blob: a1158bef7d180f7e840fa654ee4ecbc7d7b2ddd7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import org.cliffc.high_scale_lib.NonBlockingHashMap;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.codahale.metrics.Timer;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.Mutation;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.CommitLog.Configuration;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.PartitionUpdate;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.CLibrary;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.concurrent.OpOrder;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.concurrent.WaitQueue;
import static org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities.updateChecksumInt;
* A single commit log file on disk. Manages creation of the file and writing mutations to disk,
* as well as tracking the last mutation position of any "dirty" CFs covered by the segment file. Segment
* files are initially allocated to a fixed size and can grow to accomidate a larger value if necessary.
public abstract class CommitLogSegment
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CommitLogSegment.class);
private final static long idBase;
private CDCState cdcState = CDCState.PERMITTED;
public enum CDCState {
Object cdcStateLock = new Object();
private final static AtomicInteger nextId = new AtomicInteger(1);
private static long replayLimitId;
long maxId = Long.MIN_VALUE;
for (File file : new File(DatabaseDescriptor.getCommitLogLocation()).listFiles())
if (CommitLogDescriptor.isValid(file.getName()))
maxId = Math.max(CommitLogDescriptor.fromFileName(file.getName()).id, maxId);
replayLimitId = idBase = Math.max(System.currentTimeMillis(), maxId + 1);
// The commit log entry overhead in bytes (int: length + int: head checksum + int: tail checksum)
public static final int ENTRY_OVERHEAD_SIZE = 4 + 4 + 4;
// The commit log (chained) sync marker/header size in bytes (int: length + int: checksum [segmentId, position])
static final int SYNC_MARKER_SIZE = 4 + 4;
// The OpOrder used to order appends wrt sync
private final OpOrder appendOrder = new OpOrder();
private final AtomicInteger allocatePosition = new AtomicInteger();
// Everything before this offset has been synced and written. The SYNC_MARKER_SIZE bytes after
// each sync are reserved, and point forwards to the next such offset. The final
// sync marker in a segment will be zeroed out, or point to a position too close to the EOF to fit a marker.
private volatile int lastSyncedOffset;
// The end position of the buffer. Initially set to its capacity and updated to point to the last written position
// as the segment is being closed.
// No need to be volatile as writes are protected by appendOrder barrier.
private int endOfBuffer;
// a signal for writers to wait on to confirm the log message they provided has been written to disk
private final WaitQueue syncComplete = new WaitQueue();
// a map of Cf->dirty position; this is used to permit marking Cfs clean whilst the log is still in use
private final NonBlockingHashMap<UUID, AtomicInteger> cfDirty = new NonBlockingHashMap<>(1024);
// a map of Cf->clean position; this is used to permit marking Cfs clean whilst the log is still in use
private final ConcurrentHashMap<UUID, AtomicInteger> cfClean = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public final long id;
final File logFile;
final FileChannel channel;
final int fd;
protected final AbstractCommitLogSegmentManager manager;
ByteBuffer buffer;
private volatile boolean headerWritten;
final CommitLog commitLog;
public final CommitLogDescriptor descriptor;
static CommitLogSegment createSegment(CommitLog commitLog, AbstractCommitLogSegmentManager manager, Runnable onClose)
Configuration config = commitLog.configuration;
CommitLogSegment segment = config.useEncryption() ? new EncryptedSegment(commitLog, manager, onClose)
: config.useCompression() ? new CompressedSegment(commitLog, manager, onClose)
: new MemoryMappedSegment(commitLog, manager);
return segment;
* Checks if the segments use a buffer pool.
* @param commitLog the commit log
* @return <code>true</code> if the segments use a buffer pool, <code>false</code> otherwise.
static boolean usesBufferPool(CommitLog commitLog)
Configuration config = commitLog.configuration;
return config.useEncryption() || config.useCompression();
static long getNextId()
return idBase + nextId.getAndIncrement();
* Constructs a new segment file.
CommitLogSegment(CommitLog commitLog, AbstractCommitLogSegmentManager manager)
this.commitLog = commitLog;
this.manager = manager;
id = getNextId();
descriptor = new CommitLogDescriptor(id,
logFile = new File(manager.storageDirectory, descriptor.fileName());
channel =, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.READ, StandardOpenOption.CREATE);
fd = CLibrary.getfd(channel);
catch (IOException e)
throw new FSWriteError(e, logFile);
buffer = createBuffer(commitLog);
* Deferred writing of the commit log header until subclasses have had a chance to initialize
void writeLogHeader()
CommitLogDescriptor.writeHeader(buffer, descriptor, additionalHeaderParameters());
endOfBuffer = buffer.capacity();
lastSyncedOffset = buffer.position();
allocatePosition.set(lastSyncedOffset + SYNC_MARKER_SIZE);
headerWritten = true;
* Provide any additional header data that should be stored in the {@link CommitLogDescriptor}.
protected Map<String, String> additionalHeaderParameters()
return Collections.<String, String>emptyMap();
abstract ByteBuffer createBuffer(CommitLog commitLog);
* Allocate space in this buffer for the provided mutation, and return the allocated Allocation object.
* Returns null if there is not enough space in this segment, and a new segment is needed.
@SuppressWarnings("resource") //we pass the op order around
Allocation allocate(Mutation mutation, int size)
final OpOrder.Group opGroup = appendOrder.start();
int position = allocate(size);
if (position < 0)
return null;
markDirty(mutation, position);
return new Allocation(this, opGroup, position, (ByteBuffer) buffer.duplicate().position(position).limit(position + size));
catch (Throwable t)
throw t;
static boolean shouldReplay(String name)
return CommitLogDescriptor.fromFileName(name).id < replayLimitId;
static void resetReplayLimit()
replayLimitId = getNextId();
// allocate bytes in the segment, or return -1 if not enough space
private int allocate(int size)
while (true)
int prev = allocatePosition.get();
int next = prev + size;
if (next >= endOfBuffer)
return -1;
if (allocatePosition.compareAndSet(prev, next))
assert buffer != null;
return prev;
// ensures no more of this segment is writeable, by allocating any unused section at the end and marking it discarded
void discardUnusedTail()
// We guard this with the OpOrdering instead of synchronised due to potential dead-lock with CLSM.advanceAllocatingFrom()
// Ensures endOfBuffer update is reflected in the buffer end position picked up by sync().
// This actually isn't strictly necessary, as currently all calls to discardUnusedTail are executed either by the thread
// running sync or within a mutation already protected by this OpOrdering, but to prevent future potential mistakes,
// we duplicate the protection here so that the contract between discardUnusedTail() and sync() is more explicit.
try (OpOrder.Group group = appendOrder.start())
while (true)
int prev = allocatePosition.get();
int next = endOfBuffer + 1;
if (prev >= next)
// Already stopped allocating, might also be closed.
assert buffer == null || prev == buffer.capacity() + 1;
if (allocatePosition.compareAndSet(prev, next))
// Stopped allocating now. Can only succeed once, no further allocation or discardUnusedTail can succeed.
endOfBuffer = prev;
assert buffer != null && next == buffer.capacity() + 1;
* Wait for any appends or discardUnusedTail() operations started before this method was called
void waitForModifications()
// issue a barrier and wait for it
* Forces a disk flush for this segment file.
synchronized void sync()
if (!headerWritten)
throw new IllegalStateException("commit log header has not been written");
boolean close = false;
// check we have more work to do
if (allocatePosition.get() <= lastSyncedOffset + SYNC_MARKER_SIZE)
// Note: Even if the very first allocation of this sync section failed, we still want to enter this
// to ensure the segment is closed. As allocatePosition is set to 1 beyond the capacity of the buffer,
// this will always be entered when a mutation allocation has been attempted after the marker allocation
// succeeded in the previous sync.
assert buffer != null; // Only close once.
int startMarker = lastSyncedOffset;
// Allocate a new sync marker; this is both necessary in itself, but also serves to demarcate
// the point at which we can safely consider records to have been completely written to.
int nextMarker = allocate(SYNC_MARKER_SIZE);
if (nextMarker < 0)
// Ensure no more of this CLS is writeable, and mark ourselves for closing.
close = true;
// We use the buffer size as the synced position after a close instead of the end of the actual data
// to make sure we only close the buffer once.
// The endOfBuffer position may be incorrect at this point (to be written by another stalled thread).
nextMarker = buffer.capacity();
// Wait for mutations to complete as well as endOfBuffer to have been written.
int sectionEnd = close ? endOfBuffer : nextMarker;
// Possibly perform compression or encryption, writing to file and flush.
write(startMarker, sectionEnd);
// Signal the sync as complete.
lastSyncedOffset = nextMarker;
if (close)
* Create a sync marker to delineate sections of the commit log, typically created on each sync of the file.
* The sync marker consists of a file pointer to where the next sync marker should be (effectively declaring the length
* of this section), as well as a CRC value.
* @param buffer buffer in which to write out the sync marker.
* @param offset Offset into the {@code buffer} at which to write the sync marker.
* @param filePos The current position in the target file where the sync marker will be written (most likely different from the buffer position).
* @param nextMarker The file position of where the next sync marker should be.
protected void writeSyncMarker(ByteBuffer buffer, int offset, int filePos, int nextMarker)
if (filePos > nextMarker)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("commit log sync marker's current file position %d is greater than next file position %d", filePos, nextMarker));
CRC32 crc = new CRC32();
updateChecksumInt(crc, (int) (id & 0xFFFFFFFFL));
updateChecksumInt(crc, (int) (id >>> 32));
updateChecksumInt(crc, filePos);
buffer.putInt(offset, nextMarker);
buffer.putInt(offset + 4, (int) crc.getValue());
abstract void write(int lastSyncedOffset, int nextMarker);
public boolean isStillAllocating()
return allocatePosition.get() < endOfBuffer;
* @return the current CommitLogPosition for this log segment
public CommitLogPosition getCurrentCommitLogPosition()
return new CommitLogPosition(id, allocatePosition.get());
* @return the file path to this segment
public String getPath()
return logFile.getPath();
* @return the file name of this segment
public String getName()
return logFile.getName();
void waitForFinalSync()
while (true)
WaitQueue.Signal signal = syncComplete.register();
if (lastSyncedOffset < endOfBuffer)
void waitForSync(int position, Timer waitingOnCommit)
while (lastSyncedOffset < position)
WaitQueue.Signal signal = waitingOnCommit != null ?
syncComplete.register(waitingOnCommit.time()) :
if (lastSyncedOffset < position)
* Stop writing to this file, sync and close it. Does nothing if the file is already closed.
synchronized void close()
assert buffer == null;
* Close the segment file. Do not call from outside this class, use syncAndClose() instead.
protected void internalClose()
buffer = null;
catch (IOException e)
throw new FSWriteError(e, getPath());
void markDirty(Mutation mutation, int allocatedPosition)
for (PartitionUpdate update : mutation.getPartitionUpdates())
ensureAtleast(cfDirty, update.metadata().cfId, allocatedPosition);
* Marks the ColumnFamily specified by cfId as clean for this log segment. If the
* given context argument is contained in this file, it will only mark the CF as
* clean if no newer writes have taken place.
* @param cfId the column family ID that is now clean
* @param context the optional clean offset
public synchronized void markClean(UUID cfId, CommitLogPosition context)
if (!cfDirty.containsKey(cfId))
if (context.segmentId == id)
markClean(cfId, context.position);
else if (context.segmentId > id)
markClean(cfId, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
private void markClean(UUID cfId, int position)
ensureAtleast(cfClean, cfId, position);
private static void ensureAtleast(ConcurrentMap<UUID, AtomicInteger> map, UUID cfId, int value)
AtomicInteger i = map.get(cfId);
if (i == null)
AtomicInteger i2 = map.putIfAbsent(cfId, i = new AtomicInteger());
if (i2 != null)
i = i2;
while (true)
int cur = i.get();
if (cur > value)
if (i.compareAndSet(cur, value))
private void removeCleanFromDirty()
// if we're still allocating from this segment, don't touch anything since it can't be done thread-safely
if (isStillAllocating())
Iterator<Map.Entry<UUID, AtomicInteger>> iter = cfClean.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
Map.Entry<UUID, AtomicInteger> clean =;
UUID cfId = clean.getKey();
AtomicInteger cleanPos = clean.getValue();
AtomicInteger dirtyPos = cfDirty.get(cfId);
if (dirtyPos != null && dirtyPos.intValue() <= cleanPos.intValue())
* @return a collection of dirty CFIDs for this segment file.
public synchronized Collection<UUID> getDirtyCFIDs()
if (cfClean.isEmpty() || cfDirty.isEmpty())
return cfDirty.keySet();
List<UUID> r = new ArrayList<>(cfDirty.size());
for (Map.Entry<UUID, AtomicInteger> dirty : cfDirty.entrySet())
UUID cfId = dirty.getKey();
AtomicInteger dirtyPos = dirty.getValue();
AtomicInteger cleanPos = cfClean.get(cfId);
if (cleanPos == null || cleanPos.intValue() < dirtyPos.intValue())
return r;
* @return true if this segment is unused and safe to recycle or delete
public synchronized boolean isUnused()
// if room to allocate, we're still in use as the active allocatingFrom,
// so we don't want to race with updates to cfClean with removeCleanFromDirty
if (isStillAllocating())
return false;
return cfDirty.isEmpty();
* Check to see if a certain CommitLogPosition is contained by this segment file.
* @param context the commit log segment position to be checked
* @return true if the commit log segment position is contained by this segment file.
public boolean contains(CommitLogPosition context)
return context.segmentId == id;
// For debugging, not fast
public String dirtyString()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (UUID cfId : getDirtyCFIDs())
CFMetaData m = Schema.instance.getCFMetaData(cfId);
sb.append(m == null ? "<deleted>" : m.cfName).append(" (").append(cfId).append("), ");
return sb.toString();
abstract public long onDiskSize();
public long contentSize()
return lastSyncedOffset;
public String toString()
return "CommitLogSegment(" + getPath() + ')';
public static class CommitLogSegmentFileComparator implements Comparator<File>
public int compare(File f, File f2)
CommitLogDescriptor desc = CommitLogDescriptor.fromFileName(f.getName());
CommitLogDescriptor desc2 = CommitLogDescriptor.fromFileName(f2.getName());
public CDCState getCDCState()
return cdcState;
* Change the current cdcState on this CommitLogSegment. There are some restrictions on state transitions and this
* method is idempotent.
public void setCDCState(CDCState newState)
if (newState == cdcState)
// Also synchronized in CDCSizeTracker.processNewSegment and .processDiscardedSegment
if (cdcState == CDCState.CONTAINS && newState != CDCState.CONTAINS)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot transition from CONTAINS to any other state.");
if (cdcState == CDCState.FORBIDDEN && newState != CDCState.PERMITTED)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only transition from FORBIDDEN to PERMITTED is allowed.");
cdcState = newState;
* A simple class for tracking information about the portion of a segment that has been allocated to a log write.
protected static class Allocation
private final CommitLogSegment segment;
private final OpOrder.Group appendOp;
private final int position;
private final ByteBuffer buffer;
Allocation(CommitLogSegment segment, OpOrder.Group appendOp, int position, ByteBuffer buffer)
this.segment = segment;
this.appendOp = appendOp;
this.position = position;
this.buffer = buffer;
CommitLogSegment getSegment()
return segment;
ByteBuffer getBuffer()
return buffer;
// markWritten() MUST be called once we are done with the segment or the CL will never flush
// but must not be called more than once
void markWritten()
void awaitDiskSync(Timer waitingOnCommit)
segment.waitForSync(position, waitingOnCommit);
public CommitLogPosition getCommitLogPosition()
return new CommitLogPosition(, buffer.limit());