blob: bf4ac430b6c4f90805ae2879eb0c55a3eae0d74c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.cassandra.db;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.ColumnDefinition;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.btree.BTreeSet;
import static java.util.Comparator.naturalOrder;
* Columns (or a subset of the columns) that a partition contains.
* This mainly groups both static and regular columns for convenience.
public class PartitionColumns implements Iterable<ColumnDefinition>
public static PartitionColumns NONE = new PartitionColumns(Columns.NONE, Columns.NONE);
public final Columns statics;
public final Columns regulars;
public PartitionColumns(Columns statics, Columns regulars)
assert statics != null && regulars != null;
this.statics = statics;
this.regulars = regulars;
public static PartitionColumns of(ColumnDefinition column)
return new PartitionColumns(column.isStatic() ? Columns.of(column) : Columns.NONE,
column.isStatic() ? Columns.NONE : Columns.of(column));
public PartitionColumns without(ColumnDefinition column)
return new PartitionColumns(column.isStatic() ? statics.without(column) : statics,
column.isStatic() ? regulars : regulars.without(column));
public PartitionColumns withoutStatics()
return statics.isEmpty() ? this : new PartitionColumns(Columns.NONE, regulars);
public PartitionColumns mergeTo(PartitionColumns that)
if (this == that)
return this;
Columns statics = this.statics.mergeTo(that.statics);
Columns regulars = this.regulars.mergeTo(that.regulars);
if (statics == this.statics && regulars == this.regulars)
return this;
if (statics == that.statics && regulars == that.regulars)
return that;
return new PartitionColumns(statics, regulars);
public boolean isEmpty()
return statics.isEmpty() && regulars.isEmpty();
public Columns columns(boolean isStatic)
return isStatic ? statics : regulars;
public boolean contains(ColumnDefinition column)
return column.isStatic() ? statics.contains(column) : regulars.contains(column);
public boolean includes(PartitionColumns columns)
return statics.containsAll(columns.statics) && regulars.containsAll(columns.regulars);
public Iterator<ColumnDefinition> iterator()
return Iterators.concat(statics.iterator(), regulars.iterator());
public Iterator<ColumnDefinition> selectOrderIterator()
return Iterators.concat(statics.selectOrderIterator(), regulars.selectOrderIterator());
/** * Returns the total number of static and regular columns. */
public int size()
return regulars.size() + statics.size();
public String toString()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("[").append(statics).append(" | ").append(regulars).append("]");
return sb.toString();
public boolean equals(Object other)
if (!(other instanceof PartitionColumns))
return false;
PartitionColumns that = (PartitionColumns)other;
return this.statics.equals(that.statics)
&& this.regulars.equals(that.regulars);
public int hashCode()
return Objects.hash(statics, regulars);
public static Builder builder()
return new Builder();
public static class Builder
// Note that we do want to use sorted sets because we want the column definitions to be compared
// through compareTo, not equals. The former basically check it's the same column name, while the latter
// check it's the same object, including the same type.
private BTreeSet.Builder<ColumnDefinition> regularColumns;
private BTreeSet.Builder<ColumnDefinition> staticColumns;
public Builder add(ColumnDefinition c)
if (c.isStatic())
if (staticColumns == null)
staticColumns = BTreeSet.builder(naturalOrder());
assert c.isRegular();
if (regularColumns == null)
regularColumns = BTreeSet.builder(naturalOrder());
return this;
public Builder addAll(Iterable<ColumnDefinition> columns)
for (ColumnDefinition c : columns)
return this;
public Builder addAll(PartitionColumns columns)
if (regularColumns == null && !columns.regulars.isEmpty())
regularColumns = BTreeSet.builder(naturalOrder());
for (ColumnDefinition c : columns.regulars)
if (staticColumns == null && !columns.statics.isEmpty())
staticColumns = BTreeSet.builder(naturalOrder());
for (ColumnDefinition c : columns.statics)
return this;
public PartitionColumns build()
return new PartitionColumns(staticColumns == null ? Columns.NONE : Columns.from(,
regularColumns == null ? Columns.NONE : Columns.from(;