blob: 9f568a877394b4e2cc06a7605e072e38631c956c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.index;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import org.junit.Assume;
import org.junit.Test;
import com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.QueryValidationException;
import org.apache.cassandra.Util;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.CQLTester;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.ColumnIdentifier;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.Operator;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.restrictions.IndexRestrictions;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.restrictions.StatementRestrictions;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.schema.IndexTarget;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.ModificationStatement;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.ColumnFamilyStore.FlushReason;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.RowFilter;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle.LifecycleNewTracker;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AbstractType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.Int32Type;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UTF8Type;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.memtable.Memtable;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.UnfilteredPartitionIterator;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.Row;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.Unfiltered;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.InvalidRequestException;
import org.apache.cassandra.index.internal.CassandraIndex;
import org.apache.cassandra.index.transactions.IndexTransaction;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.ColumnMetadata;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.IndexMetadata;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.Indexes;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.TableMetadata;
import org.apache.cassandra.transport.ProtocolVersion;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.concurrent.OpOrder;
import static org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.schema.IndexTarget.CUSTOM_INDEX_OPTION_NAME;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
public class CustomIndexTest extends CQLTester
public void testInsertsOnCfsBackedIndex() throws Throwable
// test to ensure that we don't deadlock when flushing CFS backed custom indexers
// see CASSANDRA-10181
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (a int, b int, c int, d int, PRIMARY KEY (a, b))");
createIndex("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX ON %s(c) USING 'org.apache.cassandra.index.internal.CustomCassandraIndex'");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c, d) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", 0, 0, 0, 2);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c, d) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", 0, 1, 0, 1);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c, d) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", 0, 2, 0, 0);
public void testTruncateWithNonCfsCustomIndex() throws Throwable
// deadlocks and times out the test in the face of the synchronisation
// issues described in the comments on CASSANDRA-9669
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (a int, b int, c int, PRIMARY KEY (a))");
createIndex("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX ON %s(b) USING 'org.apache.cassandra.index.StubIndex'");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 0, 1, 2);
public void indexControlsIfIncludedInBuildOnNewSSTables() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (a int, b int, PRIMARY KEY (a))");
String toInclude = "include";
String toExclude = "exclude";
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX %s ON %%s(b) USING '%s'",
toInclude, IndexIncludedInBuild.class.getName()));
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX %s ON %%s(b) USING '%s'",
toExclude, IndexExcludedFromBuild.class.getName()));
execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)", 0, 0);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, 1);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)", 2, 2);
SecondaryIndexManager indexManager = getCurrentColumnFamilyStore().indexManager;
IndexIncludedInBuild included = (IndexIncludedInBuild)indexManager.getIndexByName(toInclude);
IndexExcludedFromBuild excluded = (IndexExcludedFromBuild)indexManager.getIndexByName(toExclude);
indexManager.rebuildIndexesBlocking(Sets.newHashSet(toInclude, toExclude));
assertEquals(3, included.rowsInserted.size());
public void indexReceivesWriteTimeDeletionsCorrectly() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (a int, b int, c int, d int, PRIMARY KEY (a, b, c))");
String indexName = "test_index";
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX %s ON %%s(d) USING '%s'",
indexName, StubIndex.class.getName()));
execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c, d) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", 0, 0, 0, 0);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c, d) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", 0, 0, 1, 1);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c, d) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", 0, 0, 2, 2);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c, d) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", 0, 1, 3, 3);
SecondaryIndexManager indexManager = getCurrentColumnFamilyStore().indexManager;
StubIndex index = (StubIndex)indexManager.getIndexByName(indexName);
assertEquals(4, index.rowsInserted.size());
execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE a=0 AND b=0");
assertEquals(1, index.rangeTombstones.size());
execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE a=0");
assertEquals(1, index.partitionDeletions.size());
assertEquals(1, index.rangeTombstones.size());
public void nonCustomIndexesRequireExactlyOneTargetColumn() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s(k int, c int, v1 int, v2 int, PRIMARY KEY (k,c))");
assertInvalidMessage("Only CUSTOM indexes support multiple columns", "CREATE INDEX multi_idx on %s(v1,v2)");
assertInvalidMessage("Only CUSTOM indexes can be created without specifying a target column",
"CREATE INDEX no_targets on %s()");
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX multi_idx ON %%s(v1, v2) USING '%s'", StubIndex.class.getName()));
assertIndexCreated("multi_idx", "v1", "v2");
public void rejectDuplicateColumnsInTargetList() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s(k int, c int, v1 int, v2 int, PRIMARY KEY (k,c))");
assertInvalidMessage("Duplicate column 'v1' in index target list",
String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX ON %%s(v1, v1) USING '%s'",
assertInvalidMessage("Duplicate column 'v1' in index target list",
String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX ON %%s(v1, v1, c, c) USING '%s'",
public void requireFullQualifierForFrozenCollectionTargets() throws Throwable
// this is really just to prove that we require the full modifier on frozen collection
// targets whether the index is multicolumn or not
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s(" +
" k int," +
" c int," +
" fmap frozen<map<int, text>>," +
" flist frozen<list<int>>," +
" fset frozen<set<int>>," +
" PRIMARY KEY(k,c))");
assertInvalidMessage("Cannot create keys() index on frozen column fmap. " +
"Frozen collections are immutable and must be fully indexed",
String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX ON %%s(c, keys(fmap)) USING'%s'",
assertInvalidMessage("Cannot create entries() index on frozen column fmap. " +
"Frozen collections are immutable and must be fully indexed",
String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX ON %%s(c, entries(fmap)) USING'%s'",
assertInvalidMessage("Cannot create values() index on frozen column fmap. " +
"Frozen collections are immutable and must be fully indexed",
String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX ON %%s(c, fmap) USING'%s'", StubIndex.class.getName()));
assertInvalidMessage("Cannot create keys() index on frozen column flist. " +
"Frozen collections are immutable and must be fully indexed",
String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX ON %%s(c, keys(flist)) USING'%s'",
assertInvalidMessage("Cannot create entries() index on frozen column flist. " +
"Frozen collections are immutable and must be fully indexed",
String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX ON %%s(c, entries(flist)) USING'%s'",
assertInvalidMessage("Cannot create values() index on frozen column flist. " +
"Frozen collections are immutable and must be fully indexed",
String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX ON %%s(c, flist) USING'%s'", StubIndex.class.getName()));
assertInvalidMessage("Cannot create keys() index on frozen column fset. " +
"Frozen collections are immutable and must be fully indexed",
String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX ON %%s(c, keys(fset)) USING'%s'",
assertInvalidMessage("Cannot create entries() index on frozen column fset. " +
"Frozen collections are immutable and must be fully indexed",
String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX ON %%s(c, entries(fset)) USING'%s'",
assertInvalidMessage("Cannot create values() index on frozen column fset. " +
"Frozen collections are immutable and must be fully indexed",
String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX ON %%s(c, fset) USING'%s'", StubIndex.class.getName()));
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX ON %%s(c, full(fmap)) USING'%s'", StubIndex.class.getName()));
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX ON %%s(c, full(flist)) USING'%s'", StubIndex.class.getName()));
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX ON %%s(c, full(fset)) USING'%s'", StubIndex.class.getName()));
public void defaultIndexNameContainsTargetColumns()
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s(k int, c int, v1 int, v2 int, PRIMARY KEY(k,c))");
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX ON %%s(v1, v2) USING '%s'", StubIndex.class.getName()));
assertEquals(1, getCurrentColumnFamilyStore().metadata().indexes.size());
assertIndexCreated(currentTable() + "_idx", "v1", "v2");
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX ON %%s(c, v1, v2) USING '%s'", StubIndex.class.getName()));
assertEquals(2, getCurrentColumnFamilyStore().metadata().indexes.size());
assertIndexCreated(currentTable() + "_idx_1", "c", "v1", "v2");
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX ON %%s(c, v2) USING '%s'", StubIndex.class.getName()));
assertEquals(3, getCurrentColumnFamilyStore().metadata().indexes.size());
assertIndexCreated(currentTable() + "_idx_2", "c", "v2");
// duplicate the previous index with some additional options and check the name is generated as expected
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX ON %%s(c, v2) USING '%s' WITH OPTIONS = {'foo':'bar'}",
assertEquals(4, getCurrentColumnFamilyStore().metadata().indexes.size());
Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<>();
options.put("foo", "bar");
assertIndexCreated(currentTable() + "_idx_3", options, "c", "v2");
public void createMultiColumnIndexes()
// smoke test for various permutations of multicolumn indexes
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (" +
" pk1 int," +
" pk2 int," +
" c1 int," +
" c2 int," +
" v1 int," +
" v2 int," +
" mval map<text, int>," +
" lval list<int>," +
" sval set<int>," +
" fmap frozen<map<text,int>>," +
" flist frozen<list<int>>," +
" fset frozen<set<int>>," +
" PRIMARY KEY ((pk1, pk2), c1, c2))");
testCreateIndex("idx_1", "pk1", "pk2");
testCreateIndex("idx_2", "pk1", "c1");
testCreateIndex("idx_3", "pk1", "c2");
testCreateIndex("idx_4", "c1", "c2");
testCreateIndex("idx_5", "c2", "v1");
testCreateIndex("idx_6", "v1", "v2");
testCreateIndex("idx_7", "pk2", "c2", "v2");
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX idx_8 ON %%s(" +
" pk1, c1, v1, values(mval), values(sval), values(lval)" +
") USING '%s'",
new HashMap<>(),
ImmutableList.of(indexTarget("pk1", IndexTarget.Type.SIMPLE),
indexTarget("c1", IndexTarget.Type.SIMPLE),
indexTarget("v1", IndexTarget.Type.SIMPLE),
indexTarget("mval", IndexTarget.Type.VALUES),
indexTarget("sval", IndexTarget.Type.VALUES),
indexTarget("lval", IndexTarget.Type.VALUES)));
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX inc_frozen ON %%s(" +
" pk2, c2, v2, full(fmap), full(fset), full(flist)" +
") USING '%s'",
new HashMap<>(),
ImmutableList.of(indexTarget("pk2", IndexTarget.Type.SIMPLE),
indexTarget("c2", IndexTarget.Type.SIMPLE),
indexTarget("v2", IndexTarget.Type.SIMPLE),
indexTarget("fmap", IndexTarget.Type.FULL),
indexTarget("fset", IndexTarget.Type.FULL),
indexTarget("flist", IndexTarget.Type.FULL)));
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX all_teh_things ON %%s(" +
" pk1, pk2, c1, c2, v1, v2, keys(mval), lval, sval, full(fmap), full(fset), full(flist)" +
") USING '%s'",
new HashMap<>(),
ImmutableList.of(indexTarget("pk1", IndexTarget.Type.SIMPLE),
indexTarget("pk2", IndexTarget.Type.SIMPLE),
indexTarget("c1", IndexTarget.Type.SIMPLE),
indexTarget("c2", IndexTarget.Type.SIMPLE),
indexTarget("v1", IndexTarget.Type.SIMPLE),
indexTarget("v2", IndexTarget.Type.SIMPLE),
indexTarget("mval", IndexTarget.Type.KEYS),
indexTarget("lval", IndexTarget.Type.VALUES),
indexTarget("sval", IndexTarget.Type.VALUES),
indexTarget("fmap", IndexTarget.Type.FULL),
indexTarget("fset", IndexTarget.Type.FULL),
indexTarget("flist", IndexTarget.Type.FULL)));
public void createMultiColumnIndexIncludingUserTypeColumn()
String myType = KEYSPACE + '.' + createType("CREATE TYPE %s (a int, b int)");
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, v1 int, v2 frozen<" + myType + ">)");
testCreateIndex("udt_idx", "v1", "v2");
public void createIndexWithoutTargets() throws Throwable
Assume.assumeTrue("Test does not work with different default secondary index",
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s(k int, c int, v1 int, v2 int, PRIMARY KEY(k,c))");
// only allowed for CUSTOM indexes
assertInvalidMessage("Only CUSTOM indexes can be created without specifying a target column",
// parentheses are mandatory
assertInvalidSyntax("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX ON %%s USING '%s'", StubIndex.class.getName());
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX no_targets ON %%s() USING '%s'", StubIndex.class.getName()));
assertIndexCreated("no_targets", new HashMap<>());
public void testCustomIndexExpressionSyntax() throws Throwable
Object[] row = row(0, 0, 0, 0);
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (a int, b int, c int, d int, PRIMARY KEY (a, b))");
String indexName = currentTable() + "_custom_index";
execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c, d) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", row);
assertInvalidMessage(String.format(IndexRestrictions.INDEX_NOT_FOUND, indexName, currentTableMetadata().toString()),
String.format("SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE expr(%s, 'foo bar baz')", indexName));
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX %s ON %%s(c) USING '%s'", indexName, ColumnTargetedIndex.class.getName()));
String.format(IndexRestrictions.INDEX_NOT_FOUND, "no_such_index", currentTableMetadata().toString()),
"SELECT * FROM %s WHERE expr(no_such_index, 'foo bar baz ')");
// simple case
assertRows(execute(String.format("SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE expr(%s, 'foo bar baz')", indexName)), row);
assertRows(execute(String.format("SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE expr(\"%s\", 'foo bar baz')", indexName)), row);
assertRows(execute(String.format("SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE expr(%s, $$foo \" ~~~ bar Baz$$)", indexName)), row);
// multiple expressions on the same index
String.format("SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE expr(%1$s, 'foo') AND expr(%1$s, 'bar')",
// multiple expressions on different indexes
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX other_custom_index ON %%s(d) USING '%s'", ColumnTargetedIndex.class.getName()));
String.format("SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE expr(%s, 'foo') AND expr(other_custom_index, 'bar')",
String.format("SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE expr(%s, 'foo') AND d=0", indexName));
assertRows(execute(String.format("SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE expr(%s, 'foo') AND d=0 ALLOW FILTERING", indexName)), row);
* A {@link StubIndex} that only supports expressions on its target column.
public static final class ColumnTargetedIndex extends StubIndex
private final ColumnMetadata indexedColumn;
public ColumnTargetedIndex(ColumnFamilyStore baseCfs, IndexMetadata metadata)
super(baseCfs, metadata);
indexedColumn = TargetParser.parse(baseCfs.metadata(), metadata).left;
public boolean supportsExpression(ColumnMetadata column, Operator operator)
return column.equals(indexedColumn) && super.supportsExpression(column, operator);
public void customIndexDoesntSupportCustomExpressions() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (a int, b int, c int, d int, PRIMARY KEY (a, b))");
String indexName = currentTable() + "_custom_index";
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX %s ON %%s(c) USING '%s'",
String.format( IndexRestrictions.CUSTOM_EXPRESSION_NOT_SUPPORTED, indexName),
String.format("SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE expr(%s, 'foo bar baz')", indexName));
public void customIndexRejectsExpressionSyntax() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (a int, b int, c int, d int, PRIMARY KEY (a, b))");
String indexName = currentTable() + "_custom_index";
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX %s ON %%s(c) USING '%s'",
"None shall pass",
String.format("SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE expr(%s, 'foo bar baz')", indexName));
public void customExpressionsMustTargetCustomIndex() throws Throwable
Assume.assumeTrue("Test does not work with different default secondary index",
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (a int, b int, c int, d int, PRIMARY KEY (a, b))");
createIndex("CREATE INDEX non_custom_index ON %s(c)");
String.format(IndexRestrictions.NON_CUSTOM_INDEX_IN_EXPRESSION, "non_custom_index"),
"SELECT * FROM %s WHERE expr(non_custom_index, 'c=0')");
public void customExpressionsDisallowedInModifications() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (a int, b int, c int, d int, PRIMARY KEY (a, b))");
String indexName = currentTable() + "_custom_index";
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX %s ON %%s(c) USING '%s'",
indexName, StubIndex.class.getName()));
String.format("DELETE FROM %%s WHERE expr(%s, 'foo bar baz ')", indexName));
String.format("UPDATE %%s SET d=0 WHERE expr(%s, 'foo bar baz ')", indexName));
public void indexSelectionPrefersMostSelectiveIndex() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s(a int, b int, c int, PRIMARY KEY (a))");
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX %s_more_selective ON %%s(b) USING '%s'",
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX %s_less_selective ON %%s(c) USING '%s'",
SettableSelectivityIndex moreSelective =
(SettableSelectivityIndex)getCurrentColumnFamilyStore().indexManager.getIndexByName(currentTable() + "_more_selective");
SettableSelectivityIndex lessSelective =
(SettableSelectivityIndex)getCurrentColumnFamilyStore().indexManager.getIndexByName(currentTable() + "_less_selective");
assertEquals(0, moreSelective.searchersProvided);
assertEquals(0, lessSelective.searchersProvided);
// the more selective index should be chosen
assertEquals(1, moreSelective.searchersProvided);
assertEquals(0, lessSelective.searchersProvided);
// and adjusting the selectivity should have an observable effect
assertEquals(1, moreSelective.searchersProvided);
assertEquals(1, lessSelective.searchersProvided);
public void customExpressionForcesIndexSelection() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s(a int, b int, c int, PRIMARY KEY (a))");
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX %s_more_selective ON %%s(b) USING '%s'",
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX %s_less_selective ON %%s(c) USING '%s'",
SettableSelectivityIndex moreSelective =
(SettableSelectivityIndex)getCurrentColumnFamilyStore().indexManager.getIndexByName(currentTable() + "_more_selective");
SettableSelectivityIndex lessSelective =
(SettableSelectivityIndex)getCurrentColumnFamilyStore().indexManager.getIndexByName(currentTable() + "_less_selective");
assertEquals(0, moreSelective.searchersProvided);
assertEquals(0, lessSelective.searchersProvided);
// without a custom expression, the more selective index should be chosen
assertEquals(1, moreSelective.searchersProvided);
assertEquals(0, lessSelective.searchersProvided);
// when a custom expression is present, its target index should be preferred
execute(String.format("SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE b=0 AND expr(%s_less_selective, 'expression') ALLOW FILTERING", currentTable()));
assertEquals(1, moreSelective.searchersProvided);
assertEquals(1, lessSelective.searchersProvided);
public void testCustomExpressionValueType() throws Throwable
// verify that the type of the expression value is determined by Index::customExpressionValueType
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int, v1 uuid, v2 blob, PRIMARY KEY(k))");
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX int_index ON %%s() USING '%s'",
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX text_index ON %%s() USING '%s'",
execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE expr(text_index, 'foo')");
"Invalid INTEGER constant (99) for \"custom index expression\" of type text",
"SELECT * FROM %s WHERE expr(text_index, 99)");
execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE expr(int_index, 99)");
"Invalid STRING constant (foo) for \"custom index expression\" of type int",
"SELECT * FROM %s WHERE expr(int_index, 'foo')");
public void reloadIndexMetadataOnBaseCfsReload()
// verify that whenever the base table TableMetadata is reloaded, a reload of the index
// metadata is performed
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int, v1 int, PRIMARY KEY(k))");
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX reload_counter ON %%s() USING '%s'",
ColumnFamilyStore cfs = getCurrentColumnFamilyStore();
CountMetadataReloadsIndex index = (CountMetadataReloadsIndex)cfs.indexManager.getIndexByName("reload_counter");
assertEquals(0, index.reloads.get());
// reloading the CFS, even without any metadata changes invokes the index's metadata reload task
assertEquals(1, index.reloads.get());
public void notifyIndexersOfPartitionAndRowRemovalDuringCleanup() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int, c int, v int, PRIMARY KEY (k,c))");
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX cleanup_index ON %%s() USING '%s'", StubIndex.class.getName()));
ColumnFamilyStore cfs = getCurrentColumnFamilyStore();
StubIndex index = (StubIndex)cfs.indexManager.getIndexByName("cleanup_index");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, v) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 0, 0, 0);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, v) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 0, 1, 1);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, v) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 0, 2, 2);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, v) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 3, 3, 3);
assertEquals(4, index.rowsInserted.size());
assertEquals(0, index.partitionDeletions.size());
ReadCommand cmd = Util.cmd(cfs, 0).build();
try (ReadExecutionController executionController = cmd.executionController();
UnfilteredPartitionIterator iterator = cmd.executeLocally(executionController))
cfs.indexManager.deletePartition(, FBUtilities.nowInSeconds());
assertEquals(1, index.partitionDeletions.size());
assertEquals(3, index.rowsDeleted.size());
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
assertEquals(index.rowsDeleted.get(i).clustering(), index.rowsInserted.get(i).clustering());
public void notifyIndexersOfExpiredRowsDuringCompaction() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int, c int, PRIMARY KEY (k,c))");
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX row_ttl_test_index ON %%s() USING '%s'", StubIndex.class.getName()));
ColumnFamilyStore cfs = getCurrentColumnFamilyStore();
StubIndex index = (StubIndex)cfs.indexManager.getIndexByName("row_ttl_test_index");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c) VALUES (?, ?) USING TTL 1", 0, 0);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c) VALUES (?, ?)", 0, 1);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c) VALUES (?, ?)", 0, 2);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c) VALUES (?, ?)", 3, 3);
assertEquals(4, index.rowsInserted.size());
// flush so that we end up with an expiring row in the first sstable
// let the row with the ttl expire, then force a compaction
// the index should have been notified of the expired row
assertEquals(1, index.rowsDeleted.size());
Integer deletedClustering = Int32Type.instance.compose(index.rowsDeleted.get(0).clustering().bufferAt(0));
assertEquals(0, deletedClustering.intValue());
public void validateOptions()
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s(k int, c int, v1 int, v2 int, PRIMARY KEY(k,c))");
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX ON %%s(c, v2) USING '%s' WITH OPTIONS = {'foo':'bar'}",
assertEquals("bar", IndexWithValidateOptions.options.get("foo"));
public void validateOptionsWithTableMetadata()
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s(k int, c int, v1 int, v2 int, PRIMARY KEY(k,c))");
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX ON %%s(c, v2) USING '%s' WITH OPTIONS = {'foo':'bar'}",
TableMetadata table = getCurrentColumnFamilyStore().metadata();
assertEquals(table, IndexWithOverloadedValidateOptions.table);
assertEquals("bar", IndexWithOverloadedValidateOptions.options.get("foo"));
public void testFailing2iFlush() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (pk int PRIMARY KEY, value int)");
createIndex("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ON %s(value) USING 'org.apache.cassandra.index.CustomIndexTest$BrokenCustom2I'");
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
execute("INSERT INTO %s (pk, value) VALUES (?, ?)", i, i);
fail("Exception should have been propagated");
catch (Throwable t)
// SSTables remain uncommitted.
assertEquals(0, getCurrentColumnFamilyStore().getDirectories().getDirectoryForNewSSTables().tryList().length);
public void indexBuildingPagesLargePartitions() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s(k int, c int, v int, PRIMARY KEY(k,c))");
ColumnFamilyStore cfs = getCurrentColumnFamilyStore();
SecondaryIndexManager indexManager = cfs.indexManager;
int totalRows = SimulateConcurrentFlushingIndex.ROWS_IN_PARTITION;
// Insert a single wide partition to be indexed
for (int i = 0; i < totalRows; i++)
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, v) VALUES (0, ?, ?)", i, i);
// Create the index, which won't automatically start building
String indexName = "build_single_partition_idx";
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX %s ON %%s(v) USING '%s'",
indexName, SimulateConcurrentFlushingIndex.class.getName()));
SimulateConcurrentFlushingIndex index = (SimulateConcurrentFlushingIndex) indexManager.getIndexByName(indexName);
// Index the partition with an Indexer which artificially simulates additional concurrent
// flush activity by periodically issuing barriers on the read & write op groupings
DecoratedKey targetKey = getCurrentColumnFamilyStore().decorateKey(ByteBufferUtil.bytes(0));
indexManager.indexPartition(targetKey, Collections.singleton(index), totalRows / 10);
// When indexing is done check that:
// * The base table's read ordering at finish was > the one at the start (i.e. that
// we didn't hold a single read OpOrder.Group for the whole operation.
// * That multiple write OpOrder.Groups were used to perform the writes to the index
// * That all operations are complete, that none of the relevant OpOrder.Groups are
// marked as blocking progress and that all the barriers' ops are considered done.
assertTrue(index.readOrderingAtFinish.compareTo(index.readOrderingAtStart) > 0);
assertTrue(index.writeGroups.size() > 1);
index.writeGroups.forEach(group -> assertFalse(group.isBlocking()));
index.readBarriers.forEach(b -> assertTrue(b.getSyncPoint().isFinished()));
index.writeBarriers.forEach(b -> {
b.await(); // Keyspace.writeOrder is global, so this might be temporally blocked by other tests
public void partitionIndexTest() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s(k int, c int, v int, s int static, PRIMARY KEY(k,c))");
ColumnFamilyStore cfs = getCurrentColumnFamilyStore();
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, v) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 1, 1, 1);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, v) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 1, 2, 2);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, v) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 1, 3, 3);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c) VALUES (?, ?)", 2, 2);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, v) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 3, 1, 1);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, v) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 3, 2, 2);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, v) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 3, 3, 3);
execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = ? AND c >= ?", 3, 3);
execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = ? AND c <= ?", 3, 1);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, v) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 4, 1, 1);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, v) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 4, 2, 2);
execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = ? AND c = ?", 4, 1);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, v) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 5, 1, 1);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, v) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 5, 2, 2);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, v) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 5, 3, 3);
execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 5);
String indexName = "partition_index_test_idx";
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX %s ON %%s(v) USING '%s'",
indexName, StubIndex.class.getName()));
SecondaryIndexManager indexManager = cfs.indexManager;
StubIndex index = (StubIndex) indexManager.getIndexByName(indexName);
DecoratedKey targetKey;
for (int pageSize = 1; pageSize <= 5; pageSize++)
targetKey = getCurrentColumnFamilyStore().decorateKey(ByteBufferUtil.bytes(1));
indexManager.indexPartition(targetKey, Collections.singleton(index), pageSize);
assertEquals(3, index.rowsInserted.size());
assertEquals(0, index.rangeTombstones.size());
for (int pageSize = 1; pageSize <= 5; pageSize++)
targetKey = getCurrentColumnFamilyStore().decorateKey(ByteBufferUtil.bytes(2));
indexManager.indexPartition(targetKey, Collections.singleton(index), pageSize);
assertEquals(1, index.rowsInserted.size());
assertEquals(0, index.rangeTombstones.size());
for (int pageSize = 1; pageSize <= 5; pageSize++)
targetKey = getCurrentColumnFamilyStore().decorateKey(ByteBufferUtil.bytes(3));
indexManager.indexPartition(targetKey, Collections.singleton(index), pageSize);
assertEquals(1, index.rowsInserted.size());
assertEquals(2, index.rangeTombstones.size());
for (int pageSize = 1; pageSize <= 5; pageSize++)
targetKey = getCurrentColumnFamilyStore().decorateKey(ByteBufferUtil.bytes(5));
indexManager.indexPartition(targetKey, Collections.singleton(index), pageSize);
assertEquals(1, index.partitionDeletions.size());
public void partitionIsNotOverIndexed() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s(k int, c int, v int, PRIMARY KEY(k,c))");
ColumnFamilyStore cfs = getCurrentColumnFamilyStore();
SecondaryIndexManager indexManager = cfs.indexManager;
int totalRows = 1;
// Insert a single row partition to be indexed
for (int i = 0; i < totalRows; i++)
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, v) VALUES (0, ?, ?)", i, i);
// Create the index, which won't automatically start building
String indexName = "partition_overindex_test_idx";
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX %s ON %%s(v) USING '%s'",
indexName, StubIndex.class.getName()));
StubIndex index = (StubIndex) indexManager.getIndexByName(indexName);
// Index the partition
DecoratedKey targetKey = getCurrentColumnFamilyStore().decorateKey(ByteBufferUtil.bytes(0));
indexManager.indexPartition(targetKey, Collections.singleton(index), totalRows);
// Assert only one partition is counted
assertEquals(1, index.beginCalls);
assertEquals(1, index.finishCalls);
public void rangeTombstoneTest() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s(k int, c int, v int, v2 int, PRIMARY KEY(k,c))");
ColumnFamilyStore cfs = getCurrentColumnFamilyStore();
SecondaryIndexManager indexManager = cfs.indexManager;
// Insert a single range tombstone
execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k=1 and c > 2");
// Create the index, which won't automatically start building
String indexName = "range_tombstone_idx";
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX %s ON %%s(v) USING '%s'",
indexName, StubIndex.class.getName()));
String indexName2 = "range_tombstone_idx2";
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX %s ON %%s(v2) USING '%s'",
indexName2, StubIndex.class.getName()));
StubIndex index = (StubIndex) indexManager.getIndexByName(indexName);
StubIndex index2 = (StubIndex) indexManager.getIndexByName(indexName2);
// Index the partition
DecoratedKey targetKey = getCurrentColumnFamilyStore().decorateKey(ByteBufferUtil.bytes(1));
indexManager.indexPartition(targetKey, Sets.newHashSet(index, index2), 1);
// and both indexes should have the same range tombstone
assertEquals(index.rangeTombstones, index2.rangeTombstones);
// Used for index creation above
public static class BrokenCustom2I extends StubIndex
public BrokenCustom2I(ColumnFamilyStore baseCfs, IndexMetadata metadata)
super(baseCfs, metadata);
public Callable<?> getBlockingFlushTask()
throw new RuntimeException("Broken2I");
private void testCreateIndex(String indexName, String... targetColumnNames)
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX %s ON %%s(%s) USING '%s'",
indexName, String.join(",", targetColumnNames), StubIndex.class.getName()));
assertIndexCreated(indexName, targetColumnNames);
private void assertIndexCreated(String name, String... targetColumnNames)
assertIndexCreated(name, new HashMap<>(), targetColumnNames);
private void assertIndexCreated(String name, Map<String, String> options, String... targetColumnNames)
List<IndexTarget> targets =
.map(s -> new IndexTarget(ColumnIdentifier.getInterned(s, true), IndexTarget.Type.SIMPLE))
assertIndexCreated(name, options, targets);
private void assertIndexCreated(String name, Map<String, String> options, List<IndexTarget> targets)
// all tests here use StubIndex as the custom index class,
// so add that to the map of options
options.put(CUSTOM_INDEX_OPTION_NAME, StubIndex.class.getName());
IndexMetadata expected = IndexMetadata.fromIndexTargets(targets, name, IndexMetadata.Kind.CUSTOM, options);
Indexes indexes = getCurrentColumnFamilyStore().metadata().indexes;
for (IndexMetadata actual : indexes)
if (actual.equals(expected))
fail(String.format("Index %s not found", expected));
private static IndexTarget indexTarget(String name, IndexTarget.Type type)
return new IndexTarget(ColumnIdentifier.getInterned(name, true), type);
public static final class CountMetadataReloadsIndex extends StubIndex
private final AtomicInteger reloads = new AtomicInteger(0);
public CountMetadataReloadsIndex(ColumnFamilyStore baseCfs, IndexMetadata metadata)
super(baseCfs, metadata);
public void reset()
public Callable<?> getMetadataReloadTask(IndexMetadata indexMetadata)
return reloads::incrementAndGet;
public static final class IndexIncludedInBuild extends StubIndex
public IndexIncludedInBuild(ColumnFamilyStore baseCfs, IndexMetadata metadata)
super(baseCfs, metadata);
public boolean shouldBuildBlocking()
return true;
public static final class UTF8ExpressionIndex extends StubIndex
public UTF8ExpressionIndex(ColumnFamilyStore baseCfs, IndexMetadata metadata)
super(baseCfs, metadata);
public AbstractType<?> customExpressionValueType()
return UTF8Type.instance;
public static final class Int32ExpressionIndex extends StubIndex
public Int32ExpressionIndex(ColumnFamilyStore baseCfs, IndexMetadata metadata)
super(baseCfs, metadata);
public AbstractType<?> customExpressionValueType()
return Int32Type.instance;
public static final class SettableSelectivityIndex extends StubIndex
private int searchersProvided = 0;
private long estimatedResultRows = 0;
public SettableSelectivityIndex(ColumnFamilyStore baseCfs, IndexMetadata metadata)
super(baseCfs, metadata);
public void setEstimatedResultRows(long estimate)
estimatedResultRows = estimate;
public long getEstimatedResultRows()
return estimatedResultRows;
public Searcher searcherFor(ReadCommand command)
return super.searcherFor(command);
public static final class IndexExcludedFromBuild extends StubIndex
public IndexExcludedFromBuild(ColumnFamilyStore baseCfs, IndexMetadata metadata)
super(baseCfs, metadata);
public boolean shouldBuildBlocking()
return false;
public static final class NoCustomExpressionsIndex extends StubIndex
public NoCustomExpressionsIndex(ColumnFamilyStore baseCfs, IndexMetadata metadata)
super(baseCfs, metadata);
public AbstractType<?> customExpressionValueType()
return null;
public static final class AlwaysRejectIndex extends StubIndex
public AlwaysRejectIndex(ColumnFamilyStore baseCfs, IndexMetadata metadata)
super(baseCfs, metadata);
public void validate(ReadCommand command) throws InvalidRequestException
throw new InvalidRequestException("None shall pass");
public Searcher searcherFor(ReadCommand command)
throw new InvalidRequestException("None shall pass (though I'd have expected to fail faster)");
public static final class IndexWithValidateOptions extends StubIndex
public static Map<String, String> options;
public IndexWithValidateOptions(ColumnFamilyStore baseCfs, IndexMetadata metadata)
super(baseCfs, metadata);
public static Map<String, String> validateOptions(Map<String, String> options)
IndexWithValidateOptions.options = options;
return new HashMap<>();
public static final class IndexWithOverloadedValidateOptions extends StubIndex
public static TableMetadata table;
public static Map<String, String> options;
public IndexWithOverloadedValidateOptions(ColumnFamilyStore baseCfs, IndexMetadata metadata)
super(baseCfs, metadata);
public static Map<String, String> validateOptions(Map<String, String> options, TableMetadata table)
IndexWithOverloadedValidateOptions.options = options;
IndexWithOverloadedValidateOptions.table = table;
return new HashMap<>();
public static final class SimulateConcurrentFlushingIndex extends StubIndex
ColumnFamilyStore baseCfs;
AtomicInteger indexedRowCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
OpOrder.Group readOrderingAtStart = null;
OpOrder.Group readOrderingAtFinish = null;
Set<OpOrder.Group> writeGroups = new HashSet<>();
List<OpOrder.Barrier> readBarriers = new ArrayList<>();
List<OpOrder.Barrier> writeBarriers = new ArrayList<>();
static final int ROWS_IN_PARTITION = 1000;
public SimulateConcurrentFlushingIndex(ColumnFamilyStore baseCfs, IndexMetadata metadata)
super(baseCfs, metadata);
this.baseCfs = baseCfs;
// When indexing an entire partition 2 potential problems can be caused by
// whilst holding a single read & a single write OpOrder.Group.
// * By holding a write group too long, flushes are blocked
// * Holding a read group for too long prevents the memory from flushed memtables
// from being reclaimed.
// See CASSANDRA-12796 for details.
// To test that the index builder pages through a large partition, using
// finer grained OpOrder.Groups we write a "large" partition to disk, then
// kick off an index build on it, using this indexer.
// To simulate concurrent flush activity, we periodically issue barriers on
// the current read and write groups.
// When we're done indexing the partition, the test checks the states of the
// various OpOrder.Groups, which it can obtain from this index.
public Indexer indexerFor(final DecoratedKey key,
RegularAndStaticColumns columns,
long nowInSec,
WriteContext ctx,
IndexTransaction.Type transactionType,
Memtable memtable)
CassandraWriteContext cassandraWriteContext = (CassandraWriteContext) ctx;
if (readOrderingAtStart == null)
readOrderingAtStart = baseCfs.readOrdering.getCurrent();
return new Indexer()
public void begin()
// to simulate other activity on base table during indexing, issue
// barriers on the read and write orderings. This is analogous to
// what happens when other flushes are being processed during the
// indexing of a partition
OpOrder.Barrier readBarrier = baseCfs.readOrdering.newBarrier();
OpOrder.Barrier writeBarrier = Keyspace.writeOrder.newBarrier();
public void insertRow(Row row)
public void finish()
// we've indexed all rows in the target partition,
// grab the read OpOrder.Group for the base CFS so
// we can compare it with the starting group
if (indexedRowCount.get() < ROWS_IN_PARTITION)
readOrderingAtFinish = baseCfs.readOrdering.getCurrent();
public void partitionDelete(DeletionTime deletionTime) { }
public void rangeTombstone(RangeTombstone tombstone) { }
public void updateRow(Row oldRowData, Row newRowData) { }
public void removeRow(Row row) { }
public void testFlushObserver() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int, c int, s int static, v int, PRIMARY KEY (k, c))");
String indexName = "test_index_with_flush_observer";
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX %s ON %%s(v) USING '%s'",
indexName, IndexWithFlushObserver.class.getName()));
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, s, v) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", 0, 0, 0, 0);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, s, v) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", 0, 1, 1, 1);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, s, v) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", 1, 0, 2, 2);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, s, v) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", 1, 1, 3, 3);
ColumnFamilyStore cfs = getCurrentColumnFamilyStore();
SecondaryIndexManager indexManager = cfs.indexManager;
IndexWithFlushObserver index = (IndexWithFlushObserver) indexManager.getIndexByName(indexName);
assertEquals(0, index.beginFlushCalls.get());
assertEquals(0, index.flushedPartitions.get());
assertEquals(0, index.flushedStaticRows.get());
assertEquals(0, index.flushedUnfiltereds.get());
assertEquals(0, index.completeFlushCalls.get());
assertEquals(1, index.beginFlushCalls.get());
assertEquals(2, index.flushedPartitions.get());
assertEquals(2, index.flushedStaticRows.get());
assertEquals(4, index.flushedUnfiltereds.get());
assertEquals(1, index.completeFlushCalls.get());
execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k=?", 0);
execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k=? AND c>=?", 1, 1);
assertEquals(1, index.beginFlushCalls.get());
assertEquals(2, index.flushedPartitions.get());
assertEquals(0, index.flushedStaticRows.get()); // flushed data has no static values..
assertEquals(2, index.flushedUnfiltereds.get());
assertEquals(1, index.completeFlushCalls.get());
* A {@link StubIndex} using a {@link SSTableFlushObserver} that just keeps count of operations.
public static final class IndexWithFlushObserver extends StubIndex
AtomicInteger beginFlushCalls = new AtomicInteger();
AtomicInteger flushedPartitions = new AtomicInteger();
AtomicInteger flushedStaticRows = new AtomicInteger();
AtomicInteger flushedUnfiltereds = new AtomicInteger();
AtomicInteger completeFlushCalls = new AtomicInteger();
public IndexWithFlushObserver(ColumnFamilyStore baseCfs, IndexMetadata metadata)
super(baseCfs, metadata);
public void reset()
public SSTableFlushObserver getFlushObserver(Descriptor descriptor, LifecycleNewTracker tracker)
return new SSTableFlushObserver() {
public void begin()
public void startPartition(DecoratedKey key, long keyPosition, long keyPositionForSASI)
public void staticRow(Row staticRow)
public void nextUnfilteredCluster(Unfiltered unfiltered)
public void complete()
* Verify that writes for indexes in the same {@link Index.Group} are grouped.
public void testGroupedWrites() throws Throwable
// create the schema with two indexes in the same group
String indexClassName = IndexWithSharedGroup.class.getName();
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int, c int, s int static, v int, PRIMARY KEY (k,c))");
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX grouped_index_c ON %%s(c) USING '%s'", indexClassName));
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX grouped_index_v ON %%s(v) USING '%s'", indexClassName));
// retrieve the indexes and their shared group
ColumnFamilyStore cfs = getCurrentColumnFamilyStore();
SecondaryIndexManager indexManager = cfs.indexManager;
StubIndex index1 = (IndexWithSharedGroup) indexManager.getIndexByName("grouped_index_c");
StubIndex index2 = (IndexWithSharedGroup) indexManager.getIndexByName("grouped_index_v");
IndexWithSharedGroup.Group group = indexManager.listIndexGroups()
.filter(g -> g instanceof IndexWithSharedGroup.Group)
.map(g -> (IndexWithSharedGroup.Group) g)
// verify that row insertions get to the index group and they are propagated to their members
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, v) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 0, 0, 0);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, v) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 0, 1, 1);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, v) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 1, 0, 3);
assertEquals(3, group.rowsInserted.get());
assertEquals(3, index1.rowsInserted.size());
assertEquals(3, index2.rowsInserted.size());
// verify that row updates get to the index group and they are propagated to their members
execute("UPDATE %s SET v=? WHERE k=? AND c=?", 10, 0, 0);
execute("UPDATE %s SET v=? WHERE k=? AND c=?", 10, 1, 0);
assertEquals(2, group.rowsUpdated.get());
assertEquals(2, index1.rowsUpdated.size());
assertEquals(2, index2.rowsUpdated.size());
// verify that partition deletions get to the index group and its members
ReadCommand cmd = Util.cmd(cfs, 0).build();
try (ReadExecutionController executionController = cmd.executionController();
UnfilteredPartitionIterator iterator = cmd.executeLocally(executionController))
cfs.indexManager.deletePartition(, FBUtilities.nowInSeconds());
assertEquals(1, group.partitionDeletions.get());
assertEquals(1, index1.partitionDeletions.size());
assertEquals(1, index2.partitionDeletions.size());
// verify that the row deletions produced by the previous partition deletion get to the group and its members
assertEquals(2, group.rowsDeleted.get());
assertEquals(2, index1.rowsDeleted.size());
assertEquals(2, index2.rowsDeleted.size());
// verify that range tombstones get to the index group and its members
execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k=? AND c>?", 0, 0);
execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k=? AND c>?", 1, 1);
assertEquals(2, group.rangeTombstones.get());
assertEquals(2, index1.rangeTombstones.size());
assertEquals(2, index2.rangeTombstones.size());
// verify the total number of begin calls
assertEquals(10, group.beginCalls.get());
assertEquals(10, index1.beginCalls);
assertEquals(10, index2.beginCalls);
// verify the total number of finish calls
assertEquals(10, group.finishCalls.get());
assertEquals(10, index1.finishCalls);
assertEquals(10, index2.finishCalls);
// flush the previous data to get rid of it, reset the group counters and flush a new memtable
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, s) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, 0);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, v) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 1, 0, 0);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, v) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 1, 1, 0);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, v) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 2, 0, 0);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, v) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 2, 1, 0);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, c, v) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 2, 2, 0);
execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k=? AND c=?", 2, 3);
execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE k=?", 3);
// verify that the flush observer calls get only once to the group
assertEquals(1, group.beginFlushCalls.get());
assertEquals(3, group.flushedPartitions.get());
assertEquals(3, group.flushedStaticRows.get());
assertEquals(6, group.flushedUnfiltereds.get());
assertEquals(1, group.completeFlushCalls.get());
// verify that the index rebuilds can be directed only to the first index
assertEquals(8, group.rowsInserted.get());
assertEquals(8, index1.rowsInserted.size());
assertEquals(0, index2.rowsInserted.size());
// verify that the index rebuilds can be directed only to the second index
assertEquals(8, group.rowsInserted.get());
assertEquals(0, index1.rowsInserted.size());
assertEquals(8, index2.rowsInserted.size());
public void testIndexGroupsInstancesManagement() throws Throwable
Assume.assumeTrue("Test does not work with different default secondary index",
String indexClassName = IndexWithSharedGroup.class.getName();
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, v1 int, v2 int, v3 int, v4 int, v5 int)");
SecondaryIndexManager indexManager = getCurrentColumnFamilyStore().indexManager;
// create two indexes belonging to the same group and verify that only one group is added to the manager
String idx1 = createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX ON %%s(v1) USING '%s'", indexClassName));
String idx2 = createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX ON %%s(v2) USING '%s'", indexClassName));
Supplier<IndexWithSharedGroup.Group> groupSupplier =
() -> indexManager.listIndexGroups().stream()
.filter(g -> g instanceof IndexWithSharedGroup.Group)
.map(g -> (IndexWithSharedGroup.Group) g)
IndexWithSharedGroup.Group group = groupSupplier.get();
// verify that only one group has been added to the manager
assertEquals(2, indexManager.listIndexes().size());
assertEquals(1, indexManager.listIndexGroups().size());
assertEquals(2, group.indexes.size());
// create two indexes belonging to their own singleton group and verify that two groups are added to the manager
String idx3 = createIndex("CREATE INDEX ON %s(v3)");
String idx4 = createIndex("CREATE INDEX ON %s(v4)");
assertEquals(4, indexManager.listIndexes().size());
assertEquals(3, indexManager.listIndexGroups().size());
// create another index to the shared group and verify that they are added to the existing group instance
String idx5 = createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX ON %%s(v5) USING '%s'", indexClassName));
assertEquals(5, indexManager.listIndexes().size());
assertEquals(3, indexManager.listIndexGroups().size());
assertEquals(3, group.indexes.size());
// drop one of the shared group members and verify that the manager still has the same group count
dropIndex("DROP INDEX %s." + idx1);
assertEquals(4, indexManager.listIndexes().size());
assertEquals(3, indexManager.listIndexGroups().size());
assertEquals(2, group.indexes.size());
// drop the standalone indexes and verify that their singleton groups are removed from the manager
dropIndex("DROP INDEX %s." + idx3);
dropIndex("DROP INDEX %s." + idx4);
assertEquals(2, indexManager.listIndexes().size());
assertEquals(1, indexManager.listIndexGroups().size());
// drop the remaining members of the shared group and verify that it no longer exists in the manager
dropIndex("DROP INDEX %s." + idx2);
dropIndex("DROP INDEX %s." + idx5);
assertEquals(0, indexManager.listIndexes().size());
assertEquals(0, indexManager.listIndexGroups().size());
assertEquals(0, group.indexes.size());
// create the sharing group members again and verify that they are added to a new group instance
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX %s ON %%s(v1) USING '%s'", idx1, indexClassName));
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX %s ON %%s(v2) USING '%s'", idx2, indexClassName));
createIndex(String.format("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX %s ON %%s(v3) USING '%s'", idx3, indexClassName));
IndexWithSharedGroup.Group newGroup = indexManager.listIndexGroups()
.filter(g -> g instanceof IndexWithSharedGroup.Group)
.map(g -> (IndexWithSharedGroup.Group) g)
assertEquals(3, indexManager.listIndexes().size());
assertEquals(1, indexManager.listIndexGroups().size());
assertEquals(3, newGroup.indexes.size());
* {@link StubIndex} implementation that uses the same {@link Index.Group} for all its instances.
* That group keeps count of the calls and passes them to its members.
public static final class IndexWithSharedGroup extends StubIndex
public IndexWithSharedGroup(ColumnFamilyStore baseCfs, IndexMetadata metadata)
super(baseCfs, metadata);
public boolean shouldBuildBlocking()
return true;
public void register(IndexRegistry registry)
registry.registerIndex(this, new Group.Key(Group.class), Group::new);
public void unregister(IndexRegistry registry)
registry.unregisterIndex(this, new Group.Key(Group.class));
private static class Group implements Index.Group
Map<String, IndexWithSharedGroup> indexes = Maps.newConcurrentMap();
AtomicInteger beginCalls = new AtomicInteger();
AtomicInteger finishCalls = new AtomicInteger();
AtomicInteger partitionDeletions = new AtomicInteger();
AtomicInteger rangeTombstones = new AtomicInteger();
AtomicInteger rowsInserted = new AtomicInteger();
AtomicInteger rowsDeleted = new AtomicInteger();
AtomicInteger rowsUpdated = new AtomicInteger();
AtomicInteger beginFlushCalls = new AtomicInteger();
AtomicInteger flushedPartitions = new AtomicInteger();
AtomicInteger flushedStaticRows = new AtomicInteger();
AtomicInteger flushedUnfiltereds = new AtomicInteger();
AtomicInteger completeFlushCalls = new AtomicInteger();
public void reset()
public Set<Index> getIndexes()
return ImmutableSet.copyOf(indexes.values());
public void addIndex(Index index)
indexes.put(index.getIndexMetadata().name, (IndexWithSharedGroup) index);
public void removeIndex(Index index)
public boolean containsIndex(Index index)
return indexes.containsKey(index.getIndexMetadata().name);
public boolean isSingleton()
return false;
public Index.Indexer indexerFor(Predicate<Index> indexSelector,
DecoratedKey key,
RegularAndStaticColumns columns,
long nowInSec,
WriteContext context,
IndexTransaction.Type transactionType,
Memtable memtable)
Set<Index.Indexer> indexers = indexes.values()
.map(i -> i.indexerFor(key, columns, nowInSec, context, transactionType, memtable))
return indexers.isEmpty() ? null : new Index.Indexer() {
public void begin()
public void partitionDelete(DeletionTime deletionTime)
indexers.forEach(indexer -> indexer.partitionDelete(deletionTime));
public void rangeTombstone(RangeTombstone tombstone)
indexers.forEach(indexer -> indexer.rangeTombstone(tombstone));
public void insertRow(Row row)
indexers.forEach(indexer -> indexer.insertRow(row));
public void removeRow(Row row)
indexers.forEach(indexer -> indexer.removeRow(row));
public void updateRow(Row oldRow, Row newRow)
indexers.forEach(indexer -> indexer.updateRow(oldRow, newRow));
public void finish()
public QueryPlan queryPlanFor(RowFilter rowFilter)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public SSTableFlushObserver getFlushObserver(Descriptor descriptor, LifecycleNewTracker tracker, TableMetadata tableMetadata)
Set<SSTableFlushObserver> observers = indexes.values()
.map(i -> i.getFlushObserver(descriptor, tracker))
return new SSTableFlushObserver() {
public void begin()
public void startPartition(DecoratedKey key, long position, long keyPositionForSASI)
observers.forEach(o -> o.startPartition(key, position, keyPositionForSASI));
public void staticRow(Row staticRow)
observers.forEach(o -> o.staticRow(staticRow));
public void nextUnfilteredCluster(Unfiltered unfiltered)
observers.forEach(o -> o.nextUnfilteredCluster(unfiltered));
public void complete()
public Set<Component> getComponents()
return Collections.emptySet();