v + ? WHERE k = 0", set(allocate(1)));
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (1, ?)", set(allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD / 4)));
assertValid("UPDATE %s SET v = v + ? WHERE k = 1", set(allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD * 3 / 4)));
assertWarns("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (2, ?)", set(allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD / 4)));
assertWarns("UPDATE %s SET v = v + ? WHERE k = 2", set(allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD * 3 / 4)));
public void testListSize() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, v list<blob>)");
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (0, null)");
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (1, ?)", list());
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (2, ?)", list(allocate(1)));
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (3, ?)", list(allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD / 2)));
assertWarns("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (4, ?)", list(allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD)));
assertWarns("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (5, ?)", list(allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD / 2), allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD / 2)));
assertFails("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (6, ?)", list(allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD)));
assertFails("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (7, ?)", list(allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD / 2), allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD / 2)));
public void testListSizeFrozen() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, v frozen<list<blob>>)");
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (0, null)");
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (1, ?)", list());
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (2, ?)", list(allocate(1)));
assertWarns("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (4, ?)", list(allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD)));
assertFails("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (5, ?)", list(allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD)));
public void testListSizeWithUpdates() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, v list<blob>)");
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (0, ?)", list(allocate(1)));
assertValid("UPDATE %s SET v = v + ? WHERE k = 0", list(allocate(1)));
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (1, ?)", list(allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD / 2)));
assertValid("UPDATE %s SET v = v + ? WHERE k = 1", list(allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD / 2)));
assertWarns("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (2, ?)", list(allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD / 2)));
assertWarns("UPDATE %s SET v = v + ? WHERE k = 2", list(allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD / 2)));
public void testMapSize() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, v map<blob, blob>)");
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (0, null)");
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (1, ?)", map());
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (2, ?)", map(allocate(1), allocate(1)));
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (3, ?)", map(allocate(1), allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD / 2)));
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (4, ?)", map(allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD / 2), allocate(1)));
assertWarns("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (5, ?)", map(allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD), allocate(1)));
assertWarns("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (6, ?)", map(allocate(1), allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD)));
assertWarns("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (7, ?)", map(allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD), allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD)));
assertFails("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (8, ?)", map(allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD), allocate(1)));
assertFails("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (9, ?)", map(allocate(1), allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD)));
assertFails("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (10, ?)", map(allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD), allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD)));
public void testMapSizeFrozen() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, v frozen<map<blob, blob>>)");
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (0, null)");
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (1, ?)", map());
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (2, ?)", map(allocate(1), allocate(1)));
assertWarns("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (4, ?)", map(allocate(1), allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD)));
assertWarns("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (5, ?)", map(allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD), allocate(1)));
assertWarns("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (6, ?)", map(allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD), allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD)));
assertFails("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (7, ?)", map(allocate(1), allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD)));
assertFails("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (8, ?)", map(allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD), allocate(1)));
assertFails("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (9, ?)", map(allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD), allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD)));
public void testMapSizeWithUpdates() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, v map<blob, blob>)");
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (0, ?)", map(allocate(1), allocate(1)));
assertValid("UPDATE %s SET v = v + ? WHERE k = 0", map(allocate(1), allocate(1)));
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (1, ?)", map(allocate(1), allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD / 2)));
assertValid("UPDATE %s SET v = v + ? WHERE k = 1", map(allocate(2), allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD / 2)));
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (2, ?)", map(allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD / 4), allocate(1)));
assertValid("UPDATE %s SET v = v + ? WHERE k = 2", map(allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD * 3 / 4), allocate(1)));
assertValid("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (3, ?)", map(allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD / 4), allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD / 4)));
assertValid("UPDATE %s SET v = v + ? WHERE k = 3", map(allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD / 4 + 1), allocate(WARN_THRESHOLD / 4)));
assertWarns("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (4, ?)", map(allocate(1), allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD / 2)));
assertWarns("UPDATE %s SET v = v + ? WHERE k = 4", map(allocate(2), allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD / 2)));
assertWarns("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (5, ?)", map(allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD / 4), allocate(1)));
assertWarns("UPDATE %s SET v = v + ? WHERE k = 5", map(allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD * 3 / 4), allocate(1)));
assertWarns("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (6, ?)", map(allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD / 4), allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD / 4)));
assertWarns("UPDATE %s SET v = v + ? WHERE k = 6", map(allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD / 4 + 1), allocate(FAIL_THRESHOLD / 4)));
protected String createTable(String query)
String table = super.createTable(query);
return table;
private void assertValid(String query, ByteBuffer... values) throws Throwable
assertValid(execute(query, values));
private void assertWarns(String query, ByteBuffer... values) throws Throwable
assertWarns(execute(query, values), "Detected collection v");
private void assertFails(String query, ByteBuffer... values) throws Throwable
assertFails(execute(query, values), "Detected collection v");
private CheckedFunction execute(String query, ByteBuffer... values)
return () -> execute(userClientState, query, Arrays.asList(values));
private static ByteBuffer set(ByteBuffer... values)
return SetType.getInstance(BytesType.instance, true).decompose(ImmutableSet.copyOf(values));
private static ByteBuffer list(ByteBuffer... values)
return ListType.getInstance(BytesType.instance, true).decompose(ImmutableList.copyOf(values));
private ByteBuffer map()
return MapType.getInstance(BytesType.instance, BytesType.instance, true).decompose(Collections.emptyMap());
private ByteBuffer map(ByteBuffer key, ByteBuffer value)
return MapType.getInstance(BytesType.instance, BytesType.instance, true).decompose(ImmutableMap.of(key, value));