blob: e6ef163af256679145b98006b4d774c3305d2e70 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.cql3.validation.entities;
import java.util.*;
import org.junit.Test;
import com.datastax.driver.core.ColumnDefinitions;
import com.datastax.driver.core.DataType;
import com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSet;
import com.datastax.driver.core.Session;
import com.datastax.driver.core.utils.UUIDs;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.CQLTester;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.ColumnSpecification;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.UntypedResultSet;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UTF8Type;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities;
import static org.apache.cassandra.utils.Clock.Global.nanoTime;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
public class CollectionsTest extends CQLTester
public void testMapBulkRemoval() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, m map<text, text>)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, m) VALUES (?, ?)", 0, map("k1", "v1", "k2", "v2", "k3", "v3"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"),
row(0, map("k1", "v1", "k2", "v2", "k3", "v3"))
execute("UPDATE %s SET m = m - ? WHERE k = ?", set("k2"), 0);
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"),
row(0, map("k1", "v1", "k3", "v3"))
execute("UPDATE %s SET m = m + ?, m = m - ? WHERE k = ?", map("k4", "v4"), set("k3"), 0);
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"),
row(0, map("k1", "v1", "k4", "v4"))
public void testInvalidCollectionsMix() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, l list<text>, s set<text>, m map<text, text>)");
// Note: we force the non-prepared form for some of those tests because a list and a set
// have the same serialized format in practice and CQLTester don't validate that the type
// of what's passed as a value in the prepared case, so the queries would work (which is ok,
// CQLTester is just a "dumb" client).
assertInvalid("UPDATE %s SET l = l + { 'a', 'b' } WHERE k = 0");
assertInvalid("UPDATE %s SET l = l - { 'a', 'b' } WHERE k = 0");
assertInvalid("UPDATE %s SET l = l + ? WHERE k = 0", map("a", "b", "c", "d"));
assertInvalid("UPDATE %s SET l = l - ? WHERE k = 0", map("a", "b", "c", "d"));
assertInvalid("UPDATE %s SET s = s + [ 'a', 'b' ] WHERE k = 0");
assertInvalid("UPDATE %s SET s = s - [ 'a', 'b' ] WHERE k = 0");
assertInvalid("UPDATE %s SET s = s + ? WHERE k = 0", map("a", "b", "c", "d"));
assertInvalid("UPDATE %s SET s = s - ? WHERE k = 0", map("a", "b", "c", "d"));
assertInvalid("UPDATE %s SET m = m + ? WHERE k = 0", list("a", "b"));
assertInvalid("UPDATE %s SET m = m - [ 'a', 'b' ] WHERE k = 0");
assertInvalid("UPDATE %s SET m = m + ? WHERE k = 0", set("a", "b"));
assertInvalid("UPDATE %s SET m = m - ? WHERE k = 0", map("a", "b", "c", "d"));
public void testSets() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, s set<text>)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, s) VALUES (0, ?)", set("v1", "v2", "v3", "v4"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT s FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(set("v1", "v2", "v3", "v4"))
execute("DELETE s[?] FROM %s WHERE k = 0", "v1");
assertRows(execute("SELECT s FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(set("v2", "v3", "v4"))
// Full overwrite
execute("UPDATE %s SET s = ? WHERE k = 0", set("v6", "v5"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT s FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(set("v5", "v6"))
execute("UPDATE %s SET s = s + ? WHERE k = 0", set("v7"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT s FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(set("v5", "v6", "v7"))
execute("UPDATE %s SET s = s - ? WHERE k = 0", set("v6", "v5"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT s FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
execute("UPDATE %s SET s += ? WHERE k = 0", set("v5"));
execute("UPDATE %s SET s += {'v6'} WHERE k = 0");
assertRows(execute("SELECT s FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(set("v5", "v6", "v7"))
execute("UPDATE %s SET s -= ? WHERE k = 0", set("v5"));
execute("UPDATE %s SET s -= {'v6'} WHERE k = 0");
assertRows(execute("SELECT s FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
execute("DELETE s[?] FROM %s WHERE k = 0", set("v7"));
// Deleting an element that does not exist will succeed
execute("DELETE s[?] FROM %s WHERE k = 0", set("v7"));
execute("DELETE s FROM %s WHERE k = 0");
assertRows(execute("SELECT s FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row((Object) null)
public void testMaps() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, m map<text, int>)");
assertInvalidMessage("Value for a map addition has to be a map, but was: '{1}'",
"UPDATE %s SET m = m + {1} WHERE k = 0;");
assertInvalidMessage("Not enough bytes to read a map",
"UPDATE %s SET m += ? WHERE k = 0", set("v1"));
assertInvalidMessage("Value for a map substraction has to be a set, but was: '{'v1': 1}'",
"UPDATE %s SET m = m - {'v1': 1} WHERE k = 0", map("v1", 1));
assertInvalidMessage("Unexpected extraneous bytes after set value",
"UPDATE %s SET m -= ? WHERE k = 0", map("v1", 1));
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, m) VALUES (0, ?)", map("v1", 1, "v2", 2));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(map("v1", 1, "v2", 2))
execute("UPDATE %s SET m[?] = ?, m[?] = ? WHERE k = 0", "v3", 3, "v4", 4);
assertRows(execute("SELECT m FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(map("v1", 1, "v2", 2, "v3", 3, "v4", 4))
execute("DELETE m[?] FROM %s WHERE k = 0", "v1");
assertRows(execute("SELECT m FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(map("v2", 2, "v3", 3, "v4", 4))
// Full overwrite
execute("UPDATE %s SET m = ? WHERE k = 0", map("v6", 6, "v5", 5));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(map("v5", 5, "v6", 6))
execute("UPDATE %s SET m = m + ? WHERE k = 0", map("v7", 7));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(map("v5", 5, "v6", 6, "v7", 7))
execute("UPDATE %s SET m = m - ? WHERE k = 0", set("v7"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(map("v5", 5, "v6", 6))
execute("UPDATE %s SET m += ? WHERE k = 0", map("v7", 7));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(map("v5", 5, "v6", 6, "v7", 7))
execute("UPDATE %s SET m -= ? WHERE k = 0", set("v7"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(map("v5", 5, "v6", 6))
execute("UPDATE %s SET m += {'v7': 7} WHERE k = 0");
assertRows(execute("SELECT m FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(map("v5", 5, "v6", 6, "v7", 7))
execute("UPDATE %s SET m -= {'v7'} WHERE k = 0");
assertRows(execute("SELECT m FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(map("v5", 5, "v6", 6))
execute("DELETE m[?] FROM %s WHERE k = 0", "v6");
assertRows(execute("SELECT m FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(map("v5", 5))
execute("DELETE m[?] FROM %s WHERE k = 0", "v5");
assertRows(execute("SELECT m FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row((Object) null)
// Deleting a non-existing key should succeed
execute("DELETE m[?] FROM %s WHERE k = 0", "v5");
assertRows(execute("SELECT m FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row((Object) null)
// The empty map is parsed as an empty set (because we don't have enough info at parsing
// time when we see a {}) and special cased later. This test checks this work properly
execute("UPDATE %s SET m = {} WHERE k = 0");
assertRows(execute("SELECT m FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
public void testLists() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, l list<text>)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, l) VALUES (0, ?)", list("v1", "v2", "v3"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT l FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row(list("v1", "v2", "v3")));
execute("DELETE l[?] FROM %s WHERE k = 0", 1);
assertRows(execute("SELECT l FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row(list("v1", "v3")));
execute("UPDATE %s SET l[?] = ? WHERE k = 0", 1, "v4");
assertRows(execute("SELECT l FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row(list("v1", "v4")));
// Full overwrite
execute("UPDATE %s SET l = ? WHERE k = 0", list("v6", "v5"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT l FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row(list("v6", "v5")));
execute("UPDATE %s SET l = l + ? WHERE k = 0", list("v7", "v8"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT l FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row(list("v6", "v5", "v7", "v8")));
execute("UPDATE %s SET l = ? + l WHERE k = 0", list("v9"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT l FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row(list("v9", "v6", "v5", "v7", "v8")));
execute("UPDATE %s SET l = l - ? WHERE k = 0", list("v5", "v8"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT l FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row(list("v9", "v6", "v7")));
execute("UPDATE %s SET l += ? WHERE k = 0", list("v8"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT l FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row(list("v9", "v6", "v7", "v8")));
execute("UPDATE %s SET l -= ? WHERE k = 0", list("v6", "v8"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT l FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row(list("v9", "v7")));
execute("DELETE l FROM %s WHERE k = 0");
assertRows(execute("SELECT l FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row((Object) null));
assertInvalidMessage("Attempted to delete an element from a list which is null",
"DELETE l[0] FROM %s WHERE k=0 ");
assertInvalidMessage("Attempted to set an element on a list which is null",
"UPDATE %s SET l[0] = ? WHERE k=0", list("v10"));
execute("UPDATE %s SET l = l - ? WHERE k=0", list("v11"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT l FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row((Object) null));
execute("UPDATE %s SET l = l + ? WHERE k = 0", list("v1", "v2", "v1", "v2", "v1", "v2"));
execute("UPDATE %s SET l = l - ? WHERE k=0", list("v1", "v2"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT l FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row((Object) null));
public void testMapWithUnsetValues() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, m map<text,text>)");
// set up
Object m = map("k", "v");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, m) VALUES (10, ?)", m);
assertRows(execute("SELECT m FROM %s WHERE k = 10"),
// test putting an unset map, should not delete the contents
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, m) VALUES (10, ?)", unset());
assertRows(execute("SELECT m FROM %s WHERE k = 10"),
// test unset variables in a map update operaiotn, should not delete the contents
execute("UPDATE %s SET m['k'] = ? WHERE k = 10", unset());
assertRows(execute("SELECT m FROM %s WHERE k = 10"),
assertInvalidMessage("Invalid unset map key", "UPDATE %s SET m[?] = 'foo' WHERE k = 10", unset());
// test unset value for map key
assertInvalidMessage("Invalid unset map key", "DELETE m[?] FROM %s WHERE k = 10", unset());
public void testListWithUnsetValues() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, l list<text>)");
// set up
Object l = list("foo", "foo");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, l) VALUES (10, ?)", l);
assertRows(execute("SELECT l FROM %s WHERE k = 10"),
// replace list with unset value
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, l) VALUES (10, ?)", unset());
assertRows(execute("SELECT l FROM %s WHERE k = 10"),
// add to position
execute("UPDATE %s SET l[1] = ? WHERE k = 10", unset());
assertRows(execute("SELECT l FROM %s WHERE k = 10"),
// set in index
assertInvalidMessage("Invalid unset value for list index", "UPDATE %s SET l[?] = 'foo' WHERE k = 10", unset());
// remove element by index
execute("DELETE l[?] FROM %s WHERE k = 10", unset());
assertRows(execute("SELECT l FROM %s WHERE k = 10"),
// remove all occurrences of element
execute("UPDATE %s SET l = l - ? WHERE k = 10", unset());
assertRows(execute("SELECT l FROM %s WHERE k = 10"),
// select with in clause
assertInvalidMessage("Invalid unset value for column k", "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k IN ?", unset());
assertInvalidMessage("Invalid unset value for column k", "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k IN (?)", unset());
public void testSetWithUnsetValues() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, s set<text>)");
Object s = set("bar", "baz", "foo");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, s) VALUES (10, ?)", s);
assertRows(execute("SELECT s FROM %s WHERE k = 10"),
// replace set with unset value
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, s) VALUES (10, ?)", unset());
assertRows(execute("SELECT s FROM %s WHERE k = 10"),
// add to set
execute("UPDATE %s SET s = s + ? WHERE k = 10", unset());
assertRows(execute("SELECT s FROM %s WHERE k = 10"),
// remove all occurrences of element
execute("UPDATE %s SET s = s - ? WHERE k = 10", unset());
assertRows(execute("SELECT s FROM %s WHERE k = 10"),
* Migrated from
public void testSet() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s ( fn text, ln text, tags set<text>, PRIMARY KEY (fn, ln) )");
execute("UPDATE %s SET tags = tags + { 'foo' } WHERE fn='Tom' AND ln='Bombadil'");
execute("UPDATE %s SET tags = tags + { 'bar' } WHERE fn='Tom' AND ln='Bombadil'");
execute("UPDATE %s SET tags = tags + { 'foo' } WHERE fn='Tom' AND ln='Bombadil'");
execute("UPDATE %s SET tags = tags + { 'foobar' } WHERE fn='Tom' AND ln='Bombadil'");
execute("UPDATE %s SET tags = tags - { 'bar' } WHERE fn='Tom' AND ln='Bombadil'");
assertRows(execute("SELECT tags FROM %s"),
row(set("foo", "foobar")));
execute("UPDATE %s SET tags = { 'a', 'c', 'b' } WHERE fn='Bilbo' AND ln='Baggins'");
assertRows(execute("SELECT tags FROM %s WHERE fn='Bilbo' AND ln='Baggins'"),
row(set("a", "b", "c")));
execute("UPDATE %s SET tags = { 'm', 'n' } WHERE fn='Bilbo' AND ln='Baggins'");
assertRows(execute("SELECT tags FROM %s WHERE fn='Bilbo' AND ln='Baggins'"),
row(set("m", "n")));
execute("DELETE tags['m'] FROM %s WHERE fn='Bilbo' AND ln='Baggins'");
assertRows(execute("SELECT tags FROM %s WHERE fn='Bilbo' AND ln='Baggins'"),
execute("DELETE tags FROM %s WHERE fn='Bilbo' AND ln='Baggins'");
assertEmpty(execute("SELECT tags FROM %s WHERE fn='Bilbo' AND ln='Baggins'"));
* Migrated from
public void testMap() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (fn text, ln text, m map<text, int>, PRIMARY KEY (fn, ln))");
execute("UPDATE %s SET m['foo'] = 3 WHERE fn='Tom' AND ln='Bombadil'");
execute("UPDATE %s SET m['bar'] = 4 WHERE fn='Tom' AND ln='Bombadil'");
execute("UPDATE %s SET m['woot'] = 5 WHERE fn='Tom' AND ln='Bombadil'");
execute("UPDATE %s SET m['bar'] = 6 WHERE fn='Tom' AND ln='Bombadil'");
execute("DELETE m['foo'] FROM %s WHERE fn='Tom' AND ln='Bombadil'");
assertRows(execute("SELECT m FROM %s"),
row(map("bar", 6, "woot", 5)));
execute("UPDATE %s SET m = { 'a' : 4 , 'c' : 3, 'b' : 2 } WHERE fn='Bilbo' AND ln='Baggins'");
assertRows(execute("SELECT m FROM %s WHERE fn='Bilbo' AND ln='Baggins'"),
row(map("a", 4, "b", 2, "c", 3)));
execute("UPDATE %s SET m = { 'm' : 4 , 'n' : 1, 'o' : 2 } WHERE fn='Bilbo' AND ln='Baggins'");
assertRows(execute("SELECT m FROM %s WHERE fn='Bilbo' AND ln='Baggins'"),
row(map("m", 4, "n", 1, "o", 2)));
execute("UPDATE %s SET m = {} WHERE fn='Bilbo' AND ln='Baggins'");
assertEmpty(execute("SELECT m FROM %s WHERE fn='Bilbo' AND ln='Baggins'"));
* Migrated from
public void testList() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (fn text, ln text, tags list<text>, PRIMARY KEY (fn, ln))");
execute("UPDATE %s SET tags = tags + [ 'foo' ] WHERE fn='Tom' AND ln='Bombadil'");
execute("UPDATE %s SET tags = tags + [ 'bar' ] WHERE fn='Tom' AND ln='Bombadil'");
execute("UPDATE %s SET tags = tags + [ 'foo' ] WHERE fn='Tom' AND ln='Bombadil'");
execute("UPDATE %s SET tags = tags + [ 'foobar' ] WHERE fn='Tom' AND ln='Bombadil'");
assertRows(execute("SELECT tags FROM %s"),
row(list("foo", "bar", "foo", "foobar")));
execute("UPDATE %s SET tags = [ 'a', 'c', 'b', 'c' ] WHERE fn='Bilbo' AND ln='Baggins'");
assertRows(execute("SELECT tags FROM %s WHERE fn='Bilbo' AND ln='Baggins'"),
row(list("a", "c", "b", "c")));
execute("UPDATE %s SET tags = [ 'm', 'n' ] + tags WHERE fn='Bilbo' AND ln='Baggins'");
assertRows(execute("SELECT tags FROM %s WHERE fn='Bilbo' AND ln='Baggins'"),
row(list("m", "n", "a", "c", "b", "c")));
execute("UPDATE %s SET tags[2] = 'foo', tags[4] = 'bar' WHERE fn='Bilbo' AND ln='Baggins'");
assertRows(execute("SELECT tags FROM %s WHERE fn='Bilbo' AND ln='Baggins'"),
row(list("m", "n", "foo", "c", "bar", "c")));
execute("DELETE tags[2] FROM %s WHERE fn='Bilbo' AND ln='Baggins'");
assertRows(execute("SELECT tags FROM %s WHERE fn='Bilbo' AND ln='Baggins'"),
row(list("m", "n", "c", "bar", "c")));
execute("UPDATE %s SET tags = tags - [ 'bar' ] WHERE fn='Bilbo' AND ln='Baggins'");
assertRows(execute("SELECT tags FROM %s WHERE fn='Bilbo' AND ln='Baggins'"),
row(list("m", "n", "c", "c")));
* Migrated from
public void testMultiCollections() throws Throwable
UUID id = UUID.fromString("b017f48f-ae67-11e1-9096-005056c00008");
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k uuid PRIMARY KEY, L list<int>, M map<text, int>, S set<int> )");
execute("UPDATE %s SET L = [1, 3, 5] WHERE k = ?", id);
execute("UPDATE %s SET L = L + [7, 11, 13] WHERE k = ?;", id);
execute("UPDATE %s SET S = {1, 3, 5} WHERE k = ?", id);
execute("UPDATE %s SET S = S + {7, 11, 13} WHERE k = ?", id);
execute("UPDATE %s SET M = {'foo': 1, 'bar' : 3} WHERE k = ?", id);
execute("UPDATE %s SET M = M + {'foobar' : 4} WHERE k = ?", id);
assertRows(execute("SELECT L, M, S FROM %s WHERE k = ?", id),
row(list(1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13),
map("bar", 3, "foo", 1, "foobar", 4),
set(1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13)));
* Migrated from
public void testCollectionAndRegularColumns() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, l list<int>, c int)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, l, c) VALUES(3, [0, 1, 2], 4)");
execute("UPDATE %s SET l[0] = 1, c = 42 WHERE k = 3");
assertRows(execute("SELECT l, c FROM %s WHERE k = 3"),
row(list(1, 1, 2), 42));
* Migrated from
public void testMultipleLists() throws Throwable
createTable(" CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, l1 list<int>, l2 list<int>)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, l1, l2) VALUES (0, [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6])");
execute("UPDATE %s SET l2[1] = 42, l1[1] = 24 WHERE k = 0");
assertRows(execute("SELECT l1, l2 FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(list(1, 24, 3), list(4, 42, 6)));
* Test you can add columns in a table with collections (#4982 bug),
* migrated from
public void testAlterCollections() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (key int PRIMARY KEY, aset set<text>)");
execute("ALTER TABLE %s ADD c text");
execute("ALTER TABLE %s ADD alist list<text>");
public void testInRestrictionWithCollection() throws Throwable
for (boolean frozen : new boolean[]{true, false})
createTable(frozen ? "CREATE TABLE %s (a int, b int, c int, d frozen<list<int>>, e frozen<map<int, int>>, f frozen<set<int>>, PRIMARY KEY (a, b, c))"
: "CREATE TABLE %s (a int, b int, c int, d list<int>, e map<int, int>, f set<int>, PRIMARY KEY (a, b, c))");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c, d, e, f) VALUES (1, 1, 1, [1, 2], {1: 2}, {1, 2})");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c, d, e, f) VALUES (1, 1, 2, [1, 3], {1: 3}, {1, 3})");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c, d, e, f) VALUES (1, 1, 3, [1, 4], {1: 4}, {1, 4})");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c, d, e, f) VALUES (1, 2, 3, [1, 3], {1: 3}, {1, 3})");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c, d, e, f) VALUES (1, 2, 4, [1, 3], {1: 3}, {1, 3})");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c, d, e, f) VALUES (2, 1, 1, [1, 2], {2: 2}, {1, 2})");
beforeAndAfterFlush(() -> {
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE a in (1,2)"),
row(1, 1, 1, list(1, 2), map(1, 2), set(1, 2)),
row(1, 1, 2, list(1, 3), map(1, 3), set(1, 3)),
row(1, 1, 3, list(1, 4), map(1, 4), set(1, 4)),
row(1, 2, 3, list(1, 3), map(1, 3), set(1, 3)),
row(1, 2, 4, list(1, 3), map(1, 3), set(1, 3)),
row(2, 1, 1, list(1, 2), map(2, 2), set(1, 2)));
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE a = 1 AND b IN (1,2)"),
row(1, 1, 1, list(1, 2), map(1, 2), set(1, 2)),
row(1, 1, 2, list(1, 3), map(1, 3), set(1, 3)),
row(1, 1, 3, list(1, 4), map(1, 4), set(1, 4)),
row(1, 2, 3, list(1, 3), map(1, 3), set(1, 3)),
row(1, 2, 4, list(1, 3), map(1, 3), set(1, 3)));
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE a = 1 AND b = 1 AND c in (1,2)"),
row(1, 1, 1, list(1, 2), map(1, 2), set(1, 2)),
row(1, 1, 2, list(1, 3), map(1, 3), set(1, 3)));
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE a = 1 AND b IN (1, 2) AND c in (1,2,3)"),
row(1, 1, 1, list(1, 2), map(1, 2), set(1, 2)),
row(1, 1, 2, list(1, 3), map(1, 3), set(1, 3)),
row(1, 1, 3, list(1, 4), map(1, 4), set(1, 4)),
row(1, 2, 3, list(1, 3), map(1, 3), set(1, 3)));
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE a = 1 AND b IN (1, 2) AND c in (1,2,3) AND d CONTAINS 4 ALLOW FILTERING"),
row(1, 1, 3, list(1, 4), map(1, 4), set(1, 4)));
* Test for bug #5795,
* migrated from
public void testNonPureFunctionCollection() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, v list<timeuuid>)");
// we just want to make sure this doesn't throw
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (0, [now()])");
* Test for 5805 bug,
* migrated from
public void testCollectionFlush() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, s set<int>)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, s) VALUES (1, {1})");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, s) VALUES (1, {2})");
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"),
row(1, set(2)));
* Test for 6276,
* migrated from
public void testDropAndReaddCollection() throws Throwable
createTable("create table %s (k int primary key, v set<text>, x int)");
execute("insert into %s (k, v) VALUES (0, {'fffffffff'})");
execute("alter table %s drop v");
assertInvalid("alter table %s add v set<int>");
public void testDropAndReaddDroppedCollection() throws Throwable
createTable("create table %s (k int primary key, v set<text>, x int)");
execute("insert into %s (k, v) VALUES (0, {'fffffffff'})");
execute("alter table %s drop v");
execute("alter table %s add v set<text>");
public void testMapWithLargePartition() throws Throwable
Random r = new Random();
long seed = nanoTime();
System.out.println("Seed " + seed);
int len = (1024 * 1024)/100;
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (userid text PRIMARY KEY, properties map<int, text>) with compression = {}");
final int numKeys = 200;
for (int i = 0; i < numKeys; i++)
byte[] b = new byte[len];
execute("UPDATE %s SET properties[?] = ? WHERE userid = 'user'", i, new String(b));
Object[][] rows = getRows(execute("SELECT properties from %s where userid = 'user'"));
assertEquals(1, rows.length);
assertEquals(numKeys, ((Map) rows[0][0]).size());
public void testMapWithTwoSStables() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (userid text PRIMARY KEY, properties map<int, text>) with compression = {}");
final int numKeys = 100;
for (int i = 0; i < numKeys; i++)
execute("UPDATE %s SET properties[?] = ? WHERE userid = 'user'", i, "prop_" + Integer.toString(i));
for (int i = numKeys; i < 2*numKeys; i++)
execute("UPDATE %s SET properties[?] = ? WHERE userid = 'user'", i, "prop_" + Integer.toString(i));
Object[][] rows = getRows(execute("SELECT properties from %s where userid = 'user'"));
assertEquals(1, rows.length);
assertEquals(numKeys * 2, ((Map) rows[0][0]).size());
public void testSetWithTwoSStables() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (userid text PRIMARY KEY, properties set<text>) with compression = {}");
final int numKeys = 100;
for (int i = 0; i < numKeys; i++)
execute("UPDATE %s SET properties = properties + ? WHERE userid = 'user'", set("prop_" + Integer.toString(i)));
for (int i = numKeys; i < 2*numKeys; i++)
execute("UPDATE %s SET properties = properties + ? WHERE userid = 'user'", set("prop_" + Integer.toString(i)));
Object[][] rows = getRows(execute("SELECT properties from %s where userid = 'user'"));
assertEquals(1, rows.length);
assertEquals(numKeys * 2, ((Set) rows[0][0]).size());
public void testUpdateStaticList() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k1 text, k2 text, s_list list<int> static, PRIMARY KEY (k1, k2))");
execute("insert into %s (k1, k2) VALUES ('a','b')");
execute("update %s set s_list = s_list + [0] where k1='a'");
assertRows(execute("select s_list from %s where k1='a'"), row(list(0)));
execute("update %s set s_list[0] = 100 where k1='a'");
assertRows(execute("select s_list from %s where k1='a'"), row(list(100)));
execute("update %s set s_list = s_list + [0] where k1='a'");
assertRows(execute("select s_list from %s where k1='a'"), row(list(100, 0)));
execute("delete s_list[0] from %s where k1='a'");
assertRows(execute("select s_list from %s where k1='a'"), row(list(0)));
public void testListWithElementsBiggerThan64K() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, l list<text>)");
byte[] bytes = new byte[FBUtilities.MAX_UNSIGNED_SHORT + 10];
Arrays.fill(bytes, (byte) 1);
String largeText = new String(bytes);
bytes = new byte[FBUtilities.MAX_UNSIGNED_SHORT + 10];
Arrays.fill(bytes, (byte) 2);
String largeText2 = new String(bytes);
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, l) VALUES (0, ?)", list(largeText, "v2"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT l FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row(list(largeText, "v2")));
execute("DELETE l[?] FROM %s WHERE k = 0", 0);
assertRows(execute("SELECT l FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row(list("v2")));
execute("UPDATE %s SET l[?] = ? WHERE k = 0", 0, largeText);
assertRows(execute("SELECT l FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row(list(largeText)));
// Full overwrite
execute("UPDATE %s SET l = ? WHERE k = 0", list("v1", largeText));
assertRows(execute("SELECT l FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row(list("v1", largeText)));
execute("UPDATE %s SET l = l + ? WHERE k = 0", list("v2", largeText2));
assertRows(execute("SELECT l FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row(list("v1", largeText, "v2", largeText2)));
execute("UPDATE %s SET l = l - ? WHERE k = 0", list(largeText, "v2"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT l FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row(list("v1", largeText2)));
execute("DELETE l FROM %s WHERE k = 0");
assertRows(execute("SELECT l FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row((Object) null));
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, l) VALUES (0, ['" + largeText + "', 'v2'])");
assertRows(execute("SELECT l FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row(list(largeText, "v2")));
public void testMapsWithElementsBiggerThan64K() throws Throwable
byte[] bytes = new byte[FBUtilities.MAX_UNSIGNED_SHORT + 10];
Arrays.fill(bytes, (byte) 1);
String largeText = new String(bytes);
bytes = new byte[FBUtilities.MAX_UNSIGNED_SHORT + 10];
Arrays.fill(bytes, (byte) 2);
String largeText2 = new String(bytes);
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, m map<text, text>)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, m) VALUES (0, ?)", map("k1", largeText, largeText, "v2"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(map("k1", largeText, largeText, "v2")));
execute("UPDATE %s SET m[?] = ? WHERE k = 0", "k3", largeText);
assertRows(execute("SELECT m FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(map("k1", largeText, largeText, "v2", "k3", largeText)));
execute("UPDATE %s SET m[?] = ? WHERE k = 0", largeText2, "v4");
assertRows(execute("SELECT m FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(map("k1", largeText, largeText, "v2", "k3", largeText, largeText2, "v4")));
execute("DELETE m[?] FROM %s WHERE k = 0", "k1");
assertRows(execute("SELECT m FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(map(largeText, "v2", "k3", largeText, largeText2, "v4")));
execute("DELETE m[?] FROM %s WHERE k = 0", largeText2);
assertRows(execute("SELECT m FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(map(largeText, "v2", "k3", largeText)));
// Full overwrite
execute("UPDATE %s SET m = ? WHERE k = 0", map("k5", largeText, largeText, "v6"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(map("k5", largeText, largeText, "v6")));
execute("UPDATE %s SET m = m + ? WHERE k = 0", map("k7", largeText));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(map("k5", largeText, largeText, "v6", "k7", largeText)));
execute("UPDATE %s SET m = m + ? WHERE k = 0", map(largeText2, "v8"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(map("k5", largeText, largeText, "v6", "k7", largeText, largeText2, "v8")));
execute("DELETE m FROM %s WHERE k = 0");
assertRows(execute("SELECT m FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row((Object) null));
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, m) VALUES (0, {'" + largeText + "' : 'v1', 'k2' : '" + largeText + "'})");
assertRows(execute("SELECT m FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(map(largeText, "v1", "k2", largeText)));
public void testSetsWithElementsBiggerThan64K() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, s set<text>)");
byte[] bytes = new byte[FBUtilities.MAX_UNSIGNED_SHORT + 10];
Arrays.fill(bytes, (byte) 1);
String largeText = new String(bytes);
bytes = new byte[FBUtilities.MAX_UNSIGNED_SHORT + 10];
Arrays.fill(bytes, (byte) 2);
String largeText2 = new String(bytes);
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, s) VALUES (0, ?)", set(largeText, "v2"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT s FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row(set(largeText, "v2")));
execute("DELETE s[?] FROM %s WHERE k = 0", largeText);
assertRows(execute("SELECT s FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row(set("v2")));
// Full overwrite
execute("UPDATE %s SET s = ? WHERE k = 0", set("v1", largeText));
assertRows(execute("SELECT s FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row(set("v1", largeText)));
execute("UPDATE %s SET s = s + ? WHERE k = 0", set("v2", largeText2));
assertRows(execute("SELECT s FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row(set("v1", largeText, "v2", largeText2)));
execute("UPDATE %s SET s = s - ? WHERE k = 0", set(largeText, "v2"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT s FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row(set("v1", largeText2)));
execute("DELETE s FROM %s WHERE k = 0");
assertRows(execute("SELECT s FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row((Object) null));
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, s) VALUES (0, {'" + largeText + "', 'v2'})");
assertRows(execute("SELECT s FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row(set(largeText, "v2")));
public void testRemovalThroughUpdate() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, l list<int>)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, l) VALUES(?, ?)", 0, list(1, 2, 3));
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(0, list(1, 2, 3)));
execute("UPDATE %s SET l[0] = null WHERE k=0");
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(0, list(2, 3)));
public void testInvalidInputForList() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s(pk int PRIMARY KEY, l list<text>)");
assertInvalidMessage("Not enough bytes to read a list",
"INSERT INTO %s (pk, l) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, "test");
assertInvalidMessage("Not enough bytes to read a list",
"INSERT INTO %s (pk, l) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, Long.MAX_VALUE);
assertInvalidMessage("Not enough bytes to read a list",
"INSERT INTO %s (pk, l) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, "");
assertInvalidMessage("The data cannot be deserialized as a list",
"INSERT INTO %s (pk, l) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, -1);
public void testInvalidInputForSet() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s(pk int PRIMARY KEY, s set<text>)");
assertInvalidMessage("Not enough bytes to read a set",
"INSERT INTO %s (pk, s) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, "test");
assertInvalidMessage("Null value read when not allowed",
"INSERT INTO %s (pk, s) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, Long.MAX_VALUE);
assertInvalidMessage("Not enough bytes to read a set",
"INSERT INTO %s (pk, s) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, "");
assertInvalidMessage("The data cannot be deserialized as a set",
"INSERT INTO %s (pk, s) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, -1);
public void testInvalidInputForMap() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s(pk int PRIMARY KEY, m map<text, text>)");
assertInvalidMessage("Not enough bytes to read a map",
"INSERT INTO %s (pk, m) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, "test");
assertInvalidMessage("Null value read when not allowed",
"INSERT INTO %s (pk, m) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, Long.MAX_VALUE);
assertInvalidMessage("Not enough bytes to read a map",
"INSERT INTO %s (pk, m) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, "");
assertInvalidMessage("The data cannot be deserialized as a map",
"INSERT INTO %s (pk, m) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, -1);
public void testMultipleOperationOnListWithinTheSameQuery() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (pk int PRIMARY KEY, l list<int>)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (pk, l) VALUES (1, [1, 2, 3, 4])");
// Checks that when the same element is updated twice the update with the greatest value is the one taken into account
execute("UPDATE %s SET l[?] = ?, l[?] = ? WHERE pk = ?", 2, 7, 2, 8, 1);
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE pk = ?", 1) , row(1, list(1, 2, 8, 4)));
execute("UPDATE %s SET l[?] = ?, l[?] = ? WHERE pk = ?", 2, 9, 2, 6, 1);
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE pk = ?", 1) , row(1, list(1, 2, 9, 4)));
// Checks that deleting twice the same element will result in the deletion of the element with the index
// and of the following element.
execute("DELETE l[?], l[?] FROM %s WHERE pk = ?", 2, 2, 1);
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE pk = ?", 1) , row(1, list(1, 2)));
// Checks that the set operation is performed on the added elements and that the greatest value win
execute("UPDATE %s SET l = l + ?, l[?] = ? WHERE pk = ?", list(3, 4), 3, 7, 1);
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE pk = ?", 1) , row(1, list(1, 2, 3, 7)));
execute("UPDATE %s SET l = l + ?, l[?] = ? WHERE pk = ?", list(6, 8), 4, 5, 1);
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE pk = ?", 1) , row(1, list(1, 2, 3, 7, 6, 8)));
// Checks that the order of the operations matters
assertInvalidMessage("List index 6 out of bound, list has size 6",
"UPDATE %s SET l[?] = ?, l = l + ? WHERE pk = ?", 6, 5, list(9), 1);
// Checks that the updated element is deleted.
execute("UPDATE %s SET l[?] = ? , l = l - ? WHERE pk = ?", 2, 8, list(8), 1);
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE pk = ?", 1) , row(1, list(1, 2, 7, 6)));
// Checks that we cannot update an element that has been removed.
assertInvalidMessage("List index 3 out of bound, list has size 3",
"UPDATE %s SET l = l - ?, l[?] = ? WHERE pk = ?", list(6), 3, 4, 1);
// Checks that the element is updated before the other ones are shifted.
execute("UPDATE %s SET l[?] = ? , l = l - ? WHERE pk = ?", 2, 8, list(1), 1);
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE pk = ?", 1) , row(1, list(2, 8, 6)));
// Checks that the element are shifted before the element is updated.
execute("UPDATE %s SET l = l - ?, l[?] = ? WHERE pk = ?", list(2, 6), 0, 9, 1);
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE pk = ?", 1) , row(1, list(9)));
public void testMultipleOperationOnMapWithinTheSameQuery() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (pk int PRIMARY KEY, m map<int, int>)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (pk, m) VALUES (1, {0 : 1, 1 : 2, 2 : 3, 3 : 4})");
// Checks that when the same element is updated twice the update with the greatest value is the one taken into account
execute("UPDATE %s SET m[?] = ?, m[?] = ? WHERE pk = ?", 2, 7, 2, 8, 1);
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE pk = 1") , row(1, map(0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 8, 3, 4)));
execute("UPDATE %s SET m[?] = ?, m[?] = ? WHERE pk = ?", 2, 9, 2, 6, 1);
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE pk = 1") , row(1, map(0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 9, 3, 4)));
// Checks that deleting twice the same element has no side effect
execute("DELETE m[?], m[?] FROM %s WHERE pk = ?", 2, 2, 1);
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE pk = ?", 1) , row(1, map(0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4)));
// Checks that the set operation is performed on the added elements and that the greatest value win
execute("UPDATE %s SET m = m + ?, m[?] = ? WHERE pk = ?", map(4, 5), 4, 7, 1);
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE pk = ?", 1) , row(1, map(0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 7)));
execute("UPDATE %s SET m = m + ?, m[?] = ? WHERE pk = ?", map(4, 8), 4, 6, 1);
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE pk = ?", 1) , row(1, map(0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 8)));
// Checks that, as tombstones win over updates for the same timestamp, the removed element is not readded
execute("UPDATE %s SET m = m - ?, m[?] = ? WHERE pk = ?", set(4), 4, 9, 1);
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE pk = ?", 1) , row(1, map(0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4)));
// Checks that the update is taken into account before the removal
execute("UPDATE %s SET m[?] = ?, m = m - ? WHERE pk = ?", 5, 9, set(5), 1);
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE pk = ?", 1) , row(1, map(0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4)));
// Checks that the set operation is merged with the change of the append and that the greatest value win
execute("UPDATE %s SET m[?] = ?, m = m + ? WHERE pk = ?", 5, 9, map(5, 8, 6, 9), 1);
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE pk = ?", 1) , row(1, map(0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 6, 9)));
execute("UPDATE %s SET m[?] = ?, m = m + ? WHERE pk = ?", 7, 1, map(7, 2), 1);
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE pk = ?", 1) , row(1, map(0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 6, 9, 7, 2)));
public void testMultipleOperationOnSetWithinTheSameQuery() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (pk int PRIMARY KEY, s set<int>)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (pk, s) VALUES (1, {0, 1, 2})");
// Checks that the two operation are merged and that the tombstone always win
execute("UPDATE %s SET s = s + ? , s = s - ? WHERE pk = ?", set(3, 4), set(3), 1);
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE pk = 1") , row(1, set(0, 1, 2, 4)));
execute("UPDATE %s SET s = s - ? , s = s + ? WHERE pk = ?", set(3), set(3, 4), 1);
assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE pk = 1") , row(1, set(0, 1, 2, 4)));
public void testMapOperation() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int, c int, l text, " +
"m map<text, text>, " +
"fm frozen<map<text, text>>, " +
"sm map<text, text> STATIC, " +
"fsm frozen<map<text, text>> STATIC, " +
"o int, PRIMARY KEY (k, c))");
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, c, l, m, fm, sm, fsm, o) VALUES (0, 0, 'foobar', ?, ?, ?, ?, 42)",
map("22", "value22", "333", "value333"),
map("1", "fvalue1", "22", "fvalue22", "333", "fvalue333"),
map("22", "svalue22", "333", "svalue333"),
map("1", "fsvalue1", "22", "fsvalue22", "333", "fsvalue333"));
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, c, l, m, fm, sm, fsm, o) VALUES (2, 0, 'row2', ?, ?, ?, ?, 88)",
map("22", "2value22", "333", "2value333"),
map("1", "2fvalue1", "22", "2fvalue22", "333", "2fvalue333"),
map("22", "2svalue22", "333", "2svalue333"),
map("1", "2fsvalue1", "22", "2fsvalue22", "333", "2fsvalue333"));
execute("UPDATE %s SET m = m + ? WHERE k = 0 AND c = 0",
map("1", "value1"));
execute("UPDATE %s SET sm = sm + ? WHERE k = 0",
map("1", "svalue1"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m['22'] FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c = 0"),
assertRows(execute("SELECT m['1'], m['22'], m['333'] FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c = 0"),
row("value1", "value22", "value333")
assertRows(execute("SELECT m['2'..'3'] FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c = 0"),
row(map("22", "value22"))
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, c, l, m, fm, o) VALUES (0, 1, 'foobar', ?, ?, 42)",
map("1", "value1_2", "333", "value333_2"),
map("1", "fvalue1_2", "333", "fvalue333_2"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT c, m['1'], fm['1'] FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(0, "value1", "fvalue1"),
row(1, "value1_2", "fvalue1_2")
assertRows(execute("SELECT c, sm['1'], fsm['1'] FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(0, "svalue1", "fsvalue1"),
row(1, "svalue1", "fsvalue1")
assertRows(execute("SELECT c, m['1'], fm['1'] FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c = 0"),
row(0, "value1", "fvalue1")
assertRows(execute("SELECT c, m['1'], fm['1'] FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(0, "value1", "fvalue1"),
row(1, "value1_2", "fvalue1_2")
assertColumnNames(execute("SELECT k, l, m['1'] as mx, o FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
"k", "l", "mx", "o");
assertColumnNames(execute("SELECT k, l, m['1'], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
"k", "l", "m['1']", "o");
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, l, m['22'], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(0, "foobar", "value22", 42),
row(0, "foobar", null, 42)
assertColumnNames(execute("SELECT k, l, m['22'], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
"k", "l", "m['22']", "o");
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, l, m['333'], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(0, "foobar", "value333", 42),
row(0, "foobar", "value333_2", 42)
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, l, m['foobar'], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(0, "foobar", null, 42),
row(0, "foobar", null, 42)
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, l, m['1'..'22'], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(0, "foobar", map("1", "value1",
"22", "value22"), 42),
row(0, "foobar", map("1", "value1_2"), 42)
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, l, m[''..'23'], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(0, "foobar", map("1", "value1",
"22", "value22"), 42),
row(0, "foobar", map("1", "value1_2"), 42)
assertColumnNames(execute("SELECT k, l, m[''..'23'], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
"k", "l", "m[''..'23']", "o");
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, l, m['2'..'3'], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(0, "foobar", map("22", "value22"), 42),
row(0, "foobar", null, 42)
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, l, m['22'..], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(0, "foobar", map("22", "value22",
"333", "value333"), 42),
row(0, "foobar", map("333", "value333_2"), 42)
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, l, m[..'22'], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(0, "foobar", map("1", "value1",
"22", "value22"), 42),
row(0, "foobar", map("1", "value1_2"), 42)
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, l, m, o FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(0, "foobar", map("1", "value1",
"22", "value22",
"333", "value333"), 42),
row(0, "foobar", map("1", "value1_2",
"333", "value333_2"), 42)
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, l, m, m as m2, o FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(0, "foobar", map("1", "value1",
"22", "value22",
"333", "value333"),
map("1", "value1",
"22", "value22",
"333", "value333"), 42),
row(0, "foobar", map("1", "value1_2",
"333", "value333_2"),
map("1", "value1_2",
"333", "value333_2"), 42)
// with UDF as slice arg
String f = createFunction(KEYSPACE, "text",
"CREATE FUNCTION %s(arg text) " +
"LANGUAGE java AS 'return arg;'");
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, c, l, m[" + f +"('1').." + f +"('22')], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(0, 0, "foobar", map("1", "value1",
"22", "value22"), 42),
row(0, 1, "foobar", map("1", "value1_2"), 42)
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, c, l, m[" + f +"(?).." + f +"(?)], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0", "1", "22"),
row(0, 0, "foobar", map("1", "value1",
"22", "value22"), 42),
row(0, 1, "foobar", map("1", "value1_2"), 42)
// with UDF taking a map
f = createFunction(KEYSPACE, "map<text,text>",
"CREATE FUNCTION %s(m text) " +
"LANGUAGE java AS $$return m;$$");
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, c, " + f + "(m['1']) FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(0, 0, "value1"),
row(0, 1, "value1_2"));
// with UDF taking multiple cols
f = createFunction(KEYSPACE, "map<text,text>,map<text,text>,int,int",
"CREATE FUNCTION %s(m1 map<text,text>, m2 text, k int, c int) " +
"LANGUAGE java AS $$return m1.get(\"1\") + ':' + m2 + ':' + k + ':' + c;$$");
assertRows(execute("SELECT " + f + "(m, m['1'], k, c) FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
// with nested UDF + aggregation and multiple cols
f = createFunction(KEYSPACE, "int,int",
"CREATE FUNCTION %s(k int, c int) " +
"RETURNS int " +
"LANGUAGE java AS $$return k + c;$$");
assertColumnNames(execute("SELECT max(" + f + "(k, c)) as sel1, max(" + f + "(k, c)) FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
"sel1", "system.max(" + f + "(k, c))");
assertRows(execute("SELECT max(" + f + "(k, c)) as sel1, max(" + f + "(k, c)) FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(1, 1));
assertColumnNames(execute("SELECT max(" + f + "(k, c)) as sel1, max(" + f + "(k, c)) FROM %s"),
"sel1", "system.max(" + f + "(k, c))");
assertRows(execute("SELECT max(" + f + "(k, c)) as sel1, max(" + f + "(k, c)) FROM %s"),
row(2, 2));
// prepared parameters
assertRows(execute("SELECT c, m[?], fm[?] FROM %s WHERE k = 0", "1", "1"),
row(0, "value1", "fvalue1"),
row(1, "value1_2", "fvalue1_2")
assertRows(execute("SELECT c, sm[?], fsm[?] FROM %s WHERE k = 0", "1", "1"),
row(0, "svalue1", "fsvalue1"),
row(1, "svalue1", "fsvalue1")
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, l, m[?..?], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0", "1", "22"),
row(0, "foobar", map("1", "value1",
"22", "value22"), 42),
row(0, "foobar", map("1", "value1_2"), 42)
public void testMapOperationWithIntKey() throws Throwable
// used type "int" as map key intentionally since CQL parsing relies on "BigInteger"
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int, c int, l text, " +
"m map<int, text>, " +
"fm frozen<map<int, text>>, " +
"sm map<int, text> STATIC, " +
"fsm frozen<map<int, text>> STATIC, " +
"o int, PRIMARY KEY (k, c))");
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, c, l, m, fm, sm, fsm, o) VALUES (0, 0, 'foobar', ?, ?, ?, ?, 42)",
map(22, "value22", 333, "value333"),
map(1, "fvalue1", 22, "fvalue22", 333, "fvalue333"),
map(22, "svalue22", 333, "svalue333"),
map(1, "fsvalue1", 22, "fsvalue22", 333, "fsvalue333"));
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, c, l, m, fm, sm, fsm, o) VALUES (2, 0, 'row2', ?, ?, ?, ?, 88)",
map(22, "2value22", 333, "2value333"),
map(1, "2fvalue1", 22, "2fvalue22", 333, "2fvalue333"),
map(22, "2svalue22", 333, "2svalue333"),
map(1, "2fsvalue1", 22, "2fsvalue22", 333, "2fsvalue333"));
execute("UPDATE %s SET m = m + ? WHERE k = 0 AND c = 0",
map(1, "value1"));
execute("UPDATE %s SET sm = sm + ? WHERE k = 0",
map(1, "svalue1"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m[22] FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c = 0"),
assertRows(execute("SELECT m[1], m[22], m[333] FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c = 0"),
row("value1", "value22", "value333")
assertRows(execute("SELECT m[20 .. 25] FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c = 0"),
row(map(22, "value22"))
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, c, l, m, fm, o) VALUES (0, 1, 'foobar', ?, ?, 42)",
map(1, "value1_2", 333, "value333_2"),
map(1, "fvalue1_2", 333, "fvalue333_2"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT c, m[1], fm[1] FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(0, "value1", "fvalue1"),
row(1, "value1_2", "fvalue1_2")
assertRows(execute("SELECT c, sm[1], fsm[1] FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(0, "svalue1", "fsvalue1"),
row(1, "svalue1", "fsvalue1")
// with UDF as slice arg
String f = createFunction(KEYSPACE, "int",
"CREATE FUNCTION %s(arg int) " +
"RETURNS int " +
"LANGUAGE java AS 'return arg;'");
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, c, l, m[" + f +"(1).." + f +"(22)], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(0, 0, "foobar", map(1, "value1",
22, "value22"), 42),
row(0, 1, "foobar", map(1, "value1_2"), 42)
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, c, l, m[" + f +"(?).." + f +"(?)], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0", 1, 22),
row(0, 0, "foobar", map(1, "value1",
22, "value22"), 42),
row(0, 1, "foobar", map(1, "value1_2"), 42)
// with UDF taking a map
f = createFunction(KEYSPACE, "map<int,text>",
"CREATE FUNCTION %s(m text) " +
"LANGUAGE java AS $$return m;$$");
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, c, " + f + "(m[1]) FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(0, 0, "value1"),
row(0, 1, "value1_2"));
// with UDF taking multiple cols
f = createFunction(KEYSPACE, "map<int,text>,map<int,text>,int,int",
"CREATE FUNCTION %s(m1 map<int,text>, m2 text, k int, c int) " +
"LANGUAGE java AS $$return m1.get(1) + ':' + m2 + ':' + k + ':' + c;$$");
assertRows(execute("SELECT " + f + "(m, m[1], k, c) FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
// with nested UDF + aggregation and multiple cols
f = createFunction(KEYSPACE, "int,int",
"CREATE FUNCTION %s(k int, c int) " +
"RETURNS int " +
"LANGUAGE java AS $$return k + c;$$");
assertColumnNames(execute("SELECT max(" + f + "(k, c)) as sel1, max(" + f + "(k, c)) FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
"sel1", "system.max(" + f + "(k, c))");
assertRows(execute("SELECT max(" + f + "(k, c)) as sel1, max(" + f + "(k, c)) FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(1, 1));
assertColumnNames(execute("SELECT max(" + f + "(k, c)) as sel1, max(" + f + "(k, c)) FROM %s"),
"sel1", "system.max(" + f + "(k, c))");
assertRows(execute("SELECT max(" + f + "(k, c)) as sel1, max(" + f + "(k, c)) FROM %s"),
row(2, 2));
// prepared parameters
assertRows(execute("SELECT c, m[?], fm[?] FROM %s WHERE k = 0", 1, 1),
row(0, "value1", "fvalue1"),
row(1, "value1_2", "fvalue1_2")
assertRows(execute("SELECT c, sm[?], fsm[?] FROM %s WHERE k = 0", 1, 1),
row(0, "svalue1", "fsvalue1"),
row(1, "svalue1", "fsvalue1")
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, l, m[?..?], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0", 1, 22),
row(0, "foobar", map(1, "value1",
22, "value22"), 42),
row(0, "foobar", map(1, "value1_2"), 42)
public void testMapOperationOnPartKey() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k frozen<map<text, text>> PRIMARY KEY, l text, o int)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, l, o) VALUES (?, 'foobar', 42)", map("1", "value1", "22", "value22", "333", "value333"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT l, k['1'], o FROM %s WHERE k = ?", map("1", "value1", "22", "value22", "333", "value333")),
row("foobar", "value1", 42)
assertRows(execute("SELECT l, k['22'], o FROM %s WHERE k = ?", map("1", "value1", "22", "value22", "333", "value333")),
row("foobar", "value22", 42)
assertRows(execute("SELECT l, k['333'], o FROM %s WHERE k = ?", map("1", "value1", "22", "value22", "333", "value333")),
row("foobar", "value333", 42)
assertRows(execute("SELECT l, k['foobar'], o FROM %s WHERE k = ?", map("1", "value1", "22", "value22", "333", "value333")),
row("foobar", null, 42)
assertRows(execute("SELECT l, k['1'..'22'], o FROM %s WHERE k = ?", map("1", "value1", "22", "value22", "333", "value333")),
row("foobar", map("1", "value1",
"22", "value22"), 42)
assertRows(execute("SELECT l, k[''..'23'], o FROM %s WHERE k = ?", map("1", "value1", "22", "value22", "333", "value333")),
row("foobar", map("1", "value1",
"22", "value22"), 42)
assertRows(execute("SELECT l, k['2'..'3'], o FROM %s WHERE k = ?", map("1", "value1", "22", "value22", "333", "value333")),
row("foobar", map("22", "value22"), 42)
assertRows(execute("SELECT l, k['22'..], o FROM %s WHERE k = ?", map("1", "value1", "22", "value22", "333", "value333")),
row("foobar", map("22", "value22",
"333", "value333"), 42)
assertRows(execute("SELECT l, k[..'22'], o FROM %s WHERE k = ?", map("1", "value1", "22", "value22", "333", "value333")),
row("foobar", map("1", "value1",
"22", "value22"), 42)
assertRows(execute("SELECT l, k, o FROM %s WHERE k = ?", map("1", "value1", "22", "value22", "333", "value333")),
row("foobar", map("1", "value1",
"22", "value22",
"333", "value333"), 42)
public void testMapOperationOnClustKey() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int, c frozen<map<text, text>>, l text, o int, PRIMARY KEY (k, c))");
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, c, l, o) VALUES (0, ?, 'foobar', 42)", map("1", "value1", "22", "value22", "333", "value333"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, l, c['1'], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c = ?", map("1", "value1", "22", "value22", "333", "value333")),
row(0, "foobar", "value1", 42)
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, l, c['22'], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c = ?", map("1", "value1", "22", "value22", "333", "value333")),
row(0, "foobar", "value22", 42)
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, l, c['333'], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c = ?", map("1", "value1", "22", "value22", "333", "value333")),
row(0, "foobar", "value333", 42)
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, l, c['foobar'], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c = ?", map("1", "value1", "22", "value22", "333", "value333")),
row(0, "foobar", null, 42)
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, l, c['1'..'22'], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c = ?", map("1", "value1", "22", "value22", "333", "value333")),
row(0, "foobar", map("1", "value1",
"22", "value22"), 42)
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, l, c[''..'23'], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c = ?", map("1", "value1", "22", "value22", "333", "value333")),
row(0, "foobar", map("1", "value1",
"22", "value22"), 42)
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, l, c['2'..'3'], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c = ?", map("1", "value1", "22", "value22", "333", "value333")),
row(0, "foobar", map("22", "value22"), 42)
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, l, c['22'..], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c = ?", map("1", "value1", "22", "value22", "333", "value333")),
row(0, "foobar", map("22", "value22",
"333", "value333"), 42)
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, l, c[..'22'], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c = ?", map("1", "value1", "22", "value22", "333", "value333")),
row(0, "foobar", map("1", "value1",
"22", "value22"), 42)
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, l, c, o FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c = ?", map("1", "value1", "22", "value22", "333", "value333")),
row(0, "foobar", map("1", "value1",
"22", "value22",
"333", "value333"), 42)
public void testSetOperation() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int, c int, l text, " +
"s set<text>, " +
"fs frozen<set<text>>, " +
"ss set<text> STATIC, " +
"fss frozen<set<text>> STATIC, " +
"o int, PRIMARY KEY (k, c))");
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, c, l, s, fs, ss, fss, o) VALUES (0, 0, 'foobar', ?, ?, ?, ?, 42)",
set("1", "22", "333"),
set("f1", "f22", "f333"),
set("s1", "s22", "s333"),
set("fs1", "fs22", "fs333"));
execute("UPDATE %s SET s = s + ? WHERE k = 0 AND c = 0", set("22_2"));
execute("UPDATE %s SET ss = ss + ? WHERE k = 0", set("s22_2"));
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, c, l, s, o) VALUES (0, 1, 'foobar', ?, 42)",
set("22", "333"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT c, s, fs, ss, fss FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(0, set("1", "22", "22_2", "333"), set("f1", "f22", "f333"), set("s1", "s22", "s22_2", "s333"), set("fs1", "fs22", "fs333")),
row(1, set("22", "333"), null, set("s1", "s22", "s22_2", "s333"), set("fs1", "fs22", "fs333"))
assertRows(execute("SELECT c, s['1'], fs['f1'], ss['s1'], fss['fs1'] FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(0, "1", "f1", "s1", "fs1"),
row(1, null, null, "s1", "fs1")
assertRows(execute("SELECT s['1'], fs['f1'], ss['s1'], fss['fs1'] FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c = 0"),
row("1", "f1", "s1", "fs1")
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, c, l, s['1'], fs['f1'], ss['s1'], fss['fs1'], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(0, 0, "foobar", "1", "f1", "s1", "fs1", 42),
row(0, 1, "foobar", null, null, "s1", "fs1", 42)
assertColumnNames(execute("SELECT k, l, s['1'], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
"k", "l", "s['1']", "o");
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, l, s['22'], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c = 0"),
row(0, "foobar", "22", 42)
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, l, s['333'], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c = 0"),
row(0, "foobar", "333", 42)
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, l, s['foobar'], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c = 0"),
row(0, "foobar", null, 42)
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, l, s['1'..'22'], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c = 0"),
row(0, "foobar", set("1", "22"), 42)
assertColumnNames(execute("SELECT k, l, s[''..'22'], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
"k", "l", "s[''..'22']", "o");
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, l, s[''..'23'], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c = 0"),
row(0, "foobar", set("1", "22", "22_2"), 42)
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, l, s['2'..'3'], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0 AND c = 0"),
row(0, "foobar", set("22", "22_2"), 42)
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, l, s['22'..], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(0, "foobar", set("22", "22_2", "333"), 42),
row(0, "foobar", set("22", "333"), 42)
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, l, s[..'22'], o FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(0, "foobar", set("1", "22"), 42),
row(0, "foobar", set("22"), 42)
assertRows(execute("SELECT k, l, s, o FROM %s WHERE k = 0"),
row(0, "foobar", set("1", "22", "22_2", "333"), 42),
row(0, "foobar", set("22", "333"), 42)
public void testCollectionSliceOnMV() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int, c int, l text, m map<text, text>, o int, PRIMARY KEY (k, c))");
assertInvalidMessage("Can only select columns by name when defining a materialized view (got m['abc'])",
assertInvalidMessage("Can only select columns by name when defining a materialized view (got m['abc'..'def'])",
public void testElementAccessOnList() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (pk int PRIMARY KEY, l list<int>)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (pk, l) VALUES (1, [1, 2, 3])");
assertInvalidMessage("Element selection is only allowed on sets and maps, but l is a list",
"SELECT pk, l[0] FROM %s");
assertInvalidMessage("Slice selection is only allowed on sets and maps, but l is a list",
"SELECT pk, l[1..3] FROM %s");
public void testCollectionOperationResultSetMetadata() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY," +
"m map<text, text>," +
"fm frozen<map<text, text>>," +
"s set<text>," +
"fs frozen<set<text>>)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, m, fm, s, fs) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
map("1", "one", "2", "two"),
map("1", "one", "2", "two"),
set("1", "2", "3"),
set("1", "2", "3"));
String cql = "SELECT k, " +
"m, m['2'], m['2'..'3'], m[..'2'], m['3'..], " +
"fm, fm['2'], fm['2'..'3'], fm[..'2'], fm['3'..], " +
"s, s['2'], s['2'..'3'], s[..'2'], s['3'..], " +
"fs, fs['2'], fs['2'..'3'], fs[..'2'], fs['3'..] " +
"FROM " + KEYSPACE + '.' + currentTable() + " WHERE k = 0";
UntypedResultSet result = execute(cql);
Iterator<ColumnSpecification> meta = result.metadata().iterator();;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
// take the "full" collection selection
ColumnSpecification ref =;
ColumnSpecification selSingle =;
assertEquals(ref.toString(), UTF8Type.instance, selSingle.type);
for (int selOrSlice = 0; selOrSlice < 3; selOrSlice++)
ColumnSpecification selSlice =;
assertEquals(ref.toString(), ref.type, selSlice.type);
map("1", "one", "2", "two"), "two", map("2", "two"), map("1", "one", "2", "two"), null,
map("1", "one", "2", "two"), "two", map("2", "two"), map("1", "one", "2", "two"), map(),
set("1", "2", "3"), "2", set("2", "3"), set("1", "2"), set("3"),
set("1", "2", "3"), "2", set("2", "3"), set("1", "2"), set("3")));
Session session = sessionNet();
ResultSet rset = session.execute(cql);
ColumnDefinitions colDefs = rset.getColumnDefinitions();
Iterator<ColumnDefinitions.Definition> colDefIter = colDefs.asList().iterator();;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
// take the "full" collection selection
ColumnDefinitions.Definition ref =;
ColumnDefinitions.Definition selSingle =;
assertEquals(ref.getName(), DataType.NativeType.text(), selSingle.getType());
for (int selOrSlice = 0; selOrSlice < 3; selOrSlice++)
ColumnDefinitions.Definition selSlice =;
assertEquals(ref.getName() + ' ' + ref.getType(), ref.getType(), selSlice.getType());
public void testFrozenCollectionNestedAccess() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, m map<text, frozen<map<text, set<int>>>>)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, m) VALUES (0, ?)", map("1", map("a", set(1, 2, 4), "b", set(3)), "2", map("a", set(2, 4))));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m[?] FROM %s WHERE k = 0", "1"), row(map("a", set(1, 2, 4), "b", set(3))));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m[?][?] FROM %s WHERE k = 0", "1", "a"), row(set(1, 2, 4)));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m[?][?][?] FROM %s WHERE k = 0", "1", "a", 2), row(2));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m[?][?][?..?] FROM %s WHERE k = 0", "1", "a", 2, 3), row(set(2)));
// Checks it still work after flush
assertRows(execute("SELECT m[?] FROM %s WHERE k = 0", "1"), row(map("a", set(1, 2, 4), "b", set(3))));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m[?][?] FROM %s WHERE k = 0", "1", "a"), row(set(1, 2, 4)));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m[?][?][?] FROM %s WHERE k = 0", "1", "a", 2), row(2));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m[?][?][?..?] FROM %s WHERE k = 0", "1", "a", 2, 3), row(set(2)));
public void testUDTAndCollectionNestedAccess() throws Throwable
String type = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (s set<int>, m map<text, text>)");
assertInvalidMessage("Non-frozen UDTs are not allowed inside collections",
"CREATE TABLE " + KEYSPACE + ".t (k int PRIMARY KEY, v map<text, " + type + ">)");
String mapType = "map<text, frozen<" + type + ">>";
for (boolean frozen : new boolean[]{false, true})
mapType = frozen ? "frozen<" + mapType + ">" : mapType;
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, v " + mapType + ")");
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, v) VALUES (0, ?)", map("abc", userType("s", set(2, 4, 6), "m", map("a", "v1", "d", "v2"))));
beforeAndAfterFlush(() ->
assertRows(execute("SELECT v[?].s FROM %s WHERE k = 0", "abc"), row(set(2, 4, 6)));
assertRows(execute("SELECT v[?].m[..?] FROM %s WHERE k = 0", "abc", "b"), row(map("a", "v1")));
assertRows(execute("SELECT v[?].m[?] FROM %s WHERE k = 0", "abc", "d"), row("v2"));
assertInvalidMessage("Non-frozen UDTs with nested non-frozen collections are not supported",
"CREATE TABLE " + KEYSPACE + ".t (k int PRIMARY KEY, v " + type + ")");
type = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (s frozen<set<int>>, m frozen<map<text, text>>)");
for (boolean frozen : new boolean[]{false, true})
type = frozen ? "frozen<" + type + ">" : type;
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, v " + type + ")");
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, v) VALUES (0, ?)", userType("s", set(2, 4, 6), "m", map("a", "v1", "d", "v2")));
beforeAndAfterFlush(() ->
assertRows(execute("SELECT v.s[?] FROM %s WHERE k = 0", 2), row(2));
assertRows(execute("SELECT v.s[?..?] FROM %s WHERE k = 0", 2, 5), row(set(2, 4)));
assertRows(execute("SELECT v.s[..?] FROM %s WHERE k = 0", 3), row(set(2)));
assertRows(execute("SELECT v.m[..?] FROM %s WHERE k = 0", "b"), row(map("a", "v1")));
assertRows(execute("SELECT v.m[?] FROM %s WHERE k = 0", "d"), row("v2"));
public void testMapOverlappingSlices() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, m map<int, int>)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, m) VALUES (?, ?)", 0, map(0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m[7..8] FROM %s WHERE k=?", 0),
row((Map<Integer, Integer>) null));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m[0..3] FROM %s WHERE k=?", 0),
row(map(0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3)));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m[0..3], m[2..4] FROM %s WHERE k=?", 0),
row(map(0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3), map(2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4)));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m, m[2..4] FROM %s WHERE k=?", 0),
row(map(0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5), map(2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4)));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m[..3], m[3..4] FROM %s WHERE k=?", 0),
row(map(0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3), map(3, 3, 4, 4)));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m[1..3], m[2] FROM %s WHERE k=?", 0),
row(map(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3), 2));
public void testMapOverlappingSlicesWithDoubles() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, m map<double, double>)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, m) VALUES (?, ?)", 0, map(0.0, 0.0, 1.1, 1.1, 2.2, 2.2, 3.0, 3.0, 4.4, 4.4, 5.5, 5.5));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m[0.0..3.0] FROM %s WHERE k=?", 0),
row(map(0.0, 0.0, 1.1, 1.1, 2.2, 2.2, 3.0, 3.0)));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m[0...3.], m[2.2..4.4] FROM %s WHERE k=?", 0),
row(map(0.0, 0.0, 1.1, 1.1, 2.2, 2.2, 3.0, 3.0), map(2.2, 2.2, 3.0, 3.0, 4.4, 4.4)));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m, m[2.2..4.4] FROM %s WHERE k=?", 0),
row(map(0.0, 0.0, 1.1, 1.1, 2.2, 2.2, 3.0, 3.0, 4.4, 4.4, 5.5, 5.5), map(2.2, 2.2, 3.0, 3.0, 4.4, 4.4)));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m[..3.], m[3...4.4] FROM %s WHERE k=?", 0),
row(map(0.0, 0.0, 1.1, 1.1, 2.2, 2.2, 3.0, 3.0), map(3.0, 3.0, 4.4, 4.4)));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m[1.1..3.0], m[2.2] FROM %s WHERE k=?", 0),
row(map(1.1, 1.1, 2.2, 2.2, 3.0, 3.0), 2.2));
public void testNestedAccessWithNestedMap() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (id text PRIMARY KEY, m map<float, frozen<map<int, text>>>)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (id,m) VALUES ('1', {1: {2: 'one-two'}})");
assertRows(execute("SELECT m[1][2] FROM %s WHERE id = '1'"),
assertRows(execute("SELECT m[1..][2] FROM %s WHERE id = '1'"),
row((Map) null));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m[1][..2] FROM %s WHERE id = '1'"),
row(map(2, "one-two")));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m[1..][..2] FROM %s WHERE id = '1'"),
row(map(1F, map(2, "one-two"))));
public void testInsertingCollectionsWithInvalidElements() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, s frozen<set<tuple<int, text, double>>>)");
assertInvalidMessage("Invalid remaining data after end of tuple value",
"INSERT INTO %s (k, s) VALUES (0, ?)",
set(tuple(1, "1", 1.0, 1), tuple(2, "2", 2.0, 2)));
assertInvalidMessage("Invalid set literal for s: value (1, '1', 1.0, 1) is not of type frozen<tuple<int, text, double>>",
"INSERT INTO %s (k, s) VALUES (0, {(1, '1', 1.0, 1)})");
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, l frozen<list<tuple<int, text, double>>>)");
assertInvalidMessage("Invalid remaining data after end of tuple value",
"INSERT INTO %s (k, l) VALUES (0, ?)",
list(tuple(1, "1", 1.0, 1), tuple(2, "2", 2.0, 2)));
assertInvalidMessage("Invalid list literal for l: value (1, '1', 1.0, 1) is not of type frozen<tuple<int, text, double>>",
"INSERT INTO %s (k, l) VALUES (0, [(1, '1', 1.0, 1)])");
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, m frozen<map<tuple<int, text, double>, int>>)");
assertInvalidMessage("Invalid remaining data after end of tuple value",
"INSERT INTO %s (k, m) VALUES (0, ?)",
map(tuple(1, "1", 1.0, 1), 1, tuple(2, "2", 2.0, 2), 2));
assertInvalidMessage("Invalid map literal for m: key (1, '1', 1.0, 1) is not of type frozen<tuple<int, text, double>>",
"INSERT INTO %s (k, m) VALUES (0, {(1, '1', 1.0, 1) : 1})");
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, m frozen<map<int, tuple<int, text, double>>>)");
assertInvalidMessage("Invalid remaining data after end of tuple value",
"INSERT INTO %s (k, m) VALUES (0, ?)",
map(1, tuple(1, "1", 1.0, 1), 2, tuple(2, "2", 2.0, 2)));
assertInvalidMessage("Invalid map literal for m: value (1, '1', 1.0, 1) is not of type frozen<tuple<int, text, double>>",
"INSERT INTO %s (k, m) VALUES (0, {1 : (1, '1', 1.0, 1)})");
public void testSelectionOfEmptyCollections() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, m frozen<map<text, int>>, s frozen<set<int>>)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k) VALUES (0)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, m, s) VALUES (1, {}, {})");
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, m, s) VALUES (2, ?, ?)", map(), set());
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, m, s) VALUES (3, {'2':2}, {2})");
beforeAndAfterFlush(() ->
assertRows(execute("SELECT m, s FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row(null, null));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m['0'], s[0] FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row(null, null));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m['0'..'1'], s[0..1] FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row(null, null));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m['0'..'1']['3'..'5'], s[0..1][3..5] FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row(null, null));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m, s FROM %s WHERE k = 1"), row(map(), set()));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m['0'], s[0] FROM %s WHERE k = 1"), row(null, null));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m['0'..'1'], s[0..1] FROM %s WHERE k = 1"), row(map(), set()));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m['0'..'1']['3'..'5'], s[0..1][3..5] FROM %s WHERE k = 1"), row(map(), set()));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m, s FROM %s WHERE k = 2"), row(map(), set()));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m['0'], s[0] FROM %s WHERE k = 2"), row(null, null));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m['0'..'1'], s[0..1] FROM %s WHERE k = 2"), row(map(), set()));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m['0'..'1']['3'..'5'], s[0..1][3..5] FROM %s WHERE k = 2"), row(map(), set()));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m, s FROM %s WHERE k = 3"), row(map("2", 2), set(2)));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m['0'], s[0] FROM %s WHERE k = 3"), row(null, null));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m['0'..'1'], s[0..1] FROM %s WHERE k = 3"), row(map(), set()));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m['0'..'1']['3'..'5'], s[0..1][3..5] FROM %s WHERE k = 3"), row(map(), set()));
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, m map<text, int>, s set<int>)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k) VALUES (0)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, m, s) VALUES (1, {}, {})");
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, m, s) VALUES (2, ?, ?)", map(), set());
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, m, s) VALUES (3, {'2':2}, {2})");
beforeAndAfterFlush(() ->
assertRows(execute("SELECT m, s FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row(null, null));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m['0'], s[0] FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row(null, null));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m['0'..'1'], s[0..1] FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row(null, null));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m['0'..'1']['3'..'5'], s[0..1][3..5] FROM %s WHERE k = 0"), row(null, null));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m, s FROM %s WHERE k = 1"), row(null, null));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m['0'], s[0] FROM %s WHERE k = 1"), row(null, null));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m['0'..'1'], s[0..1] FROM %s WHERE k = 1"), row(null, null));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m['0'..'1']['3'..'5'], s[0..1][3..5] FROM %s WHERE k = 1"), row(null, null));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m, s FROM %s WHERE k = 2"), row(null, null));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m['0'], s[0] FROM %s WHERE k = 2"), row(null, null));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m['0'..'1'], s[0..1] FROM %s WHERE k = 2"), row(null, null));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m['0'..'1']['3'..'5'], s[0..1][3..5] FROM %s WHERE k = 2"), row(null, null));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m, s FROM %s WHERE k = 3"), row(map("2", 2), set(2)));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m['0'], s[0] FROM %s WHERE k = 3"), row(null, null));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m['0'..'1'], s[0..1] FROM %s WHERE k = 3"), row(null, null));
assertRows(execute("SELECT m['0'..'1']['3'..'5'], s[0..1][3..5] FROM %s WHERE k = 3"), row(null, null));
Tests for CASSANDRA-17623
Before CASSANDRA-17623, parameterized queries with maps as values would fail because frozen maps were
required to be sorted by the sort order of their key type, but weren't always sorted correctly.
Also adding tests for Sets, which did work because they always used SortedSet, to make sure this behavior is maintained.
We use `executeNet` in these tests because `execute` passes parameters through CqlTester#transformValues(), which calls
AbstractType#decompose() on the value, which "fixes" the map order, but wouldn't happen normally.
public void testInsertingMapDataWithParameterizedQueriesIsKeyOrderIndependent() throws Throwable
UUID uuid1 = UUIDs.timeBased();
UUID uuid2 = UUIDs.timeBased();
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k text, c frozen<map<timeuuid, text>>, PRIMARY KEY (k, c));");
executeNet("INSERT INTO %s (k, c) VALUES ('0', ?)", linkedHashMap(uuid1, "0", uuid2, "1"));
executeNet("INSERT INTO %s (k, c) VALUES ('0', ?)", linkedHashMap(uuid2, "3", uuid1, "4"));
beforeAndAfterFlush(() -> {
assertRowCountNet(executeNet("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k='0' AND c={" + uuid1 + ": '0', " + uuid2 + ": '1'}"), 1);
assertRowCountNet(executeNet("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k='0' AND c={" + uuid2 + ": '1', " + uuid1 + ": '0'}"), 1);
assertRowCountNet(executeNet("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k='0' AND c={" + uuid1 + ": '4', " + uuid2 + ": '3'}"), 1);
assertRowCountNet(executeNet("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k='0' AND c={" + uuid2 + ": '3', " + uuid1 + ": '4'}"), 1);
public void testInsertingMapDataWithParameterizedQueriesIsKeyOrderIndependentWithSelectSlice() throws Throwable
UUID uuid1 = UUIDs.timeBased();
UUID uuid2 = UUIDs.timeBased();
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k text, c frozen<map<timeuuid, text>>, PRIMARY KEY (k, c));");
beforeAndAfterFlush(() -> {
executeNet("INSERT INTO %s (k, c) VALUES ('0', ?)", linkedHashMap(uuid2, "2", uuid1, "1"));
// Make sure that we can slice either value out of the map
assertRowsNet(executeNet("SELECT k, c[" + uuid2 + "] from %s"), row("0", "2"));
assertRowsNet(executeNet("SELECT k, c[" + uuid1 + "] from %s"), row("0", "1"));
public void testSelectingMapDataWithParameterizedQueriesIsKeyOrderIndependent() throws Throwable
UUID uuid1 = UUIDs.timeBased();
UUID uuid2 = UUIDs.timeBased();
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k text, c frozen<map<timeuuid, text>>, PRIMARY KEY (k, c));");
executeNet("INSERT INTO %s (k, c) VALUES ('0', {" + uuid1 + ": '0', " + uuid2 + ": '1'})");
executeNet("INSERT INTO %s (k, c) VALUES ('0', {" + uuid2 + ": '3', " + uuid1 + ": '4'})");
beforeAndAfterFlush(() -> {
assertRowCountNet(executeNet("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k=? AND c=?", "0", linkedHashMap(uuid1, "0", uuid2, "1")), 1);
assertRowCountNet(executeNet("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k=? AND c=?", "0", linkedHashMap(uuid2, "1", uuid1, "0")), 1);
assertRowCountNet(executeNet("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k=? AND c=?", "0", linkedHashMap(uuid1, "4", uuid2, "3")), 1);
assertRowCountNet(executeNet("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k=? AND c=?", "0", linkedHashMap(uuid2, "3", uuid1, "4")), 1);
public void testInsertingSetDataWithParameterizedQueriesIsKeyOrderIndependent() throws Throwable
UUID uuid1 = UUIDs.timeBased();
UUID uuid2 = UUIDs.timeBased();
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k text, c frozen<set<timeuuid>>, PRIMARY KEY (k, c));");
executeNet("INSERT INTO %s (k, c) VALUES ('0', ?)", linkedHashSet(uuid1, uuid2));
executeNet("INSERT INTO %s (k, c) VALUES ('0', ?)", linkedHashSet(uuid2, uuid1));
beforeAndAfterFlush(() -> {
assertRowCountNet(executeNet("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k='0' AND c={" + uuid1 + ", " + uuid2 + '}'), 1);
assertRowCountNet(executeNet("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k='0' AND c={" + uuid2 + ", " + uuid1 + '}'), 1);
assertRowCountNet(executeNet("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k='0' AND c={" + uuid1 + ", " + uuid2 + '}'), 1);
assertRowCountNet(executeNet("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k='0' AND c={" + uuid2 + ", " + uuid1 + '}'), 1);
public void testInsertingSetDataWithParameterizedQueriesIsKeyOrderIndependentWithSelectSlice() throws Throwable
UUID uuid1 = UUIDs.timeBased();
UUID uuid2 = UUIDs.timeBased();
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k text, c frozen<set<timeuuid>>, PRIMARY KEY (k, c));");
beforeAndAfterFlush(() -> {
executeNet("INSERT INTO %s (k, c) VALUES ('0', ?)", linkedHashSet(uuid2, uuid1));
assertRowsNet(executeNet("SELECT k, c[" + uuid2 + "] from %s"), row("0", uuid2));
assertRowsNet(executeNet("SELECT k, c[" + uuid1 + "] from %s"), row("0", uuid1));
public void testSelectingSetDataWithParameterizedQueriesIsKeyOrderIndependent() throws Throwable
UUID uuid1 = UUIDs.timeBased();
UUID uuid2 = UUIDs.timeBased();
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k text, c frozen<set<timeuuid>>, PRIMARY KEY (k, c));");
executeNet("INSERT INTO %s (k, c) VALUES ('0', {" + uuid1 + ", " + uuid2 + "})");
beforeAndAfterFlush(() -> {
assertRowsNet(executeNet("SELECT k, c from %s where k='0' and c=?", linkedHashSet(uuid1, uuid2)), row("0", list(uuid1, uuid2)));
assertRowsNet(executeNet("SELECT k, c from %s where k='0' and c=?", linkedHashSet(uuid2, uuid1)), row("0", list(uuid1, uuid2)));
// End tests for CASSANDRA-17623
public void testMapReversed() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (" +
" k int, " +
" c frozen<map<text, int>>, " +
" v int, " +
" PRIMARY KEY(k, c)" +
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, c, v) VALUES (1, {'t1':1,'t2':2,'t3':3,'t4':4}, 2)");
assertRows(execute("SELECT c['nonexisting'] FROM %s"), row((Object)null));
assertRows(execute("SELECT c['t1'] FROM %s"), row(1));
assertRows(execute("SELECT c['t1'..'t3'] FROM %s"), row(map("t1", 1, "t2", 2, "t3", 3)));
assertRows(execute("SELECT c['t3'..'t5'] FROM %s"), row(map("t3", 3, "t4", 4)));
assertRows(execute("SELECT c[..'t2'] FROM %s"), row(map("t1", 1, "t2", 2)));
assertRows(execute("SELECT c['t3'..] FROM %s"), row(map("t3", 3, "t4", 4)));
assertRows(execute("SELECT c[..'t5'] FROM %s"), row(map("t1", 1, "t2", 2, "t3", 3, "t4", 4)));
public void testSetReversed() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (" +
" k int, " +
" c frozen<set<text>>, " +
" v int, " +
" PRIMARY KEY(k, c)" +
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, c, v) VALUES (1, {'t1','t2','t3','t4'}, 2)");
assertRows(execute("SELECT c['nonexisting'] FROM %s"), row((Object)null));
assertRows(execute("SELECT c['t1'] FROM %s"), row("t1"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT c['t1'..'t3'] FROM %s"), row(set("t1", "t2", "t3")));
assertRows(execute("SELECT c['t3'..'t5'] FROM %s"), row(set("t3", "t4")));
assertRows(execute("SELECT c[..'t2'] FROM %s"), row(set("t1", "t2")));
assertRows(execute("SELECT c['t3'..] FROM %s"), row(set("t3", "t4")));
assertRows(execute("SELECT c[..'t5'] FROM %s"), row(set("t1", "t2", "t3", "t4")));