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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.db.tries;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.agrona.DirectBuffer;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.bytecomparable.ByteComparable;
* Base class for tries.
* Normal users of tries will only use the public methods, which provide various transformations of the trie, conversion
* of its content to other formats (e.g. iterable of values), and several forms of processing.
* For any unimplemented data extraction operations one can build on the {@link TrieEntriesWalker} (for-each processing)
* and {@link TrieEntriesIterator} (to iterator) base classes, which provide the necessary mechanisms to handle walking
* the trie.
* The internal representation of tries using this interface is defined in the {@link Cursor} interface.
* Cursors are a method of presenting the internal structure of a trie without representing nodes as objects, which is
* still useful for performing the basic operations on tries (iteration, slicing/intersection and merging). A cursor
* will list the nodes of a trie in order, together with information about the path that was taken to reach them.
* To begin traversal over a trie, one must retrieve a cursor by calling {@link #cursor()}. Because cursors are
* stateful, the traversal must always proceed from one thread. Should concurrent reads be required, separate calls to
* {@link #cursor()} must be made. Any modification that has completed before the construction of a cursor must be
* visible, but any later concurrent modifications may be presented fully, partially or not at all; this also means that
* if multiple are made, the cursor may see any part of any subset of them.
* Note: This model only supports depth-first traversals. We do not currently have a need for breadth-first walks.
* See for further description of the trie representation model.
* @param <T> The content type of the trie.
public abstract class Trie<T>
* A trie cursor.
* This is the internal representation of the trie, which enables efficient walks and basic operations (merge,
* slice) on tries.
* The cursor represents the state of a walk over the nodes of trie. It provides three main features:
* - the current "depth" or descend-depth in the trie;
* - the "incomingTransition", i.e. the byte that was used to reach the current point;
* - the "content" associated with the current node,
* and provides methods for advancing to the next position. This is enough information to extract all paths, and
* also to easily compare cursors over different tries that are advanced together. Advancing is always done in
* order; if one imagines the set of nodes in the trie with their associated paths, a cursor may only advance from a
* node with a lexicographically smaller path to one with bigger. The "advance" operation moves to the immediate
* next, it is also possible to skip over some items e.g. all children of the current node ("skipChildren").
* Moving to the immediate next position in the lexicographic order is accomplished by:
* - if the current node has children, moving to its first child;
* - otherwise, ascend the parent chain and return the next child of the closest parent that still has any.
* As long as the trie is not exhausted, advancing always takes one step down, from the current node, or from a node
* on the parent chain. By comparing the new depth (which "advance" also returns) with the one before the advance,
* one can tell if the former was the case (if newDepth == oldDepth + 1) and how many steps up we had to take
* (oldDepth + 1 - newDepth). When following a path down, the cursor will stop on all prefixes.
* When it is created the cursor is placed on the root node with depth() = 0, incomingTransition() = -1. Since
* tries can have mappings for empty, content() can possibly be non-null. It is not allowed for a cursor to start
* in exhausted state (i.e. with depth() = -1).
* For example, the following trie:
* t
* r
* e
* e *
* i
* e *
* p *
* w
* i
* n *
* has nodes reachable with the paths
* "", t, tr, tre, tree*, tri, trie*, trip*, w, wi, win*
* and the cursor will list them with the following (depth, incomingTransition) pairs:
* (0, -1), (1, t), (2, r), (3, e), (4, e)*, (3, i), (4, e)*, (4, p)*, (1, w), (2, i), (3, n)*
* Because we exhaust transitions on bigger depths before we go the next transition on the smaller ones, when
* cursors are advanced together their positions can be easily compared using only the depth and incomingTransition:
* - one that is higher in depth is before one that is lower;
* - for equal depths, the one with smaller incomingTransition is first.
* If we consider walking the trie above in parallel with this:
* t
* r
* i
* c
* k *
* u
* p *
* the combined iteration will proceed as follows:
* (0, -1)+ (0, -1)+ cursors equal, advance both
* (1, t)+ (1, t)+ t cursors equal, advance both
* (2, r)+ (2, r)+ tr cursors equal, advance both
* (3, e)+ < (3, i) tre cursors not equal, advance smaller (3 = 3, e < i)
* (4, e)+ < (3, i) tree* cursors not equal, advance smaller (4 > 3)
* (3, i)+ (3, i)+ tri cursors equal, advance both
* (4, e) > (4, c)+ tric cursors not equal, advance smaller (4 = 4, e > c)
* (4, e) > (5, k)+ trick* cursors not equal, advance smaller (4 < 5)
* (4, e)+ < (1, u) trie* cursors not equal, advance smaller (4 > 1)
* (4, p)+ < (1, u) trip* cursors not equal, advance smaller (4 > 1)
* (1, w) > (1, u)+ u cursors not equal, advance smaller (1 = 1, w > u)
* (1, w) > (2, p)+ up* cursors not equal, advance smaller (1 < 2)
* (1, w)+ < (-1, -1) w cursors not equal, advance smaller (1 > -1)
* (2, i)+ < (-1, -1) wi cursors not equal, advance smaller (2 > -1)
* (3, n)+ < (-1, -1) win* cursors not equal, advance smaller (3 > -1)
* (-1, -1) (-1, -1) both exhasted
protected interface Cursor<T>
* @return the current descend-depth; 0, if the cursor has just been created and is positioned on the root,
* and -1, if the trie has been exhausted.
int depth();
* @return the last transition taken; if positioned on the root, return -1
int incomingTransition();
* @return the content associated with the current node. This may be non-null for any presented node, including
* the root.
T content();
* Advance one position to the node whose associated path is next lexicographically.
* This can be either:
* - descending one level to the first child of the current node,
* - ascending to the closest parent that has remaining children, and then descending one level to its next
* child.
* It is an error to call this after the trie has already been exhausted (i.e. when depth() == -1);
* for performance reasons we won't always check this.
* @return depth (can be prev+1 or <=prev), -1 means that the trie is exhausted
int advance();
* Advance, descending multiple levels if the cursor can do this for the current position without extra work
* (e.g. when positioned on a chain node in a memtable trie). If the current node does not have children this
* is exactly the same as advance(), otherwise it may take multiple steps down (but will not necessarily, even
* if they exist).
* Note that if any positions are skipped, their content must be null.
* This is an optional optimization; the default implementation falls back to calling advance.
* It is an error to call this after the trie has already been exhausted (i.e. when depth() == -1);
* for performance reasons we won't always check this.
* @param receiver object that will receive all transitions taken except the last;
* on ascend, or if only one step down was taken, it will not receive any
* @return the new depth, -1 if the trie is exhausted
default int advanceMultiple(TransitionsReceiver receiver)
return advance();
* Advance all the way to the next node with non-null content.
* It is an error to call this after the trie has already been exhausted (i.e. when depth() == -1);
* for performance reasons we won't always check this.
* @param receiver object that will receive all taken transitions
* @return the content, null if the trie is exhausted
default T advanceToContent(ResettingTransitionsReceiver receiver)
int prevDepth = depth();
while (true)
int currDepth = advanceMultiple(receiver);
if (currDepth <= 0)
return null;
if (receiver != null)
if (currDepth <= prevDepth)
receiver.resetPathLength(currDepth - 1);
T content = content();
if (content != null)
return content;
prevDepth = currDepth;
* Ignore the current node's children and advance to the next child of the closest node on the parent chain that
* has any.
* It is an error to call this after the trie has already been exhausted (i.e. when depth() == -1);
* for performance reasons we won't always check this.
* @return the new depth, always <= previous depth; -1 if the trie is exhausted
int skipChildren();
protected abstract Cursor<T> cursor();
* Used by {@link Cursor#advanceMultiple} to feed the transitions taken.
protected interface TransitionsReceiver
/** Add a single byte to the path. */
void addPathByte(int nextByte);
/** Add the count bytes from position pos in the given buffer. */
void addPathBytes(DirectBuffer buffer, int pos, int count);
* Used by {@link Cursor#advanceToContent} to track the transitions and backtracking taken.
protected interface ResettingTransitionsReceiver extends TransitionsReceiver
/** Delete all bytes beyond the given length. */
void resetPathLength(int newLength);
* A push interface for walking over the trie. Builds upon TransitionsReceiver to be given the bytes of the
* path, and adds methods called on encountering content and completion.
* See {@link TrieDumper} for an example of how this can be used, and {@link TrieEntriesWalker} as a base class
* for other common usages.
protected interface Walker<T, R> extends ResettingTransitionsReceiver
/** Called when content is found. */
void content(T content);
/** Called at the completion of the walk. */
R complete();
// Version of the byte comparable conversion to use for all operations
protected static final ByteComparable.Version BYTE_COMPARABLE_VERSION = ByteComparable.Version.OSS50;
* Adapter interface providing the methods a {@link Walker} to a {@link Consumer}, so that the latter can be used
* with {@link #process}.
* This enables calls like
* trie.forEachEntry(x -> System.out.println(x));
* to be mapped directly to a single call to {@link #process} without extra allocations.
public interface ValueConsumer<T> extends Consumer<T>, Walker<T, Void>
default void content(T content)
default Void complete()
return null;
default void resetPathLength(int newDepth)
// not tracking path
default void addPathByte(int nextByte)
// not tracking path
default void addPathBytes(DirectBuffer buffer, int pos, int count)
// not tracking path
* Call the given consumer on all content values in the trie in order.
public void forEachValue(ValueConsumer<T> consumer)
* Call the given consumer on all (path, content) pairs with non-null content in the trie in order.
public void forEachEntry(BiConsumer<ByteComparable, T> consumer)
process(new TrieEntriesWalker.WithConsumer<T>(consumer));
// Note: we can't do the ValueConsumer trick here, because the implementation requires state and cannot be
// implemented with default methods alone.
* Process the trie using the given Walker.
public <R> R process(Walker<T, R> walker)
return process(walker, cursor());
static <T, R> R process(Walker<T, R> walker, Cursor<T> cursor)
assert cursor.depth() == 0 : "The provided cursor has already been advanced.";
T content = cursor.content(); // handle content on the root node
if (content == null)
content = cursor.advanceToContent(walker);
while (content != null)
content = cursor.advanceToContent(walker);
return walker.complete();
* Constuct a textual representation of the trie.
public String dump()
return dump(Object::toString);
* Constuct a textual representation of the trie using the given content-to-string mapper.
public String dump(Function<T, String> contentToString)
return process(new TrieDumper<>(contentToString));
* Returns a singleton trie mapping the given byte path to content.
public static <T> Trie<T> singleton(ByteComparable b, T v)
return new SingletonTrie<>(b, v);
* Returns a view of the subtrie containing everything in this trie whose keys fall between the given boundaries.
* The view is live, i.e. any write to the source will be reflected in the subtrie.
* This method will not check its arguments for correctness. The resulting trie may be empty or throw an exception
* if the right bound is smaller than the left.
* @param left the left bound for the returned subtrie. If {@code null}, the resulting subtrie is not left-bounded.
* @param includeLeft whether {@code left} is an inclusive bound of not.
* @param right the right bound for the returned subtrie. If {@code null}, the resulting subtrie is not right-bounded.
* @param includeRight whether {@code right} is an inclusive bound of not.
* @return a view of the subtrie containing all the keys of this trie falling between {@code left} (inclusively if
* {@code includeLeft}) and {@code right} (inclusively if {@code includeRight}).
public Trie<T> subtrie(ByteComparable left, boolean includeLeft, ByteComparable right, boolean includeRight)
if (left == null && right == null)
return this;
return new SlicedTrie<>(this, left, includeLeft, right, includeRight);
* Returns a view of the subtrie containing everything in this trie whose keys fall between the given boundaries,
* left-inclusive and right-exclusive.
* The view is live, i.e. any write to the source will be reflected in the subtrie.
* This method will not check its arguments for correctness. The resulting trie may be empty or throw an exception
* if the right bound is smaller than the left.
* Equivalent to calling subtrie(left, true, right, false).
* @param left the left bound for the returned subtrie. If {@code null}, the resulting subtrie is not left-bounded.
* @param right the right bound for the returned subtrie. If {@code null}, the resulting subtrie is not right-bounded.
* @return a view of the subtrie containing all the keys of this trie falling between {@code left} (inclusively if
* {@code includeLeft}) and {@code right} (inclusively if {@code includeRight}).
public Trie<T> subtrie(ByteComparable left, ByteComparable right)
return subtrie(left, true, right, false);
* Returns the ordered entry set of this trie's content as an iterable.
public Iterable<Map.Entry<ByteComparable, T>> entrySet()
return this::entryIterator;
* Returns the ordered entry set of this trie's content in an iterator.
public Iterator<Map.Entry<ByteComparable, T>> entryIterator()
return new TrieEntriesIterator.AsEntries<>(this);
* Returns the ordered set of values of this trie as an iterable.
public Iterable<T> values()
return this::valueIterator;
* Returns the ordered set of values of this trie in an iterator.
public Iterator<T> valueIterator()
return new TrieValuesIterator<>(this);
* Returns the values in any order. For some tries this is much faster than the ordered iterable.
public Iterable<T> valuesUnordered()
return values();
* Resolver of content of merged nodes, used for two-source merges (i.e. mergeWith).
public interface MergeResolver<T>
// Note: No guarantees about argument order.
// E.g. during t1.mergeWith(t2, resolver), resolver may be called with t1 or t2's items as first argument.
T resolve(T b1, T b2);
* Constructs a view of the merge of this trie with the given one. The view is live, i.e. any write to any of the
* sources will be reflected in the merged view.
* If there is content for a given key in both sources, the resolver will be called to obtain the combination.
* (The resolver will not be called if there's content from only one source.)
public Trie<T> mergeWith(Trie<T> other, MergeResolver<T> resolver)
return new MergeTrie<>(resolver, this, other);
* Resolver of content of merged nodes.
* The resolver's methods are only called if more than one of the merged nodes contain content, and the
* order in which the arguments are given is not defined. Only present non-null values will be included in the
* collection passed to the resolving methods.
* Can also be used as a two-source resolver.
public interface CollectionMergeResolver<T> extends MergeResolver<T>
T resolve(Collection<T> contents);
default T resolve(T c1, T c2)
return resolve(ImmutableList.of(c1, c2));
private static final CollectionMergeResolver<Object> THROWING_RESOLVER = new CollectionMergeResolver<Object>()
public Object resolve(Collection<Object> contents)
throw error();
private AssertionError error()
throw new AssertionError("Entries must be distinct.");
* Returns a resolver that throws whenever more than one of the merged nodes contains content.
* Can be used to merge tries that are known to have distinct content paths.
public static <T> CollectionMergeResolver<T> throwingResolver()
return (CollectionMergeResolver<T>) THROWING_RESOLVER;
* Constructs a view of the merge of multiple tries. The view is live, i.e. any write to any of the
* sources will be reflected in the merged view.
* If there is content for a given key in more than one sources, the resolver will be called to obtain the
* combination. (The resolver will not be called if there's content from only one source.)
public static <T> Trie<T> merge(Collection<? extends Trie<T>> sources, CollectionMergeResolver<T> resolver)
switch (sources.size())
case 0:
return empty();
case 1:
return sources.iterator().next();
case 2:
Iterator<? extends Trie<T>> it = sources.iterator();
Trie<T> t1 =;
Trie<T> t2 =;
return t1.mergeWith(t2, resolver);
return new CollectionMergeTrie<>(sources, resolver);
* Constructs a view of the merge of multiple tries, where each source must have distinct keys. The view is live,
* i.e. any write to any of the sources will be reflected in the merged view.
* If there is content for a given key in more than one sources, the merge will throw an assertion error.
public static <T> Trie<T> mergeDistinct(Collection<? extends Trie<T>> sources)
switch (sources.size())
case 0:
return empty();
case 1:
return sources.iterator().next();
case 2:
Iterator<? extends Trie<T>> it = sources.iterator();
Trie<T> t1 =;
Trie<T> t2 =;
return new MergeTrie.Distinct<>(t1, t2);
return new CollectionMergeTrie.Distinct<>(sources);
private static final Trie<Object> EMPTY = new Trie<Object>()
protected Cursor<Object> cursor()
return new Cursor<Object>()
int depth = 0;
public int advance()
return depth = -1;
public int skipChildren()
return depth = -1;
public int depth()
return depth;
public Object content()
return null;
public int incomingTransition()
return -1;
public static <T> Trie<T> empty()
return (Trie<T>) EMPTY;