blob: 71a34348ff731c55ea4e4bcd6da80fbe7b994336 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.DecoratedKey;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.PartitionPosition;
import org.apache.cassandra.dht.IPartitioner;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.Pair;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.bytecomparable.ByteSource;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.concurrent.Ref;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.concurrent.SharedCloseable;
* This class holds the partition index as an on-disk trie mapping unique prefixes of decorated keys to:
* <ul>
* <li>data file position if the partition is small enough to not need an index
* <li>row index file position if the partition has a row index
* </ul>plus<ul>
* <li>the last 8 bits of the key's filter hash which is used to filter out mismatched keys without reading the key
* </ul>
* To avoid having to create an object to carry the result, the two are distinguished by sign. Direct-to-dfile entries
* are recorded as ~position (~ instead of - to differentiate 0 in ifile from 0 in dfile).
* <p>
* In either case the contents of the file at this position start with a serialization of the key which can be used
* to verify the correct key is found.
* <p>
* The indexes are created by {@link PartitionIndexBuilder}. To read the index one must obtain a thread-unsafe
* {@link Reader} or {@link IndexPosIterator}.
public class PartitionIndex implements SharedCloseable
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PartitionIndex.class);
private final FileHandle fh;
private final long keyCount;
private final DecoratedKey first;
private final DecoratedKey last;
private final long root;
public static final long NOT_FOUND = Long.MIN_VALUE;
public static final int FOOTER_LENGTH = 3 * 8;
private static final int FLAG_HAS_HASH_BYTE = 8;
public PartitionIndex(FileHandle fh, long trieRoot, long keyCount, DecoratedKey first, DecoratedKey last)
this.keyCount = keyCount;
this.fh = fh.sharedCopy();
this.first = first;
this.last = last;
this.root = trieRoot;
private PartitionIndex(PartitionIndex src)
this(src.fh, src.root, src.keyCount, src.first, src.last);
static class Payload
final long position;
final short hashBits;
public Payload(long position, short hashBits)
this.position = position;
assert this.position != NOT_FOUND : "Partition position " + NOT_FOUND + " is not valid.";
this.hashBits = hashBits;
static final PartitionIndexSerializer TRIE_SERIALIZER = new PartitionIndexSerializer();
private static class PartitionIndexSerializer implements TrieSerializer<Payload, DataOutputPlus>
public int sizeofNode(SerializationNode<Payload> node, long nodePosition)
return TrieNode.typeFor(node, nodePosition).sizeofNode(node) +
(node.payload() != null ? 1 + SizedInts.nonZeroSize(node.payload().position) : 0);
public void write(DataOutputPlus dest, SerializationNode<Payload> node, long nodePosition) throws IOException
write(dest, TrieNode.typeFor(node, nodePosition), node, nodePosition);
private void write(DataOutputPlus dest, TrieNode type, SerializationNode<Payload> node, long nodePosition) throws IOException
Payload payload = node.payload();
if (payload != null)
int size = SizedInts.nonZeroSize(payload.position);
// The reader supports payloads both with (payloadBits between 8 and 15) and without (payloadBits
// between 1 and 7) hash. To not introduce undue configuration complexity, we always write a hash.
int payloadBits = FLAG_HAS_HASH_BYTE + (size - 1);
type.serialize(dest, node, payloadBits, nodePosition);
SizedInts.write(dest, payload.position, size);
type.serialize(dest, node, 0, nodePosition);
public long size()
return keyCount;
public DecoratedKey firstKey()
return first;
public DecoratedKey lastKey()
return last;
public PartitionIndex sharedCopy()
return new PartitionIndex(this);
public void addTo(Ref.IdentityCollection identities)
public static PartitionIndex load(FileHandle.Builder fhBuilder,
IPartitioner partitioner,
boolean preload) throws IOException
try (FileHandle fh = fhBuilder.complete())
return load(fh, partitioner, preload);
public static Pair<DecoratedKey, DecoratedKey> readFirstAndLastKey(File file, IPartitioner partitioner) throws IOException
try (PartitionIndex index = load(new FileHandle.Builder(file), partitioner, false))
return Pair.create(index.firstKey(), index.lastKey());
public static PartitionIndex load(FileHandle fh, IPartitioner partitioner, boolean preload) throws IOException
try (FileDataInput rdr = fh.createReader(fh.dataLength() - FOOTER_LENGTH))
long firstPos = rdr.readLong();
long keyCount = rdr.readLong();
long root = rdr.readLong();;
DecoratedKey first = partitioner != null ? partitioner.decorateKey(ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(rdr)) : null;
DecoratedKey last = partitioner != null ? partitioner.decorateKey(ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(rdr)) : null;
if (preload)
int csum = 0;
// force a read of all the pages of the index
for (long pos = 0; pos < fh.dataLength(); pos += PageAware.PAGE_SIZE)
csum += rdr.readByte();
logger.trace("Checksum {}", csum); // Note: trace is required so that reads aren't optimized away.
return new PartitionIndex(fh, root, keyCount, first, last);
public void close()
public Throwable close(Throwable accumulate)
return fh.close(accumulate);
public Reader openReader()
return new Reader(this);
protected IndexPosIterator allKeysIterator()
return new IndexPosIterator(this);
protected Rebufferer instantiateRebufferer()
return fh.instantiateRebufferer(null);
* @return the file handle to the file on disk. This is needed for locking the index in RAM.
FileHandle getFileHandle()
return fh;
private static long getIndexPos(ByteBuffer contents, int payloadPos, int bytes)
if (bytes >= FLAG_HAS_HASH_BYTE)
bytes -= FLAG_HAS_HASH_BYTE - 1;
if (bytes == 0)
return NOT_FOUND;
return, payloadPos, bytes);
public interface Acceptor<ArgType, ResultType>
ResultType accept(long position, boolean assumeNoMatch, ArgType v) throws IOException;
* Provides methods to read the partition index trie.
* Thread-unsafe, uses class members to store lookup state.
public static class Reader extends Walker<Reader>
protected Reader(PartitionIndex index)
super(index.instantiateRebufferer(), index.root);
* Finds a candidate for an exact key search. Returns an ifile (if positive) or dfile (if negative, using ~)
* position. The position returned has a low chance of being a different entry, but only if the sought key
* is not present in the file.
public long exactCandidate(DecoratedKey key)
// A hit must be a prefix of the byte-comparable representation of the key.
int b = follow(key);
// If the prefix ended in a node with children it is only acceptable if it is a full match.
if (b != ByteSource.END_OF_STREAM && hasChildren())
return NOT_FOUND;
if (!checkHashBits(key.filterHashLowerBits()))
return NOT_FOUND;
return getCurrentIndexPos();
final boolean checkHashBits(short hashBits)
int bytes = payloadFlags();
if (bytes < FLAG_HAS_HASH_BYTE)
return bytes > 0;
return (buf.get(payloadPosition()) == (byte) hashBits);
public <ResultType> ResultType ceiling(PartitionPosition key, Acceptor<PartitionPosition, ResultType> acceptor) throws IOException
// Look for a prefix of the key. If there is one, the key it stands for could be less, equal, or greater
// than the required value so try that first.
int b = followWithGreater(key);
// If the prefix ended in a node with children it is only acceptable if it is a full match.
if (!hasChildren() || b == ByteSource.END_OF_STREAM)
long indexPos = getCurrentIndexPos();
if (indexPos != NOT_FOUND)
ResultType res = acceptor.accept(indexPos, false, key);
if (res != null)
return res;
// If that was not found, the closest greater value can be used instead, and we know that
// it stands for a key greater than the argument.
if (greaterBranch == NONE)
return null;
long indexPos = getCurrentIndexPos();
if (indexPos == NOT_FOUND)
return null;
return acceptor.accept(indexPos, true, key);
public <ResultType> ResultType floor(PartitionPosition key, Acceptor<PartitionPosition, ResultType> acceptor) throws IOException
// Check for a prefix and find closest smaller branch.
Long indexPos = prefixAndNeighbours(key, Reader::getSpecificIndexPos);
if (indexPos != null && indexPos != NOT_FOUND)
ResultType res = acceptor.accept(indexPos, false, key);
if (res != null)
return res;
// Otherwise return the IndexInfo for the closest entry of the smaller branch (which is the max of lesserBranch).
// Note (see prefixAndNeighbours): since we accept prefix matches above, at this point there cannot be another
// prefix match that is closer than max(lesserBranch).
if (lesserBranch == NONE)
return null;
indexPos = getCurrentIndexPos();
if (indexPos == NOT_FOUND)
return null;
return acceptor.accept(indexPos, true, key);
public Long getSpecificIndexPos(int pos, int bits)
return getIndexPos(buf, pos, bits);
public long getCurrentIndexPos()
return getIndexPos(buf, payloadPosition(), payloadFlags());
public long getLastIndexPosition()
return getCurrentIndexPos();
* To be used only in analysis.
protected int payloadSize()
int bytes = payloadFlags();
return bytes > 7 ? bytes - 6 : bytes;
* Iterator of index positions covered between two keys. Since we store prefixes only, the first and last returned
* values can be outside the span (and inclusiveness is not given as we cannot verify it).
public static class IndexPosIterator extends ValueIterator<IndexPosIterator>
static final long INVALID = -1;
long pos = INVALID;
* @param index PartitionIndex to use for the iteration.
* <p>
* Note: For performance reasons this class does not keep a reference of the index. Caller must ensure a
* reference is held for the lifetime of this object.
public IndexPosIterator(PartitionIndex index)
super(index.instantiateRebufferer(), index.root);
IndexPosIterator(PartitionIndex index, PartitionPosition start, PartitionPosition end)
super(index.instantiateRebufferer(), index.root, start, end, true);
* Returns the position in the row index or data file.
protected long nextIndexPos()
// without missing positions, we save and reuse the unreturned position.
if (pos == INVALID)
pos = nextPayloadedNode();
if (pos == INVALID)
return NOT_FOUND;
pos = INVALID; // make sure next time we call nextPayloadedNode() again
return getIndexPos(buf, payloadPosition(), payloadFlags()); // this should not throw
* debug/test code
public void dumpTrie(String fileName)
try(PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(fileName))
catch (Throwable t)
logger.warn("Failed to dump trie to {} due to exception {}", fileName, t);
private void dumpTrie(PrintStream out)
try (Reader rdr = openReader())
rdr.dumpTrie(out, (buf, ppos, pbits) -> Long.toString(getIndexPos(buf, ppos, pbits)));