blob: c3138217e801701e4e97e651358c53251d0f0b26 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.distributed.shared;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.cassandra.distributed.api.Feature;
import org.apache.cassandra.gms.ApplicationState;
import org.apache.cassandra.gms.VersionedValue;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.apache.cassandra.dht.Token;
import org.apache.cassandra.distributed.api.ICluster;
import org.apache.cassandra.distributed.api.IInstance;
import org.apache.cassandra.distributed.api.IInstanceConfig;
import org.apache.cassandra.distributed.api.IInvokableInstance;
import org.apache.cassandra.distributed.api.IMessageFilters;
import org.apache.cassandra.distributed.api.NodeToolResult;
import org.apache.cassandra.distributed.impl.AbstractCluster;
import org.apache.cassandra.distributed.impl.InstanceConfig;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageService;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.Isolated;
import static;
import static org.apache.cassandra.config.CassandraRelevantProperties.BOOTSTRAP_SCHEMA_DELAY_MS;
import static org.apache.cassandra.config.CassandraRelevantProperties.BROADCAST_INTERVAL_MS;
import static org.apache.cassandra.config.CassandraRelevantProperties.REPLACE_ADDRESS_FIRST_BOOT;
import static org.apache.cassandra.config.CassandraRelevantProperties.RING_DELAY;
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
* Utilities for working with jvm-dtest clusters.
* This class is marked as Isolated as it relies on lambdas, which are in a package that is marked as shared, so need to
* tell jvm-dtest to not share this class.
* This class should never be called from within the cluster, always in the App ClassLoader.
public class ClusterUtils
* Start the instance with the given System Properties, after the instance has started, the properties will be cleared.
public static <I extends IInstance> I start(I inst, Consumer<WithProperties> fn)
return start(inst, (ignore, prop) -> fn.accept(prop));
* Start the instance with the given System Properties, after the instance has started, the properties will be cleared.
public static <I extends IInstance> I start(I inst, BiConsumer<I, WithProperties> fn)
try (WithProperties properties = new WithProperties())
fn.accept(inst, properties);
return inst;
* Stop an instance in a blocking manner.
* The main difference between this and {@link IInstance#shutdown()} is that the wait on the future will catch
* the exceptions and throw as runtime.
public static void stopUnchecked(IInstance i)
* Stops an instance abruptly. This is done by blocking all messages to/from so all other instances are unable
* to communicate, then stopping the instance gracefully.
* The assumption is that hard stopping inbound and outbound messages will apear to the cluster as if the instance
* was stopped via kill -9; this does not hold true if the instance is restarted as it knows it was properly shutdown.
* @param cluster to filter messages to
* @param inst to shut down
public static <I extends IInstance> void stopAbrupt(ICluster<I> cluster, I inst)
// block all messages to/from the node going down to make sure a clean shutdown doesn't happen
IMessageFilters.Filter to = cluster.filters().allVerbs().to(inst.config().num()).drop();
IMessageFilters.Filter from = cluster.filters().allVerbs().from(inst.config().num()).drop();
* Stop all the instances in the cluster. This function is differe than {@link ICluster#close()} as it doesn't
* clean up the cluster state, it only stops all the instances.
public static <I extends IInstance> void stopAll(ICluster<I> cluster)
* Create a new instance and add it to the cluster, without starting it.
* @param cluster to add to
* @param other config to copy from
* @param fn function to add to the config before starting
* @param <I> instance type
* @return the instance added
public static <I extends IInstance> I addInstance(AbstractCluster<I> cluster,
IInstanceConfig other,
Consumer<IInstanceConfig> fn)
return addInstance(cluster, other.localDatacenter(), other.localRack(), fn);
* Create a new instance and add it to the cluster, without starting it.
* @param cluster to add to
* @param dc the instance should be in
* @param rack the instance should be in
* @param <I> instance type
* @return the instance added
public static <I extends IInstance> I addInstance(AbstractCluster<I> cluster,
String dc, String rack)
return addInstance(cluster, dc, rack, ignore -> {});
* Create a new instance and add it to the cluster, without starting it.
* @param cluster to add to
* @param dc the instance should be in
* @param rack the instance should be in
* @param fn function to add to the config before starting
* @param <I> instance type
* @return the instance added
public static <I extends IInstance> I addInstance(AbstractCluster<I> cluster,
String dc, String rack,
Consumer<IInstanceConfig> fn)
Objects.requireNonNull(dc, "dc");
Objects.requireNonNull(rack, "rack");
InstanceConfig config = cluster.newInstanceConfig();
//TODO adding new instances should be cleaner, currently requires you create the cluster with all
// instances known about (at least to NetworkTopology and TokenStategy)
// this is very hidden, so should be more explicit
config.networkTopology().put(config.broadcastAddress(), NetworkTopology.dcAndRack(dc, rack));
return cluster.bootstrap(config);
* Create and start a new instance that replaces an existing instance.
* The instance will be in the same datacenter and rack as the existing instance.
* @param cluster to add to
* @param toReplace instance to replace
* @param <I> instance type
* @return the instance added
public static <I extends IInstance> I replaceHostAndStart(AbstractCluster<I> cluster, IInstance toReplace)
return replaceHostAndStart(cluster, toReplace, ignore -> {});
* Create and start a new instance that replaces an existing instance.
* The instance will be in the same datacenter and rack as the existing instance.
* @param cluster to add to
* @param toReplace instance to replace
* @param fn lambda to add additional properties
* @param <I> instance type
* @return the instance added
public static <I extends IInstance> I replaceHostAndStart(AbstractCluster<I> cluster,
IInstance toReplace,
Consumer<WithProperties> fn)
return replaceHostAndStart(cluster, toReplace, (ignore, prop) -> fn.accept(prop));
* Create and start a new instance that replaces an existing instance.
* The instance will be in the same datacenter and rack as the existing instance.
* @param cluster to add to
* @param toReplace instance to replace
* @param fn lambda to add additional properties or modify instance
* @param <I> instance type
* @return the instance added
public static <I extends IInstance> I replaceHostAndStart(AbstractCluster<I> cluster,
IInstance toReplace,
BiConsumer<I, WithProperties> fn)
IInstanceConfig toReplaceConf = toReplace.config();
I inst = addInstance(cluster, toReplaceConf, c -> c.set("auto_bootstrap", true));
return start(inst, properties -> {
// lower this so the replacement waits less time
properties.set(BROADCAST_INTERVAL_MS, Long.toString(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(30)));
// default is 30s, lowering as it should be faster
properties.set(RING_DELAY, Long.toString(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(10)));
properties.set(BOOTSTRAP_SCHEMA_DELAY_MS, TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(10));
// state which node to replace
properties.set(REPLACE_ADDRESS_FIRST_BOOT, toReplace.config().broadcastAddress().getAddress().getHostAddress());
fn.accept(inst, properties);
* Calls {@link org.apache.cassandra.locator.TokenMetadata#sortedTokens()}, returning as a list of strings.
public static List<String> getTokenMetadataTokens(IInvokableInstance inst)
return inst.callOnInstance(() ->
public static Collection<String> getLocalTokens(IInvokableInstance inst)
return inst.callOnInstance(() -> {
List<String> tokens = new ArrayList<>();
for (Token t : StorageService.instance.getTokenMetadata().getTokens(FBUtilities.getBroadcastAddressAndPort()))
return tokens;
public static <I extends IInstance> void runAndWaitForLogs(Runnable r, String waitString, AbstractCluster<I> cluster) throws TimeoutException
runAndWaitForLogs(r, waitString,[]::new));
public static void runAndWaitForLogs(Runnable r, String waitString, IInstance...instances) throws TimeoutException
long [] marks = new long[instances.length];
for (int i = 0; i < instances.length; i++)
marks[i] = instances[i].logs().mark();;
for (int i = 0; i < instances.length; i++)
instances[i].logs().watchFor(marks[i], waitString);
* Get the ring from the perspective of the instance.
public static List<RingInstanceDetails> ring(IInstance inst)
NodeToolResult results = inst.nodetoolResult("ring");
return parseRing(results.getStdout());
* Make sure the target instance is in the ring.
* @param instance instance to check on
* @param expectedInRing instance expected in the ring
* @return the ring (if target is present)
public static List<RingInstanceDetails> assertInRing(IInstance instance, IInstance expectedInRing)
String targetAddress = getBroadcastAddressHostString(expectedInRing);
List<RingInstanceDetails> ring = ring(instance);
Optional<RingInstanceDetails> match = -> d.address.equals(targetAddress)).findFirst();
assertThat(match).as("Not expected to find %s but was found", targetAddress).isPresent();
return ring;
* Make sure the target instance's gossip state matches on the source instance
* @param instance instance to check on
* @param expectedInRing instance expected in the ring
* @param state expected gossip state
* @return the ring (if target is present and has expected state)
public static List<RingInstanceDetails> assertRingState(IInstance instance, IInstance expectedInRing, String state)
String targetAddress = getBroadcastAddressHostString(expectedInRing);
List<RingInstanceDetails> ring = ring(instance);
List<RingInstanceDetails> match =
.filter(d -> d.address.equals(targetAddress))
.as("State was expected to be %s but was not", state)
.anyMatch(r -> r.state.equals(state));
return ring;
* Make sure the target instance is NOT in the ring.
* @param instance instance to check on
* @param expectedInRing instance not expected in the ring
* @return the ring (if target is not present)
public static List<RingInstanceDetails> assertNotInRing(IInstance instance, IInstance expectedInRing)
String targetAddress = getBroadcastAddressHostString(expectedInRing);
List<RingInstanceDetails> ring = ring(instance);
Optional<RingInstanceDetails> match = -> d.address.equals(targetAddress)).findFirst();
Assert.assertEquals("Not expected to find " + targetAddress + " but was found", Optional.empty(), match);
return ring;
private static List<RingInstanceDetails> awaitRing(IInstance src, String errorMessage, Predicate<List<RingInstanceDetails>> fn)
List<RingInstanceDetails> ring = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
ring = ring(src);
if (fn.test(ring))
return ring;
sleepUninterruptibly(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
throw new AssertionError(errorMessage + "\n" + ring);
* Wait for the target to be in the ring as seen by the source instance.
* @param instance instance to check on
* @param expectedInRing instance to wait for
* @return the ring
public static List<RingInstanceDetails> awaitRingJoin(IInstance instance, IInstance expectedInRing)
return awaitRingJoin(instance, expectedInRing.broadcastAddress().getAddress().getHostAddress());
* Wait for the target to be in the ring as seen by the source instance.
* @param instance instance to check on
* @param expectedInRing instance address to wait for
* @return the ring
public static List<RingInstanceDetails> awaitRingJoin(IInstance instance, String expectedInRing)
return awaitRing(instance, "Node " + expectedInRing + " did not join the ring...", ring -> {
Optional<RingInstanceDetails> match = -> d.address.equals(expectedInRing)).findFirst();
if (match.isPresent())
RingInstanceDetails details = match.get();
return details.status.equals("Up") && details.state.equals("Normal");
return false;
* Wait for the ring to only have instances that are Up and Normal.
* @param src instance to check on
* @return the ring
public static List<RingInstanceDetails> awaitRingHealthy(IInstance src)
return awaitRing(src, "Timeout waiting for ring to become healthy",
ring ->;
* Wait for the ring to have the target instance with the provided state.
* @param instance instance to check on
* @param expectedInRing to look for
* @param state expected
* @return the ring
public static List<RingInstanceDetails> awaitRingState(IInstance instance, IInstance expectedInRing, String state)
return awaitRing(instance, "Timeout waiting for " + expectedInRing + " to have state " + state,
ring ->
.filter(d -> d.address.equals(getBroadcastAddressHostString(expectedInRing)))
.filter(d -> d.state.equals(state))
* Make sure the ring is only the expected instances. The source instance may not be in the ring, so this function
* only relies on the expectedInsts param.
* @param instance instance to check on
* @param expectedInRing expected instances in the ring
* @return the ring (if condition is true)
public static List<RingInstanceDetails> assertRingIs(IInstance instance, IInstance... expectedInRing)
return assertRingIs(instance, Arrays.asList(expectedInRing));
* Make sure the ring is only the expected instances. The source instance may not be in the ring, so this function
* only relies on the expectedInsts param.
* @param instance instance to check on
* @param expectedInRing expected instances in the ring
* @return the ring (if condition is true)
public static List<RingInstanceDetails> assertRingIs(IInstance instance, Collection<? extends IInstance> expectedInRing)
Set<String> expectedRingAddresses =
.map(i -> i.config().broadcastAddress().getAddress().getHostAddress())
return assertRingIs(instance, expectedRingAddresses);
* Make sure the ring is only the expected instances. The source instance may not be in the ring, so this function
* only relies on the expectedInsts param.
* @param instance instance to check on
* @param expectedRingAddresses expected instances addresses in the ring
* @return the ring (if condition is true)
public static List<RingInstanceDetails> assertRingIs(IInstance instance, Set<String> expectedRingAddresses)
List<RingInstanceDetails> ring = ring(instance);
Set<String> ringAddresses = -> d.address).collect(Collectors.toSet());
.as("Ring addreses did not match for instance %s", instance)
return ring;
private static boolean isRingInstanceDetailsHealthy(RingInstanceDetails details)
return details.status.equals("Up") && details.state.equals("Normal");
private static List<RingInstanceDetails> parseRing(String str)
// rack0 Up Normal 46.21 KB 100.00% -1
// / Unknown ? Normal ? 100.00% -3074457345618258603
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^(/?[0-9.:]+)\\s+(\\w+|\\?)\\s+(\\w+|\\?)\\s+(\\w+|\\?).*?(-?\\d+)\\s*$");
List<RingInstanceDetails> details = new ArrayList<>();
String[] lines = str.split("\n");
for (String line : lines)
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(line);
if (!matcher.find())
details.add(new RingInstanceDetails(,,,,;
return details;
private static Map<String, Map<String, String>> awaitGossip(IInstance src, String errorMessage, Predicate<Map<String, Map<String, String>>> fn)
Map<String, Map<String, String>> gossip = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
gossip = gossipInfo(src);
if (fn.test(gossip))
return gossip;
sleepUninterruptibly(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
throw new AssertionError(errorMessage + "\n" + gossip);
* Wait for the target instance to have the desired status. Target status is checked via string contains so works
* with 'NORMAL' but also can check tokens or full state.
* @param instance instance to check on
* @param expectedInGossip instance to wait for
* @param targetStatus for the instance
* @return gossip info
public static Map<String, Map<String, String>> awaitGossipStatus(IInstance instance, IInstance expectedInGossip, String targetStatus)
return awaitGossip(instance, "Node " + expectedInGossip + " did not match state " + targetStatus, gossip -> {
Map<String, String> state = gossip.get(getBroadcastAddressString(expectedInGossip));
if (state == null)
return false;
String status = state.get("STATUS_WITH_PORT");
if (status == null)
status = state.get("STATUS");
if (status == null)
return targetStatus == null;
return status.contains(targetStatus);
public static void awaitGossipSchemaMatch(ICluster<? extends IInstance> cluster)
public static void awaitGossipSchemaMatch(IInstance instance)
if (!instance.config().has(Feature.GOSSIP))
// when gosisp isn't enabled, don't bother waiting on gossip to settle...
awaitGossip(instance, "Schema IDs did not match", all -> {
String current = null;
for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, String>> e : all.entrySet())
Map<String, String> state = e.getValue();
// has the instance joined?
String status = state.get(;
if (status == null)
status = state.get(;
if (status == null || !status.contains(VersionedValue.STATUS_NORMAL))
continue; // ignore instances not joined yet
String schema = state.get("SCHEMA");
if (schema == null)
throw new AssertionError("Unable to find schema for " + e.getKey() + "; status was " + status);
schema = schema.split(":")[1];
if (current == null)
current = schema;
else if (!current.equals(schema))
return false;
return true;
public static void awaitGossipStateMatch(ICluster<? extends IInstance> cluster, IInstance expectedInGossip, ApplicationState key)
Set<String> matches = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
matches =
.map(gi -> Objects.requireNonNull(gi.get(getBroadcastAddressString(expectedInGossip))))
.map(m -> m.get(
if (matches.isEmpty() || matches.size() == 1)
sleepUninterruptibly(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
throw new AssertionError("Expected ApplicationState." + key + " to match, but saw " + matches);
* Get the gossip information from the node. Currently only address, generation, and heartbeat are returned
* @param inst to check on
* @return gossip info
public static Map<String, Map<String, String>> gossipInfo(IInstance inst)
NodeToolResult results = inst.nodetoolResult("gossipinfo");
return parseGossipInfo(results.getStdout());
* Make sure the gossip info for the specific target has the expected generation and heartbeat
* @param instance to check on
* @param expectedInGossip instance to check for
* @param expectedGeneration expected generation
* @param expectedHeartbeat expected heartbeat
public static void assertGossipInfo(IInstance instance,
InetSocketAddress expectedInGossip, int expectedGeneration, int expectedHeartbeat)
String targetAddress = expectedInGossip.getAddress().toString();
Map<String, Map<String, String>> gossipInfo = gossipInfo(instance);
Map<String, String> gossipState = gossipInfo.get(targetAddress);
if (gossipState == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Unable to find gossip info for " + targetAddress + "; gossip info = " + gossipInfo);
Assert.assertEquals(Long.toString(expectedGeneration), gossipState.get("generation"));
Assert.assertEquals(Long.toString(expectedHeartbeat), gossipState.get("heartbeat")); //TODO do we really mix these two?
private static Map<String, Map<String, String>> parseGossipInfo(String str)
Map<String, Map<String, String>> map = new HashMap<>();
String[] lines = str.split("\n");
String currentInstance = null;
for (String line : lines)
if (line.startsWith("/"))
// start of new instance
currentInstance = line;
String[] kv = line.trim().split(":", 2);
assert kv.length == 2 : "When splitting line '" + line + "' expected 2 parts but not true";
Map<String, String> state = map.computeIfAbsent(currentInstance, ignore -> new HashMap<>());
state.put(kv[0], kv[1]);
return map;
* Get the tokens assigned to the instance via config. This method does not work if the instance has learned
* or generated its tokens.
* @param instance to get tokens from
* @return non-empty list of tokens
public static List<String> getTokens(IInstance instance)
IInstanceConfig conf = instance.config();
int numTokens = conf.getInt("num_tokens");
Assert.assertEquals("Only single token is supported", 1, numTokens);
String token = conf.getString("initial_token");
Assert.assertNotNull("initial_token was not found", token);
return Arrays.asList(token);
* Get the number of tokens for the instance via config.
* @param instance to get token count from
* @return number of tokens
public static int getTokenCount(IInvokableInstance instance)
return instance.config().getInt("num_tokens");
* Get all data directories for the given instance.
* @param instance to get data directories for
* @return data directories
public static List<File> getDataDirectories(IInstance instance)
IInstanceConfig conf = instance.config();
// this isn't safe as it assumes the implementation of InstanceConfig
// might need to get smarter... some day...
String[] ds = (String[]) conf.get("data_file_directories");
List<File> files = new ArrayList<>(ds.length);
for (int i = 0; i < ds.length; i++)
files.add(new File(ds[i]));
return files;
* Get the commit log directory for the given instance.
* @param instance to get the commit log directory for
* @return commit log directory
public static File getCommitLogDirectory(IInstance instance)
IInstanceConfig conf = instance.config();
// this isn't safe as it assumes the implementation of InstanceConfig
// might need to get smarter... some day...
String d = (String) conf.get("commitlog_directory");
return new File(d);
* Get the hints directory for the given instance.
* @param instance to get the hints directory for
* @return hints directory
public static File getHintsDirectory(IInstance instance)
IInstanceConfig conf = instance.config();
// this isn't safe as it assumes the implementation of InstanceConfig
// might need to get smarter... some day...
String d = (String) conf.get("hints_directory");
return new File(d);
* Get the saved caches directory for the given instance.
* @param instance to get the saved caches directory for
* @return saved caches directory
public static File getSavedCachesDirectory(IInstance instance)
IInstanceConfig conf = instance.config();
// this isn't safe as it assumes the implementation of InstanceConfig
// might need to get smarter... some day...
String d = (String) conf.get("saved_caches_directory");
return new File(d);
* Get all writable directories for the given instance.
* @param instance to get directories for
* @return all writable directories
public static List<File> getDirectories(IInstance instance)
List<File> out = new ArrayList<>();
return out;
* Gets the name of the Partitioner for the given instance.
* @param instance to get partitioner from
* @return partitioner name
public static String getPartitionerName(IInstance instance)
return (String) instance.config().get("partitioner");
* Changes the instance's address to the new address. This method should only be called while the instance is
* down, else has undefined behavior.
* @param instance to update address for
* @param address to set
public static void updateAddress(IInstance instance, String address)
updateAddress(instance.config(), address);
* Changes the instance's address to the new address. This method should only be called while the instance is
* down, else has undefined behavior.
* @param conf to update address for
* @param address to set
private static void updateAddress(IInstanceConfig conf, String address)
InetSocketAddress previous = conf.broadcastAddress();
for (String key : Arrays.asList("broadcast_address", "listen_address", "broadcast_rpc_address", "rpc_address"))
conf.set(key, address);
// InstanceConfig caches InetSocketAddress -> InetAddressAndPort
// this causes issues as startup now ignores config, so force reset it to pull from conf.
((InstanceConfig) conf).unsetBroadcastAddressAndPort(); //TODO remove the need to null out the cache...
//TODO NetworkTopology class isn't flexible and doesn't handle adding/removing nodes well...
// it also uses a HashMap which makes the class not thread safe... so mutating AFTER starting nodes
// are a risk
if (!conf.broadcastAddress().equals(previous))
conf.networkTopology().put(conf.broadcastAddress(), NetworkTopology.dcAndRack(conf.localDatacenter(), conf.localRack()));
Field field = NetworkTopology.class.getDeclaredField("map");
Map<InetSocketAddress, NetworkTopology.DcAndRack> map = (Map<InetSocketAddress, NetworkTopology.DcAndRack>) field.get(conf.networkTopology());
catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException e)
throw new AssertionError(e);
* Get the broadcast address host address only (ex.
private static String getBroadcastAddressHostString(IInstance target)
return target.config().broadcastAddress().getAddress().getHostAddress();
* Get the broadcast address in host:port format (ex.
public static String getBroadcastAddressHostWithPortString(IInstance target)
InetSocketAddress address = target.config().broadcastAddress();
return address.getAddress().getHostAddress() + ":" + address.getPort();
* Get the broadcast address InetAddess string (ex. localhost/ or /
private static String getBroadcastAddressString(IInstance target)
return target.config().broadcastAddress().getAddress().toString();
public static final class RingInstanceDetails
private final String address;
private final String rack;
private final String status;
private final String state;
private final String token;
private RingInstanceDetails(String address, String rack, String status, String state, String token)
this.address = address;
this.rack = rack;
this.status = status;
this.state = state;
this.token = token;
public String getAddress()
return address;
public String getRack()
return rack;
public String getStatus()
return status;
public String getState()
return state;
public String getToken()
return token;
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
RingInstanceDetails that = (RingInstanceDetails) o;
return Objects.equals(address, that.address) &&
Objects.equals(rack, that.rack) &&
Objects.equals(status, that.status) &&
Objects.equals(state, that.state) &&
Objects.equals(token, that.token);
public int hashCode()
return Objects.hash(address, rack, status, state, token);
public String toString()
return Arrays.asList(address, rack, status, state, token).toString();
public static void preventSystemExit()
System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager()
public void checkExit(int status)
throw new SystemExitException(status);
public void checkPermission(Permission perm)
public void checkPermission(Permission perm, Object context)