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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.cassandra.distributed.test;
import java.util.List;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.Keyspace;
import org.apache.cassandra.distributed.Cluster;
import org.apache.cassandra.distributed.api.IInvokableInstance;
import org.apache.cassandra.distributed.api.SimpleQueryResult;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.OverloadedException;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageService;
import static org.apache.cassandra.config.ReplicaFilteringProtectionOptions.DEFAULT_FAIL_THRESHOLD;
import static org.apache.cassandra.config.ReplicaFilteringProtectionOptions.DEFAULT_WARN_THRESHOLD;
import static org.apache.cassandra.distributed.api.ConsistencyLevel.ALL;
import static org.apache.cassandra.distributed.shared.AssertUtils.assertRows;
import static org.apache.cassandra.distributed.shared.AssertUtils.row;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
* Exercises the functionality of {@link org.apache.cassandra.service.reads.ReplicaFilteringProtection}, the
* mechanism that ensures distributed index and filtering queries at read consistency levels > ONE/LOCAL_ONE
* avoid stale replica results.
public class ReplicaFilteringProtectionTest extends TestBaseImpl
private static final int REPLICAS = 2;
private static final int ROWS = 3;
private static Cluster cluster;
public static void setup() throws IOException
cluster = init(
.withConfig(config -> config.set("hinted_handoff_enabled", false)
.set("commitlog_sync", "batch")
.set("num_tokens", 1)).start());
// Make sure we start w/ the correct defaults:
cluster.get(1).runOnInstance(() -> assertEquals(DEFAULT_WARN_THRESHOLD, StorageService.instance.getCachedReplicaRowsWarnThreshold()));
cluster.get(1).runOnInstance(() -> assertEquals(DEFAULT_FAIL_THRESHOLD, StorageService.instance.getCachedReplicaRowsFailThreshold()));
public static void teardown()
public void testMissedUpdatesBelowCachingWarnThreshold()
String tableName = "missed_updates_no_warning";
cluster.schemaChange(withKeyspace("CREATE TABLE %s." + tableName + " (k int PRIMARY KEY, v text)"));
// The warning threshold provided is one more than the total number of rows returned
// to the coordinator from all replicas and therefore should not be triggered.
testMissedUpdates(tableName, REPLICAS * ROWS, Integer.MAX_VALUE, false);
public void testMissedUpdatesAboveCachingWarnThreshold()
String tableName = "missed_updates_cache_warn";
cluster.schemaChange(withKeyspace("CREATE TABLE %s." + tableName + " (k int PRIMARY KEY, v text)"));
// The warning threshold provided is one less than the total number of rows returned
// to the coordinator from all replicas and therefore should be triggered but not fail the query.
testMissedUpdates(tableName, REPLICAS * ROWS - 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE, true);
public void testMissedUpdatesAroundCachingFailThreshold()
String tableName = "missed_updates_cache_fail";
cluster.schemaChange(withKeyspace("CREATE TABLE %s." + tableName + " (k int PRIMARY KEY, v text)"));
// The failure threshold provided is exactly the total number of rows returned
// to the coordinator from all replicas and therefore should just warn.
testMissedUpdates(tableName, 1, REPLICAS * ROWS, true);
// The failure threshold provided is one less than the total number of rows returned
// to the coordinator from all replicas and therefore should fail the query.
testMissedUpdates(tableName, 1, REPLICAS * ROWS - 1, true);
catch (RuntimeException e)
assertEquals(e.getClass().getName(), OverloadedException.class.getName());
private void testMissedUpdates(String tableName, int warnThreshold, int failThreshold, boolean shouldWarn)
cluster.get(1).runOnInstance(() -> StorageService.instance.setCachedReplicaRowsWarnThreshold(warnThreshold));
cluster.get(1).runOnInstance(() -> StorageService.instance.setCachedReplicaRowsFailThreshold(failThreshold));
String fullTableName = KEYSPACE + '.' + tableName;
// Case 1: Insert and query rows at ALL to verify base line.
for (int i = 0; i < ROWS; i++)
cluster.coordinator(1).execute("INSERT INTO " + fullTableName + "(k, v) VALUES (?, 'old')", ALL, i);
long histogramSampleCount = rowsCachedPerQueryCount(cluster.get(1), tableName);
String query = "SELECT * FROM " + fullTableName + " WHERE v = ? LIMIT ? ALLOW FILTERING";
Object[][] initialRows = cluster.coordinator(1).execute(query, ALL, "old", ROWS);
assertRows(initialRows, row(1, "old"), row(0, "old"), row(2, "old"));
// Make sure only one sample was recorded for the query.
assertEquals(histogramSampleCount + 1, rowsCachedPerQueryCount(cluster.get(1), tableName));
// Case 2: Update all rows on only one replica, leaving the entire dataset of the remaining replica out-of-date.
updateAllRowsOn(1, fullTableName, "new");
// The replica that missed the results creates a mismatch at every row, and we therefore cache a version
// of that row for all replicas.
SimpleQueryResult oldResult = cluster.coordinator(1).executeWithResult(query, ALL, "old", ROWS);
verifyWarningState(shouldWarn, oldResult);
// We should have made 3 row "completion" requests.
assertEquals(ROWS, protectionQueryCount(cluster.get(1), tableName));
// In all cases above, the queries should be caching 1 row per partition per replica, but
// 6 for the whole query, given every row is potentially stale.
assertEquals(ROWS * REPLICAS, maxRowsCachedPerQuery(cluster.get(1), tableName));
// Make sure only one more sample was recorded for the query.
assertEquals(histogramSampleCount + 2, rowsCachedPerQueryCount(cluster.get(1), tableName));
// Case 3: Observe the effects of blocking read-repair.
// The previous query peforms a blocking read-repair, which removes replica divergence. This
// will only warn, therefore, if the warning threshold is actually below the number of replicas.
// (i.e. The row cache counter is decremented/reset as each partition is consumed.)
SimpleQueryResult newResult = cluster.coordinator(1).executeWithResult(query, ALL, "new", ROWS);
Object[][] newRows = newResult.toObjectArrays();
assertRows(newRows, row(1, "new"), row(0, "new"), row(2, "new"));
verifyWarningState(warnThreshold < REPLICAS, newResult);
// We still sould only have made 3 row "completion" requests, with no replica divergence in the last query.
assertEquals(ROWS, protectionQueryCount(cluster.get(1), tableName));
// With no replica divergence, we only cache a single partition at a time across 2 replicas.
assertEquals(REPLICAS, minRowsCachedPerQuery(cluster.get(1), tableName));
// Make sure only one more sample was recorded for the query.
assertEquals(histogramSampleCount + 3, rowsCachedPerQueryCount(cluster.get(1), tableName));
// Case 4: Introduce another mismatch by updating all rows on only one replica.
updateAllRowsOn(1, fullTableName, "future");
// Another mismatch is introduced, and we once again cache a version of each row during resolution.
SimpleQueryResult futureResult = cluster.coordinator(1).executeWithResult(query, ALL, "future", ROWS);
Object[][] futureRows = futureResult.toObjectArrays();
assertRows(futureRows, row(1, "future"), row(0, "future"), row(2, "future"));
verifyWarningState(shouldWarn, futureResult);
// We sould have made 3 more row "completion" requests.
assertEquals(ROWS * 2, protectionQueryCount(cluster.get(1), tableName));
// In all cases above, the queries should be caching 1 row per partition, but 6 for the
// whole query, given every row is potentially stale.
assertEquals(ROWS * REPLICAS, maxRowsCachedPerQuery(cluster.get(1), tableName));
// Make sure only one more sample was recorded for the query.
assertEquals(histogramSampleCount + 4, rowsCachedPerQueryCount(cluster.get(1), tableName));
private void updateAllRowsOn(int node, String table, String value)
for (int i = 0; i < ROWS; i++)
cluster.get(node).executeInternal("UPDATE " + table + " SET v = ? WHERE k = ?", value, i);
private void verifyWarningState(boolean shouldWarn, SimpleQueryResult futureResult)
List<String> futureWarnings = futureResult.warnings();
assertEquals(shouldWarn, -> w.contains("cached_replica_rows_warn_threshold")));
assertEquals(shouldWarn ? 1 : 0, futureWarnings.size());
private long protectionQueryCount(IInvokableInstance instance, String tableName)
return instance.callOnInstance(() ->
private long maxRowsCachedPerQuery(IInvokableInstance instance, String tableName)
return instance.callOnInstance(() ->
private long minRowsCachedPerQuery(IInvokableInstance instance, String tableName)
return instance.callOnInstance(() ->
private long rowsCachedPerQueryCount(IInvokableInstance instance, String tableName)
return instance.callOnInstance(() ->