blob: 45db2f6c94f71578399d3b9315677641ccbabab6 [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.TypeSizes;
* An immutable set of closed intervals, stored in normalized form (i.e. where overlapping intervals are converted
* to a single interval covering both).
* The set is stored as a sorted map from interval starts to the corresponding end. The map satisfies
* {@code curr().getKey() <= curr().getValue() < next().getKey()}
public class IntervalSet<T extends Comparable<T>>
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
private static final IntervalSet EMPTY = new IntervalSet(ImmutableSortedMap.of());
final private NavigableMap<T, T> ranges;
private IntervalSet(ImmutableSortedMap<T, T> ranges)
this.ranges = ranges;
* Construct new set containing the interval with the given start and end position.
public IntervalSet(T start, T end)
this(ImmutableSortedMap.of(start, end));
public static <T extends Comparable<T>> IntervalSet<T> empty()
return EMPTY;
public boolean contains(T position)
// closed (i.e. inclusive) intervals
Map.Entry<T, T> range = ranges.floorEntry(position);
return range != null && position.compareTo(range.getValue()) <= 0;
public boolean isEmpty()
return ranges.isEmpty();
public Optional<T> lowerBound()
return isEmpty() ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(ranges.firstKey());
public Optional<T> upperBound()
return isEmpty() ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(ranges.lastEntry().getValue());
public Collection<T> starts()
return ranges.keySet();
public Collection<T> ends()
return ranges.values();
public String toString()
return ranges.toString();
public int hashCode()
return ranges.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object obj)
return obj instanceof IntervalSet && ranges.equals(((IntervalSet<?>) obj).ranges);
public static final <T extends Comparable<T>> ISerializer<IntervalSet<T>> serializer(ISerializer<T> pointSerializer)
return new ISerializer<IntervalSet<T>>()
public void serialize(IntervalSet<T> intervals, DataOutputPlus out) throws IOException
for (Map.Entry<T, T> en : intervals.ranges.entrySet())
pointSerializer.serialize(en.getKey(), out);
pointSerializer.serialize(en.getValue(), out);
public IntervalSet<T> deserialize(DataInputPlus in) throws IOException
int count = in.readInt();
NavigableMap<T, T> ranges = new TreeMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
ranges.put(pointSerializer.deserialize(in), pointSerializer.deserialize(in));
return new IntervalSet<T>(ImmutableSortedMap.copyOfSorted(ranges));
public long serializedSize(IntervalSet<T> intervals)
long size = TypeSizes.sizeof(intervals.ranges.size());
for (Map.Entry<T, T> en : intervals.ranges.entrySet())
size += pointSerializer.serializedSize(en.getKey());
size += pointSerializer.serializedSize(en.getValue());
return size;
* Builder of interval sets, applying the necessary normalization while adding ranges.
* Data is stored as above, as a sorted map from interval starts to the corresponding end, which satisfies
* {@code curr().getKey() <= curr().getValue() < next().getKey()}
static public class Builder<T extends Comparable<T>>
final NavigableMap<T, T> ranges;
public Builder()
this.ranges = new TreeMap<>();
public Builder(T start, T end)
assert start.compareTo(end) <= 0;
ranges.put(start, end);
* Add an interval to the set and perform normalization.
public void add(T start, T end)
assert start.compareTo(end) <= 0;
// extend ourselves to cover any ranges we overlap
// record directly preceding our end may extend past us, so take the max of our end and its
Map.Entry<T, T> extend = ranges.floorEntry(end);
if (extend != null && extend.getValue().compareTo(end) > 0)
end = extend.getValue();
// record directly preceding our start may extend into us; if it does, we take it as our start
extend = ranges.lowerEntry(start);
if (extend != null && extend.getValue().compareTo(start) >= 0)
start = extend.getKey();
// remove all covered intervals
// since we have adjusted start and end to cover the ones that would be only partially covered, we
// are certain that anything whose start falls within the span is completely covered
ranges.subMap(start, end).clear();
// add the new interval
ranges.put(start, end);
public void addAll(IntervalSet<T> otherSet)
for (Map.Entry<T, T> en : otherSet.ranges.entrySet())
add(en.getKey(), en.getValue());
public IntervalSet<T> build()
return new IntervalSet<T>(ImmutableSortedMap.copyOfSorted(ranges));