blob: 0bb66771ada2c2df8b3e49904c8748cf516c2148 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.Clustering;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.ClusteringBound;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.ClusteringBoundOrBoundary;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.ClusteringBoundary;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.ClusteringPrefix;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.Digest;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.TypeSizes;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.Cell;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.CellPath;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.ColumnMetadata;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.paxos.Ballot;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.TimeUUID;
import static org.apache.cassandra.db.ClusteringPrefix.Kind.*;
* ValueAccessor allows serializers and other code dealing with raw bytes to operate on different backing types
* (ie: byte arrays, byte buffers, etc) without requiring that the supported backing types share a common type
* ancestor and without incuring the allocation cost of a wrapper object.
* A note on byte buffers for implementors: the "value" of a byte buffer is always interpreted as beginning at
* it's {@link ByteBuffer#position()} and having a length of {@link ByteBuffer#remaining()}. ValueAccessor
* implementations need to maintain this internally. ValueAccessors should also never modify the state of the
* byte buffers view (ie: offset, limit). This would also apply to value accessors for simlilar types
* (ie: netty's ByteBuf}.
* @param <V> the backing type
public interface ValueAccessor<V>
* Creates db objects using the given accessors value type. ObjectFactory instances are meant to be returned
* by the factory() method of a value accessor.
* @param <V> the backing type
public interface ObjectFactory<V>
Cell<V> cell(ColumnMetadata column, long timestamp, int ttl, int localDeletionTime, V value, CellPath path);
Clustering<V> clustering(V... values);
Clustering<V> clustering();
Clustering<V> staticClustering();
ClusteringBound<V> bound(ClusteringPrefix.Kind kind, V... values);
ClusteringBound<V> bound(ClusteringPrefix.Kind kind);
ClusteringBoundary<V> boundary(ClusteringPrefix.Kind kind, V... values);
default ClusteringBoundOrBoundary<V> boundOrBoundary(ClusteringPrefix.Kind kind, V... values)
return kind.isBoundary() ? boundary(kind, values) : bound(kind, values);
default ClusteringBound<V> inclusiveOpen(boolean reversed, V[] boundValues)
return bound(reversed ? INCL_END_BOUND : INCL_START_BOUND, boundValues);
default ClusteringBound<V> exclusiveOpen(boolean reversed, V[] boundValues)
return bound(reversed ? EXCL_END_BOUND : EXCL_START_BOUND, boundValues);
default ClusteringBound<V> inclusiveClose(boolean reversed, V[] boundValues)
return bound(reversed ? INCL_START_BOUND : INCL_END_BOUND, boundValues);
default ClusteringBound<V> exclusiveClose(boolean reversed, V[] boundValues)
return bound(reversed ? EXCL_START_BOUND : EXCL_END_BOUND, boundValues);
default ClusteringBoundary<V> inclusiveCloseExclusiveOpen(boolean reversed, V[] boundValues)
return boundary(reversed ? EXCL_END_INCL_START_BOUNDARY : INCL_END_EXCL_START_BOUNDARY, boundValues);
default ClusteringBoundary<V> exclusiveCloseInclusiveOpen(boolean reversed, V[] boundValues)
return boundary(reversed ? INCL_END_EXCL_START_BOUNDARY : EXCL_END_INCL_START_BOUNDARY, boundValues);
* @return the size of the given value
int size(V value);
/** serializes size including a vint length prefix */
default int sizeWithVIntLength(V value)
int size = size(value);
return TypeSizes.sizeofUnsignedVInt(size) + size;
/** serialized size including a short length prefix */
default int sizeWithShortLength(V value)
return 2 + size(value);
* @return true if the size of the given value is zero, false otherwise
default boolean isEmpty(V value)
return size(value) == 0;
* @return the number of bytes remaining in the value from the given offset
default int sizeFromOffset(V value, int offset)
return size(value) - offset;
* @return true if there are no bytes present after the given offset, false otherwise
default boolean isEmptyFromOffset(V value, int offset)
return sizeFromOffset(value, offset) == 0;
* allocate an instance of the accessors backing type
* @param length size of backing typ to allocate
V[] createArray(int length);
* Write the contents of the given value into the a DataOutputPlus
void write(V value, DataOutputPlus out) throws IOException;
default void writeWithVIntLength(V value, DataOutputPlus out) throws IOException
write(value, out);
* Write the contents of the given value into the ByteBuffer
void write(V value, ByteBuffer out);
* copy the {@param size} bytes from the {@param src} value, starting at the offset {@param srcOffset} into
* the {@param dst} value, starting at the offset {@param dstOffset}, using the accessor {@param dstAccessor}
* @param <V2> the destination value type
* @return the number of bytes copied ({@param size})
<V2> int copyTo(V src, int srcOffset, V2 dst, ValueAccessor<V2> dstAccessor, int dstOffset, int size);
* copies a byte array into this accessors value.
int copyByteArrayTo(byte[] src, int srcOffset, V dst, int dstOffset, int size);
* copies a byte buffer into this accessors value.
int copyByteBufferTo(ByteBuffer src, int srcOffset, V dst, int dstOffset, int size);
* updates {@param digest} with {@param size} bytes from the contents of {@param value} starting
* at offset {@param offset}
void digest(V value, int offset, int size, Digest digest);
* updates {@param digest} with te contents of {@param value}
default void digest(V value, Digest digest)
digest(value, 0, size(value), digest);
* Reads a value of {@param length} bytes from {@param in}
V read(DataInputPlus in, int length) throws IOException;
* Returns a value with the contents of {@param input} from {@param offset} to {@param length}.
* Depending on the accessor implementation, this method may:
* * allocate a new {@param <V>} object of {@param length}, and copy data into it
* * return a view of {@param input} where changes to one will be reflected in the other
V slice(V input, int offset, int length);
* same as {@link ValueAccessor#slice(Object, int, int)}, except the length is taken from the first
* 2 bytes from the given offset (and not included in the return value)
default V sliceWithShortLength(V input, int offset)
int size = getUnsignedShort(input, offset);
return slice(input, offset + 2, size);
* lexicographically compare {@param left} to {@param right}
* @param <VR> backing type of
<VR> int compare(V left, VR right, ValueAccessor<VR> accessorR);
* compare a byte array on the left with a {@param <V>} on the right}
int compareByteArrayTo(byte[] left, V right);
* compare a byte buffer on the left with a {@param <V>} on the right}
int compareByteBufferTo(ByteBuffer left, V right);
default int hashCode(V value)
if (value == null)
return 0;
int result = 1;
for (int i=0, isize=size(value); i<isize; i++)
result = 31 * result + (int) getByte(value, i);
return result;
* returns a ByteBuffer with the contents of {@param value}
* Depending on the accessor implementation, this method may:
* * allocate a new ByteBuffer and copy data into it
* * return the value, if the backing type is a bytebuffer
ByteBuffer toBuffer(V value);
* returns a byte[] with the contents of {@param value}
* Depending on the accessor implementation, this method may:
* * allocate a new byte[] object and copy data into it
* * return the value, if the backing type is byte[]
byte[] toArray(V value);
* returns a byte[] with {@param length} bytes copied from the contents of {@param value}
* starting at offset {@param offset}.
* Depending on the accessor implementation, this method may:
* * allocate a new byte[] object and copy data into it
* * return the value, if the backing type is byte[], offset is 0 and {@param length} == size(value)
byte[] toArray(V value, int offset, int length);
String toString(V value, Charset charset) throws CharacterCodingException;
default String toString(V value) throws CharacterCodingException
return toString(value, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
String toHex(V value);
/** returns a boolean from offset {@param offset} */
default boolean getBoolean(V value, int offset)
return getByte(value, offset) != 0;
/** returns a byte from offset 0 */
byte toByte(V value);
/** returns a byte from offset {@param offset} */
byte getByte(V value, int offset);
/** returns a short from offset 0 */
short toShort(V value);
/** returns a short from offset {@param offset} */
short getShort(V value, int offset);
/** returns an unsigned short from offset {@param offset} */
int getUnsignedShort(V value, int offset);
/** returns an int from offset 0 */
int toInt(V value);
/** returns an int from offset {@param offset} */
int getInt(V value, int offset);
/** returns a long from offset 0 */
long toLong(V value);
/** returns a long from offset {@param offset} */
long getLong(V value, int offset);
/** returns a float from offset 0 */
float toFloat(V value);
/** returns a double from offset 0 */
double toDouble(V value);
/** returns a UUID from offset 0 */
UUID toUUID(V value);
/** returns a TimeUUID from offset 0 */
TimeUUID toTimeUUID(V value);
/** returns a TimeUUID from offset 0 */
Ballot toBallot(V value);
* writes the byte value {@param value} to {@param dst} at offset {@param offset}
* @return the number of bytes written to {@param value}
int putByte(V dst, int offset, byte value);
* writes the short value {@param value} to {@param dst} at offset {@param offset}
* @return the number of bytes written to {@param value}
int putShort(V dst, int offset, short value);
* writes the int value {@param value} to {@param dst} at offset {@param offset}
* @return the number of bytes written to {@param value}
int putInt(V dst, int offset, int value);
* writes the long value {@param value} to {@param dst} at offset {@param offset}
* @return the number of bytes written to {@param value}
int putLong(V dst, int offset, long value);
/** return a value with a length of 0 */
V empty();
* return a value containing the {@param bytes}
* Caller should assume that modifying the returned value
* will also modify the contents of {@param bytes}
V valueOf(byte[] bytes);
* return a value containing the {@param bytes}
* {@param src} and the returned value may share a common byte array instance, so caller should
* assume that modifying the returned value will also modify the contents of {@param src}
V valueOf(ByteBuffer bytes);
/** return a value containing the bytes for the given string and charset */
V valueOf(String s, Charset charset);
/** return a value with the bytes from {@param v}*/
V valueOf(UUID v);
/** return a value with the bytes from {@param v}*/
V valueOf(boolean v);
/** return a value with the bytes from {@param v}*/
V valueOf(byte v);
/** return a value with the bytes from {@param v}*/
V valueOf(short v);
/** return a value with the bytes from {@param v}*/
V valueOf(int v);
/** return a value with the bytes from {@param v}*/
V valueOf(long v);
/** return a value with the bytes from {@param v}*/
V valueOf(float v);
/** return a value with the bytes from {@param v}*/
V valueOf(double v);
* Convert the data in {@param src} to {@param <V>}
* {@param src} and the returned value may share a common byte array instance, so caller should
* assume that modifying the returned value will also modify the contents of {@param src}
<V2> V convert(V2 src, ValueAccessor<V2> accessor);
* Allocate and return a {@param <V>} instance of {@param size} bytes on the heap.
V allocate(int size);
* returns the {@link ValueAccessor.ObjectFactory} for the backing type {@param <V>}
ObjectFactory<V> factory();
* lexicographically compare {@param left} to {@param right}
public static <L, R> int compare(L left, ValueAccessor<L> leftAccessor, R right, ValueAccessor<R> rightAccessor)
return, right, rightAccessor);
public static <L, R> boolean equals(L left, ValueAccessor<L> leftAccessor, R right, ValueAccessor<R> rightAccessor)
return compare(left, leftAccessor, right, rightAccessor) == 0;