blob: e9a1f8bf024e2b2ba8b78658095e3f8bb3f3c355 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser;
import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser;
import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter;
import org.apache.commons.cli.Options;
import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.datastax.driver.core.AuthProvider;
import com.datastax.driver.core.PlainTextAuthProvider;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.Config;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.DataRateSpec;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.EncryptionOptions;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.YamlConfigurationLoader;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.cassandra.locator.InetAddressAndPort;
import static org.apache.cassandra.config.DataRateSpec.DataRateUnit.MEBIBYTES_PER_SECOND;
public class LoaderOptions
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LoaderOptions.class);
public static final String HELP_OPTION = "help";
public static final String VERBOSE_OPTION = "verbose";
public static final String NOPROGRESS_OPTION = "no-progress";
public static final String NATIVE_PORT_OPTION = "port";
public static final String STORAGE_PORT_OPTION = "storage-port";
public static final String SSL_STORAGE_PORT_OPTION = "ssl-storage-port";
public static final String USER_OPTION = "username";
public static final String PASSWD_OPTION = "password";
public static final String AUTH_PROVIDER_OPTION = "auth-provider";
public static final String INITIAL_HOST_ADDRESS_OPTION = "nodes";
public static final String IGNORE_NODES_OPTION = "ignore";
public static final String CONNECTIONS_PER_HOST = "connections-per-host";
public static final String CONFIG_PATH = "conf-path";
* Throttle defined in megabits per second. CASSANDRA-10637 introduced a builder and is the preferred way to
* provide options instead of using these constant fields.
* @deprecated Use {@code throttle-mib} instead
public static final String THROTTLE_MBITS = "throttle";
public static final String THROTTLE_MEBIBYTES = "throttle-mib";
* Inter-datacenter throttle defined in megabits per second. CASSANDRA-10637 introduced a builder and is the
* preferred way to provide options instead of using these constant fields.
* @deprecated Use {@code inter-dc-throttle-mib} instead
public static final String INTER_DC_THROTTLE_MBITS = "inter-dc-throttle";
public static final String INTER_DC_THROTTLE_MEBIBYTES = "inter-dc-throttle-mib";
public static final String ENTIRE_SSTABLE_THROTTLE_MEBIBYTES = "entire-sstable-throttle-mib";
public static final String ENTIRE_SSTABLE_INTER_DC_THROTTLE_MEBIBYTES = "entire-sstable-inter-dc-throttle-mib";
public static final String TOOL_NAME = "sstableloader";
public static final String TARGET_KEYSPACE = "target-keyspace";
public static final String TARGET_TABLE = "target-table";
/* client encryption options */
public static final String SSL_TRUSTSTORE = "truststore";
public static final String SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PW = "truststore-password";
public static final String SSL_KEYSTORE = "keystore";
public static final String SSL_KEYSTORE_PW = "keystore-password";
public static final String SSL_PROTOCOL = "ssl-protocol";
public static final String SSL_ALGORITHM = "ssl-alg";
public static final String SSL_STORE_TYPE = "store-type";
public static final String SSL_CIPHER_SUITES = "ssl-ciphers";
public final File directory;
public final boolean debug;
public final boolean verbose;
public final boolean noProgress;
public final int nativePort;
public final String user;
public final String passwd;
public final AuthProvider authProvider;
public final long throttleBytes;
public final long interDcThrottleBytes;
public final int entireSSTableThrottleMebibytes;
public final int entireSSTableInterDcThrottleMebibytes;
public final int storagePort;
public final int sslStoragePort;
public final EncryptionOptions clientEncOptions;
public final int connectionsPerHost;
public final EncryptionOptions.ServerEncryptionOptions serverEncOptions;
public final Set<InetSocketAddress> hosts;
public final Set<InetAddressAndPort> ignores;
public final String targetKeyspace;
public final String targetTable;
LoaderOptions(Builder builder)
directory =;
debug = builder.debug;
verbose = builder.verbose;
noProgress = builder.noProgress;
nativePort = builder.nativePort;
user = builder.user;
passwd = builder.passwd;
authProvider = builder.authProvider;
throttleBytes = builder.throttleBytes;
interDcThrottleBytes = builder.interDcThrottleBytes;
entireSSTableThrottleMebibytes = builder.entireSSTableThrottleMebibytes;
entireSSTableInterDcThrottleMebibytes = builder.entireSSTableInterDcThrottleMebibytes;
storagePort = builder.storagePort;
sslStoragePort = builder.sslStoragePort;
clientEncOptions = builder.clientEncOptions;
connectionsPerHost = builder.connectionsPerHost;
serverEncOptions = builder.serverEncOptions;
hosts = builder.hosts;
ignores = builder.ignores;
targetKeyspace = builder.targetKeyspace;
targetTable = builder.targetTable;
static class Builder
File directory;
boolean debug;
boolean verbose;
boolean noProgress;
int nativePort = 9042;
String user;
String passwd;
String authProviderName;
AuthProvider authProvider;
long throttleBytes = 0;
long interDcThrottleBytes = 0;
int entireSSTableThrottleMebibytes = 0;
int entireSSTableInterDcThrottleMebibytes = 0;
int storagePort;
int sslStoragePort;
EncryptionOptions clientEncOptions = new EncryptionOptions();
int connectionsPerHost = 1;
EncryptionOptions.ServerEncryptionOptions serverEncOptions = new EncryptionOptions.ServerEncryptionOptions();
Set<InetAddress> hostsArg = new HashSet<>();
Set<InetAddress> ignoresArg = new HashSet<>();
Set<InetSocketAddress> hosts = new HashSet<>();
Set<InetAddressAndPort> ignores = new HashSet<>();
String targetKeyspace;
String targetTable;
public LoaderOptions build()
for (InetAddress host : hostsArg)
hosts.add(new InetSocketAddress(host, nativePort));
for (InetAddress host : ignoresArg)
ignores.add(InetAddressAndPort.getByNameOverrideDefaults(host.getHostAddress(), storagePort));
catch (UnknownHostException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return new LoaderOptions(this);
public Builder directory(File directory)
{ = directory;
return this;
public Builder debug(boolean debug)
this.debug = debug;
return this;
public Builder verbose(boolean verbose)
this.verbose = verbose;
return this;
public Builder noProgress(boolean noProgress)
this.noProgress = noProgress;
return this;
public Builder nativePort(int nativePort)
this.nativePort = nativePort;
return this;
public Builder user(String user)
this.user = user;
return this;
public Builder password(String passwd)
this.passwd = passwd;
return this;
public Builder authProvider(AuthProvider authProvider)
this.authProvider = authProvider;
return this;
public Builder throttleMebibytes(int throttleMebibytes)
this.throttleBytes = (long) MEBIBYTES_PER_SECOND.toBytesPerSecond(throttleMebibytes);
return this;
public Builder throttle(int throttleMegabits)
this.throttleBytes = (long) DataRateSpec.LongBytesPerSecondBound.megabitsPerSecondInBytesPerSecond(throttleMegabits).toBytesPerSecond();
return this;
public Builder interDcThrottleMebibytes(int interDcThrottleMebibytes)
this.interDcThrottleBytes = (long) MEBIBYTES_PER_SECOND.toBytesPerSecond(interDcThrottleMebibytes);
return this;
public Builder interDcThrottleMegabits(int interDcThrottleMegabits)
this.interDcThrottleBytes = (long) DataRateSpec.LongBytesPerSecondBound.megabitsPerSecondInBytesPerSecond(interDcThrottleMegabits).toBytesPerSecond();
return this;
public Builder interDcThrottle(int interDcThrottle)
return interDcThrottleMegabits(interDcThrottle);
public Builder entireSSTableThrottleMebibytes(int entireSSTableThrottleMebibytes)
this.entireSSTableThrottleMebibytes = entireSSTableThrottleMebibytes;
return this;
public Builder entireSSTableThrottle(int entireSSTableThrottle)
this.entireSSTableThrottleMebibytes = entireSSTableThrottle;
return this;
public Builder entireSSTableInterDcThrottleMebibytes(int entireSSTableInterDcThrottleMebibytes)
this.entireSSTableInterDcThrottleMebibytes = entireSSTableInterDcThrottleMebibytes;
return this;
public Builder entireSSTableInterDcThrottle(int entireSSTableInterDcThrottle)
this.entireSSTableInterDcThrottleMebibytes = entireSSTableInterDcThrottle;
return this;
public Builder storagePort(int storagePort)
this.storagePort = storagePort;
return this;
public Builder sslStoragePort(int sslStoragePort)
this.sslStoragePort = storagePort;
return this;
public Builder encOptions(EncryptionOptions encOptions)
this.clientEncOptions = encOptions;
return this;
public Builder connectionsPerHost(int connectionsPerHost)
this.connectionsPerHost = connectionsPerHost;
return this;
public Builder serverEncOptions(EncryptionOptions.ServerEncryptionOptions serverEncOptions)
this.serverEncOptions = serverEncOptions;
return this;
public Builder hosts(Set<InetAddress> hosts)
return this;
public Builder hostsAndNativePort(Set<InetSocketAddress> hosts)
return this;
public Builder host(InetAddress host)
return this;
public Builder hostAndNativePort(InetSocketAddress host)
return this;
public Builder ignore(Set<InetAddress> ignores)
return this;
public Builder ignoresAndInternalPorts(Set<InetAddressAndPort> ignores)
return this;
public Builder ignore(InetAddress ignore)
return this;
public Builder ignoreAndInternalPorts(InetAddressAndPort ignore)
return this;
public Builder targetKeyspace(String keyspace)
this.targetKeyspace = keyspace;
return this;
public Builder targetTable(String table)
this.targetKeyspace = table;
return this;
public Builder parseArgs(String cmdArgs[])
CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser();
CmdLineOptions options = getCmdLineOptions();
CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, cmdArgs, false);
if (cmd.hasOption(HELP_OPTION))
String[] args = cmd.getArgs();
if (args.length == 0)
System.err.println("Missing sstable directory argument");
if (args.length > 1)
System.err.println("Too many arguments");
String dirname = args[0];
File dir = new File(dirname);
if (!dir.exists())
errorMsg("Unknown directory: " + dirname, options);
if (!dir.isDirectory())
errorMsg(dirname + " is not a directory", options);
directory = dir;
verbose = cmd.hasOption(VERBOSE_OPTION);
noProgress = cmd.hasOption(NOPROGRESS_OPTION);
if (cmd.hasOption(USER_OPTION))
user = cmd.getOptionValue(USER_OPTION);
if (cmd.hasOption(PASSWD_OPTION))
passwd = cmd.getOptionValue(PASSWD_OPTION);
if (cmd.hasOption(AUTH_PROVIDER_OPTION))
authProviderName = cmd.getOptionValue(AUTH_PROVIDER_OPTION);
// try to load config file first, so that values can be
// rewritten with other option values.
// otherwise use default config.
Config config;
if (cmd.hasOption(CONFIG_PATH))
File configFile = new File(cmd.getOptionValue(CONFIG_PATH));
if (!configFile.exists())
errorMsg("Config file not found", options);
config = new YamlConfigurationLoader().loadConfig(configFile.toPath().toUri().toURL());
// below 2 checks are needed in order to match the pre-CASSANDRA-15234 upper bound for those parameters which were still in megabits per second
if (config.stream_throughput_outbound.toMegabitsPerSecond() >= Integer.MAX_VALUE)
throw new ConfigurationException("stream_throughput_outbound: " + config.stream_throughput_outbound.toString() + " is too large", false);
if (config.inter_dc_stream_throughput_outbound.toMegabitsPerSecond() >= Integer.MAX_VALUE)
throw new ConfigurationException("inter_dc_stream_throughput_outbound: " + config.inter_dc_stream_throughput_outbound.toString() + " is too large", false);
if (config.entire_sstable_stream_throughput_outbound.toMebibytesPerSecond() >= Integer.MAX_VALUE)
throw new ConfigurationException("entire_sstable_stream_throughput_outbound: " + config.entire_sstable_stream_throughput_outbound.toString() + " is too large", false);
if (config.entire_sstable_inter_dc_stream_throughput_outbound.toMebibytesPerSecond() >= Integer.MAX_VALUE)
throw new ConfigurationException("entire_sstable_inter_dc_stream_throughput_outbound: " + config.entire_sstable_inter_dc_stream_throughput_outbound.toString() + " is too large", false);
config = new Config();
// unthrottle stream by default
config.stream_throughput_outbound = new DataRateSpec.LongBytesPerSecondBound(0);
config.inter_dc_stream_throughput_outbound = new DataRateSpec.LongBytesPerSecondBound(0);
config.entire_sstable_stream_throughput_outbound = new DataRateSpec.LongBytesPerSecondBound(0);
config.entire_sstable_inter_dc_stream_throughput_outbound = new DataRateSpec.LongBytesPerSecondBound(0);
if (cmd.hasOption(STORAGE_PORT_OPTION))
storagePort = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue(STORAGE_PORT_OPTION));
storagePort = config.storage_port;
if (cmd.hasOption(IGNORE_NODES_OPTION))
String[] nodes = cmd.getOptionValue(IGNORE_NODES_OPTION).split(",");
for (String node : nodes)
ignores.add(InetAddressAndPort.getByNameOverrideDefaults(node.trim(), storagePort));
} catch (UnknownHostException e)
errorMsg("Unknown host: " + e.getMessage(), options);
if (cmd.hasOption(CONNECTIONS_PER_HOST))
connectionsPerHost = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue(CONNECTIONS_PER_HOST));
throttleBytes = config.stream_throughput_outbound.toBytesPerSecondAsInt();
if (cmd.hasOption(SSL_STORAGE_PORT_OPTION))"ssl storage port is deprecated and not used, all communication goes though storage port " +
"which is able to handle encrypted communication too.");
// Copy the encryption options and apply the config so that argument parsing can accesss isEnabled.
clientEncOptions = config.client_encryption_options.applyConfig();
serverEncOptions = config.server_encryption_options;
if (cmd.hasOption(NATIVE_PORT_OPTION))
nativePort = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue(NATIVE_PORT_OPTION));
if (config.native_transport_port_ssl != null && (config.client_encryption_options.getEnabled() || clientEncOptions.getEnabled()))
nativePort = config.native_transport_port_ssl;
nativePort = config.native_transport_port;
String[] nodes = cmd.getOptionValue(INITIAL_HOST_ADDRESS_OPTION).split(",");
for (String node : nodes)
HostAndPort hap = HostAndPort.fromString(node);
hosts.add(new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getByName(hap.getHost()), hap.getPortOrDefault(nativePort)));
} catch (UnknownHostException e)
errorMsg("Unknown host: " + e.getMessage(), options);
} else
System.err.println("Initial hosts must be specified (-d)");
if (cmd.hasOption(THROTTLE_MBITS) && cmd.hasOption(THROTTLE_MEBIBYTES))
errorMsg(String.format("Both '%s' and '%s' were provided. Please only provide one of the two options", THROTTLE_MBITS, THROTTLE_MEBIBYTES), options);
errorMsg(String.format("Both '%s' and '%s' were provided. Please only provide one of the two options", INTER_DC_THROTTLE_MBITS, INTER_DC_THROTTLE_MEBIBYTES), options);
if (cmd.hasOption(THROTTLE_MBITS))
if (cmd.hasOption(THROTTLE_MEBIBYTES))
if (cmd.hasOption(INTER_DC_THROTTLE_MBITS))
if (cmd.hasOption(SSL_TRUSTSTORE) || cmd.hasOption(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PW) ||
cmd.hasOption(SSL_KEYSTORE) || cmd.hasOption(SSL_KEYSTORE_PW))
clientEncOptions = clientEncOptions.withEnabled(true);
if (cmd.hasOption(SSL_TRUSTSTORE))
clientEncOptions = clientEncOptions.withTrustStore(cmd.getOptionValue(SSL_TRUSTSTORE));
if (cmd.hasOption(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PW))
clientEncOptions = clientEncOptions.withTrustStorePassword(cmd.getOptionValue(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PW));
if (cmd.hasOption(SSL_KEYSTORE))
// if a keystore was provided, lets assume we'll need to use
clientEncOptions = clientEncOptions.withKeyStore(cmd.getOptionValue(SSL_KEYSTORE))
if (cmd.hasOption(SSL_KEYSTORE_PW))
clientEncOptions = clientEncOptions.withKeyStorePassword(cmd.getOptionValue(SSL_KEYSTORE_PW));
if (cmd.hasOption(SSL_PROTOCOL))
clientEncOptions = clientEncOptions.withProtocol(cmd.getOptionValue(SSL_PROTOCOL));
if (cmd.hasOption(SSL_ALGORITHM))
clientEncOptions = clientEncOptions.withAlgorithm(cmd.getOptionValue(SSL_ALGORITHM));
if (cmd.hasOption(SSL_STORE_TYPE))
clientEncOptions = clientEncOptions.withStoreType(cmd.getOptionValue(SSL_STORE_TYPE));
if (cmd.hasOption(SSL_CIPHER_SUITES))
clientEncOptions = clientEncOptions.withCipherSuites(cmd.getOptionValue(SSL_CIPHER_SUITES).split(","));
if (cmd.hasOption(TARGET_KEYSPACE))
targetKeyspace = cmd.getOptionValue(TARGET_KEYSPACE);
if (StringUtils.isBlank(targetKeyspace))
errorMsg("Empty keyspace is not supported.", options);
if (cmd.hasOption(TARGET_TABLE))
targetTable = cmd.getOptionValue(TARGET_TABLE);
if (StringUtils.isBlank(targetTable))
errorMsg("Empty table is not supported.", options);
return this;
catch (ParseException | ConfigurationException | MalformedURLException e)
errorMsg(e.getMessage(), options);
return null;
private void constructAuthProvider()
// Both username and password need to be provided
if ((user != null) != (passwd != null))
errorMsg("Username and password must both be provided", getCmdLineOptions());
if (user != null)
// Support for 3rd party auth providers that support plain text credentials.
// In this case the auth provider must provide a constructor of the form:
// public MyAuthProvider(String username, String password)
if (authProviderName != null)
Class authProviderClass = Class.forName(authProviderName);
Constructor constructor = authProviderClass.getConstructor(String.class, String.class);
authProvider = (AuthProvider)constructor.newInstance(user, passwd);
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
errorMsg("Unknown auth provider: " + e.getMessage(), getCmdLineOptions());
catch (NoSuchMethodException e)
errorMsg("Auth provider does not support plain text credentials: " + e.getMessage(), getCmdLineOptions());
catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e)
errorMsg("Could not create auth provider with plain text credentials: " + e.getMessage(), getCmdLineOptions());
// If a 3rd party auth provider wasn't provided use the driver plain text provider
this.authProvider = new PlainTextAuthProvider(user, passwd);
// Alternate support for 3rd party auth providers that don't use plain text credentials.
// In this case the auth provider must provide a nullary constructor of the form:
// public MyAuthProvider()
else if (authProviderName != null)
authProvider = (AuthProvider)Class.forName(authProviderName).newInstance();
catch (ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e)
errorMsg("Unknown auth provider: " + e.getMessage(), getCmdLineOptions());
public static Builder builder()
return new Builder();
private static void errorMsg(String msg, CmdLineOptions options)
private static CmdLineOptions getCmdLineOptions()
CmdLineOptions options = new CmdLineOptions();
options.addOption("v", VERBOSE_OPTION, "verbose output");
options.addOption("h", HELP_OPTION, "display this help message");
options.addOption(null, NOPROGRESS_OPTION, "don't display progress");
options.addOption("i", IGNORE_NODES_OPTION, "NODES", "don't stream to this (comma separated) list of nodes");
options.addOption("d", INITIAL_HOST_ADDRESS_OPTION, "initial hosts", "Required. try to connect to these hosts (comma separated) initially for ring information");
options.addOption("p", NATIVE_PORT_OPTION, "native transport port", "port used for native connection (default 9042)");
options.addOption("sp", STORAGE_PORT_OPTION, "storage port", "port used for internode communication (default 7000)");
options.addOption("ssp", SSL_STORAGE_PORT_OPTION, "ssl storage port", "port used for TLS internode communication (default 7001), this option is deprecated, all communication goes through storage port which handles encrypted communication as well");
options.addOption("t", THROTTLE_MBITS, "throttle", "throttle speed in Mbps (default 0 for unlimited), this option is deprecated, use \"throttle-mib\" instead");
options.addOption(null, THROTTLE_MEBIBYTES, "throttle-mib", "throttle speed in MiB/s (default 0 for unlimited)");
options.addOption("idct", INTER_DC_THROTTLE_MBITS, "inter-dc-throttle", "inter-datacenter throttle speed in Mbps (default 0 for unlimited), this option is deprecated, use \"inter-dc-throttle-mib\" instead");
options.addOption(null, INTER_DC_THROTTLE_MEBIBYTES, "inter-dc-throttle-mib", "inter-datacenter throttle speed in MiB/s (default 0 for unlimited)");
options.addOption(null, ENTIRE_SSTABLE_THROTTLE_MEBIBYTES, "entire-sstable-throttle-mib", "entire SSTable throttle speed in MiB/s (default 0 for unlimited)");
options.addOption(null, ENTIRE_SSTABLE_INTER_DC_THROTTLE_MEBIBYTES, "entire-sstable-inter-dc-throttle-mib", "entire SSTable inter-datacenter throttle speed in MiB/s (default 0 for unlimited)");
options.addOption("u", USER_OPTION, "username", "username for cassandra authentication");
options.addOption("pw", PASSWD_OPTION, "password", "password for cassandra authentication");
options.addOption("ap", AUTH_PROVIDER_OPTION, "auth provider", "custom AuthProvider class name for cassandra authentication");
options.addOption("cph", CONNECTIONS_PER_HOST, "connectionsPerHost", "number of concurrent connections-per-host.");
// ssl connection-related options
options.addOption("ts", SSL_TRUSTSTORE, "TRUSTSTORE", "Client SSL: full path to truststore");
options.addOption("tspw", SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PW, "TRUSTSTORE-PASSWORD", "Client SSL: password of the truststore");
options.addOption("ks", SSL_KEYSTORE, "KEYSTORE", "Client SSL: full path to keystore");
options.addOption("kspw", SSL_KEYSTORE_PW, "KEYSTORE-PASSWORD", "Client SSL: password of the keystore");
options.addOption("prtcl", SSL_PROTOCOL, "PROTOCOL", "Client SSL: connections protocol to use (default: TLS)");
options.addOption("alg", SSL_ALGORITHM, "ALGORITHM", "Client SSL: algorithm");
options.addOption("st", SSL_STORE_TYPE, "STORE-TYPE", "Client SSL: type of store");
options.addOption("ciphers", SSL_CIPHER_SUITES, "CIPHER-SUITES", "Client SSL: comma-separated list of encryption suites to use");
options.addOption("f", CONFIG_PATH, "path to config file", "cassandra.yaml file path for streaming throughput and client/server SSL.");
options.addOption("k", TARGET_KEYSPACE, "target keyspace name", "target keyspace name");
options.addOption("tb", TARGET_TABLE, "target table name", "target table name");
return options;
public static void printUsage(Options options)
String usage = String.format("%s [options] <dir_path>", TOOL_NAME);
String header = System.lineSeparator() +
"Bulk load the sstables found in the directory <dir_path> to the configured cluster." +
"The parent directories of <dir_path> are used as the target keyspace/table name. " +
"So for instance, to load an sstable named Standard1-g-1-Data.db into Keyspace1/Standard1, " +
"you will need to have the files Standard1-g-1-Data.db and Standard1-g-1-Index.db into a directory /path/to/Keyspace1/Standard1/.";
String footer = System.lineSeparator() +
"You can provide cassandra.yaml file with -f command line option to set up streaming throughput, client and server encryption options. " +
"Only stream_throughput_outbound, server_encryption_options and client_encryption_options are read from yaml. " +
"You can override options read from cassandra.yaml with corresponding command line options.";
new HelpFormatter().printHelp(usage, header, options, footer);