blob: 2cac9251b8d7e5dc40db85c3bb8d234fb8a44b87 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.cql3.selection;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AbstractType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UserType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.Cell;
import org.apache.cassandra.serializers.CollectionSerializer;
import org.apache.cassandra.transport.ProtocolVersion;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil;
* Represents a list of timestamps associated to a CQL column. Those timestamps can either be writetimes or TTLs,
* according to {@link TimestampsType}.
abstract class ColumnTimestamps
* The timestamps type.
protected final TimestampsType type;
protected ColumnTimestamps(TimestampsType type)
this.type = type;
* @return the timestamps type
public TimestampsType type()
return type;
* Retrieves the timestamps at the specified position.
* @param index the timestamps position
* @return the timestamps at the specified position or a {@link #NO_TIMESTAMP}
public abstract ColumnTimestamps get(int index);
public abstract ColumnTimestamps max();
* Returns a view of the portion of the timestamps within the specified range.
* @param range the indexes range
* @return a view of the specified range within this {@link ColumnTimestamps}
public abstract ColumnTimestamps slice(Range<Integer> range);
* Converts the timestamps into their serialized form.
* @param protocolVersion the protocol version to use for the serialization
* @return the serialized timestamps
public abstract ByteBuffer toByteBuffer(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion);
* Appends an empty timestamp at the end of this list.
public abstract void addNoTimestamp();
* Appends the timestamp of the specified cell at the end of this list.
public abstract void addTimestampFrom(Cell<?> cell, int nowInSecond);
* Creates a new {@link ColumnTimestamps} instance for the specified column type.
* @param timestampType the timestamps type
* @param columnType the column type
* @return a {@link ColumnTimestamps} instance for the specified column type
static ColumnTimestamps newTimestamps(TimestampsType timestampType, AbstractType<?> columnType)
if (!columnType.isMultiCell())
return new SingleTimestamps(timestampType);
// For UserType we know that the size will not change, so we can initialize the array with the proper capacity.
if (columnType instanceof UserType)
return new MultipleTimestamps(timestampType, ((UserType) columnType).size());
return new MultipleTimestamps(timestampType, 0);
* The type of represented timestamps.
public enum TimestampsType
long getTimestamp(Cell<?> cell, int nowInSecond)
return cell.timestamp();
long defaultValue()
return Long.MIN_VALUE;
ByteBuffer toByteBuffer(long timestamp)
return timestamp == defaultValue() ? null : ByteBufferUtil.bytes(timestamp);
long getTimestamp(Cell<?> cell, int nowInSecond)
if (!cell.isExpiring())
return defaultValue();
int remaining = cell.localDeletionTime() - nowInSecond;
return remaining >= 0 ? remaining : defaultValue();
long defaultValue()
return -1;
ByteBuffer toByteBuffer(long timestamp)
return timestamp == defaultValue() ? null : ByteBufferUtil.bytes((int) timestamp);
* Extracts the timestamp from the specified cell.
* @param cell the cell
* @param nowInSecond the query timestamp insecond
* @return the timestamp corresponding to this type
abstract long getTimestamp(Cell<?> cell, int nowInSecond);
* Returns the value to use when there is no timestamp.
* @return the value to use when there is no timestamp
abstract long defaultValue();
* Serializes the specified timestamp.
* @param timestamp the timestamp to serialize
* @return the bytes corresponding to the specified timestamp
abstract ByteBuffer toByteBuffer(long timestamp);
* A {@link ColumnTimestamps} that doesn't contain any timestamps.
static final ColumnTimestamps NO_TIMESTAMP = new ColumnTimestamps(null)
public ColumnTimestamps get(int index)
return this;
public ColumnTimestamps max()
return this;
public ColumnTimestamps slice(Range<Integer> range)
return this;
public ByteBuffer toByteBuffer(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion)
return null;
public void addNoTimestamp()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void addTimestampFrom(Cell<?> cell, int nowInSecond)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public String toString()
return "no timestamp";
* A {@link ColumnTimestamps} that can contains a single timestamp (for columns that aren't multicell).
private static class SingleTimestamps extends ColumnTimestamps
protected long timestamp;
public SingleTimestamps(TimestampsType type)
this(type, type.defaultValue());
public SingleTimestamps(TimestampsType type, long timestamp)
this.timestamp = timestamp;
public void addNoTimestamp()
timestamp = type.defaultValue();
public void addTimestampFrom(Cell<?> cell, int nowInSecond)
timestamp = type.getTimestamp(cell, nowInSecond);
public ColumnTimestamps get(int index)
// If this method is called it means that it is an element selection on a frozen collection/UDT,
// so we can safely return this Timestamps as all the elements also share that timestamp
return this;
public ColumnTimestamps max()
return this;
public ColumnTimestamps slice(Range<Integer> range)
return range.isEmpty() ? NO_TIMESTAMP : this;
public ByteBuffer toByteBuffer(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion)
return timestamp == type.defaultValue() ? null : type.toByteBuffer(timestamp);
public String toString()
return type + ": " + timestamp;
* A {@link ColumnTimestamps} that can contain multiple timestamps (for unfrozen collections or UDTs).
private static final class MultipleTimestamps extends ColumnTimestamps
private final List<Long> timestamps;
public MultipleTimestamps(TimestampsType type, int initialCapacity)
this(type, new ArrayList<>(initialCapacity));
public MultipleTimestamps(TimestampsType type, List<Long> timestamps)
this.timestamps = timestamps;
public void addNoTimestamp()
public void addTimestampFrom(Cell<?> cell, int nowInSecond)
timestamps.add(type.getTimestamp(cell, nowInSecond));
public ColumnTimestamps get(int index)
return timestamps.isEmpty()
: new SingleTimestamps(type, timestamps.get(index));
public ColumnTimestamps max()
return timestamps.isEmpty()
: new SingleTimestamps(type, Collections.max(timestamps));
public ColumnTimestamps slice(Range<Integer> range)
if (range.isEmpty())
// Prepare the "from" argument for the call to List#sublist below. That argument is always specified and
// inclusive, whereas the range lower bound can be open, closed or not specified.
int from = 0;
if (range.hasLowerBound())
from = range.lowerBoundType() == BoundType.CLOSED
? range.lowerEndpoint() // inclusive range lower bound, inclusive "from" is the same list position
: range.lowerEndpoint() + 1; // exclusive range lower bound, inclusive "from" is the next list position
// Prepare the "to" argument for the call to List#sublist below. That argument is always specified and
// exclusive, whereas the range upper bound can be open, closed or not specified.
int to = timestamps.size();
if (range.hasUpperBound())
to = range.upperBoundType() == BoundType.CLOSED
? range.upperEndpoint() + 1 // inclusive range upper bound, exclusive "to" is the next list position
: range.upperEndpoint(); // exclusive range upper bound, exclusive "to" is the same list position
return new MultipleTimestamps(type, timestamps.subList(from, to));
public ByteBuffer toByteBuffer(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion)
if (timestamps.isEmpty())
return null;
List<ByteBuffer> buffers = new ArrayList<>(timestamps.size());
timestamps.forEach(timestamp -> buffers.add(type.toByteBuffer(timestamp)));
return CollectionSerializer.pack(buffers, timestamps.size());
public String toString()
return type + ": " + timestamps;