blob: 7a94905abb1541605695ea3c34c04ca19017a71e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.distributed.test;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.apache.cassandra.distributed.Cluster;
import org.apache.cassandra.distributed.api.IIsolatedExecutor;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageService;
import static;
import static org.apache.cassandra.distributed.api.ConsistencyLevel.ALL;
import static org.apache.cassandra.distributed.api.Feature.GOSSIP;
import static org.awaitility.Awaitility.await;
public class AllowAutoSnapshotTest extends TestBaseImpl
public void testAllowAutoSnapshotOnAutoSnapshotEnabled() throws Exception
try (Cluster c = getCluster(true))
c.schemaChange(withKeyspace("CREATE TABLE %s.test_table (a text primary key, b int) WITH allow_auto_snapshot = true"));
c.schemaChange(withKeyspace("DROP TABLE %s.test_table;"));
checkSnapshots(c, true, "test_table", "dropped");
c.schemaChange(withKeyspace("CREATE TABLE %s.test_table2 (a text primary key, b int) WITH allow_auto_snapshot = false"));
c.schemaChange(withKeyspace("DROP TABLE %s.test_table2;"));
checkSnapshots(c, false, "test_table2", "dropped");
public void testAllowAutoSnapshotOnAutoSnapshotDisabled() throws Exception
try (Cluster c = getCluster(false))
c.schemaChange(withKeyspace("CREATE TABLE %s.test_table (a text primary key, b int) WITH allow_auto_snapshot = true"));
c.schemaChange(withKeyspace("DROP TABLE %s.test_table;"));
checkSnapshots(c, false, "test_table", "dropped");
c.schemaChange(withKeyspace("CREATE TABLE %s.test_table2 (a text primary key, b int) WITH allow_auto_snapshot = false"));
c.schemaChange(withKeyspace("DROP TABLE %s.test_table2;"));
checkSnapshots(c, false, "test_table2", "dropped");
public void testDisableAndEnableAllowAutoSnapshot() throws Exception
try (Cluster c = getCluster(true))
c.schemaChange(withKeyspace("CREATE TABLE %s.test_table (a text primary key, b int) WITH allow_auto_snapshot = true"));
c.schemaChange(withKeyspace("ALTER TABLE %s.test_table WITH allow_auto_snapshot = false"));
c.schemaChange(withKeyspace("ALTER TABLE %s.test_table WITH allow_auto_snapshot = true"));
c.schemaChange(withKeyspace("DROP TABLE %s.test_table;"));
checkSnapshots(c, true, "test_table", "dropped");
public void testTruncateAllowAutoSnapshot() throws Exception
try (Cluster c = getCluster(true))
// allow_auto_snapshot = true
c.schemaChange(withKeyspace("CREATE TABLE %s.test_table (a text primary key, b int) WITH allow_auto_snapshot = true"));
c.coordinator(1).execute(withKeyspace("INSERT INTO %s.test_table (a, b) VALUES ('a', 1);"), ALL);
c.schemaChange(withKeyspace("TRUNCATE TABLE %s.test_table;"));
checkSnapshots(c, true, "test_table", "truncated");
// allow_auto_snapshot = false
c.schemaChange(withKeyspace("CREATE TABLE %s.test_table2 (a text primary key, b int) WITH allow_auto_snapshot = false"));
c.coordinator(1).execute(withKeyspace("INSERT INTO %s.test_table2 (a, b) VALUES ('a', 1);"), ALL);
c.schemaChange(withKeyspace("TRUNCATE TABLE %s.test_table2;"));
checkSnapshots(c, false, "test_table2", "truncated");
public void testMaterializedViewAllowAutoSnapshot() throws Exception
try (Cluster c = getCluster(true))
// materialized view allow_auto_snapshot = false
c.schemaChange(withKeyspace("CREATE TABLE %s.t (k int, c1 int, c2 int, v1 int, v2 int, PRIMARY KEY (k, c1, c2))"));
c.schemaChange(withKeyspace("CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s.mv1 AS SELECT * FROM t WHERE k IS NOT NULL AND c1 IS NOT NULL AND c2 IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (c1, k, c2) WITH allow_auto_snapshot = false"));
c.coordinator(1).execute(withKeyspace("INSERT INTO %s.t (k, c1, c2, v1, v2) VALUES (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);"), ALL);
c.schemaChange(withKeyspace("DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW %s.mv1;"));
checkSnapshots(c, false, "mv1", "dropped");
// materialized view allow_auto_snapshot = true
c.schemaChange(withKeyspace("CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s.mv1 AS SELECT * FROM t WHERE k IS NOT NULL AND c1 IS NOT NULL AND c2 IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (c1, k, c2) WITH allow_auto_snapshot = true"));
c.schemaChange(withKeyspace("DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW %s.mv1;"));
checkSnapshots(c, true, "mv1", "dropped");
private Cluster getCluster(boolean autoSnapshotEnabled) throws IOException
return init(build(2).withConfig(c -> c.with(GOSSIP)
.set("auto_snapshot", autoSnapshotEnabled)
.set("materialized_views_enabled", true)).start());
private void checkSnapshots(Cluster cluster, boolean shouldContain, String table, String snapshotPrefix)
for (int i = 1; i < cluster.size() + 1; i++)
final int node = i; // has to be effectively final for the usage in "until" method
await().until(() -> cluster.get(node).appliesOnInstance((IIsolatedExecutor.SerializableTriFunction<Boolean, String, String, Boolean>) (shouldContainSnapshot, tableName, prefix) -> {
Stream<String> stream = StorageService.instance.getSnapshotDetails(Collections.emptyMap()).keySet().stream();
Predicate<String> predicate = tag -> tag.startsWith(prefix + '-') && tag.endsWith('-' + tableName);
return shouldContainSnapshot ? stream.anyMatch(predicate) : stream.noneMatch(predicate);
}).apply(shouldContain, table, snapshotPrefix));