blob: ea65633885ea37c179b182af20302679f5535c9b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.cassandra.db;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.CFMetaData;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.*;
* Helper class to deserialize Unfiltered object from disk efficiently.
* More precisely, this class is used by the low-level reader to ensure
* we don't do more work than necessary (i.e. we don't allocate/deserialize
* objects for things we don't care about).
public abstract class UnfilteredDeserializer
protected final CFMetaData metadata;
protected final DataInputPlus in;
protected final SerializationHelper helper;
protected UnfilteredDeserializer(CFMetaData metadata,
DataInputPlus in,
SerializationHelper helper)
this.metadata = metadata; = in;
this.helper = helper;
public static UnfilteredDeserializer create(CFMetaData metadata,
DataInputPlus in,
SerializationHeader header,
SerializationHelper helper,
DeletionTime partitionDeletion,
boolean readAllAsDynamic)
if (helper.version >= MessagingService.VERSION_30)
return new CurrentDeserializer(metadata, in, header, helper);
return new OldFormatDeserializer(metadata, in, helper, partitionDeletion, readAllAsDynamic);
* Whether or not there is more atom to read.
public abstract boolean hasNext() throws IOException;
* Compare the provided bound to the next atom to read on disk.
* This will not read/deserialize the whole atom but only what is necessary for the
* comparison. Whenever we know what to do with this atom (read it or skip it),
* readNext or skipNext should be called.
public abstract int compareNextTo(Slice.Bound bound) throws IOException;
* Returns whether the next atom is a row or not.
public abstract boolean nextIsRow() throws IOException;
* Returns whether the next atom is the static row or not.
public abstract boolean nextIsStatic() throws IOException;
* Returns the next atom.
public abstract Unfiltered readNext() throws IOException;
* Clears any state in this deserializer.
public abstract void clearState() throws IOException;
* Skips the next atom.
public abstract void skipNext() throws IOException;
* For the legacy layout deserializer, we have to deal with the fact that a row can span multiple index blocks and that
* the call to hasNext() reads the next element upfront. We must take that into account when we check in AbstractSSTableIterator if
* we're past the end of an index block boundary as that check expect to account for only consumed data (that is, if hasNext has
* been called and made us cross an index boundary but neither readNext() or skipNext() as yet been called, we shouldn't consider
* the index block boundary crossed yet).
* TODO: we don't care about this for the current file format because a row can never span multiple index blocks (further, hasNext()
* only just basically read 2 bytes from disk in that case). So once we drop backward compatibility with pre-3.0 sstable, we should
* remove this.
public abstract long bytesReadForUnconsumedData();
private static class CurrentDeserializer extends UnfilteredDeserializer
private final ClusteringPrefix.Deserializer clusteringDeserializer;
private final SerializationHeader header;
private int nextFlags;
private int nextExtendedFlags;
private boolean isReady;
private boolean isDone;
private final Row.Builder builder;
private CurrentDeserializer(CFMetaData metadata,
DataInputPlus in,
SerializationHeader header,
SerializationHelper helper)
super(metadata, in, helper);
this.header = header;
this.clusteringDeserializer = new ClusteringPrefix.Deserializer(metadata.comparator, in, header);
this.builder = BTreeRow.sortedBuilder();
public boolean hasNext() throws IOException
if (isReady)
return true;
return !isDone;
private void prepareNext() throws IOException
if (isDone)
nextFlags = in.readUnsignedByte();
if (UnfilteredSerializer.isEndOfPartition(nextFlags))
isDone = true;
isReady = false;
nextExtendedFlags = UnfilteredSerializer.readExtendedFlags(in, nextFlags);
clusteringDeserializer.prepare(nextFlags, nextExtendedFlags);
isReady = true;
public int compareNextTo(Slice.Bound bound) throws IOException
if (!isReady)
assert !isDone;
return clusteringDeserializer.compareNextTo(bound);
public boolean nextIsRow() throws IOException
if (!isReady)
return UnfilteredSerializer.kind(nextFlags) == Unfiltered.Kind.ROW;
public boolean nextIsStatic() throws IOException
// This exists only for the sake of the OldFormatDeserializer
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public Unfiltered readNext() throws IOException
isReady = false;
if (UnfilteredSerializer.kind(nextFlags) == Unfiltered.Kind.RANGE_TOMBSTONE_MARKER)
RangeTombstone.Bound bound = clusteringDeserializer.deserializeNextBound();
return UnfilteredSerializer.serializer.deserializeMarkerBody(in, header, bound);
return UnfilteredSerializer.serializer.deserializeRowBody(in, header, helper, nextFlags, nextExtendedFlags, builder);
public void skipNext() throws IOException
isReady = false;
if (UnfilteredSerializer.kind(nextFlags) == Unfiltered.Kind.RANGE_TOMBSTONE_MARKER)
public void clearState()
isReady = false;
isDone = false;
public long bytesReadForUnconsumedData()
// In theory, hasNext() does consume 2-3 bytes, but we don't care about this for the current file format so returning
// 0 to mean "do nothing".
return 0;
public static class OldFormatDeserializer extends UnfilteredDeserializer
private final boolean readAllAsDynamic;
private boolean skipStatic;
// The next Unfiltered to return, computed by hasNext()
private Unfiltered next;
// A temporary storage for an unfiltered that isn't returned next but should be looked at just afterwards
private Unfiltered saved;
private boolean isFirst = true;
// The Unfiltered as read from the old format input
private final UnfilteredIterator iterator;
// The position in the input after the last data consumption (readNext/skipNext).
private long lastConsumedPosition;
// Tracks the size of the last LegacyAtom read from disk, because this needs to be accounted
// for when marking lastConsumedPosition after readNext/skipNext
private long bytesReadForNextAtom;
private OldFormatDeserializer(CFMetaData metadata,
DataInputPlus in,
SerializationHelper helper,
DeletionTime partitionDeletion,
boolean readAllAsDynamic)
super(metadata, in, helper);
this.iterator = new UnfilteredIterator(metadata, partitionDeletion, helper, this::readAtom);
this.readAllAsDynamic = readAllAsDynamic;
this.lastConsumedPosition = currentPosition();
private LegacyLayout.LegacyAtom readAtom()
long pos = currentPosition();
LegacyLayout.LegacyAtom atom = LegacyLayout.readLegacyAtom(metadata, in, readAllAsDynamic);
bytesReadForNextAtom = currentPosition() - pos;
return atom;
catch (IOException e)
throw new IOError(e);
public void setSkipStatic()
this.skipStatic = true;
private boolean isStatic(Unfiltered unfiltered)
return unfiltered.isRow() && ((Row)unfiltered).isStatic();
public boolean hasNext() throws IOException
while (next == null)
if (saved == null && !iterator.hasNext())
return false;
next = saved == null ? : saved;
saved = null;
// The sstable iterators assume that if there is one, the static row is the first thing this deserializer will return.
// However, in the old format, a range tombstone with an empty start would sort before any static cell. So we should
// detect that case and return the static parts first if necessary.
if (isFirst && iterator.hasNext() && isStatic(iterator.peek()))
saved = next;
next =;
isFirst = false;
// When reading old tables, we sometimes want to skip static data (due to how staticly defined column of compact
// tables are handled).
if (skipStatic && isStatic(next))
next = null;
return true;
catch (IOError e)
if (e.getCause() != null && e.getCause() instanceof IOException)
throw (IOException)e.getCause();
throw e;
public int compareNextTo(Slice.Bound bound) throws IOException
if (!hasNext())
throw new IllegalStateException();
return, bound);
public boolean nextIsRow() throws IOException
if (!hasNext())
throw new IllegalStateException();
return next.isRow();
public boolean nextIsStatic() throws IOException
return nextIsRow() && ((Row)next).isStatic();
private long currentPosition()
// We return a bogus value if the input is not file based, but check we never rely
// on that value in that case in bytesReadForUnconsumedData
return in instanceof FileDataInput ? ((FileDataInput)in).getFilePointer() : 0;
public Unfiltered readNext() throws IOException
if (!hasNext())
throw new IllegalStateException();
Unfiltered toReturn = next;
next = null;
lastConsumedPosition = currentPosition() - bytesReadForNextAtom();
return toReturn;
public void skipNext() throws IOException
if (!hasNext())
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
next = null;
lastConsumedPosition = currentPosition() - bytesReadForNextAtom();
public long bytesReadForUnconsumedData()
if (!(in instanceof FileDataInput))
throw new AssertionError();
return currentPosition() - lastConsumedPosition;
// Reading/skipping an Unfiltered consumes LegacyAtoms from the underlying legacy atom iterator
// e.g. hasNext() -> iterator.hasNext() -> iterator.readRow() ->
// The stop condition of the loop which groups legacy atoms into rows causes that AtomIterator
// to read in the first atom which doesn't belong in the row. So by that point, our position
// is actually past the end of the next Unfiltered. To compensate, we record the size of
// the last LegacyAtom read and subtract it from the current position when we calculate lastConsumedPosition.
// If we don't, then when reading an indexed block, we can over correct and may think that we've
// exhausted the block before we actually have.
private long bytesReadForNextAtom()
// If we've read anything at all then we will have recorded this in bytesReadForNextAtom,
// but being extra careful here just incase this method is called before any reads happen.
return == null ? 0 : bytesReadForNextAtom;
public void clearState()
next = null;
saved = null;
lastConsumedPosition = currentPosition();
// Groups atoms from the input into proper Unfiltered.
// Note: this could use guava AbstractIterator except that we want to be able to clear
// the internal state of the iterator so it's cleaner to do it ourselves.
static class UnfilteredIterator implements PeekingIterator<Unfiltered>
private final AtomIterator atoms;
private final LegacyLayout.CellGrouper grouper;
private final TombstoneTracker tombstoneTracker;
private final CFMetaData metadata;
private final SerializationHelper helper;
private Unfiltered next;
UnfilteredIterator(CFMetaData metadata,
DeletionTime partitionDeletion,
SerializationHelper helper,
Supplier<LegacyLayout.LegacyAtom> atomReader)
this.metadata = metadata;
this.helper = helper;
this.grouper = new LegacyLayout.CellGrouper(metadata, helper);
this.tombstoneTracker = new TombstoneTracker(partitionDeletion);
this.atoms = new AtomIterator(atomReader);
private boolean isRow(LegacyLayout.LegacyAtom atom)
if (atom.isCell())
return true;
LegacyLayout.LegacyRangeTombstone tombstone = atom.asRangeTombstone();
return tombstone.isCollectionTombstone() || tombstone.isRowDeletion(metadata);
public boolean hasNext()
// Note that we loop on next == null because TombstoneTracker.openNew() could return null below or the atom might be shadowed.
while (next == null)
if (atoms.hasNext())
// If there is a range tombstone to open strictly before the next row/RT, we need to return that open (or boundary) marker first.
if (tombstoneTracker.hasOpeningMarkerBefore(atoms.peek()))
next = tombstoneTracker.popOpeningMarker();
// If a range tombstone closes strictly before the next row/RT, we need to return that close (or boundary) marker first.
else if (tombstoneTracker.hasClosingMarkerBefore(atoms.peek()))
next = tombstoneTracker.popClosingMarker();
LegacyLayout.LegacyAtom atom =;
if (tombstoneTracker.isShadowed(atom))
if (isRow(atom))
next = readRow(atom);
else if (tombstoneTracker.hasOpenTombstones())
next = tombstoneTracker.popMarker();
return false;
return next != null;
private Unfiltered readRow(LegacyLayout.LegacyAtom first)
LegacyLayout.CellGrouper grouper = first.isStatic()
? LegacyLayout.CellGrouper.staticGrouper(metadata, helper)
: this.grouper;
// As long as atoms are part of the same row, consume them. Note that the call to addAtom() uses
// atoms.peek() so that the atom is only consumed (by next) if it's part of the row (addAtom returns true)
while (atoms.hasNext() && grouper.addAtom(atoms.peek()))
return grouper.getRow();
public Unfiltered next()
if (!hasNext())
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
Unfiltered toReturn = next;
next = null;
return toReturn;
public Unfiltered peek()
if (!hasNext())
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
return next;
public void clearState()
next = null;
public void remove()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
// Wraps the input of the deserializer to provide an iterator (and skip shadowed atoms).
// Note: this could use guava AbstractIterator except that we want to be able to clear
// the internal state of the iterator so it's cleaner to do it ourselves.
private class AtomIterator implements PeekingIterator<LegacyLayout.LegacyAtom>
private final Supplier<LegacyLayout.LegacyAtom> atomReader;
private boolean isDone;
private LegacyLayout.LegacyAtom next;
private AtomIterator(Supplier<LegacyLayout.LegacyAtom> atomReader)
this.atomReader = atomReader;
public boolean hasNext()
if (isDone)
return false;
if (next == null)
next = atomReader.get();
if (next == null)
isDone = true;
return false;
return true;
public LegacyLayout.LegacyAtom next()
if (!hasNext())
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
LegacyLayout.LegacyAtom toReturn = next;
next = null;
return toReturn;
public LegacyLayout.LegacyAtom peek()
if (!hasNext())
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
return next;
public void clearState()
{ = null;
this.isDone = false;
public void remove()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Tracks which range tombstones are open when deserializing the old format.
* <p>
* This is a bit tricky because in the old of format we could have duplicated tombstones, overlapping ones,
* shadowed ones, etc.., but we should generate from that a "flat" output where at most one non-shadoowed
* range is open at any given time and without empty range.
* <p>
* One consequence of that is that we have to be careful to not generate markers too soon. For instance,
* we might get a range tombstone [1, 1]@3 followed by [1, 10]@5. So if we generate an opening marker on
* the first tombstone (so INCL_START(1)@3), we're screwed when we get to the 2nd range tombstone: we really
* should ignore the first tombstone in that that and generate INCL_START(1)@5 (assuming obviously we don't
* have one more range tombstone starting at 1 in the stream). This is why we have the
* {@link #hasOpeningMarkerBefore} method: in practice, we remember when a marker should be opened, but only
* generate that opening marker when we're sure that we won't get anything shadowing that marker.
* <p>
* For closing marker, we also have a {@link #hasClosingMarkerBefore} because in the old format the closing
* markers comes with the opening one, but we should generate them "in order" in the new format.
private class TombstoneTracker
private final DeletionTime partitionDeletion;
// As explained in the javadoc, we need to wait to generate an opening marker until we're sure we have
// seen anything that could shadow it. So this remember a marker that needs to be opened but hasn't
// been yet. This is truly returned when hasOpeningMarkerBefore tells us it's safe to.
private RangeTombstoneMarker openMarkerToReturn;
// Open tombstones sorted by their closing bound (i.e. first tombstone is the first to close).
// As we only track non-fully-shadowed ranges, the first range is necessarily the currently
// open tombstone (the one with the higher timestamp).
private final SortedSet<LegacyLayout.LegacyRangeTombstone> openTombstones;
public TombstoneTracker(DeletionTime partitionDeletion)
this.partitionDeletion = partitionDeletion;
this.openTombstones = new TreeSet<>((rt1, rt2) ->, rt2.stop.bound));
* Checks if the provided atom is fully shadowed by the open tombstones of this tracker (or the partition deletion).
public boolean isShadowed(LegacyLayout.LegacyAtom atom)
assert !hasClosingMarkerBefore(atom);
long timestamp = atom.isCell() ? atom.asCell().timestamp : atom.asRangeTombstone().deletionTime.markedForDeleteAt();
if (partitionDeletion.deletes(timestamp))
return true;
SortedSet<LegacyLayout.LegacyRangeTombstone> coveringTombstones = isRow(atom) ? openTombstones : openTombstones.tailSet(atom.asRangeTombstone());
return Iterables.any(coveringTombstones, tombstone -> tombstone.deletionTime.deletes(timestamp));
* Whether there is an outstanding opening marker that should be returned before we process the provided row/RT.
public boolean hasOpeningMarkerBefore(LegacyLayout.LegacyAtom atom)
return openMarkerToReturn != null
&&, atom.clustering()) < 0;
public Unfiltered popOpeningMarker()
assert openMarkerToReturn != null;
Unfiltered toReturn = openMarkerToReturn;
openMarkerToReturn = null;
return toReturn;
* Whether the currently open marker closes stricly before the provided row/RT.
public boolean hasClosingMarkerBefore(LegacyLayout.LegacyAtom atom)
return !openTombstones.isEmpty()
&&, atom.clustering()) < 0;
* Returns the unfiltered corresponding to closing the currently open marker (and update the tracker accordingly).
public Unfiltered popClosingMarker()
assert !openTombstones.isEmpty();
Iterator<LegacyLayout.LegacyRangeTombstone> iter = openTombstones.iterator();
LegacyLayout.LegacyRangeTombstone first =;
// If that was the last open tombstone, we just want to close it. Otherwise, we have a boundary with the
// next tombstone
if (!iter.hasNext())
return new RangeTombstoneBoundMarker(first.stop.bound, first.deletionTime);
LegacyLayout.LegacyRangeTombstone next =;
return RangeTombstoneBoundaryMarker.makeBoundary(false, first.stop.bound, first.stop.bound.invert(), first.deletionTime, next.deletionTime);
* Pop whatever next marker needs to be popped. This should be called as many time as necessary (until
* {@link #hasOpenTombstones} returns {@false}) when all atoms have been consumed to "empty" the tracker.
public Unfiltered popMarker()
assert hasOpenTombstones();
return openMarkerToReturn == null ? popClosingMarker() : popOpeningMarker();
* Update the tracker given the provided newly open tombstone. This potentially update openMarkerToReturn
* to account for th new opening.
* Note that this method assumes that:
+ 1) the added tombstone is not fully shadowed: !isShadowed(tombstone).
+ 2) there is no marker to open that open strictly before this new tombstone: !hasOpeningMarkerBefore(tombstone).
+ 3) no opened tombstone closes before that tombstone: !hasClosingMarkerBefore(tombstone).
+ One can check that this is only called after the condition above have been checked in UnfilteredIterator.hasNext above.
public void openNew(LegacyLayout.LegacyRangeTombstone tombstone)
if (openTombstones.isEmpty())
// If we have an openMarkerToReturn, the corresponding RT must be in openTombstones (or we wouldn't know when to close it)
assert openMarkerToReturn == null;
openMarkerToReturn = new RangeTombstoneBoundMarker(tombstone.start.bound, tombstone.deletionTime);
if (openMarkerToReturn != null)
// If the new opening supersedes the one we're about to return, we need to update the one to return.
if (tombstone.deletionTime.supersedes(openMarkerToReturn.openDeletionTime(false)))
openMarkerToReturn = openMarkerToReturn.withNewOpeningDeletionTime(false, tombstone.deletionTime);
// We have no openMarkerToReturn set yet so set it now if needs be.
// Since openTombstones isn't empty, it means we have a currently ongoing deletion. And if the new tombstone
// supersedes that ongoing deletion, we need to close the opening deletion and open with the new one.
DeletionTime currentOpenDeletion = openTombstones.first().deletionTime;
if (tombstone.deletionTime.supersedes(currentOpenDeletion))
openMarkerToReturn = RangeTombstoneBoundaryMarker.makeBoundary(false, tombstone.start.bound.invert(), tombstone.start.bound, currentOpenDeletion, tombstone.deletionTime);
// In all cases, we know !isShadowed(tombstone) so we need to add the tombstone (note however that we may not have set openMarkerToReturn if the
// new tombstone doesn't supersedes the current deletion _but_ extend past the marker currently open)
* Adds a new tombstone to openTombstones, removing anything that would be shadowed by this new tombstone.
private void add(LegacyLayout.LegacyRangeTombstone tombstone)
// First, remove existing tombstone that is shadowed by this tombstone.
Iterator<LegacyLayout.LegacyRangeTombstone> iter = openTombstones.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
LegacyLayout.LegacyRangeTombstone existing =;
// openTombstones is ordered by stop bound and the new tombstone can't be shadowing anything that
// stop after it.
if (, existing.stop.bound) < 0)
// Note that we remove an existing tombstone even if it is equal to the new one because in that case,
// either the existing strictly stops before the new one and we don't want it, or it stops exactly
// like the new one but we're going to inconditionally add the new one anyway.
if (!existing.deletionTime.supersedes(tombstone.deletionTime))
public boolean hasOpenTombstones()
return openMarkerToReturn != null || !openTombstones.isEmpty();
public void clearState()
openMarkerToReturn = null;