blob: 399b522a9837a37224b69090322a0c75160fcb9c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.apache.cassandra.distributed.test;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.apache.cassandra.distributed.Cluster;
import org.apache.cassandra.distributed.api.ConsistencyLevel;
import static org.apache.cassandra.distributed.shared.AssertUtils.assertRows;
import static org.apache.cassandra.distributed.shared.AssertUtils.row;
public class SinglePartitionReadCommandTest extends TestBaseImpl
public void testNonCompactTableWithOnlyUpdatedColumnOnOneNodeAndColumnDeletionOnTheOther() throws Throwable
try (Cluster cluster = init(builder().withNodes(2).start()))
cluster.schemaChange(withKeyspace("CREATE TABLE %s.tbl (pk int, ck text, v1 int, v2 int, PRIMARY KEY (pk, ck)) WITH dclocal_read_repair_chance=0"));
cluster.get(1).executeInternal(withKeyspace("UPDATE %s.tbl USING TIMESTAMP 1000 SET v1 = 1, v2 = 2 WHERE pk = 1 AND ck = '1'"));
cluster.get(1).executeInternal(withKeyspace("UPDATE %s.tbl USING TIMESTAMP 1001 SET v1 = 1, v2 = 2 WHERE pk = 2 AND ck = '1'"));
cluster.get(2).executeInternal(withKeyspace("DELETE v1 FROM %s.tbl USING TIMESTAMP 2000 WHERE pk=1 AND ck='1'"));
cluster.get(2).executeInternal(withKeyspace("DELETE v1 FROM %s.tbl USING TIMESTAMP 2001 WHERE pk=2 AND ck='1'"));
cluster.get(2).executeInternal(withKeyspace("DELETE v2 FROM %s.tbl USING TIMESTAMP 3000 WHERE pk=2 AND ck='1'"));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT * FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=1 AND ck='1'"), ConsistencyLevel.ALL),
row(1, "1", null, 2));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT v1 FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=1 AND ck='1'"), ConsistencyLevel.ALL),
row((Integer) null));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT v2 FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=1 AND ck='1'"), ConsistencyLevel.ALL),
row((Integer) 2));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT * FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=2 AND ck='1'"), ConsistencyLevel.ALL));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT v1 FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=2 AND ck='1'"), ConsistencyLevel.ALL));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT v2 FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=2 AND ck='1'"), ConsistencyLevel.ALL));
public void testNonCompactTableWithRowOnOneNodeAndColumnDeletionOnTheOther() throws Throwable
try (Cluster cluster = init(builder().withNodes(2).start()))
cluster.schemaChange(withKeyspace("CREATE TABLE %s.tbl (pk int, ck text, v int, PRIMARY KEY (pk, ck))"));
cluster.get(1).executeInternal(withKeyspace("INSERT INTO %s.tbl (pk, ck, v) VALUES (1, '1', 1) USING TIMESTAMP 1000"));
cluster.get(1).executeInternal(withKeyspace("UPDATE %s.tbl USING TIMESTAMP 2000 SET v = 2 WHERE pk = 1 AND ck = '1'"));
cluster.get(2).executeInternal(withKeyspace("DELETE v FROM %s.tbl USING TIMESTAMP 3000 WHERE pk=1 AND ck='1'"));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT * FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=1 AND ck='1'"), ConsistencyLevel.ALL),
row(1, "1", null));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT v FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=1 AND ck='1'"), ConsistencyLevel.ALL),
row((Integer) null));
public void testCompactTableWithRowOnOneNodeAndColumnDeletionOnTheOther() throws Throwable
try (Cluster cluster = init(builder().withNodes(2).start()))
cluster.schemaChange(withKeyspace("CREATE TABLE %s.tbl (pk int PRIMARY KEY, v1 int, v2 int) WITH COMPACT STORAGE"));
cluster.get(1).executeInternal(withKeyspace("INSERT INTO %s.tbl (pk, v1, v2) VALUES (1, 1, 1) USING TIMESTAMP 1000"));
cluster.get(1).executeInternal(withKeyspace("DELETE v1 FROM %s.tbl USING TIMESTAMP 3000 WHERE pk = 1"));
cluster.get(2).executeInternal(withKeyspace("INSERT INTO %s.tbl(pk, v1) VALUES (1, 2) USING TIMESTAMP 2000"));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT * FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=1"), ConsistencyLevel.ALL),
row(1, null, 1));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT v1, v2 FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=1"), ConsistencyLevel.ALL),
row((Integer) null, 1));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT v1 FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=1"), ConsistencyLevel.ALL),
row((Integer) null));
public void testPartitionWithStaticColumnsOnlyOnOneNodeAndColumnDeletionOnTheOther() throws Throwable
try (Cluster cluster = init(builder().withNodes(2).start()))
cluster.schemaChange(withKeyspace("CREATE TABLE %s.tbl (pk int, ck int, s1 int static, s2 int static, v int, PRIMARY KEY (pk, ck)) WITH dclocal_read_repair_chance=0"));
cluster.get(1).executeInternal(withKeyspace("INSERT INTO %s.tbl (pk, s1, s2) VALUES (1, 1, 1) USING TIMESTAMP 1000"));
cluster.get(1).executeInternal(withKeyspace("INSERT INTO %s.tbl (pk, s1, s2) VALUES (2, 1, 1) USING TIMESTAMP 1001"));
cluster.get(1).executeInternal(withKeyspace("UPDATE %s.tbl USING TIMESTAMP 2000 SET s1 = 2 WHERE pk = 1"));
cluster.get(1).executeInternal(withKeyspace("UPDATE %s.tbl USING TIMESTAMP 2001 SET s1 = 2 WHERE pk = 2"));
cluster.get(2).executeInternal(withKeyspace("DELETE s1 FROM %s.tbl USING TIMESTAMP 3000 WHERE pk = 1"));
cluster.get(2).executeInternal(withKeyspace("DELETE s1 FROM %s.tbl USING TIMESTAMP 3001 WHERE pk = 2"));
cluster.get(2).executeInternal(withKeyspace("DELETE s2 FROM %s.tbl USING TIMESTAMP 4000 WHERE pk = 2"));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT * FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=1"), ConsistencyLevel.ALL),
row(1, null, null, 1, null));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT s1, s2 FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=1"), ConsistencyLevel.ALL),
row((Integer) null, 1));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT DISTINCT s1, s2 FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=1"), ConsistencyLevel.ALL),
row((Integer) null, 1));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT ck FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=1"), ConsistencyLevel.ALL),
row((Integer) null));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT s1 FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=1"), ConsistencyLevel.ALL),
row((Integer) null));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT DISTINCT s1 FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=1"), ConsistencyLevel.ALL),
row((Integer) null));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT * FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=2"), ConsistencyLevel.ALL));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT s1, s2 FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=2"), ConsistencyLevel.ALL));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT DISTINCT s1, s2 FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=2"), ConsistencyLevel.ALL));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT ck FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=2"), ConsistencyLevel.ALL));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT s1 FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=2"), ConsistencyLevel.ALL));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT DISTINCT s1 FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=2"), ConsistencyLevel.ALL));
public void testNonCompactTableWithEmptyRowOnBothNodes() throws Throwable
try (Cluster cluster = init(builder().withNodes(2).start()))
cluster.schemaChange(withKeyspace("CREATE TABLE %s.tbl (pk int, ck text, v int, PRIMARY KEY (pk, ck))"));
cluster.coordinator(1).execute(withKeyspace("INSERT INTO %s.tbl (pk, ck, v) VALUES (1, '1', 1) USING TIMESTAMP 1000"), ConsistencyLevel.ALL);
cluster.coordinator(1).execute(withKeyspace("DELETE v FROM %s.tbl USING TIMESTAMP 2000 WHERE pk=1 AND ck='1'"), ConsistencyLevel.ALL);
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT * FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=1 AND ck='1'"), ConsistencyLevel.ALL),
row(1, "1", null));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT v FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=1 AND ck='1'"), ConsistencyLevel.ALL),
row((Integer) null));
public void testCompactAndNonCompactTableWithRowOnOneNodeAndRowDeletionOnTheOther() throws Throwable
for (String options : new String[] {"WITH COMPACT STORAGE", ""})
try (Cluster cluster = init(builder().withNodes(2).start()))
cluster.schemaChange(withKeyspace("CREATE TABLE %s.tbl (pk int, ck text, v int, PRIMARY KEY (pk, ck)) " + options));
cluster.get(1).executeInternal(withKeyspace("INSERT INTO %s.tbl (pk, ck, v) VALUES (1, '1', 1) USING TIMESTAMP 1000"));
cluster.get(1).executeInternal(withKeyspace("INSERT INTO %s.tbl (pk, ck, v) VALUES (2, '1', 1) USING TIMESTAMP 1001"));
cluster.get(1).executeInternal(withKeyspace("UPDATE %s.tbl USING TIMESTAMP 2000 SET v = 2 WHERE pk = 1 AND ck = '1'"));
cluster.get(1).executeInternal(withKeyspace("INSERT INTO %s.tbl (pk, ck, v) VALUES (2, '2', 2) USING TIMESTAMP 3001"));
cluster.get(2).executeInternal(withKeyspace("DELETE FROM %s.tbl USING TIMESTAMP 2001 WHERE pk=2 AND ck='1'"));
cluster.get(2).executeInternal(withKeyspace("DELETE FROM %s.tbl USING TIMESTAMP 3000 WHERE pk=1 AND ck='1'"));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT * FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=1 AND ck='1'"), ConsistencyLevel.ALL));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT v FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=1 AND ck='1'"), ConsistencyLevel.ALL));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT * FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=2 AND ck='1'"), ConsistencyLevel.ALL,
row(2, "2", 2)));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT v FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=2 AND ck='1'"), ConsistencyLevel.ALL,
public void testNonCompactTableWithRowOnOneNodeMissingAColumnAndColumnDeletionOnTheOther() throws Throwable
try (Cluster cluster = init(builder().withNodes(2).start()))
cluster.schemaChange(withKeyspace("CREATE TABLE %s.tbl (pk int, ck text, v1 int, v2 int, PRIMARY KEY (pk, ck))"));
cluster.get(1).executeInternal(withKeyspace("INSERT INTO %s.tbl (pk, ck, v1, v2) VALUES (1, '1', 1, 1) USING TIMESTAMP 1000"));
cluster.get(1).executeInternal(withKeyspace("INSERT INTO %s.tbl (pk, ck, v1) VALUES (1, '1', 2) USING TIMESTAMP 2000"));
cluster.get(2).executeInternal(withKeyspace("DELETE v1 FROM %s.tbl USING TIMESTAMP 3000 WHERE pk=1 AND ck='1'"));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT * FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=1 AND ck='1'"), ConsistencyLevel.ALL),
row(1, "1", null, 1));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT v1 FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=1 AND ck='1'"), ConsistencyLevel.ALL),
row((Integer) null));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT v2 FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=1 AND ck='1'"), ConsistencyLevel.ALL),
public void testCompactAndNonCompactTableWithRowOnOneNodeAndRangeDeletionOnTheOther() throws Throwable
for (String options : new String[] {"WITH COMPACT STORAGE", ""})
try (Cluster cluster = init(builder().withNodes(2).start()))
withKeyspace("CREATE TABLE %s.tbl (pk int, ck text, v int, PRIMARY KEY (pk, ck)) " + options));
withKeyspace("INSERT INTO %s.tbl (pk, ck, v) VALUES (1, '1', 1) USING TIMESTAMP 1000"));
withKeyspace("INSERT INTO %s.tbl (pk, ck, v) VALUES (1, '2', 2) USING TIMESTAMP 1001"));
withKeyspace("INSERT INTO %s.tbl (pk, ck, v) VALUES (2, '1', 1) USING TIMESTAMP 1001"));
withKeyspace("UPDATE %s.tbl USING TIMESTAMP 2000 SET v = 2 WHERE pk = 1 AND ck = '1'"));
withKeyspace("INSERT INTO %s.tbl (pk, ck, v) VALUES (2, '2', 2) USING TIMESTAMP 3001"));
withKeyspace("DELETE FROM %s.tbl USING TIMESTAMP 2001 WHERE pk=2 AND ck >= '1' AND ck < '2'"));
withKeyspace("DELETE FROM %s.tbl USING TIMESTAMP 3000 WHERE pk=1 AND ck >= '1'"));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT * FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=1 AND ck='1'"),
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT v FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=1 AND ck='1'"),
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT * FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=1 AND ck='2'"),
ConsistencyLevel.ALL, row(1, "2", 2)));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT v FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=1 AND ck='2'"),
ConsistencyLevel.ALL, row(2)));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT * FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=1 AND ck='1'"),
ConsistencyLevel.ALL, row(2, "2", 2)));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(2).execute(withKeyspace("SELECT v FROM %s.tbl WHERE pk=1 AND ck='1'"),
ConsistencyLevel.ALL, row(2)));